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2012 London Olympics

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D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 28 2012 17:15. Posts 688

This will be the most important post I have written and will write on Liquidpoker. It is about something I have researched for a long time now and gathered enough information to support my claims. I am talking about the 2012 London Olympics. I think there is a good probability that there will be some kind of attack during the games. I am not saying it is 100% sure, but the probability is high enough for me to put the information out there so that people can decide for themselves. Everyone cares about themselves the most so I can’t withhold these bits of information. I know many people will attend the games or have relatives and friends that will so I believe it’s important that they take into consideration what is written in this post. It is a bit lengthy but you have to read it all to FULLY understand the reasons behind all this.

I will need to explain a few things so that you can put things in perspective. First of all, I will explain who is behind the threat and why so that you can understand the clues and evidence given later. Otherwise I would have to answer too many “why”s and “how”s. Please bear with me and at the end of this post, you will have some serious thoughts about the upcoming months.

There is a secret society called the Illuminati. They are the directors of this show we call Planet Earth. They only care about money, power and control and after taking all our money (the global economy collapse) they want us all in their barn too. We are the sheep, they are our masters – that’s how they see it. They want to unite the world under their rulership and have no oppoisition – One World Government, with One World Army, No wars. Just as Hitler wanted it all, they want it all too. However, instead of fighting every nation like Hitler did, they will attempt to unite the world by creating a MAJOR CRISIS. When everyone is desperate for solutions – they will propose the One World Government that will have no enemies and thus no wars and so people would accept it. That is their plan and this post will be about their MAJOR CRISIS - 2012 Olympic Games.

One of the biggest players in their team is the well known banker David Rockefeller, who is the director of the Council on Foreign Relations.

“All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” - D. Rockefeller

The Illuminati have certain ways of doing things. They love rituals, symbology, numerology, certain dates and they laugh at people’s stupidity. They have this “code of honor” to inform society about each and every step they take, each major crisis that they create and the way they tell us is through Television, movies, comic books, books, commericials, newspapers, magazines, songs and so on. It's like their little game of cat and mouse. They have people in all major industries and important positions. That’s why so many producers and people in the showbusiness are Illuminati members. Now that you understand all these details, it’s time for me to show you how they play the game. Let’s connect some dots.

Illuminati Card Game

In 1995 a new cardboard game is brought to the market – Illuminati Card Game. This game is about conquering the world and there are many different cards you can play, just like the Magic: The Gathering. 17 years later, in 2012, we can look back and be amazed at how many stunning coincidences with real events there are in this game. An interesting fact is that the guy who produced the game is a well known Freemason (not all freemasons are bad but all Illuminati members are Freemasons). Here are some of the cards:

This looks eerily similar to what happened in the 11th of September (9/11) 2001.

The following snapshots are from different movies, comic books and so on and are clues to what happened on 9/11. This is their way of telling us what will happen in a coded way. All of these clues are from previous years. Some date even as old as 1983.

- 1992

- 1983 Marvel 2 in 1

- Simpsons 1997

- Mortadelo 1993

- Mario Bros 1993

- Armageddon 1998

- The Coup Cover 2001

Thanks to 9/11 American people got really scared and demanded more security. More security=More power and control for the Illuminati. Moreover, Americans were now rooting for invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and so on. The global war on terror has begun! USA government is now able to conquer new territories, get lots of oil and advance to better geopolitical positions in the name of fighting terrorists. Even if you believe 9/11 wasn’t an inside job, you must admit that the US government gained a lot from the events in 9/11. More power, more oil.

I am telling you all this so that you can understand the clues I later present on the 2012 Olympics.

On May 16th, 2004 BBC Panorama aired an hour long show in which experts in different fields were discussing on a round table what would happen if London was attacked by terrorists. The imaginary plot consisted of 3 explosions in the underground tube train stations and 1 explosion on a road vehicle. What happened a year later on 7th of July 2005? 3 explosions in the underground tube train stations and 1 explosion on a road vehicle (bus). Hmmm… It was later announced that a private company was the inquirer of that mock/imaginary exercise that the BBC Panorama show discussed. The name of the company has never been announced to date.

Olympic Games 2012

And now, let’s get to the Olympic Games. First, I want to say a few words on Zionism. Zionism a political movement that was created as the driving force to take over Palestinian land and create Israel. Part of their plan is also to take over the world. You can think of Zionists and Illuminati as the same thing even though they have some differences. Zionists are not Jews. Most Jews hate Zionism because it gives them a bad name and kills many many people.

The Olympic Games are a major part of the Zionist plan. In 1972 11 Israeli athletes were killed in the Munchen Olympic Games by terrorists. This was the first act of “global terrorism” and it set the stage for events like 9/11 and 7/7/05.

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games had a very strangely ugly logo. Interestingly, the logo can be shuffled around and you get the word “Zion”.

The 2012 London Olympics logo is also very strange and disgusting. 400 000 euros were paid to a guy who is a known Freemason to come up with this:

This has to be the ugliest logo of all times. And why is the last “2” with a dot? Yup, it was meant to be an “i” as in “Zion”.

The Lord Mayor of London John Stuttard said this quote about the sculpture on the following picture:

“in keeping with the ZION theme that we presented in our 2012 Games LOGO”

So, you have the Mayor himself saying that the Logo and the Olympics have the Zionist spirit…

This is truly a great quote by any means! (

I already said a few words about the beloved David Rockefeller. This guy has a foundation which issues annual reports on different topics. One of them was the 2010 Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development Report. On page 34 it reads:

“The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13 000, was followed closely by…”

It’s great that one of the major players in the Illuminati club has a foundation that writes probable future scenarios about the Olympics being bombed. These probable future scenarios seem to be very predictive as with the 9/11 NORAD imaginary scenario with planes hitting the twin towers exactly during the time that the exact same thing happened irl and the BBC panorama show which came to life a year later the exact same way while there were actual drills on the same day of the bombings just like in 9/11. Coincidences...

A few words on Illuminati symbology. They really like the pyramid with an eye on top as their major symbols. They see themselves as the all seeing eye monitoring the rest of the population that are lower in the pyramid. You can see these symbols is many many movies, songs and whatnot. This is the dollar bill –

The two sentences mean “Our goal fulfilled” “New Worldly Order” (many different translations with close meanings)

This is a picture of the Olympic Stadium –

As you can see, there are many pyramids with a glowing top. I have not seen this structure in stadiums anywhere so I don’t believe it’s there because it has some specific technical function.

And did I mention the mascots for the 2012 Olympics? Here they are:

Notice the pyramid on top of the left mascot? And why are they one-eyed?

Not that long ago a magazine called Private Eye (interesting name) came up with this cover:

It talks about the events that took place in London with the burning and the riots and links it to the upcoming Olympic Games. Is it possible that these riots were really just a training for the police forces to know how to deal with massive riots in the streets of London after an attack on the Olympic Games?

In August 2008, BBC aired a series of programmes called Spooks: Code 9, which envisioned what would happen if there was a nuclear attack on the 2012 London Olympics. This is the short clip of the trailer -

There are several places in the episodes (not the trailer) where you can clearly see the symbol of the all-seeing eye indicating the Illuminati involvement in the series. There are other symbols and things connected to Illuminati in these series but it’s too long and uninteresting for most so I am not going to dig deeper.

In 2010 a journalist by the pseudonym Tom Cain wrote an article in a British newspaper called Olympic Armageddon in which he imagines a scenario involving nuclear bombs exploding in the stadium and the Trafalgar Square. (can’t find the original article right now)

His real name is David Thomas and is said to have high intelligence connections through his father. Why would he use the pseudonym “Tom Cain”? The Illuminati like to call themselves Sons of Cain. Cain was the first son of Adam and Eve in the Bible and was kind of a pissed off little motherfucker that later happened to be the first guy in the Bible to kill someone. Good enough for the Illuminati.

So, if an attack really happens who would be blamed? Many options. Take a look at this for example:

That is just one of the options. They start propagandating years in advance.

What would be their targets? Good question. There are many clues leading to the Big Ben. But you never know, there might be many targets. The stadium itself, the park… Here are some of the clues I’ve found about the Big Ben. It’s almost as common for the Big Ben to be destroyed in movies and songs as the Twin Towers as I already showed you.

Watch the first 5 seconds of this official Olympic 2012 clip:

and this

Remember the Big Ben destruction in V for Vendetta? Or in the Great Mouse Detective? Doomsday? Hell Gate London (game)? There are even song clips and many more movies but you get the idea.

And let’s go back to the Illuminati Card game again for a while. Look at this card:

It says “Global Reduction” and the strange building that is upfront and seems to go sideways is the same as the one on the 0:19 of the official promo clip () so it might indicate that the Global Reduction will take place in London. If someone can make a deeper research or is from London, maybe we can know for sure if it is that exact building illustrated on the card. It might be just a coincidence.

Now take a look at this card:

We have a clock that resembles the Big Ben and 5 people with differently colored clothing. Why are they 5 and why these colors?

The black guy has a white shirt and that’s the only difference. Not full match but still somewhat interesting.

Okay, so now let’s dwell a bit deeper. I want to talk about the Olympic Site. There are MANY interesting things about it. A guy named Rik Clay was the one who found the many connections and started talking about them. This guy was so deep in the whole thing that they had to silence him after his epic radio interview that you can find here: . He was something like 25 I think when he allegedly “jumped from his balcony”. Yeah right.

To understand the following paragraphs I have to say a few words on the last goal of the Illuminati because it’s kind of complicated. Here is the wicked part. The Bible speaks of God decending to Earth and establishing the New Jerusalem and stuff like that. But the bad guys want to mimick that all thing by establishing their “New Jerusalem” under their command. It would look like it’s God but it would be them instead. Most people are religious or pay attention to religion and that is what they care for. It sounds strange when explained in a few sentences but you need to know the basic concept of the idea to understand the following connections. It doesn’t matter if you believe in the Bible. It matters that they worship the Devil and want to fuck all people, who are mainly religious/believers so they have a plan to trick them by mimicking God. So they need this New Jerusalem. Where is it?

William Blake’s last few sentences of this poem says it all. He was an 18th century Freemason.

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England's green & pleasant Land

I am pretty sure you now understand which land exactly is meant to be the New Jerusalem – Olympic Stadium Site. Here it is:

The whole site is surrounded by roads that have names with huge biblical significance. It was prepared specifically for the Olympics long time ago. No wonder it was the only suitable place left free perfectly for the Olympics 2012. It’s also very interesting that the Olympic Site lays on 2 ley lines – energetic lines who are part of the Earth’s Energetic Grid. Most ancient structures like the pyramids and Stonehenge lay exactly on such ley lines. If you want a much more detailed explanation of the roads and other connections of the site, take a look at this interview: It’s a part of the whole interview of Rik Clay, who was suicided shortly after giving it.

I don’t want to dig deeper because it gets even more wicked and complicated. The major point is that the bad guys, the Illuminati want to create a major crisis which would lead to everyone demanding a solution which would be well prepared by them and delivered to us as our saviour – God. A one world government would be established and we would think they saved us when they actually tricked us into going in the same slaughterhouse. We will want the chaos and famine to end and they will give us the solution. How convenient.

I want to leave you with two clips. I hope the smarter ones of you will connect those two dots with the other material.

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Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 28/04/2012 17:22

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 28 2012 17:30. Posts 4742


Zep   United States. Apr 28 2012 17:46. Posts 2292


NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Apr 28 2012 17:48. Posts 1387

It is unfortunate that you believe any of this constitutes evidence of such a conspiracy


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 28 2012 17:53. Posts 688

  On April 28 2012 16:48 2c0ntent wrote:
It is unfortunate that you believe any of this constitutes evidence of such a conspiracy

Do you find it strange what the Lord Mayor of London says?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Zep   United States. Apr 28 2012 17:57. Posts 2292

Shit like this warrants a ban. If there is an attack during the 2012 olympic games, unban and make d_smart_s a moderator. Enough said.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 28 2012 18:10. Posts 688

All I am saying is that given the posted information and more, I believe there is a good enough probability for an attack to happen. That's why I think it's important to be shared to those who will attend it. Take it as you wish but read it all if you want to understand it.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Apr 28 2012 18:14. Posts 1387

The word zion

means utopia, heaven

so I don't think much of his quote, no. I also don't think much of your linked source. I can't find any other mention of the statue that isn't associated with your article, or which doesn't explicitly say that the statue being there is a satirical story aka totally made up

lol alright I'm done replying now, your inability to understand basic concepts such as what is and isn't evidence has been clearly established over the years

thx for warning us tho, I'm sure if an attack does happen you will feel completely confirmed too

+-Last edit: 28/04/2012 18:16

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Apr 28 2012 18:19. Posts 5647

This doesn't look deep enough, all these conspiracy theory videos and evidence (rock solid I must say) are really a cover for the "double-illuminate" who are on a mission to take over the take-over. Just look at the hidden messages in the pictures and videos, its all there. Just connect the dots. WAKE UP SHEEPE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. THE DOUBLE-ILLUMINATE WANT US TO BE DISTRACTED BY LONDON 2012.

GoTuNk   Chile. Apr 28 2012 18:20. Posts 2860


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 28 2012 18:21. Posts 688

why do you tell me what the word zion means rather than zionism, 20content? That's the meaning of what he says. He says Hurray for Zionism, we support it. Zionism=Death for innocent people. This is the Mayor of London. So you got right there that there is a Zionist theme in the whole thing. And connections are just too many. It's not one single thing that proves anything. There is no blood in the crimescene. There is no crimescene yet. That's why there can only be clues. And understand that I have made it lengthy enough so I didn't want to dig deeper in certain areas. It's like a puzzle. Individual pieces don't mean anything by themselves alone. But together - a world comes to life.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 28/04/2012 18:29

Zep   United States. Apr 28 2012 18:35. Posts 2292

  On April 28 2012 17:10 D_smart_S wrote:
All I am saying is that given the posted information and more, I believe there is a good enough probability for an attack to happen. That's why I think it's important to be shared to those who will attend it. Take it as you wish but read it all if you want to understand it.

