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chacha search with a guide - Page 6

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Bigbobm   United States. Dec 20 2006 19:36. Posts 5511

You: yea im pretty excited
You: thanks donna
DonnaR: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?
You: sure
You: how do i get the guide to go on a date with me?
DonnaR: Ah, that one, I'm afraid I have no answer for.

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

milkman   United States. Dec 20 2006 19:42. Posts 5719

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: lorih
lorih: Welcome to ChaCha!
lorih: hi
You: hi i need help getting my credit level raised, were all outa money..
lorih: how are you?
You: not so good, i went busto on acount of the chips..
You: see me and my friend hansen were watching a movie..
You: he lost the chips..
You: someone on chacha told him to buy some and have them shipped here..
You: next thing i know, were broke cuz he next day'd some doriots to sweeden..
You: umm wtf i dont get it...
lorih: it gives you credit tips
You: actually can you help me find a collector? i need hansen to pay me back.
You: why should i pay for the chips? u know..
You: ok i see a collection link... do u think i should ask hansen or just send him to collections?
You: cuz im pretty pissed about these chips..
lorih: well if its a private matter
lorih: ask him yourself
You: did u know it costs 2149 dollars to next day something to sweeden..
lorih: or ask someone about small claims court
lorih: and who would next day chips to sweeden
lorih: surely a chacha guide didn't tell him that
You: hang on one sec..
You: ill show u , i have proof
lorih: and if he did next day it
lorih: he used your credit card?
You: You: a store where i can buy chips You: if i dont find my bag AshleyL: ok let me find something for you You: i want them to ship me some chips AshleyL: ok one moment please
You: see... oh and we have a joint account..
You: hes kinda more then a friend...
You: let me put it this way.. we watch a LOT of movies together.
lorih: well she wasn't telling you, you should overnight to sweeden youa sked to find places to buy chips and thats all she did
lorih: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

Logiabs~   Colombia. Dec 20 2006 19:51. Posts 9133

is there a possiblity to also put donkeys in it? like a special section for them

HAHAHAHAH floofy pro :D

mfcmurray   United States. Dec 20 2006 19:53. Posts 1385

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: RoseG
RoseG: Welcome to ChaCha!
RoseG: Hello
You: que?
You: espanol por favor
RoseG: Ci
You: quiero vender marijuana en Ebay
You: esta usted?
Status: Session ended.

Bong Hits for Jesus 

milkman   United States. Dec 20 2006 19:54. Posts 5719

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: DoreneL
DoreneL: Welcome to ChaCha!
DoreneL: Hello
You: hey
DoreneL: What type of information on Texas Hold'em can I find for you?
You: so i got AKos preflop raise 4xbb, get one caller flop comes A75 caller pushes on me.. am i good or does he have trips?
You: plz hurry my whole BR is on the line..
You: im time bankin i got 38 seconds left..
DoreneL: Bet it
You: k thanx

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

mfcmurray   United States. Dec 20 2006 19:54. Posts 1385

omg they started playin a Bill CLinton VIDEO!!!!

Bong Hits for Jesus 

milkman   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:00. Posts 5719

Status: Connected to guide: JB
JB: Welcome to ChaCha!
JB: Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.
You: omg u didnt know?
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

mfcmurray   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:07. Posts 1385

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: RoseG
RoseG: Welcome to ChaCha!
RoseG: Hello
You: que?
You: espanol por favor
RoseG: Ci
You: quiero vender marijuana en Ebay
You: esta usted?
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: DavidB
DavidB: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hey dave
DavidB: Hello there
DavidB: How can I help you.
You: do you play poker by chance?
You: I need to know my odds im im flippin 72o vs AA, I have 72o
You: Hold em
DavidB: sure
DavidB: one moment while i search ok?
You: ok
DavidB: Thanks for being patient! Rest assured I'm finding the most relevant results for your search.
You: sounds good
You: Im a big donkey and my buddy and i have a bet on the numbers yo!
You: his name is younghov, we might have a 10k fight
DavidB: ok!
DavidB: 1sec
You: 1
You: 0
You: lol jk
DavidB: haha
You: u could give a shot
You: its a gr8 site
DavidB: Thank you for using ChaCha!
Status: Session ended.

Bong Hits for Jesus 

Bigbobm   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:09. Posts 5511

Holy crap this is awesome.

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Bobbi A
Bobbi A: Welcome to ChaCha!
Bobbi A: Hi!
You: hey
Bobbi A: What can I search for you tonight on BAD?
You: well, its bad beats
You: i play poker, and i was at the on the bubble of a final table
You: big tournament
You: i was middle stacked, and the big stack shoved, and im lookin at AA
You: well i clearly call and he has AKo
You: and obv, he hits the straight and i go out 10th
Bobbi A: Wow!
You: Im so angry
Bobbi A: So you are trying to search bad bets in poker? I bet!!!
Bobbi A: Sorry, beats.
You: no, i just needed someone to tell, if i said it on my poker forum or on ventrilo, i would get banned
Bobbi A: So you didn't want to search that?
You: but you can throw up a link and ill hook you up with a good rating
Bobbi A: LOL
Bobbi A: Thanks!
Bobbi A: I see some sites...
You: no thank you
Bobbi A: That is really too bad about the game.
You: Yea
You: First place paid 180k
You: could have paid off school
Bobbi A: Wow!!
You: maybe even gotten a few hoes
Bobbi A: That would have been great!
Bobbi A: LOl
Bobbi A: Things happen for a reason, so maybe next time you will win and it will be even more!
You: i hope
You: if not ill be back here
Bobbi A: Are you going to play again anytime soon?
Bobbi A: LOL
You: i play professionaly
You: so it smy job
Bobbi A: That's really neat!
Bobbi A: I would love to do that, but I am not that good.
You: I teach lessons if your interested
Bobbi A: LOL
Bobbi A: What state are you in?
You: Connecticut
You: and you?
Bobbi A: We are pretty far. I'm in MS.
Bobbi A: That would be cool though!
Bobbi A: Do you have a website?
You: No, my friends have been asking me to make a blog
Bobbi A: You should!
Bobbi A: Or teach online.
Bobbi A: I don't know how that would work, but I would do sign up.
You: Oh its very easy
Bobbi A: More money for you! LOL
You: Normally I dont charge
Bobbi A: That's nice!!
Bobbi A: Well, I'd better go now.
You: If youre interested, my aim is bigbobmaulu
Bobbi A: I am sorry again about the game!
You: thats ok
Bobbi A: Got it, thanks!
Bobbi A: I will check it out!
You: have a nice day
Bobbi A: You have a great night!!
Bobbi A: Thanks!
Bobbi A: Bye, bye.
Bobbi A: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

JonnyCosMo   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:10. Posts 7292

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: CynthiaM
CynthiaM: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hi I have a question
CynthiaM: hello
You: my name is jennifer and im 14 years old from alabama usa
You: ive been dating my boyfriend for two years
CynthiaM: hello jennifer
You: hi cynthia m
You: so we've started to have sex recently and my friends strongly disapprove
CynthiaM: ok
You: do you think it's because of our age difference? because he is like 17 yrs old
CynthiaM: and would you clarify what exactly you would like me to search for you ?
You: well I was wondering what you opinion was on this
You: is it wrong because of our age difference?
You: or is it wrong because he's my brother?
CynthiaM: umm
CynthiaM: well it has nothing to do with the age difference between you and your boyfriend.
You: oh? then what does it have to do with?
You: because my friends are really concerned for no reason at all
CynthiaM: well what are they concerned about exactly ?
You: They think it's wrong... why is it wrong?
CynthiaM: that it is your brother?
CynthiaM: or that you are too young?
You: I dont know, is that a problem that I have sex with my brother?
CynthiaM: Yes
CynthiaM: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

mfcmurray   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:12. Posts 1385

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: C.J
C.J: Welcome to ChaCha!
C.J: How may I assist your search?
You: hey
You: my son was jumped by 12 colored boys n Im mad
You: should i
You: kill em all
You: spank em?
C.J: certainly not kill them
You: tell their parents?
C.J: Did you call the police?
You: I hate 5-0
C.J: Do you know their parents?
You: is it the +EV thing to do?
You: no i dont kno their parents, but i gots a gun n i dunno wat ima do w it
C.J: You shouldn't shoot anyone!
You: bye, them damn negros ima KILL EM!!!!!!
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.