Oh, ok...So who on LP listens to you that has the money to go to the 2012 games?

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 28/04/2012 18:37

Zep   United States. Apr 28 2012 18:43. Posts 2292

  On April 28 2012 17:21 D_smart_S wrote:
why do you tell me what the word zion means rather than zionism, 20content? That's the meaning of what he says. He says Hurray for Zionism, we support it. Zionism=Death for innocent people. This is the Mayor of London. So you got right there that there is a Zionist theme in the whole thing. And connections are just too many. It's not one single thing that proves anything. There is no blood in the crimescene. There is no crimescene yet. That's why there can only be clues. And understand that I have made it lengthy enough so I didn't want to dig deeper in certain areas. It's like a puzzle. Individual pieces don't mean anything by themselves alone. But together - a world comes to life.

No he says zion, not zionism. Read the quote YOU posted.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

PuertoRican   United States. Apr 28 2012 18:57. Posts 13070

D_smart_S will be at the 2012 London Olympic games to ensure his theories come to fruition.

I remember some people on the internet who've done some random stuff in the past to secure their popularity on the net, which made for some good stories.

If there was another major attack on the Olympics, I would guess it will happen when it goes to Brazil, or maybe that would be too predictable.

p.s. I like this thread, it reminds me of National Treasure starring Nicolas Cage. Some interesting ideas and theories, even if they aren't always true.

Rekrul is a newbLast edit: 28/04/2012 18:59

K40Cheddar   United States. Apr 28 2012 19:06. Posts 2202

Interesting finds but why would you tell liquid poker?


Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 28 2012 19:08. Posts 1841

Fascinating read op very creepy coincidences. I'm glad I got the hell out of there.

Rear naked woke 

RichyP   United Kingdom. Apr 28 2012 19:10. Posts 81

I know people that live in around Leyton, Leytonstone and Stratford (the main olympic park) and know a few people who will be working at the games and am a little worried that they could get caught up in a terrorist attack, but it has nothing to do with "the illuminati". I can't be arsed to argue it that much with you and i'm scared that this is all just a big level but w/e.

The reason why you see the Twin Towers and Big Ben in ruins in media that depicts war/apocalypse/terrorism is because they are iconic. They are very recognisable, if you asked someone to name any building in London the first one to pop into their head will probably be Big Ben. Iirc V for Vendetta it shows St Pauls Catherdral in flames not just the destruction of Big Ben, its imagery in a film, not some subliminal foreshadowing planted by the illuminati. Besides even if there was an attack at the olympic games Big Ben is in Westminster which is miles from Stratford and the olympic park, theres just no reasonable link. What your doing is just looking into everything far too deeply and making wild ridiculous connections. I mean saying "Private Eye (interesting name)" is just ridiculous, if you had any idea that its a satirical magazine that takes the piss out of pretty much everything that happens in the UK then you would not be using it as 'evidence'.

"It talks about the events that took place in London with the burning and the riots and links it to the upcoming Olympic Games." - Thats hardly a precise account of what they published.

Granted the London 2012 logo does look a little like the word Zion but dissecting the Beijing logo to back up your argument? Really? Thats evidence to you? You can do that with anything.

Your source for the Mayor of London's quote is laughable, the screencap of the Simpsons is embarassing as are the "illuminati floodlights". If you spent any time in London you'd know that many roadnames and places all over the city have biblical references, "carpenters road = joseph road" gimmie a break.

It seems to me you have wasted a lot of time as have I for replying.

Zep   United States. Apr 28 2012 19:20. Posts 2292

It's funny how the mods are concerned about things like nazi memes yet they fail to understand how much hate a thread like this can create.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Zep   United States. Apr 28 2012 19:23. Posts 2292

Also, I cannot wait to bump this thread on August 13th and flame d_smart.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 28 2012 19:34. Posts 1841

dude wtf stop trying to censor the internet the only place left where people can express unpopular opinions.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 28/04/2012 19:35

2c0ntent   Egypt. Apr 28 2012 19:37. Posts 1387

  On April 28 2012 18:20 Zep wrote:
It's funny how the mods are concerned about things like nazi memes yet they fail to understand how much hate a thread like this can create.

what do you mean, I don't think any hate is being created here. well except all of the hate towards d_smart_s's impenetrably hard head


Kapol   Poland. Apr 28 2012 19:39. Posts 4696

Some quotes from Wiki (coming respectively from a Psychology and Sociology professor, an editor to a global affairs magazine, and a Religion professor):

  There are several problems with a conspiratorial view that don't fit with what we know about power structures. First, it assumes that a small handful of wealthy and highly educated people somehow develop an extreme psychological desire for power that leads them to do things that don't fit with the roles they seem to have. For example, that rich capitalists are no longer out to make a profit, but to create a one-world government. Or that elected officials are trying to get the constitution suspended so they can assume dictatorial powers. These kinds of claims go back many decades now, and it is always said that it is really going to happen this time, but it never does. Since these claims have proved wrong dozens of times by now, it makes more sense to assume that leaders act for their usual reasons, such as profit-seeking motives and institutionalized roles as elected officials. Of course they want to make as much money as they can, and be elected by huge margins every time, and that can lead them to do many unsavory things, but nothing in the ballpark of creating a one-world government or suspending the constitution.

  I am skeptical that “global governance” could “come much sooner than that [200 years],” as [journalist Gideon Rachman] posits. For one thing, nationalism—the natural counterpoint to global government—is rising. Some leaders and peoples around the world have resented Washington’s chiding and hubris over the past two decade of American unipolarity. Russia has been re-establishing itself as a “great power”; few could miss the national pride on display when China hosted the Beijing Olympics this summer; while Hugo Chavez and his ilk have stoked the national flames with their anti-American rhetoric. The departing of the Bush Administration could cause this nationalism to abate, but economic uncertainty usually has the opposite effect. [...] Another point is that attempts at global government and global agreements have been categorical failures. The WTO’s Doha Round is dead in the water, Kyoto excluded many of the leading polluters and a conference to establish a deal was a failure, and there is a race to the bottom in terms of corporate taxes—rather than an existing global framework. And, where supranational governance structures exist, they are noted for their bureaucracy and inefficiency: The UN has been unable to stop an American-led invasion of Iraq, genocide in Darfur, the slow collapse of Zimbabwe, or Iran’s continued uranium enrichment. That is not to belittle the structure, as I deem it essential, but the system’s flaws are there for all to see.

  The crucial piece of this puzzle is the identity of the Antichrist, the tyrannical figure who both leads and inspires the new world order. [...] for many years, rapture theologians identified the Soviet Union as the Antichrist. But after Sept. 11, they became quite certain that the Antichrist was closely connected with the Arab world and the Muslim religion. This means, quite simply, that for rapture theologians, Islam stands at the heart of the tyrannical "new world order." Precisely here we discover why the idea of a "new world order" has such potential to move global politics in profoundly negative directions, for rapture theologians typically welcome war with the Islamic world. As Bill Moyers wrote of the rapture theologians, "A war with Islam in the Middle East is not something to be feared but welcomed -- an essential conflagration on the road to redemption." Further, rapture theologians co-opt the United States as a tool in their cosmic vision -- a tool God will use to smite the Antichrist and the enemies of righteousness. This is why Tim LaHaye, co-author of the best-selling series of end-times books, could lend such strong support to the American invasion and occupation of Iraq. By virtue of that war, LaHaye believed, Iraq would become "a focal point of end-times events." Even more disturbing is the fact that rapture theologians blissfully open the door to nuclear holocaust. Rapture theologians have always held that God will destroy his enemies at the end of time in the Great Battle of Armageddon. But since World War II, they have increasingly identified Armageddon with nuclear weaponry, thereby lending biblical inevitability to the prospects of nuclear annihilation. As one prophecy writer put it, "The holocaust of atomic war would fulfill the prophecies."

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)Last edit: 28/04/2012 19:44

tutz   Brasil. Apr 28 2012 19:42. Posts 2140

mod should change the title of the thread, also:

Ket    United Kingdom. Apr 28 2012 20:01. Posts 8665

ffs i live in central london. now along with the world ending on dec 21 of this year, here's another runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner runner i have to fade

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 28 2012 20:30. Posts 9634

I feel sorry for the people that actually read his post. Considering his previous threads you can only check who created the thread, the thread's name and its obvious ... another conspiracy about some kind of terrorist act thsi time @ London Olympics. Now a bunch of people will tell OP that he is an idiot, but he will continue believing he s the smartest person around cause his evidence is flawless and if we fail to recognize that we must be dumb as fuck and its a never ending circle because as Einstein said it people's stupidity is infinite

Ket well I really hope you've saved your one time - there s no dodging this one

DooMeR   United States. Apr 28 2012 21:17. Posts 8551

conspiracy theories like this make me face palm

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance, by running away from the scene of an accident. 

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 28 2012 21:24. Posts 1841

  On April 28 2012 16:15 D_smart_S wrote:
Okay, so now let’s dwell a bit deeper. I want to talk about the Olympic Site. There are MANY interesting things about it. A guy named Rik Clay was the one who found the many connections and started talking about them. This guy was so deep in the whole thing that they had to silence him after his epic radio interview that you can find here: . He was something like 25 I think when he allegedly “jumped from his balcony”. Yeah right.

Definetely recommend this its amazing so far.

Rear naked woke 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 29 2012 01:34. Posts 688

It's funny cause many people don't get it that I am not waving my hands trying to get attention. All I am doing is sharing information that MIGHT (might not) turn out to be important for some people in London. It's not about "oh if u are accurate you should be mod, if not fuck you". I am just making the most +EV decision to me, that's all. I think it is too strange that:
London's Mayor supports Zionist, death and violance openly; Rockefeller, one of biggest players, releseases reports about possible future scenarios where the Olympics are bombed; they make a show that depicts nuclear bombing of 2012 Olympics which is a twin show to BBC Panorama 1 year before 7/7 London Bombings. I also find it strange that this young fellow Rik Clay jumps out of a balcony after finding so many connections. How often do you see people jumping off a balcony? All the other symbology and clues (not evidence) are pretty overwhelming but if you just skimmed through all of the post, reading here and there you won't get the idea. You won't understand the enemy and what's important for him and how he works.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 29 2012 01:36. Posts 688

  On April 28 2012 18:08 Mortensen8 wrote:
Fascinating read op very creepy coincidences. I'm glad I got the hell out of there.

Thanks. You got the hell out of London? Where are you now? You know any people that will attend the games?

And a last note on London's Mayor quote. He means zion as in zionism, wtf he doesn't mean heavenly or whatever. How can one even argue that lol? Why am I even writing this, it's obvious what he means.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 29/04/2012 01:45

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Apr 29 2012 02:13. Posts 5309

you forgot one OP.

In the computer game deus ex, a game about conspiracies the world trade centers are missing.

from wiki
'During sections of the game where the New York skyline is visible in the background, the two towers of the World Trade Center are noticeably missing; the real towers were destroyed a year after the game was released. Harvey Smith has explained that due to texture memory limitations, the portion of the skyline with the twin towers exists in the game's data files but had to be left out of the final game, with the other half mirrored in place of it. According to Smith, during the game's development, the developers justified the lack of the towers by stating that terrorists had destroyed the World Trade Center earlier in the game's storyline.'

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 29 2012 02:51. Posts 4742

I'm waiting for Highcard to post another article from Less Wrong xD

tapatapaz   Brasil. Apr 29 2012 03:17. Posts 1279

some time ago it occurred to me that people who fit into the 'conspiracy theorist' category must have by definition really low professional self-steem, as in what they want to achieve in life. their claims always involve the "people at the top", as if these people were not really people..
i mean, hell, i want to be good at what ive chosen to do, and i suppose i will meet some "very important" people along the way, which in their part will might think of me as being very important as well. when the day comes in which some people could consider myself to be famous or important, it will still be the same me, with a lot of flaws and shortcomings.
to sum up, my point is that someday i may be considered 'one of them', just because people think im good at what i do.

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

Achoo   Canada. Apr 29 2012 03:26. Posts 1454

What a bunch of mambo jambo, I hope you're trolling... If not, go seek some help.

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Funktion   Australia. Apr 29 2012 03:29. Posts 1638

Ban this dipshit already, it's beyond a joke that this bollocks continues. I love a good troll every now and then but come on.

Major event might be at high risk of threat? Orly what else professor X, maybe the Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House or the Empire state building or any other major landmark, major city, major event are all high risk. Fucking seriously? Lets go deeper...the USA may or may not be attacked again instead of Iceland...motherofgod.gif

tapatapaz   Brasil. Apr 29 2012 03:36. Posts 1279

banning is retarded, cmon. deep down, he has good intentions

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

PuertoRican   United States. Apr 29 2012 04:18. Posts 13070

No harm is being done with this thread, he's just sharing his opinion(s).

It's your choice to read it and reply, which most of us seem to have done.

I mainly just looked at the pictures and skimmed the first few lines of text, but I thought it was kinda neat. Nothing to cry "ban" over though.

Rekrul is a newb 

Highcard   Canada. Apr 29 2012 04:51. Posts 5428

Props for the longest thread post on LP, I have no idea how many hours you spent researching and putting this together but at least that gets props.