Bong Hits for Jesus 

milkman   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:13. Posts 5719

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: KarlaL
KarlaL: Welcome to ChaCha!
KarlaL: Hello from Florida! Nice to meet you!
KarlaL: Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.
You: can i talk to dorene?
You: me and her get along better..
KarlaL: Sorry, we don't have the ability to transfer to a specific person, only to another guide. ChaCha doesn't allow it. Can I help you?
You: me and dorene talk about ferrets, do you have a ferret?
KarlaL: No, but my mother once raised a kinkaju.
You: im sorry what is kinkaju ? are you being racist?
You: i dont find that very funny..
KarlaL: It's a real pet, like a monkey with BIG eyes. Really!
KarlaL: Would you like to see a picture of one?
You: yes please
KarlaL: Here's some thumbnails. Cute, aren't they?
You: well its no ferret, but i guess its close.. do you get toys for these things? im looking to find some safe toys..
You: she brings ferrets up a whole nother level..
KarlaL: I think ferrets like to climb under and also discover about a cat tree?
You: well arent those for cats?
KarlaL: Yes, but ferrets can climb into the holes and over the limbs, etc, right? I sent a Toys for Ferrets page also.
KarlaL: Here's some pics of ferret toys also.
You: are those pics of tubes that grose people use in their butts?
You: it looks like tubes..
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

FrinkX   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:19. Posts 7561

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: RebeccaD
RebeccaD: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hey RebeccaD. Are you a real person?
You: I have some questions for you if you are.
You: Hello?
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: johnb
johnb: Welcome to ChaCha!
johnb: Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.
You: johnb, i'm very distraut. I was just with rebecca D and she DID NOT RESPOND!
You: are you here?
johnb: Yes, don't worry.
You: Oh thank the lord.
johnb: we will try to work this thing out.
You: Okay. I have an inquirey about my front tooth.
You: Do you know where it is?
johnb: How can I help you.
johnb: Ok, explain the whole situation from the beginning.
You: Well I can describe it for you.
You: It's a pretty big tooth, not perfectly white, but relatively.
You: I only have about 1/3 of it left!
You: I can't find it anywhere.....
You: You wouldn't happen to know where it is, would you?
johnb: Yes, I know exactly what happened.
You: REALLY!?!??! What happened!?
You: Eager young minds await your answer, johnb.
johnb: There are two theories: 1) It is the same thing that happens when you put 2 socks in the waher and dryer and only one comes out.
johnb: This is called the ssock fairy. Well wjay happen to you was the evil toothe fairy.
johnb: Or
johnb: It was displaced by time and went into the vortex/matrix.
You: WOW, you think it's in the matrix?
You: with neo?
johnb: Here is how you can find it
johnb: remember there are 2 possibilities; however, they are related.
You: I have a feeling the matrix/vortex possibility is more likely. I don't believe in fictional things like the tooth fairy.
johnb: I have sent info on who could be the possible ones responsible.
johnb: I have sent info on how to retrieve it from the matrix.
You: WoW. That's amazing. I will surely check these links out. But JohnB, do you have any theories of your own in how to get into the matrix?
You: is it like how they did it in the movie?
johnb: It dependes on what vector is your dipole assessment, regarding the ideograohic capabilities of your left brain.
You: If so, where would i attain the plug that goes into the back of my head?
You: oh
You: my.
You: Well I'm not quite sure what the left brain does. can you list me some functions of the left brain?
johnb: It is not exactly the same thing. The matrix was only a movie allegorical to a supernatural phenomenon.
You: Could you please explain what you're talking about then?
johnb: The secrete is to access the ideogram correctly to have knowledge outside of the matrix
You: johnb, are you good at breaking codes?
johnb: That is classified information. At this point I have to end the session.
You: I have an opportunity that may interest you.
You: You may want to stick around to find out what it is.
johnb: Thank you, and take care. Ask your self for what is the Wizard of OZ a metaphor ?
You: how much do you get paid for this?
johnb: OK, what is the last thing
You: I have an exhilerating opportunity for you. My job with my company is to go around and try to find the best and brightest young minds of today's age.
You: I am on ChaCha because I'm at home and relaxing, but I'm a work-a-holic so I'm here looking for some.
You: You seem quite smart, especially with the phenominon of the matrix
You: I represent a government agency that would be interested in acquiring your services
johnb: I get paid what they view the market desires;
You: would you be interesting in checking it out?
You: I can leave a phone number for you.
johnb: What is your TRN
You: That is not important at this time. I'm going to leave you a phone number with our swedish contact.
You: You can learn more from him.
You: 04 673 826 1308
You: I hope you call.
johnb: Ya dumayu eta xorosha. Panimaishw?
johnb: Dong bu dong?
You: I don't speak that language, but that's not swedish.
johnb: Ok, no is the time to exit to many surveyors? Do you understand?
johnb: Ciao
johnb: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