As for your predictions of attacks, every fuckwad says shit will go crazy for nearly every event/day. Law of large numbers dictate that some of you nutjobs will be right that 1 time but will have been horribly wrong so many other times that it should be obvious by now to the nutjobs that they are spewing bullshit.

anyways, your conspiracy bullshit is no different than the reality tv, talk shows, typical news piece on fox, etc. so by now I accept that you will continue to have confused ideas/threads/posts/blogs and maybe 1 day you will overcome your obvious anxieties and cynicism.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

DooMeR   United States. Apr 29 2012 05:26. Posts 8551

definitely not ban status

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance, by running away from the scene of an accident. 

Zep   United States. Apr 29 2012 06:11. Posts 2292

  On April 29 2012 04:26 DooMeR wrote:
definitely not ban status

I don't think this individually warrants a ban status, but if tutz could be banned for being annoying, then surely this troll equally deserves to be banned. Thoughts?

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 29 2012 07:14. Posts 1841

This video is pretty strange a lot of symbolism going on.
I don't think a terrorist attack will happen but something really weird.

Rear naked woke 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Apr 29 2012 07:18. Posts 5309

shame on you guys that want Dsmarts banned.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

tutz   Brasil. Apr 29 2012 09:02. Posts 2140

  On April 29 2012 05:11 Zep wrote:
Show nested quote +

I don't think this individually warrants a ban status, but if tutz could be banned for being annoying, then surely this troll equally deserves to be banned. Thoughts?

why is he a troll? he is just saying what he thinks is the truth and even posting what can be perceived as evidence. we dont have to agree with him, but suggesting to ban him? lol
I dont agree with him 100% but I like to keep an open mind to the posibilities, I enjoy reading this conspiracy theories.

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Apr 29 2012 09:13. Posts 5647

agree. I think that the content d_smart posts is pants-on-head eyes-different-directions drooling retarded. But he shouldn't be muzzeled for it.

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 29 2012 13:02. Posts 4742

  On April 29 2012 05:11 Zep wrote:
Show nested quote +

I don't think this individually warrants a ban status, but if tutz could be banned for being annoying, then surely this troll equally deserves to be banned. Thoughts?

I don't think you understand how annoying Tutz was, if it was irl, and the moderators were Thai, they might have attacked him.

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 29 2012 13:04. Posts 4742

Too soon?
+ Show Spoiler +

 Last edit: 29/04/2012 13:04

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 29 2012 14:10. Posts 1841

Zion actually means New Jerusalem and no one would just casually use it in a sentence like a normal word.

The symbology of the number 11 (11:11)

Quote here:
+ Show Spoiler +

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 29/04/2012 14:11

Bejamin1   Canada. Apr 29 2012 15:03. Posts 7042

"There is a possibility terrorists might plan an attack on the London 2012 games"

No shit?

You mean huge crowds of people packed closely together to see events the entire world will be watching in one of the most famous cities in the world sounds like a target terrorists would drool over?

It's just so shocking that terrorists might be interested in literally the exact kind of target that appeals to them. Yes the London 2012 games represent a potential target for terrorism. That's why hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on security for the games. It's why they've been preparing for 4 years for a two week time in which there will be an elevated risk where something might happen. You don't need to go all psycho conspiracy to figure that out.

As to all the rest of your world controlling conspiracy bullshit, break out the tinfoil hats. Nothing you present even comes close to evidence. It's just a bunch of retarded delusional rambling. Seriously you should seek professional help as I'm certain these theories affect your day to day life in the real world.

Just to point out one very obvious flaw. You post a bunch of retarded pictures displaying the twin towers in some state of disrepair and say it was "clues" about what was to come. That's the stupidest most moronic thing you've ever said on this forum - and you've said a lot of dumb shit. You see ARTISTS frequently use FAMOUS LANDMARKS in their depictions. They also frequently destroy them as part of a film, comic, or book. The White House has quite literally been destroyed or attacked 1000's of times over in popular culture media. It is not a "sign" of anything, except that you happen to be stupid enough to see something so blatantly mundane as a "sign" because your a conspiracy loving idiot.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 29 2012 15:05. Posts 688

lol yeah, that's why zion means heavenly ---> New Jerusalem. Had forgotten about that. So did anyone watch the last two videos I posted on my first post? They are really creepy given the other information. What do you think about them? Mortensen, you watched them?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 29/04/2012 15:10

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 29 2012 15:09. Posts 688

  On April 29 2012 14:03 Bejamin1 wrote:
"There is a possibility terrorists might plan an attack on the London 2012 games"

No shit?

You mean huge crowds of people packed closely together to see events the entire world will be watching in one of the most famous cities in the world sounds like a target terrorists would drool over?

It's just so shocking that terrorists might be interested in literally the exact kind of target that appeals to them. Yes the London 2012 games represent a potential target for terrorism. That's why hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on security for the games. It's why they've been preparing for 4 years for a two week time in which there will be an elevated risk where something might happen. You don't need to go all psycho conspiracy to figure that out.

As to all the rest of your world controlling conspiracy bullshit, break out the tinfoil hats. Nothing you present even comes close to evidence. It's just a bunch of retarded delusional rambling. Seriously you should seek professional help as I'm certain these theories affect your day to day life in the real world.

Just to point out one very obvious flaw. You post a bunch of retarded pictures displaying the twin towers in some state of disrepair and say it was "clues" about what was to come. That's the stupidest most moronic thing you've ever said on this forum - and you've said a lot of dumb shit. You see ARTISTS frequently use FAMOUS LANDMARKS in their depictions. They also frequently destroy them as part of a film, comic, or book. The White House has quite literally been destroyed or attacked 1000's of times over in popular culture media. It is not a "sign" of anything, except that you happen to be stupid enough to see something so blatantly mundane as a "sign" because your a conspiracy loving idiot.

You simply haven't read much of my post except for the first few sentences and looked at the pictures. I did not say a word about terrorists attacking 2012 Olympics. I am talking about governments. Above law people, not some jokeheads in a cave. Please don't comment further until you read the whole thing. It's pointless, you don't know what we are arguing about.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

BiNK   United States. Apr 29 2012 15:35. Posts 302

I did read the whole was a waste of time and you are delusional. Also, congratulations on pointing out that people somewhere, some place and some time might try to attack such a huge gathering of people on the global scale. I believe you started off your post by saying something how this is the most important thing you have ever written. In short, fuck off.


P.S. You are a fuckoff.

RichyP   United Kingdom. Apr 29 2012 16:29. Posts 81

Saying people have not fully read or comprehended everything in your first post is not a valid way of debunking a counter argument lol you may as well have written "DISCLAIMER: you will not fully understand what i'm about to say so just believe it" at the beginning of your post.

tutz   Brasil. Apr 29 2012 16:54. Posts 2140

amazing how quick some ppl are to judge and bash other with different point of views, like if they were better because of their "superior view". why not just try to share you own point of view without attacking others?

2c0ntent   Egypt. Apr 29 2012 17:14. Posts 1387

lol now we have another winner on board with d smart s, awesome.

you guys keep talking about the quote from the mayor of london which was never uttered. your only evidence is a satirical forum post about that spider statue which is not even actually at the olympic games


I keep swearing I won't post in any thread having to do with d smart s but its all just too damn ridiculous :D le sigh

+-Last edit: 29/04/2012 17:50

uiCk   Canada. Apr 29 2012 17:30. Posts 3521


The guy has never left his house.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 29 2012 18:18. Posts 4742

  On April 29 2012 16:30 uiCk wrote:


The guy has never left his house.

That doesn't make any sense.

+ Show Spoiler +

 Last edit: 29/04/2012 18:21

capaneo   Canada. Apr 29 2012 18:53. Posts 8465

d_smart has no idea about science logical thinking.

So this is what Im going to do instead of arguing with him

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 

Achoo   Canada. Apr 29 2012 19:48. Posts 1454

  On April 29 2012 17:53 capaneo wrote:
d_smart has no idea about science logical thinking.

So this is what Im going to do instead of arguing with him

Actually it would be funny to see you argue with OP, it would be like the championship of retardness ever witnessed in mankind. So plz go ahead.

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Bejamin1   Canada. Apr 29 2012 20:14. Posts 7042

  On April 29 2012 14:09 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

You simply haven't read much of my post except for the first few sentences and looked at the pictures. I did not say a word about terrorists attacking 2012 Olympics. I am talking about governments. Above law people, not some jokeheads in a cave. Please don't comment further until you read the whole thing. It's pointless, you don't know what we are arguing about.

You obviously don't understand the definition of terrorism or terrorists. The definition of a terrorist is someone who seeks to create fear or terror. Terrorism is the act of creating that fear via an attack or whatever else. Any organization or individual who uses these tactics is a terrorist. You don't have to live in a cave genius. What you describe "an attack" is terrorism, plain and simple. It doesn't matter who the actors are. Seriously your so stupid this is just painful.

There is no super secret organization planning to form a world government. The world already has one dysfunctional organization that tries to get all the countries together and impose rules on them. It's called the U.N. and it's never worked. The U.S. didn't listen when they went into Iraq after being told no. Individual nations have only ever listened to this organization if they felt it served them. The idea that one super organization could rule the world and relate to all the different cultures and complexities of local government is hilarious. It's not even close to possible. You have a problem and you need to seek professional help. The mods should ban you from the forum because you're only harming yourself by being allowed to participate in these ridiculous discussions.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

capaneo   Canada. Apr 29 2012 21:16. Posts 8465

  On April 29 2012 18:48 Achoo wrote:
Show nested quote +

Actually it would be funny to see you argue with OP, it would be like the championship of retardness ever witnessed in mankind. So plz go ahead.

When did I fuck your mom?

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc FaberLast edit: 29/04/2012 21:27

uiCk   Canada. Apr 29 2012 21:24. Posts 3521

  On April 29 2012 17:18 Mariuslol wrote:
Show nested quote +

That doesn't make any sense.

+ Show Spoiler +


I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Funktion   Australia. Apr 29 2012 22:50. Posts 1638

  On April 29 2012 15:54 tutz wrote:
amazing how quick some ppl are to judge and bash other with different point of views, like if they were better because of their "superior view". why not just try to share you own point of view without attacking others?

Most people here are tolerant but there is a limit to what is tolerated and past that point if you defend certain points of views you just look like a silly cunt.

"Holocaust didn't happen."
"I hit my wife because she deserves it."
"Tooth fairy is real."

"Hey come on guys it's just his point of view."

Stop being so gullible. You wield your tolerance bullshit as some sort of badge of honour when really it's a substitute for inaction against dickheads.

(The irony of you posting this bullshit is you get beaten up in Thailand for thinking you can treat Thai people like they are Brazilian or that you are still in Brazil. When you can respect other countries and cultures feel free to come back and preach tolerance until then your a hypocritical moron.)

YoMeR   United States. Apr 29 2012 22:57. Posts 12435

dood report this to the English government asap....they'll know what to do

eZ Life. 

YoMeR   United States. Apr 29 2012 23:02. Posts 12435

I mean truth like this needs to get new york times...the BBC...CNN...all the major news outlets WE GOTTA LET THEM KNOW

eZ Life. 

waga   United Kingdom. Apr 29 2012 23:08. Posts 2375

  On April 29 2012 18:48 Achoo wrote:
Show nested quote +

Actually it would be funny to see you argue with OP, it would be like the championship of retardness ever witnessed in mankind. So plz go ahead.

post of the week

Target-x17   Canada. Apr 29 2012 23:44. Posts 1027

f u bw rock 

SleepyHead   . Apr 30 2012 00:14. Posts 878

I have to admit those illuminati cards are interesting. But unless you copy pasted this from somewhere else, it looks likes you wasted a whole lot of time on this just to post it on a poker forum.

also, walk the other way if you see this guy coming toward you:

Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - BaalLast edit: 30/04/2012 00:19

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 02:12. Posts 688

  On April 29 2012 21:57 YoMeR wrote:
dood report this to the English government asap....they'll know what to do

First I will call Obama to warn him that USA's government is acting like neo-nazis. The guy is great, i am sure he will fix it lol. I may even give him my home address and bank account for finder's fee.

Illuminati=Government bodies. There is no one above them. It's the massive population that can bring them down, not corrupted governments that are part of the game. England and USA are the main players, the driving force for globalisation. They already united Europe and impose all kinds of stupid regulations. Hitler would have liked it but the guy had more barbarian methods. Iran has already said publicly that they will not attend zionist Olympic games. But its the people that can bring the Eye down. The more people that know about them, the better. It doesn't matter if one thinks I am an idiot now because in the near future the Illuminati would go all-in and then you will know I was right. So i have to say it all now, before they have played their last hands.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 30/04/2012 02:27

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 02:30. Posts 688

  On April 29 2012 22:02 YoMeR wrote:
I mean truth like this needs to get new york times...the BBC...CNN...all the major news outlets WE GOTTA LET THEM KNOW

Information like this NEVER gets to mainstream media. You might have little gems here and there, little slip ups but a report like this would never ever get between Big Brother and American Idol. Tele-vi-sion is their territory, their Trojan horse. The amount of groundbreaking unaired documentaries can easily attest for the massive control over what's shown on TV.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Target-x17   Canada. Apr 30 2012 02:41. Posts 1027

If someone makes a card game of world domination and war landmarks and the biggest military instillation in the world are 99% gonna be included.

The name? Hes paranoid like you if their is a secret organisation running the world im sure they are not called the illuminati

f u bw rock 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 02:45. Posts 688

The game and the cards were released in 1995. "Interesting" is the very least I can say about the predictive nature of this game. You dig deeper, you find more "interesting" stuff and at one point you have enough puzzle pieces together to see the big picture.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

tutz   Brasil. Apr 30 2012 03:16. Posts 2140

  On April 29 2012 21:50 Funktion wrote:
Show nested quote +

Most people here are tolerant but there is a limit to what is tolerated and past that point if you defend certain points of views you just look like a silly cunt.

"Holocaust didn't happen."
"I hit my wife because she deserves it."
"Tooth fairy is real."

"Hey come on guys it's just his point of view."

Stop being so gullible. You wield your tolerance bullshit as some sort of badge of honour when really it's a substitute for inaction against dickheads.

(The irony of you posting this bullshit is you get beaten up in Thailand for thinking you can treat Thai people like they are Brazilian or that you are still in Brazil. When you can respect other countries and cultures feel free to come back and preach tolerance until then your a hypocritical moron.)

inaction against dickheads? lol dude alright, I dont see a point of arguing this with you.
dont get why you are saying I treated the thais bad, I didnt. yes I made a mistake but it wasnt the way I talked to them but thinking the brazilian "laws" would apply in thailand cause thats what I think its reasonable

 Last edit: 30/04/2012 03:25

Funktion   Australia. Apr 30 2012 05:48. Posts 1638

I just checked the ROFL thread so kind of hard to take you seriously atm (or ever really).

TheHuHu3   United States. Apr 30 2012 06:22. Posts 5544

I came in here to see some summer Olympic details and instead I read the biggest conspiracy ever wtf.

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 09:07. Posts 688

Okay, let's advance the story a bit more to get things more interesting. Look at this video:

USA President Ronald Raegan gives TWO speeches to the United Nations. He says "perhaps we need some outside universal threat. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." What a strange speech, isn't it? It's almost as if he says that they have to create such a threat in order for the world to unite. Or at least call the aliens and plot it with them... I mean, is this the type of discussion that is in the world's benefit? What type of threat is needed for the whole world to unite? Just like the Rockefeller quote I gave in my first post. He says that a MAJOR CRISIS is needed. And just think about it. 9/11 was about the imaginary outside threat. Outside of United States. Something lurking in the dark that scares people and nobody can find it. Boom Osama is in Afghanistan, boom he just went to Pakistan, now he is in Bulgaria... So what would they need to make the whole world scared and desperately pleading "give me security, I can't live in this fear anymore! We don't have food, we don't have water. Give me a solution!" An outside threat to the world - ALIENS. It can't be Al Qaeda. That card has been played for too long and is not a major threat to the world, so aliens is the best choice. So is it possible that the Illuminati will stage an Alien Invasion? Is it possible that they have been putting things into places for years in advance, preparing for such a great show? Well, let's analyse that theory.

What is the general attitude of aliens in Hollywood movies? Aggressive, nasty, powerful, wanting to destroy humanity. Humans against Aliens. From The Predator to Independence day, The Day Earth stood still and just a hundred more movies portray them as nasty. Very few portray them as good. So, humans have been brainwashed to a good extent that Aliens=Invasion=Bad.

Now watch this video clip of the closing ceremony of 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. You may skip to 1:00

A UFO appears and the alien gets off the spaceship and just shows himself like "Hey, I am supposed to be an alien! The End". WTF?!? What is that closing ceremony? Why did they do it? Maybe they want to see people's reactions. Maybe they are just making a grand training if they can pull it off? Maybe just to rub it in our faces? The Olympic games are MAJOR Illuminati events. It's like their Christmas. 1972 Munich Olympic Games - 11 Israeli Athletes Killed in front of the whole world - the start of Global Mass Scale Terrorist Movement. 1984 - UFO Closing Ceremony. In 1949 the world is blessed with George Orwell's book "1984". It is basically about life on Earth under the future regime we are now headed towards - The New World Order. He is a very well known Freemason. Big Brother, the all-seeing eye, who is that Big Brother? The Illuminati.

So they want to unite the world and the best scare tactic is through a major crisis by staging an Alien Invasion. They have already brainwashed people into associating Aliens with Invasion and have had a dry run in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. If you look at all the promo videos of the 2012 Olympics and other TV shows connected to the Olympics you will see MASSIVE UFO symbology. Just look at this video:

or this promo official video:

Aliens everywhere lol, what's up with that theme?

So - IF the Illuminati tries to stage an Alien Invasion creating mass hysteria and panic how are they going to go about it? Many options. The easiest one is through holograms. We already have 3D holograms and even holograms that interact with environment and don't get intercepted.

Is there any information on such a holographic plan? Take a look at this:


Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.
The allegations were presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated. In addition, the Canadian government allegedly kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam.[1][2]

Both died of heart attacks in 1996, just a couple of weeks one after the other, two years after they both presented their allegations and without having any history of heart disease in their families. Rik Clay, the guy who decoded much of the 2012 Zion Olympics jumped from his balcony. William Cooper who is considered one of the greatest conspiracy theorists was killed by the local police. John Todd - put in mental institutions forcefully and disappeared. Fritz Springmeier - author of "13 Bloodlines" talking about the Illuminati - was put in jail for several years. I can go on and on and on. They always die unexpectedly or get into huge troubles. They all talked about a possible staged alien invasion. Do they really talk just nonsense and have extremely bad luck in life? Think again.

More information on Project Blue Beam here -;cd=4&hl=bg&ct=clnk&gl=bg or you may dig up many other sources. But there is a good compilation on the given website.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 30/04/2012 10:04

palak   United States. Apr 30 2012 09:22. Posts 4601

ignoring all the other crap

  In 1984 the world is blessed with George Orwell's book "1984".

For fucks sake George Orwell died in 1950. 1984 was published in 1949.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

lebowski   Greece. Apr 30 2012 09:50. Posts 9205

  On April 30 2012 08:22 palak wrote:
ignoring all the other crap
Show nested quote +

For fucks sake George Orwell died in 1950. 1984 was published in 1949.

and where did you learn that from? "their" media?

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 10:03. Posts 688

lol ok I mixed the 1984 thing cause of the title. The important thing is that it's the same year the UFO closing ceremony of the 1984 Olympics. Thanks for correcting me, palak.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Apr 30 2012 10:20. Posts 9685

UFO's are gonna bomb the olympics! Breaking news signed d_smart, the dumbest person on lp

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 30 2012 11:26. Posts 1841

I think it's interesting how mad this makes people you have the option to ignore it.

Anyway thought this was interesting from the rik clay website
+ Show Spoiler +

Rear naked woke 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 11:34. Posts 688

I am happy you are on my team but do you really think going that deep will have any merit on LP. I am staying away from the details and concentrating on the more easy to digest stuff that is directly connected to a possible attack but it's good that you like the material.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 30/04/2012 11:41

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 30 2012 11:37. Posts 1841

I am more of the opinion that they are pushing for a one world government and spiritualism will be the religion. Whether or not they will use the Olympics as a platform for change I'm still not sure about.
It might take a long time look how long it took to convert to Christianity but they did succeed even in remotest pagan parts of Europe.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 30/04/2012 11:42

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 11:43. Posts 688

Spiritualism will not be the religion because spiritualism is not a religion. They want a ONE world religion because united people should have 1 religion and of course it would be controlled just like today and this religion will not be spiritualism. Spiritualism is somthing natural and normal.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 30/04/2012 11:44

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 30 2012 12:02. Posts 1841

I'm not saying that spiritualism is a bad thing just that it will be something like Buddhism.

Rear naked woke 

Funktion   Australia. Apr 30 2012 12:05. Posts 1638

The Tupac "hologram" isn't a hologram it's an image projected onto a thin film. Ergo you're a dopey cunt.

tapatapaz   Brasil. Apr 30 2012 12:29. Posts 1279

that Reagan speech is very reasonable and humane. i respect him more now

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 12:34. Posts 688

why do you find it positive?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

tapatapaz   Brasil. Apr 30 2012 12:43. Posts 1279

his speech, in front of other world leaders, is almost childish. i myself thought about the things he says when i was 10 or something, and i got to the same conclusions

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 12:58. Posts 688

you have no doubts about his intentions? what do you think about this speech:

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

taco   Iceland. Apr 30 2012 14:53. Posts 1793

I'm only interested in the answer to one question:

How much money are you willing to bet that there will be a major terrorist attack on the 2012 London Olympics and what odds will you give me?

I imagine it's A) All the money you have and B) something like 5:1 since you're so certain.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 14:55. Posts 688

I am not betting money on someone's misfortune, are you okay with your head? Too much poker and prop bets.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

taco   Iceland. Apr 30 2012 15:04. Posts 1793

  On April 30 2012 13:55 D_smart_S wrote:
I am not betting money on someone's misfortune, are you okay with your head? Too much poker and prop bets.

That would only be the/a moral answer if you believed me to be capable of performing such a hideous act
for a measly sum of money. If you do not believe that then our bet would have no effect on the outcome of the 2012 London Olympics.

Also: Most bets are on someone's misfortune, especially since most if not all bets result in someone's misfortune monetarily.
Health insurance is not considered immoral and that's a direct bet on someone's physical misfortune, do you purchase health insurance?

So the question remains: How much money and what odds will you give me?

tapatapaz   Brasil. Apr 30 2012 15:24. Posts 1279

you are missing thesmartass' point here taco. betting on this is retarded because even if he wins, he wouldnt be happy/would maybe even feel worse

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baalLast edit: 30/04/2012 15:28

tutz   Brasil. Apr 30 2012 15:52. Posts 2140

  On April 30 2012 14:24 tapatapaz wrote:
you are missing thesmartass' point here taco. betting on this is retarded because even if he wins, he wouldnt be happy/would maybe even feel worse

actually you should give him the odds advantage, not him. lol

in most ppl eyes this is extremely unlikely to happen so you got the statistic advantage on this bet

 Last edit: 30/04/2012 15:53

tutz   Brasil. Apr 30 2012 16:51. Posts 2140

I just made a research on youtube about this stuff and I found dozens of videos with hundreds of tousands of views and 90% of likes about this stuff. a LOT of people out there really believe all of this stuff and will avoid going to the olympics 2012. they even say that if enough people know about this the iluminati might be forced to cancel their plan. I'm impressed with how many people actually believe in this. somethings make a lot of sense and other seem like to much of a stretch, but afterall I still cant believe this will happen.

 Last edit: 30/04/2012 16:52

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2012 17:02. Posts 688

very good, you are open minded and do research, that's the way to go. When something makes sense, people notice it. And if it's very crazy and still gets attention, maybe it has even more sense too outweigh the "craziness" which of course leads people to negative attitude before seeing the information.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 30/04/2012 17:05

taco   Iceland. Apr 30 2012 17:55. Posts 1793

  On April 30 2012 14:24 tapatapaz wrote:
you are missing thesmartass' point here taco. betting on this is retarded because even if he wins, he wouldnt be happy/would maybe even feel worse

Precisely the same goes for health insurance my darling tapatapaz. He's even on the same side of that bet.

tapatapaz   Brasil. Apr 30 2012 18:07. Posts 1279

its obviously different..? health insurance makes a lot of sense when people depend financially on the person who died

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

thewh00sel    United States. Apr 30 2012 18:23. Posts 2734

  On April 30 2012 17:07 tapatapaz wrote:
its obviously different..? health insurance makes a lot of sense when people depend financially on the person who died

you're thinking life insurance, health insurance covers hospital bills, but it's similar I guess.

Anyways, on to prop bet discussion: taco based on the OPs original posting he doesn't know it's going to happen. He obv believes in all the illuminati stuff and thinks they are trying to take over the world, and thinks the symbology and whatnot in his evidence gives it a chance to be the 2012 games. If you legitimately believed a threat was possible, even a 1-5% chance wouldn't you try and spread the word? So in terms of odds, you laying him 99:1 or 20:1 might be more fair since he thinks there's a small chance of this happening. That's what I got out of it anyways.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 01 2012 02:10. Posts 688

Allright, I am not betting shit on people dying, let's stop the offtopic propbet discussion.

There is a good likelyhood that IF something happens on the Olympics, there might be another attack in say USA. This is their other home turf and if they want to have a greater impact on the most important nation they might need to bring some of the fear directly to the USA. Combined disasters as in that Illuminati Card. Anyone heard of strange things going on around a certain major building or place in USA? Something like security being taken off for a several days or sniffing dogs removed or some kind of equipment being installed, renovated..?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 01/05/2012 02:16

Sanity   United States. May 01 2012 04:02. Posts 1076

holy shit OP you need serious help

Zep   United States. May 01 2012 04:46. Posts 2292

  On May 01 2012 01:10 D_smart_S wrote:
Allright, I am not betting shit on people dying, let's stop the offtopic propbet discussion.

There is a good likelyhood that IF something happens on the Olympics, there might be another attack in say USA. This is their other home turf and if they want to have a greater impact on the most important nation they might need to bring some of the fear directly to the USA. Combined disasters as in that Illuminati Card. Anyone heard of strange things going on around a certain major building or place in USA? Something like security being taken off for a several days or sniffing dogs removed or some kind of equipment being installed, renovated..?

Just think of the number 11 and i'm sure you'll figure it out.

  On May 01 2012 03:02 Sanity wrote:
holy shit OP you need serious help

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

tutz   Brasil. May 01 2012 07:03. Posts 2140

holy shit..