milkman   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:20. Posts 5719

Status: Connected to guide: TonyaS
TonyaS: Welcome to ChaCha!
TonyaS: Hi, you are looking for information on jamie gold?
You: well do u think hes good? i think it was a fluke..
TonyaS: I think it was a fluke too
TonyaS: but he is a lucky guy
TonyaS: but i guess not too lucky since the purse is currently frozen
You: im sorry how do u know so much about poker?
TonyaS: Why wouldnt' I know poker? Just cause i am a girl?
You: uhh well yea..
You: do you play on poker stars?
TonyaS: no, i don't play poker stars
You: do you play online at all?
TonyaS: the most i have ever won is 2000
TonyaS: no not online
TonyaS: casinos
You: ooohhh cool
You: well i was just gonna start a random prank so i got nuthin now..
TonyaS: LOL
You: but good luck with ur poker..
TonyaS: sorry to disappoint you
TonyaS: what website were you going to post it on?
You: LOL
You: check it out
TonyaS: something
TonyaS: oh ok
You: we got like 30 on there or more...
TonyaS: i will
You: there really funny.
You: anyway ill rate u good, have a happy holidays..
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally.Last edit: 20/12/2006 20:26

Bigbobm   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:29. Posts 5511

Search With Guide is disabled because you have been involved in a possible abusive action. Our abuse alert is set at a low threshold to protect our visitors and guides.

If you feel that you have received this message in error, please e-mail us at with a request for re-entry to our site.

We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Your location is:

all i did was type

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ketLast edit: 20/12/2006 20:30

FrinkX   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:30. Posts 7561

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: LisaB
LisaB: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hey lisa.
You: What color is your hair?
LisaB: Hello
LisaB: Brown
LisaB: Why?
You: Where are you from? (I'll let you know as to why in a minute)
LisaB: I'm from new york
You: Oh.. I used to live there. In the city itself?
LisaB: Oh
LisaB: Okay
You: Well?
LisaB: Well what
You: What part of new york are you from?
LisaB: Queens
You: Okay
You: Well I'm from europe, can you guess what country?
You: Originally from europe*
LisaB: Spain?
You: No, Germany.
LisaB: Oh
You: I believe in a superior blonde hair blue eyed race
You: what color eyes do you have?
LisaB: Brown
You: What is your skin color?
LisaB: Brown
You: Oh...
You: Well this just won't work I'm sorry to say
You: Goodbye.
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

ggplz   Sweden. Dec 20 2006 20:32. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

milkman   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:34. Posts 5719

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: DeannaR
DeannaR: Welcome to ChaCha!
DeannaR: Hi there!
You: Hi
DeannaR: I am doing a search for you right now
You: i was wondering if you could help me find any way to stop cocaine withdrawals.. without continuing using cocaine
DeannaR: Ok let me see what i can find for you
You: please hurry, im cold
DeannaR: ok im doing the best I can
DeannaR: Im finding some info on the withdrawal symptoms but not finding much to stop still searching for you
You: ahh fuck it ill just go back to doing coke..
DeannaR: !!!! WARNING !!!! abusive language by infoSeeker (ahh fuck it ill just go back to doing coke..)
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