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 01 2012 07:25. Posts 9634

  On April 30 2012 09:20 SakiSaki wrote:
UFO's are gonna bomb the olympics! Breaking news signed d_smart, the dumbest person on lp

You know your thread s gone to batshit crazy if it even makes SakiSaki come back to LP and tell you so :D

& tutz people were very tolerant towards OP the first 5 conspiracy threads he posted about but everything has a limit

 Last edit: 01/05/2012 07:27

SpasticInk   Sweden. May 01 2012 07:35. Posts 6298

Bolt will win 100 meters

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. May 01 2012 07:36. Posts 10896

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 01 2012 12:11. Posts 688

  On May 01 2012 06:03 tutz wrote:
holy shit..

right on, man. Keep digging. Obama is just a puppet, watch a documentary on the Illuminati and it shouldn't be from a mainstream media cause it will be smthg like "illuminati is a mythological secret society that does not exist."

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 01/05/2012 12:22

Mortensen8   Chad. May 01 2012 12:27. Posts 1841

Remember all the mania that was going on back then if anyone actually believed in him I suggest they review what they eat, drink and stop watching the idiotbox. His entire campaign was just creepy with it's slogans it was like the second coming of Christ had arrived. Every sentence was trying to tap into the emotions of people

Rear naked woke 

goose58   United States. May 01 2012 13:25. Posts 871

What are you guys so afraid of? We all die. Live a good life, and go into politics if you want to change the world.

I notice that most conspiracy theorists have done drugs, lots of drugs. Most of them are paranoid people. They always think there is some sinister plot.

I don't agree with you OP, but I still respect you.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 01 2012 14:05. Posts 688

Find geopoliticians and talk to them. They are conspiracy theorist too. Many of the people in the showbusiness are also conspiracy theorists. Top notch scientist, experts, economists are also part of that group. That is because their lives or carreers directly deal or intercept with that of the top levels of the industries and government and they witness what's going on. However, for the normal people with ordinary lives it is a very rare occurance to witness such things. Sometimes it happens when you or family's lives get fucked up by a government institution and they wake up. Or maybe getting bad results from Big Pharma or even have a fatal incident and turn to alternative cures. But most people don't open their eyes and remain asleep. People who do hallucinogens or psychotropic drugs or mindaltering substances open new pathways in their brain and start seeing things in different perspective. That's why some of them find many life truths easier - because they lack the strength of their ego and have increased open-mindedness. That is the reason why stoners/potheads are often conspiracy theorists. Marijuana opens one's mind especially if used regularly. It stops the mind programming as some insiders say and that's part of the reason it was illigalized. It encourages critical thinking. But believe me, there are lots of independent scientists and experts in many fields and also many (ex) government workers who are conspiracy theorists, they can't close their eyes once they are wide open. For others, they are wide shut.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 01/05/2012 14:16

bane   United States. May 01 2012 14:33. Posts 2379

didnt read but op was the best post i have ever seen

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 01 2012 14:45. Posts 688

How come you didn't read the first post but you think it's the best you have ever seen? I am confused but thanks .

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 01/05/2012 14:59

palak   United States. May 01 2012 15:34. Posts 4601

Can a mod edit the title of this thread to reflect that the OP and discussion is about a conspiracy theory that a secret organization will stage an alien invasion during the olympics in order to rule the world rather than the actual olympic athletic events?
Even if its just added (CT) to the end of the title or something.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

FarmMylife   Canada. May 01 2012 15:55. Posts 111

taco   Iceland. May 01 2012 16:30. Posts 1793

  On April 30 2012 17:23 thewh00sel wrote:
Show nested quote +

you're thinking life insurance, health insurance covers hospital bills, but it's similar I guess.

Anyways, on to prop bet discussion: taco based on the OPs original posting he doesn't know it's going to happen. He obv believes in all the illuminati stuff and thinks they are trying to take over the world, and thinks the symbology and whatnot in his evidence gives it a chance to be the 2012 games. If you legitimately believed a threat was possible, even a 1-5% chance wouldn't you try and spread the word? So in terms of odds, you laying him 99:1 or 20:1 might be more fair since he thinks there's a small chance of this happening. That's what I got out of it anyways.

You think I actually fully read a D_Smart_S topic? Are you insane?

Also: How does this absolutely fucking ridiculously retarded thread not reflect much, much more poorly on LP as a whole than
if it were to allow holocaust jokes in the ROFL thread? Why are there such frivolous double standards in moderation?

If I were to visit LP for the first time and this was the top topic of the "General" discussion I would be gone so fast it'd make my head spin.

 Last edit: 01/05/2012 16:31

uiCk   Canada. May 01 2012 16:58. Posts 3521

lol d smart s recruited tutz in his army of retards.
gratz tutz, ur IQ has just dropped by shitload

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Mortensen8   Chad. May 01 2012 17:24. Posts 1841

Jog on pls back to idiot box.

Rear naked woke 

Graisseux   Canada. May 01 2012 17:25. Posts 474

Didn't read it all but just enough to lol

We all know conspirationists, I'm fine with them as long as they don't forget to take their pills.

mnj   United States. May 01 2012 19:52. Posts 3848

i wish you could nuke a thread

intown   Belgium. May 01 2012 20:24. Posts 121

at least lemon and the other guys can inform the m5 now that this has come to light. this should be enough to thwart any attempt.

Zep   United States. May 01 2012 20:50. Posts 2292

I just feel sad for OP at this point. It used to rage/humor me, now I just have sympathy for the guy. I can't imagine what it's like living with schizophrenia. I hope he doesn't kill himself or anyone else. I was looking forward to flaming him on August 13th, but now I realize he's going to think he and every other nut job are the reason why Illuminati didn't attack - They got the word out. And if an attack does happen, no matter the evidence derived from the scientific method, he is going to be 100% certain it was Illuminati. It's a no win situation for LP as we just have to sit here and roll our eyes as this guy continuously posts new developments.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Mortensen8   Chad. May 01 2012 20:51. Posts 1841

I know I never wanted to watch it but it's pretty eye opening.

<iframe src="" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

ffs that code works in the preview but not the actual post wtf

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 01/05/2012 20:52

uiCk   Canada. May 01 2012 21:02. Posts 3521

  On May 01 2012 19:51 Mortensen8 wrote:
I know I never wanted to watch it but it's pretty eye opening.

<iframe src="" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

ffs that code works in the preview but not the actual post wtf

Whats more interesting is looking into it deeper, that is understanding what conspiracy theories are, where they come from, place in societies etc.
Place to start, obv
Then go deeper, check out the sources.

That's interesting.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Mariuslol   Norway. May 01 2012 21:09. Posts 4742

I got some suggestions as well, re-watch Inception at least once a week, preferably more. Get some old radio's, and a few of those old antenna's.

Mortensen8   Chad. May 01 2012 21:31. Posts 1841

Did you ever watch zeitgeist? it makes some pretty good points just because it has been stamped 'conspiracy' doesn't make it invalid.

Rear naked woke 

uiCk   Canada. May 01 2012 21:42. Posts 3521

yea i watched zeithgeist. and the 2nd one too (much better)

there are reasons why conspiracies are what they are, and are "attractive" or "believable". if you actually want to learn more about it, i would suggest starting with the wiki link. The point is not that it's invalid, its quite irrelevant actually (like religion in a sense) but that it's NOT valid. it;s "unknown", has not bee validated, nor invalidated yet.

except if your a syzho, then everything is and has to be "validated" one way or another.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

uiCk   Canada. May 01 2012 21:51. Posts 3521

Also the bigger point is that people like OP spread the theories as being valid,and on an ethical point of view, OP makes it easy to validate certain complex events, when the reality it is not.

Consequences of that type of behaviour and thinking is for example the existence of religious institutions who strive in the world by pretending the concept of GOD is valid, when in reality it has not been validated yet.

Take Magic for example. If people were not aware of the concept of illusions (optical illusions and such) then we would all belive in Magic? if magician comes up to you and starts hovering or whatever, and you have no way of explaining the phenomenon, are you going to belive he's flying?

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 01/05/2012 21:57

Mortensen8   Chad. May 01 2012 21:54. Posts 1841

There is overwhelming evidence, they are getting too obvious at this point. I don't need it validated by anyone else.

Rear naked woke 

uiCk   Canada. May 01 2012 22:07. Posts 3521

re read my posts, it has absoluitley NOTHING to do with (insert belif/conspiracy) being valid or in valid. You are just obsessed with the fact that it's unknown, thus having to choose a "stand". While in reality no one is forcing you to take a stand, but for damn sure people will try and convince you to take a stand; because our society is indoctrinated with the illusion that everything is bad or good, black or white etc,

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 01/05/2012 22:08

Mortensen8   Chad. May 01 2012 22:19. Posts 1841

You are just trying to complicate it by going on about something irrelevant I take a simple stance there are forces working behind the scenes, good night sir.

Rear naked woke 

uiCk   Canada. May 01 2012 22:36. Posts 3521

yea well its a complicated matter, which is what people seem to ignore

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. May 01 2012 23:08. Posts 5647

  On May 01 2012 21:36 uiCk wrote:
yea well its a complicated matter, which is what people seem to ignore


I would be less worried about being fooled by forces behind the scenes and more worried about being fooled by my own though process and biases.
Confirmation bias is fun.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 04:52. Posts 688

I guess much of the confusion I see in this thread comes from the little information I have given on the Illuminati. It's very hard for someone to just start believing there is an organization that has infiltrated almost all governments and industrial/corporate venues. That's why I think I need to say a few more things about those fuckers. They worship the Devil. They worship the evil. Every year many of the USA elite go to Bohemian Grove to worship their beloved God Moloch. There is a huge owl statue and they either sacrifies people or mimick sacrifying people. Some say that they used to sacrifice people long ago but now with all the information leaking out they just pretend to do it with a metal human figure or something like that. You have to watch Alex Jones' "Inside Bohemian Grove" documentary where he secretly goes there and films the whole ritual. Here it is:

And this is the Moloch statue:

Here is what wikipedia has to say about Bohemian Grove:;cd=7&hl=bg&ct=clnk&gl=bg

Why do these presidents and elite people need to imitate sacrificing someone to an evil God? Do good people do such things?

Here is a very good ambush interview by Alex Jones asking a member of the Bohemian Grove about the rituals and so on:

And let's concentrate a bit on the Skull & Bones society. The Illuminati secret society has many sub layers. There are numerous organizations or secret societies that are part of the Illuminati. One of them is Skull&Bones.

wiki on the society:

"Skull and Bones is an undergraduate senior or secret society at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. It is a traditional peer society to Scroll and Key and Wolf's Head, as the three senior class 'landed societies' at Yale."

Here are a few pics of their meetings:

George Bush is the first guy on the left of the clock in the above picture.

This is a leaked footage of a Skull and Bones initiation ritual. Kinda scary...

And the following is an interview by Tim Russert where he asks Bush and Kerry if they are part of the Skull&Bones secret society. You are poker players so try and read their reactions.

I personally love how Kerry changes the subject, classic.

Tim Russert died a few years after this interview.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 02/05/2012 04:56

palak   United States. May 02 2012 08:18. Posts 4601

  On May 01 2012 15:30 taco wrote:
Show nested quote +

If I were to visit LP for the first time and this was the top topic of the "General" discussion I would be gone so fast it'd make my head spin.

Funny that I actually have some friends who stopped visiting this site and now bad mouth it publically specifically b/c of threads like this one.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

SleepyHead   . May 02 2012 10:05. Posts 878

Your friends stopped visiting the site because people can freely speak their mind?

Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal 

palak   United States. May 02 2012 11:04. Posts 4601

Yes since these threads give them the impression that the majority of lp r conspiracy peddling nutjobs they choose to go elsewhere. The same as everyone can speak freely on American sidewalks but if given the choice to walk through blocks of preachers in megaphones saying the world is going to end, or take an equal length walk avoiding said preachers I will choose the latter everytime.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 02 2012 11:04. Posts 5309

  On May 02 2012 09:05 SleepyHead wrote:
Your friends stopped visiting the site because people can freely speak their mind?

woah man, he said because people were freely speaking their mind, not because people can free speak their mind. Big difference

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Mortensen8   Chad. May 02 2012 11:11. Posts 1841

Oh no we missed out on palak lackeys who judge a forum based on a handful of threads.

Rear naked woke 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 11:18. Posts 688

Last time I checked not reading a thread and not commenting on it took less than a second.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 11:55. Posts 2140

I think palak is saying that just to discredit the thread, but if he is saying the truth I think these people would not be good posters for LP anyway. I think the good posts are the ones that actually try to generate further positive discussion with an open mind instead of just flamming others with different opnions. Why lose my time answering someone that calls me retard? Rather talk to the people that can actualy add something to the discussion, even if it is an opnion in disagreement with mine.

I had no idea about most of this "conspiracy theories". I had heard some but had never seen any kinda of evidence or documentary about them. There are a lot of crazy theories there. Since I have no way to verify most of the evidence presented what I say is IF the evidence presented, for example, in the 9/11 plot conspiracy theory is true I will have to go ahead and say that, in that case, this conspiracy theory must be true.

In the case of the London Olympics 2012 I think there is a lot of interesting things out there, a lot of the evidence presented made me think further and dig a bit more about it and for sure it is an interesting discussion, but in my opnion there isnt enough evidence for it so I'm still skeptical about it. I wouldnt call crazy someone that believes in these things, a lot of stuff makes sense and we have to be aware that not everyone thinks the same way about what is around us. I rather keep an open mind about it.In the "Iluminatti" case, I think there is too much speculation and too little evidence, but then again, I rather keep an open mind about it.

I'm pretty sure most of the people bashing in this thread didnt spend much digging into any of the info out there. If they did and decided that its all bullshit and therefore have chosen to bash the OP and anyone that remotely agrees with him then I think this person is just very immature.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 12:14. Posts 688

Great post, tutz.

Enjoy the knowledge

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 02/05/2012 12:15

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 02 2012 12:26. Posts 5309

Tutz, being right and being very honest with people will help them mature if they are ready to accept honesty. I'm skeptical of you calling a 50/50 stance between these conspiracy believers and reasoning people 'open minded' I would say it's close minded to ignore the overwhelming evidence against such things as NWO. Until you say something that actually means anything i have no reason to respect anything you say. In short, i beleive that being true to someone is more helpful than being nice to someone

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 02/05/2012 12:27

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 12:28. Posts 688

This one is very interesting:

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 12:52. Posts 2140

  On May 02 2012 11:26 Stroggoz wrote:
Tutz, being right and being very honest with people will help them mature if they are ready to accept honesty. I'm skeptical of you calling a 50/50 stance between these conspiracy believers and reasoning people 'open minded' I would say it's close minded to ignore the overwhelming evidence against such things as NWO. Until you say something that actually means anything i have no reason to respect anything you say. In short, i beleive that being true to someone is more helpful than being nice to someone

I agree, but being true doesnt mean bashing and flamming does it?

palak   United States. May 02 2012 13:15. Posts 4601

What is the main unit of evolution, the gene or the individual? What does it mean that dark matter was not apparent in a star cluster analyzed by a group of astronomers? Does the higgs-boson exist? What would the world be like had watergate not occurred? Can a neutrino go faster than light? (No)
Those r questions to keep an open mind about and that generate a real discussion.

Ideas like:
There is a secret group planning to stage an alien invasion ala watchmen at the 2012 olympics. Vaccines cause autism. The Earth is flat.
Are fucking moronic and evidence via youtube videos isnt evidence.

Ppl putting the group of questions as having equal validity as the list of ideas are the reason why "ancient aliens" is in its 4th season on history channel.

Also I didnt expect ppl here that support this thread to give a fuck about my comment w/ friends not visiting this site. I was mearly commenting on the fact that I have seen taco's hypothetical situation occur numerous times.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 02 2012 13:26. Posts 5309

  On May 02 2012 11:52 tutz wrote:
Show nested quote +

I agree, but being true doesnt mean bashing and flamming does it?

i think flaming can be good in some situations. If people can't understand reason they will def understand the emphasis of someone's point. an old HH of mine for example
it's def not making dsmarts change his stance tho. It seems like nothing can make him change his stance.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Mortensen8   Chad. May 02 2012 13:31. Posts 1841

Group mentality
It is a term described to a group unwilling to look beyond the overall consensus of the herd, many times it is out of the lack of drive or ambition to ask unreasonable questions to arrive at genuine answers, but more importantly and dangerously it is also an occurrence that spawns from fear of looking forwards in front of peers.

The unreasonable anger shown by many in this thread is just strange to me. Ok you don't agree with the alien hoax theory explain so and move on I don't get it.

The most important thing is to research for yourself and coming to your own conclusions not watching the idiot box because it is 'official'. If everyone just blindly accepted the media as truth it could become a very powerful tool.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 02/05/2012 13:36

YoMeR   United States. May 02 2012 13:49. Posts 12435

  On May 02 2012 11:52 tutz wrote:
Show nested quote +

I agree, but being true doesnt mean bashing and flamming does it?

lol you do realize we are way past the point of just flaming and raging?

it's trolling time ;o

eZ Life. 

Achoo   Canada. May 02 2012 14:49. Posts 1454

  On May 02 2012 12:31 Mortensen8 wrote:
Group mentality
It is a term described to a group unwilling to look beyond the overall consensus of the herd, many times it is out of the lack of drive or ambition to ask unreasonable questions to arrive at genuine answers, but more importantly and dangerously it is also an occurrence that spawns from fear of looking forwards in front of peers.

The unreasonable anger shown by many in this thread is just strange to me. Ok you don't agree with the alien hoax theory explain so and move on I don't get it.

The most important thing is to research for yourself and coming to your own conclusions not watching the idiot box because it is 'official'. If everyone just blindly accepted the media as truth it could become a very powerful tool.

That or it's simply natural to mock plain stupidity when one makes a fool of himself ? And because the media say something does not mean an equivalently dumb idea should be given credit for ?

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

2c0ntent   Egypt. May 02 2012 15:15. Posts 1387

  On May 02 2012 12:31 Mortensen8 wrote:
Group mentality
It is a term described to a group unwilling to look beyond the overall consensus of the herd, many times it is out of the lack of drive or ambition to ask unreasonable questions to arrive at genuine answers, but more importantly and dangerously it is also an occurrence that spawns from fear of looking forwards in front of peers.

The unreasonable anger shown by many in this thread is just strange to me. Ok you don't agree with the alien hoax theory explain so and move on I don't get it.

The most important thing is to research for yourself and coming to your own conclusions not watching the idiot box because it is 'official'. If everyone just blindly accepted the media as truth it could become a very powerful tool.

The reason conspiracy theory is mocked and flamed is because its been rationally discussed and the "evidence" for it obliterated 100 times over by basic logic. The hostility has nothing to do with a group mentality or any other excuse.

Just because you use the word "research" doesn't mean that your point has any validity. All studies -- aka those things which represent "research" -- are not created equal. Those who actually utilize critical thinking and perform research regularly throw out "evidence" which is flawed for various reasons. These reasons can include: inappropriate methodology for the collection of data, incorrect assumptions, inappropriate use of analytical tools, and more. Each factor I've mentioned is interrelated and each is tied back to the basic principles of what it means to understand something: If you bring me a theory which concludes that "The earth is flat." I have the right and obligation to request your evidence, "I left my house and walked for 100 miles in one direction, and found that I was not back at my home." Your methodology and data can be criticized as insufficient. Your research deemed invalid, anyone who cites your study as evidence for a flat earth will also have their "research" thrown out on the same basis: The study is fundamentally flawed.

This is the exact same thing going on with conspiracy theories, the methodology and data are deeply flawed. All "research" presented thus far is discarded because of these fundamental problems.

If you had any tendency towards the study of what knowledge is, or the history -- even very, very recent happenings and daily ongoings -- of science you would understand how common it is for ideas to be presented, analyzed, and discarded based on the sort of thing I've outlined above. Since you folks clearly do not express any true desire to understand and learn, those of us who do insist that+ Show Spoiler +


+-Last edit: 02/05/2012 15:32

Mortensen8   Chad. May 02 2012 15:46. Posts 1841

My point was to not discredit everything because it is a 'conspiracy' all ideas should be considered and not banned because it isn't the general consensus or not officially confirmed. Why don't you present your evidence with all of it's sources here. I would like to see why you defend the government so much. I am talking about the political system not being just a front.

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. May 02 2012 15:50. Posts 1841

To be honest this is all pointless humanity will never do anything about it anyway. If you truly believe that there is nothing going on behind the scenes you have to be blind.

Rear naked woke 

2c0ntent   Egypt. May 02 2012 15:59. Posts 1387

It is quite enough to point out that the entire premise your argument, that this incredible illuminati organization, who's brilliantly pulling the world's strings, wouldn't be smart enough to realize that broadcasting their plans of world domination via a wide variety of media created by organizing tens of thousands of different artists and organizations with disparate aims across hundreds of different genres and purposes from all around the world just to stroke their own egos... might be a bad idea.

Its fucking ridiculous on its face, and yet this is what 99% of the evidence ever presented by ya'll consists of.

uh... ducy yet?

And the argument isn't, "There's something going on behind the scenes" vs "There's nothing going on behind the scenes ever." That is a false dichotomy, and is immediately recognized by those of us who ever bother to exercise their brains (even if you don't know the proper word for this fallacy, you should recognize the broken logic).

+-Last edit: 02/05/2012 16:04

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 16:03. Posts 2140

2c0ntent   Egypt. May 02 2012 16:05. Posts 1387

lol you fucker you messed up posting my favorite gif ever

but honestly, if you can't take a second to read my posts -- which I believe could be very enlightening to you -- you should absolutely never, ever consider forming or expressing an opinion on the ideas presented in this thread


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 16:11. Posts 688

The Illuminati have people on key positions and work through corporate organizations posing as some world judjes like the World Health Organization or United Nations and so on. You need a few guys in top positions that take decisions. The others just work as they are taught to. You just have to watch a documentary on them. There are so many historical records and evidence that I will need a whole day to tell you the whole thing. Just watch End Game or find some other illuminati documentary and tell me what you think. Otherwise, a discussion is pointless if nothing can be discussed. Did you see my mini-Skull&Bones+Bohemian Grove presentation? Can you comment on each video/claim I made there?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 02/05/2012 16:13

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 16:18. Posts 2140

of course I read your posts, and thats why I posted that gif. why will I bother discuss with someone that will end his posts like you? all caps saying I'm a retard and blablabla. fuck off dude

just by your recent post I can tell with absolut 100% certain that you haven't looked at the stuff posted in this thread, you probably took a glance at some, but I'm sure you didnt see any of the bigger stuff. if you wanna start a well inform discussion where you THINK you can bash people with a opnion that is totally different than yours you should at least know what they are talking about. And I dont even believe most of the theories here, but I took the time to look into it cause I think it is an interesting subject and wanted to have a well informed discussion about it. if you wont bother to do the same wtf are you doing here? get the fuck out, go masturbate to some porn o something.

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 16:20. Posts 2140

hahaha posted that without looking at what d_smart_s had posted just above me

2c0ntent   Egypt. May 02 2012 16:29. Posts 1387

pretty much everything mr smart has posted here has been clearly debunked and shown to be invalid as evidence previously on LP or in this very thread

for instance, I debunked the claim that the mayor of london said that quote about zion, and I debunked the very presence of a spider statue at the 2012 olympic site

and what is the response everytime? another video, another piece of "evidence" is pointed to.

I haven't googled it but there's a 99.999% chance that everything you've posted has been more than sufficiently debunked by someone online, and that would easily be found -- but you never once did a search for any sort of thing like that, did you?

furthermore, my arguments above DID completely annihilate all of the evidence posted here. not every claim needs to be specifically addressed -- its like saying every piece of straw in a haystack taken from a field known not to contain anything but hay needs to be analyzed incase one is made of gold

for god know's what reason, I'm here trying to prevent you from closing your mind to reality, and all I get back are more youtubes. give me a break when I have a little fun at the end of a very coherent, well-thought out post

+-Last edit: 02/05/2012 16:32

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 16:37. Posts 688

I am not gonna reply to people who have not looked at what I've posted and argue about it. That's a one-sided discussion and I am not gonna repeat what is said in a video just because someone doesn't think information can be transmitted on video format and "is probably debunked by someone online". Why should I waste effort in arguing with someone who is not interested in reading the initial thesis? The thread simply has the aim to give compiled information that some may find interesting and important. For the others like you, not reading and not commenting doesn't take more than a second as I already said.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 02/05/2012 16:43

2c0ntent   Egypt. May 02 2012 16:43. Posts 1387

Maybe you've forgotten, but this isn't the first time you've brought this topic up in the forums. Several people have graciously taken their time to evaluate your evidence in these previous encounters, and your strategy has always been to post a different piece of "evidence" instead. Forgive us for choosing when we want to waste our time rehashing the argument -- I've been kind enough to distill it down to the basic components of why you are utterly wrong and you again chose to reply with youtubes.


Mortensen8   Chad. May 02 2012 16:44. Posts 1841

2fag guy your arrogance annoys me and when I see a long post from you I know it will be about how great you are and we can learn from you while you regurgitate the same point 500 times I can be nasty too fucking sheep.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 02/05/2012 16:49

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 16:48. Posts 688

  On May 02 2012 15:43 2c0ntent wrote:
Maybe you've forgotten, but this isn't the first time you've brought this topic up in the forums.

This thread is the first time I share the 2012 London Olympics material. It seems you haven't read anything just as I thought.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

2c0ntent   Egypt. May 02 2012 17:13. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 29/09/2013 08:45

Zep   United States. May 02 2012 17:31. Posts 2292

  On May 02 2012 16:13 2c0ntent wrote:
anyway, I look forward to mentally sparring in the 2012 evolution thread -- although maybe we both already agree that evolution is clearly a lie put forth by those behind the scenes who created it over the last 200 years in an elaborate plan to use it as leverage against our rational minds, and make us lose faith in our natural goodness and morals. see u

Good for you for keeping an open mind. Not everyone has that ability. I'm happy to see at least one person read through the material I posted and isn't among the sheep like the rest of LP.
Here's another video for you to look at:

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 02 2012 17:34. Posts 688

Very much on topic, thanks.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

taco   Iceland. May 02 2012 17:57. Posts 1793

  On May 02 2012 16:13 2c0ntent wrote:
d smart blatantly and consistently disrespects those who spend the time to read the things he posts by not reading their replies or
taking the time to perform some cognitive effort on comprehending said replies

Precisely. fucking. this.

Can anyone remember the name of the thread in which d_smart_s said about a trillion wrong things, regarding physics,
in around 4-6 paragraphs and just ignored me when I corrected him on about 15 of those things?

Zep   United States. May 02 2012 18:05. Posts 2292

  On May 02 2012 16:57 taco wrote:
Show nested quote +

Precisely. fucking. this.

Can anyone remember the name of the thread in which d_smart_s said about a trillion wrong things, regarding physics,
in around 4-6 paragraphs and just ignored me when I corrected him on about 15 of those things?

Pretty sure it was the same thread I got my D_Smart quote from.
I've come to one of two conclusions: DS is either the best troll on the face of the planet or he is the most retarded (literally) person on LP.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

palak   United States. May 02 2012 18:13. Posts 4601

  On May 02 2012 16:57 taco wrote:
Show nested quote +

Precisely. fucking. this.