Logiabs~   Colombia. Dec 20 2006 20:38. Posts 9133

frink nazi! hahah xD

FrinkX   United States. Dec 20 2006 20:48. Posts 7561

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: TonyaS
TonyaS: Welcome to ChaCha!
TonyaS: Hi, can you claify your search for me?
TonyaS: Who is this lucky person that you want to beat?
You: Well tony, I play playing 1/2 NL 6max on FTP and this guy UTG limped and i raised to $10 with AKo, the button who is pretty LAG re-raised to $35. I didn't believe him so I re-raised him to $115. He then shoved all in for $84.05 more, so I called.
You: he flipped 89o, and the board came 5T79Q, so he won with a pair of 9's
TonyaS: That's ashame
You: It makes absolutely no sense because he had no fold equity to shove over
You: and he was not commited in the least
TonyaS: Well it happens sometimes
You: how am I supposed to beat this type of player?
TonyaS: are you from
TonyaS: .net...sorry
TonyaS: I'm sorry, i mistyped
You: OH, my friend said he talked to you.
TonyaS: Yes, I see it on your forum
You: I'm FrinkX on that forum.
You: I didn't read i'mtopher's post about you
TonyaS: cool
You: what sort of advice would you give me?
You: to beat this lucksack!
TonyaS: Keep trying
TonyaS: lol
You: If you want to make this a group session, we're talking on ventrilo right now
You: do you have a microphone?
You: you could probably give us some good advice.
TonyaS: I couldn't give you advice actually
You: I think if you really really tried you could
You: just give it a try... I'll let you know how it is!
TonyaS: No, cause then you would sue me
TonyaS: if you lost, and I would lose the pennies i am making on cha cha
You: how could I sue you if I didn't know anything about you?
You: Tonya how old are you?
TonyaS: You could find out
TonyaS: LoL
You: I'm not that type of guy.
TonyaS: a lady never tells her age
You: oh, well that's true.
TonyaS: how old are you?
You: I'm 21, is that in your area?
TonyaS: yeah in that range
TonyaS: do you go to the casinos much?
You: Yea, infact I'm going to the bahamas with some liquidpoker guys
You: for a big poker tournament
You: $9,000 buyin
TonyaS: oh cool
You: you should come!
TonyaS: I would love to come!
You: you could stay at my place
TonyaS: but I can't, I have an exam that week
You: What school do you go to?
TonyaS: Harvard
You: Cool. I went to Rochester IT
TonyaS: cool so are you still in school?
You: but I stopped because I didn't like it and I wanted to explore poker full time
You: I'll go back to school in a year or so I think.
TonyaS: so that is all you do?
TonyaS: play poker?
You: Yea, I'm still young. I don't have many responsibilities and poker is good money -- and consistent if you're careful and play enough.
TonyaS: that's cool, i have never had that kind of luck
You: Well you need to understand it's not luck. As you can see from the h and I told you about, I am not lucky
You: Once you acquire the skill needed to win the game, all you have to do is play enough hours and enough hands to beat out the luck factor
You: or as we call it, "variance"
TonyaS: Well i hate to cut you off, but our time is up
You: You have aim?
You: you sound like my type of girl
You: we could hook up in the bahamas
TonyaS: no
TonyaS: lol
TonyaS: yeah maybe
You: my name is Evan M
TonyaS: just give me the plane fare
TonyaS: lol
You: i'll hook you up
You: no problem
You: what's your aim or msn!
You: Tonya?
TonyaS: Oh and just to warn you and your friends about pranking cha cha....they are going to start getting very strict about it....they are talking about suspending us for chatting so be careful cause you might get banned
You: it was all worth it though tonya
You: because I met you.
TonyaS: LOL
TonyaS: Lovely
You: I'm not a mongoloid retard that can't use a search engine himself you know
TonyaS: Well I will look forward to seeing this conversation on your forum. I am a big fan of your website
You: anyways what's your aim, msn messanger, icq uin, or phone number!
You: you should post on liquidpoker!
TonyaS: awww come on, cha cha is a great idea.
You: end me a PM on there!
TonyaS: maybe I will post on there
You: it is a great idea, that's for sure. but anyone with intelligence doesn't need it
You: or technilogically impared
TonyaS: Yes, but there are a lot of people that do need the help
You: well since you seem to be against giving me your messanger information
You: (god knows why)
You: you should definetely make an account on and send me a PM
You: my name on there is "FrinkX"
TonyaS: i don't have messenger
You: you can come to the bahamas
TonyaS: I see you on there
You: sweet!
TonyaS: I have read some of your posts
You: oh. cool.
You: there are a lot of idiots on the site, but there are some quality posters.
You: I could teach you how to play poker in the bahamas
TonyaS: I was reading the one you did with John
TonyaS: b
You: you could make a lot!
You: oh yes johnb was extremely interesting
You: don't read the next one though
TonyaS: lol
You: that was purely a prank!
You: well the one about johnb was real
You: my dog knocked my tooth out
TonyaS: lol
You: i had to get a replacement
You: it cost me $1500.
TonyaS: what kind of dog? a poodle?
TonyaS: wow, that is serious damage
You: nope, half lab half rot wiler (don't know how to spell it)
TonyaS: cool
You: yea, i was wrestling with him and he headbutted me really hard
You: he's my roomates dog.
TonyaS: alright well times up , gotta run
You: pleasepost on LP!
You: we'll party in the bahamas
TonyaS: you have a great night! See you there!
TonyaS: Thank you for using ChaCha!
Status: Session ended.

bitch on a pension suck my dong 


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