Can anyone remember the name of the thread in which d_smart_s said about a trillion wrong things, regarding physics,
in around 4-6 paragraphs and just ignored me when I corrected him on about 15 of those things?
You come in at page 13, page 15 is what ur thinking of

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Zep   United States. May 02 2012 18:22. Posts 2292

  On May 02 2012 16:34 D_smart_S wrote:
Very much on topic, thanks.

You're obviously not watching the videos I have posted or you would be coming to the same conclusion I have. Here is another video. This time maybe watch it before you start speaking out against it.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Mariuslol   Norway. May 02 2012 19:23. Posts 4742

I kinda felt I wasn't contributing much to the thread, so I decided to do some research as well. And now I'd like to share some of it with the rest of ya'll.

It's about the...

+ Show Spoiler +

A secret organization comprised of several of the world's most powerful individuals: Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange; Black Bolt, King of the Inhumans; Charles Xavior, founder of the X-men (think they've made that one into a movie, and in it, there's several Illuminati clues, for people who want to go deeper); Reed Richards, founding member of the Fantastic Four (also a Movie, coincidence? I think not); Namor, the Sub-Mariner (Not to be mistaken with a Starcraft Marine, or a "Mariners" as White-ra likes to call them. I digress....), the ruler of Atlantis; and Iron Man, founding members of the Avengers (could this be a cover up? Wasn't Fury the first to try and initiate the Avengers project?
+ Show Spoiler +

As far as we know, these six men (why are they all men, why no women in this? Could the One World Goverment be racist? Is it even called being a racist if you hate on women? Who knows.... I digress even more... Let's move along).

Where was I, yes, these six men have worked together to shape the superhuman world. To keep the trust between the group members, the Illuminati's existence has been kept secret from everyone, including the members' teammates and families.
(What does this mean?)
+ Show Spoiler +

2¤"#¤ shitty spoilers fucked up lol

 Last edit: 03/05/2012 07:49

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 19:30. Posts 2140

just saw while grinding the full 2 hours of the documentary called "endgame" that talks about the secret society that wants to rule the world I gotta say that it all seems like bullshit. yeah, it can be true, but the evidence presented on that specific documentary is far from reliable, just A LOT of speculation.

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 19:33. Posts 2140

since I still have 3 tables running I will hit play in the "Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed". even tough I'm not buying into most of these theories, I enjoy watching them.

Mariuslol   Norway. May 02 2012 19:39. Posts 4742

Yeah, let's have a mindful eye, and keep on with our investigationz Tutz.

jeffv8x_-_16   Belgium. May 02 2012 19:48. Posts 2835

Hey OP would you like to die? Because I see no reason why you would post this otherwise.

how can u shove the river, he cant possibly call with worse -TalentedTom 

Mortensen8   Chad. May 02 2012 20:09. Posts 1841

  On May 02 2012 18:33 tutz wrote:
since I still have 3 tables running I will hit play in the "Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed". even tough I'm not buying into most of these theories, I enjoy watching them.

Play some plo you will believe.

Rear naked woke 

tutz   Brasil. May 02 2012 20:35. Posts 2140

almost 1 hour into the Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed, wtf. extremely mind fuck

mnj   United States. May 02 2012 23:41. Posts 3848

also, illuminati have infiltrated our water supply and feed us mind controlling substances

Silver_nz   New Zealand. May 03 2012 00:01. Posts 5647

  On May 02 2012 22:41 mnj wrote:
also, illuminati have infiltrated our water supply and feed us mind controlling substances

haha perfect

If only D_Farts would watch this, and then think through how his 'evidence' is exactly the same as this. But he won't.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 03 2012 01:35. Posts 688

  On May 02 2012 19:35 tutz wrote:
almost 1 hour into the Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed, wtf. extremely mind fuck

I like how you don't make up your mind after watching several documentaries and being skeptical and still research. That music industry exposed documentary is very mind opening. You can clearly see how many singers sing about them or are their puppets.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 03/05/2012 02:21

austrian oak   Belgium. May 03 2012 04:28. Posts 520

Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you! 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 03 2012 05:02. Posts 688

- US Navy base in California. After many complaints they changed (or are changing right now) the shape of the bases. Of course, it was just a mistake that the architects made involuntarily. As we know architects rarely know the plan of the building and would never notice the shape of the swastika in all the monts of construction of the bases.

RIP Russo

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 03/05/2012 05:43

aseq   Netherlands. May 03 2012 05:28. Posts 894

While I appreciate the effort you put in, D_Smart, and I like reading about this kind of stuff, I also have a problem with it.
All of these conspiracies, videos documents usually stay at one general level: clues. speculation.
I listened to the Rik Clay interview, the guy keeps going on about how there's the number 11 everywhere etc. Then the music videos, with all the signs in it. There seems a lot of this 'evidence', clues that there are secrets going on, but there is no big picture. Has there been any real proof of intentions of these 'evil' guys? Is it just 1 society, are there many splinter groups? Seems that the 'research' is diversifying, if anything.

Also, the sheer number of links that are made by the theorists are easily accounted for when you look at everything that is a 'clue':
- societies, groups, bilderberg, illuminati, skull&bones, nwo, scientology
- numbers 11, 9, 7, 3
- triangles, stars, piramids, pillars, checkerboards
- any reference to any traditional religion
- goats, cats, butterflies
- dolls, puppets, leopard skin, mind control, holograms(lol), celebrity deaths
- crop circles, chemtrails
- chakras, reiki and other vague religions
- ufos, aliens, xenu
- terrorist attacks, government control (laws), locator chips, kony2012, speech-jamming guns, robot parts on humans, unmanned drones

See where i'm going? This doesn't look much like 1 theory, right? There's nothing wrong with questioning everything but so far it's just a big mess of ideas, theories and some clues.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 03 2012 05:50. Posts 688

the amount of evidence and information available is 100 000 times more than what you have just found. So instead of looking at the details and deeper levels of it it's better to first look at the basic concept and proof of the existence of New World Order and the Illuminati. If I had spent the first 5 pages explaining the illuminati and the proof there would be no room for the Olympic 2012 connection. It's just too much information. So i just explained in a few sentences who the illuminati are and connected it to the Olympics. So watch a few documentaries on the illuminati and New world order and then read the thread again and you will understand the significance of it all. That is the reason I told Mortensen not speak about the number 11 and other details - it just brings more confusion in such a deep and complex topic. I haven't watched illuminati documentaries in a long time so I've forgotten which ones are the best but try with this one:

after that research the given facts about Bavaria and the start of the illuminati in the 18th century

after that watch

then read the thread and tell me what you think.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 03/05/2012 05:59

aseq   Netherlands. May 03 2012 06:04. Posts 894

It would also be nice if you didn't act like you have 100 000 times the knowledge that the rest of us have. You probably have read/seen more than any of us, but you talk to the rest like you already have all the answers. I have watched a few documentaries on the illuminati and the NWO. Also, I would like to know what you think constitutes proof. Proof isn't dependent on amounts of information, it's not about being deep and complex. I wonder how one could prove the Illuminati exist in 5 pages, but not in 1 page. Sorry to react so bluntly, but your last post sounds like your part of a secret society of conspiracy theorists.

Edit: I'll watch that first one later, I watched that second one. Some of it is interesting. Some of it made me lol: (Michael Jackson dancing) "Michael is making occult gestures which only occult members understand. He's saying something that has been censored". C'mon.

 Last edit: 03/05/2012 06:16

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 03 2012 06:45. Posts 688

  On May 03 2012 05:04 aseq wrote:
It would also be nice if you didn't act like you have 100 000 times the knowledge that the rest of us have. You probably have read/seen more than any of us, but you talk to the rest like you already have all the answers. I have watched a few documentaries on the illuminati and the NWO. Also, I would like to know what you think constitutes proof. Proof isn't dependent on amounts of information, it's not about being deep and complex. I wonder how one could prove the Illuminati exist in 5 pages, but not in 1 page. Sorry to react so bluntly, but your last post sounds like your part of a secret society of conspiracy theorists.

Edit: I'll watch that first one later, I watched that second one. Some of it is interesting. Some of it made me lol: (Michael Jackson dancing) "Michael is making occult gestures which only occult members understand. He's saying something that has been censored". C'mon.

I don't act like you say I act I am just saying that the amount of information out there (not in me) is so much that is hard to compile. The first post I wrote was HUGE. I risked losing audience and as I can see many/most people replying have not read all of that post so I add in later posts. And I don't like it when someone thinks that because I have posted a video and two pictures about something I think that this is what proves it. I am just presenting information quickly. The most interesting bits and pieces. For the most detailed (and for most uninteresting) proof I have posted documentaries who present information in an interesting way without getting too boring as it would if I had written 5 pages of text. I have put enough information in this thread for someone to get the basic idea - much higher risk of something bad happening in the 2012 Olympics. For more information - find documentaries and research the given facts/speculation and make up your own mind. If someone thinks it's wrong to warn people of a possible disaster than he has to check the doctor immediately.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 03/05/2012 06:49

VanDerMeyde   Norway. May 03 2012 07:19. Posts 5108

Why didnt Empire State building collapse ?


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 03 2012 08:00. Posts 688

  On May 03 2012 06:19 VanDerMeyde wrote:

Why didnt Empire State building collapse ?

Very nice find, I have never heard about that accident. It's like the perfect example of what happens when a plane comes crashing into a building. There was an Amsterdam plane crash into a civil building that is much less strong than the Twin Towers and it was still standing after the crash. But let's not go to 9/11, it's been discussed as much as anything else.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

VanillaDutch   United States. May 03 2012 08:06. Posts 90

i approve of this thread. ignore the trolls d_smart_s.

palak, how much do you think the rothschild family networth is?

SakiSaki    Sweden. May 03 2012 11:17. Posts 9685

  On May 03 2012 04:50 D_smart_S wrote:
the amount of evidence and information available is 100 000 times more than what you have just found. So instead of looking at the details and deeper levels of it it's better to first look at the basic concept and proof of the existence of New World Order and the Illuminati. If I had spent the first 5 pages explaining the illuminati and the proof there would be no room for the Olympic 2012 connection..

In other words, I could provide proof, but i wont and you should just take my word for it.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

smallnoob   Canada. May 03 2012 15:26. Posts 14

Baalim   Mexico. May 03 2012 16:14. Posts 34252

Coincidences in images are no evidence at all, you can see any conspiracy theory backed that way and its useless, its easy to manipulate and holds no value.

The only true evidence you present is the Major mentioning Zion however the source is not valid, its a conspiracy theory site, it isnt in a newspaper or a video, so i call BS.

There is no denying in the existence of secret societies, many arent even that secret and some are even documented in video (bindenberg group) but theres a big gap between knowing they exist than knowing they are that powerful and with that much control, quite frankly i dont think they have that control on the system, they are just gears of a system with very little control.

I dont see a logical reason or evidence that ponts to an attack in 2012 olympics but i guess we will find out who was right very soon.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. May 03 2012 16:15. Posts 34252

btw that illuminati game is sick, more info on it?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 03 2012 16:36. Posts 688

  On May 03 2012 15:14 Baalim wrote:
Coincidences in images are no evidence at all, you can see any conspiracy theory backed that way and its useless, its easy to manipulate and holds no value.

The only true evidence you present is the Major mentioning Zion however the source is not valid, its a conspiracy theory site, it isnt in a newspaper or a video, so i call BS.

There is no denying in the existence of secret societies, many arent even that secret and some are even documented in video (bindenberg group) but theres a big gap between knowing they exist than knowing they are that powerful and with that much control, quite frankly i dont think they have that control on the system, they are just gears of a system with very little control.

I dont see a logical reason or evidence that ponts to an attack in 2012 olympics but i guess we will find out who was right very soon.

It's Bilderberg group, not bindenberg.

About the card game - there was a video where Steve Jackson, the creator explained in court or some other similar setting details about the game. I know that the FBI raided him once but there isn't a whole lot of information on the subject. Youtube has some good compilations of cards and events that have happened or might happen in the future. It's sick how "in your face" they make it and still nobody talks about it.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 02:07. Posts 688

- The Matrix (1999)

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 02:13

Baalim   Mexico. May 04 2012 02:20. Posts 34252

  On May 04 2012 01:07 D_smart_S wrote:
- The Matrix (1999)

I dont think you realize that kind of picture instead of adding to your argument, takes a lot away from it

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 04:14. Posts 688

as I said on several occasions I don't consider this as evidence. It's a clue. That's how the Illuminati play their game. They love subliminals to give a fair chance to people and also to make their game more amusing. There is no evidence before a crime, just clues. Just like their card game. These clues are like puzzle pieces. Individually, they don't mean much but when put together you start seeing the bigger picture.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 04:54

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 05:25. Posts 2292

  On May 04 2012 01:07 D_smart_S wrote:
- The Matrix (1999)

First off, Baal just pointed out how everything you've presented has been 100% speculation. You then post this image. Way to prove his exact point (That's usually a figure of speech, but in this case, you did just prove his EXACT point). Secondly, having just seen this scene...let me just post this picture as it appears in the film: The shot of the passport is less than one-third of a second long and it appears upside down in the shot. That is one hell of a game Illuminati is playing. Making subliminal messages so "in your face" (d_smart's words) you have less than a third of a second to take a screen shot and flip it 180 degrees in order to "see" the connection. Seriously, look for yourself. It's around the 18 - 19 minute mark when Neo is first being interrogated by Agent Smith. But I'll give you this, It does say 9/11/01.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 05:46. Posts 2292

Look if 13k people die in an act of terrorism during the olympics- I'll give credit where credit is due. But you're not evening manning up to the argument you're composing. You're saying this might happen and you're not even willing to bet money that it happens - no matter the odds. At the same time you're saying, I'm just looking out for LPers. Like I said before, who listens to you that has the money to be at the Olympics? (Hint: No one.) If you feel it's worth it to present this argument, do it and then present empirical evidence when asked to do so, or shut the fuck up and leave it at being an opinion based upon speculation.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 05:52. Posts 688

You really don't get the goal of the thread and don't read/understand what I write. Read my last post, I am done replying to people who want me to bet money on people dying and don't understand why I am not doing it or people who can't understand that by saying "these are clues" I don't mean "this is evidence". Seriously, just learn to understand what is written before posting anything, zeppy. It's like I am pointing at a bird and saying "hey that's a bird" and someone replies "it's not a plane, idiot, why do you think it's a plane? Prove it!"

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 06:21

Sanity   United States. May 04 2012 05:52. Posts 1076

  On May 04 2012 01:07 D_smart_S wrote:
- The Matrix (1999)

who needs the rofl thread when i have this thread

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 06:02. Posts 2292

  On May 04 2012 04:52 D_smart_S wrote:
You really don't get the goal of the thread and don't read/understand what I write. Read my last post, I am done replying to people who want me to bet money on people dying and don't understand why I am not doing it or people who can't understand that by saying "these are clues" I mean "this is evidence". Seriously, just learn to understand what is written before posting anything, zeppy. It's like I am pointing at a bird and saying "hey that's a bird" and someone replies "it's not a plane, idiot, why do you think it's a plane? Prove it!"

LOLOLOL speculated symbolical images/subliminal messages are not empirical evidence you fucking moron. Do you really not understand that? Neither is posting 1000 youtube videos. Post REFERENCES. Have you ever been on wikipedia, read a book, or seen palak make an argument? The matrix pic is prime example of what I'm talking about. You say look at this "evidence", when come to find out that "evidence" is completely distorted. You don't even take the time to research what you present as evidence. You see it on youtube and say, it must be true because 10 people fucking said it. That's not how the scientific method works you fucking schizophrenic idiot.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 06:15

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 06:12. Posts 688

  On May 04 2012 05:02 Zep wrote:
Show nested quote +

LOLOLOL symbolical messages are not empirical evidence you fucking moron.You say look at this EVIDENCE

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 06:20

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 06:20. Posts 2292

  On May 04 2012 05:12 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

I love how you quote me out of context and delete the rest of what I said.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 06:24. Posts 688

k whatever. The whole point is I am writing this thread as a compilation of CLUES, not EVIDENCE because many people would be in the games so they might want to take them into consideration cause it's their life. If you have a problem with me warning people of a POSSIBLE danger then go fingerf*** yourself. Should I wait till I get my hands on a document saying "we are the illuminati and we will attack the 2012 Olympics" with Obama's sign and seal or do I share the information and let everyone decide? You act like you are in the kindergarden.

And I am high so I can't be too accurate in my words so no word-police po-lease.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 06:29

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 06:24. Posts 2292

  On May 04 2012 04:52 D_smart_S wrote:
You really don't get the goal of the thread and don't read/understand what I write.

I've literally read every word you've written and I don't buy your argument.

What is your goal of this thread? To prove you're the biggest schizophrenic asshole on this site? Yeah we already know that...

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 06:29. Posts 2292

  On May 04 2012 05:24 D_smart_S wrote:
k whatever. The whole point is I am writing this thread as a compilation of CLUES, not EVIDENCE because many people would be in the games so they might want to take them into consideration cause it's their life. If you have a problem with me warning people of a POSSIBLE danger then go fingerf*** yourself.

I love how you say I don't read anything you write when 8 posts ago in post 198 (not to mention post 12 as well) I clearly state NO ONE WHO IS IN POSSIBLE DANGER OF AN ATTACK LISTENS TO YOU.
You're preaching to a room full of people who are chomping their lips at the opportunity to flame the shit out of you. So please, keep up the disrespect and speculation. Like I stated before, I can't wait til August 13th.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 07:10

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 06:31. Posts 688

okay. Thank you. We agree to disagree. Now please buy a ticket to the Olympics and stop bumping a thread you don't like. When you return from England we will talk again. Cya.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

SakiSaki    Sweden. May 04 2012 06:32. Posts 9685

  On May 04 2012 04:52 D_smart_S wrote:
You really don't get the goal of the thread and don't read/understand what I write. Read my last post, I am done replying to people who want me to bet money on people dying and don't understand why I am not doing it or people who can't understand that by saying "these are clues" I don't mean "this is evidence". Seriously, just learn to understand what is written before posting anything, zeppy. It's like I am pointing at a bird and saying "hey that's a bird" and someone replies "it's not a plane, idiot, why do you think it's a plane? Prove it!"

"Stop asking for evidence and just take my word for that everything i say is true. If you do, all these clues will make perfect sense"

what wackass site is this nigga?  

SakiSaki    Sweden. May 04 2012 06:35. Posts 9685

  On May 04 2012 05:24 D_smart_S wrote:
k whatever. The whole point is I am writing this thread as a compilation of CLUES, not EVIDENCE because many people would be in the games so they might want to take them into consideration cause it's their life.

This is like saying that you had a dream where the olympics was bombed and because of that ppl shouldnt go.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

TheHuHu3   United States. May 04 2012 07:24. Posts 5544

  On May 04 2012 05:02 Zep wrote:
Show nested quote +

LOLOLOL speculated symbolical images/subliminal messages are not empirical evidence you fucking moron. Do you really not understand that? Neither is posting 1000 youtube videos. Post REFERENCES. Have you ever been on wikipedia, read a book, or seen palak make an argument? The matrix pic is prime example of what I'm talking about. You say look at this "evidence", when come to find out that "evidence" is completely distorted. You don't even take the time to research what you present as evidence. You see it on youtube and say, it must be true because 10 people fucking said it. That's not how the scientific method works you fucking schizophrenic idiot.


#1 post.

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 08:01. Posts 688

Clues are clues, it's not evidence as I said 5 times already. When they add up pointing in one direction they gain much more significance. Of course, one shouldn't expect certain individuals with doubtful inteligence to understand this logically. It's the same as reading Zep's posts. There are clues he is retarded but I can't really go to court with it presenting it as evidence. Now, it might seem that not commenting on a thread that you dislike takes less than a second but when you have nothing else to do you continue for 11 pages. Right, Zep? And how dare I give information to people that might (or might not) warn them of upcoming danger. That's not what responsible individuals like Zeppy do. It's much better to spend your days trolling online, just to feel better about yourself.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 08:11

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 08:05. Posts 2292

  On May 03 2012 15:36 D_smart_S wrote:
About the card game - there was a video where Steve Jackson, the creator explained in court or some other similar setting details about the game. I know that the FBI raided him once but there isn't a whole lot of information on the subject.

I got to tell you guys, it took me all night to google "illuminati card game", click the wikipedia link, click steve jackson and finally click the court case.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 08:06

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 08:08. Posts 2292

  On May 04 2012 07:01 D_smart_S wrote:
Clues are clues, it's not evidence as I said 5 times already. When they add up pointing in one direction they gain much more significance. Of course, one shouldn't expect certain individuals with doubtful inteligence to understand this logically. It's the same as reading Zep's posts. There are clues he is retarded but I can't really go to court with it.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 08:15. Posts 2292

  On May 04 2012 07:01 D_smart_S wrote:
Clues are clues, it's not evidence as I said 5 times already...

Actually you originally posted in post 199 that clues are evidence. You can read it in post 201. You changed it 30 mins after you originally wrote it to clues are not evidence, which gave post 199 an entirely different meaning. Reminds me of when palak informed you that the book 1984 was first published in 1949 and you simply changed the date- As if your argument didn't lose any credibility, even though that significantly changed the point.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 08:25

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 08:20. Posts 688

I always edit my posts later because when I am high I make mistakes and I forget to edit if I am high lol. The bird-plane example I gave in that post was what I really meant with clues and evidence. Whatever. I had previously stated my stand in several posts that these are clues, some stronger than others. Is that the end of the mini "clues-evidence" discussion. I think everything has been said about that so we can move on. Agree?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 08:31

taco   Iceland. May 04 2012 08:33. Posts 1793

+ Show Spoiler +

It should come as no surprise to anyone that D_smart_S is high, as, a, fucking, kite, when he writes all of this nonsense.

Which sort of explains it, I suppose.

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 08:36. Posts 2292

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 09:41

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 09:05. Posts 2292

  On May 03 2012 04:02 D_smart_S wrote:

- US Navy base in California. After many complaints they changed (or are changing right now) the shape of the bases. Of course, it was just a mistake that the architects made involuntarily. As we know architects rarely know the plan of the building and would never notice the shape of the swastika in all the monts of construction of the bases.

I know you don't believe ANYTHING the mainstream media has to say, but for the rest of us, there is at least another possibility besides the "it's Illuminati" story.
NY Times on swastika looking barracks

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 09:12

palak   United States. May 04 2012 09:06. Posts 4601

  On May 03 2012 06:19 VanDerMeyde wrote:

Why didnt Empire State building collapse ?

But just in case.
B-25 specs: 15.55m x 4.98m w/ wingspan 20.59m, max takeoff weight 15876kg, cruise speed of 230
767-200ER specs: 48.5m x 4.7m w/ wingspan 47.6m, max takeoff weight 179170kg, speed at impact 465mph (well below cruise speed) and speed at impact wiki American airlines flight 11.
Impacts r not near the same.

  On May 03 2012 07:00 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

It's like the perfect example of what happens when a plane comes crashing into a building. There was an Amsterdam plane crash into a civil building that is much less strong than the Twin Towers and it was still standing after the crash. But let's not go to 9/11, it's been discussed as much as anything else.

Two crashes are not comparable just because a plane hit a building. By your logic I could say, my apartment survived the eastern US earthquake from last year therefore all buildings should survive all earthquakes meaning Haiti having collpased buildings in the 2010 quake is a conspiracy.

  On May 03 2012 07:06 VanillaDutch wrote:
i approve of this thread. ignore the trolls d_smart_s.

palak, how much do you think the rothschild family networth is?

Few billion. Forbes put them at $1.5 bil in 2002
Many conspiracy theorists have a habit of claiming their networth, along with the Rockerfellas, at higher than all the money in the world combined.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

nlwolf   United Kingdom. May 04 2012 09:43. Posts 308

  On May 04 2012 03:14 D_smart_S wrote:
That's how the Illuminati play their game. They love subliminals to give a fair chance to people and also to make their game more amusing. There is no evidence before a crime, just clues. Just like their card game. These clues are like puzzle pieces. Individually, they don't mean much but when put together you start seeing the bigger picture.

Please provide citations from scientific literature supporting this claim.

Also, could you pelase explain how putting these clues is conductive towards Illuminati goal?
It seems to me that leaving such clues decreases the chance of their schemes succeeding.

Chinese School of PokerLast edit: 04/05/2012 09:50

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 04 2012 10:10. Posts 688

  On May 04 2012 08:43 nlwolf wrote:
Show nested quote +

Please provide citations from scientific literature supporting this claim.

Also, could you pelase explain how putting these clues is conductive towards Illuminati goal?
It seems to me that leaving such clues decreases the chance of their schemes succeeding.

Scientific literature on secret societies? Science doesn't deal with secret societies. Also, there aren't biological studies or nuclear studies on the Illuminati.

Read my posts up to 4th page and you will understand how creating a major crisis and proposing the needed solution can make them rule the whole world. In 2 words - major crisis strikes, everyone wants food, shelter, peace. They come and say - hey let's unite under One World Government and there will be no more wars and crisis. Boom, we unite, they rule everyone. For more detailed explanation - pages 1-4.

And about the decreased chance of success. As this thread clearly shows, most people don't wake up even when hit with a hammer. It's human psychology. They have it all figured out. They have the media and the information flow and people brainwashed beyond belief so they know that no matter how obvious, people just refuse to believe in a HUGE conspiracy. As Hitler said - Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. Hitler was the guy who put his government building (the equivalent to the White House) on fire and blamed it on whoever he wanted to attack. Any resemblance to 9/11? What has worked in the past will always work. There has NEVER been a dictator who didn't have the initial support of his people. NEVER. People are the same everywhere so they use the same old trick every time. They have perfected the science of mind control. Cognitive Dissonance is one of their biggest weapons. People don't want to admit they are wrong or are being lied to on a big scale cause that would mean they are wrong/stupid so they prefer lying to themselves that everything is as they had previously thought. It's a big subject but very interesting.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/05/2012 10:21

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 10:38. Posts 2292

Not trusting the gov't and believing everyone but you is being manipulated by the gov't are two completely separate issues...

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 11:02

VanillaDutch   United States. May 04 2012 12:24. Posts 90

  On May 04 2012 08:06 palak wrote:

Few billion. Forbes put them at $1.5 bil in 2002
Many conspiracy theorists have a habit of claiming their networth, along with the Rockerfellas, at higher than all the money in the world combined.

a few billion, loool. they were worth more than that in the 1800s.

you should go find the current value of all the art they've donated since the turn of the 20th century. (hint: its more than you think their networth is)

palak   United States. May 04 2012 12:31. Posts 4601

  As Hitler said - Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. Hitler was the guy who put his government building (the equivalent to the White House) on fire and blamed it on whoever he wanted to attack.

Reichstag American equivilant would be the US capital building. The fire is still debated. Most historians think Van der Lubbe acted alone, some say the Nazis planned it. Evidence is scarce and hurt by the fact that the Nazis blamed the communists and the key evidence implicating the Nazis was held in moscow until 1990 so it could easily have been tampered or altered.

  According to Ian Kershaw, writing in 1998, the consensus of nearly all historians is that Van der Lubbe did, in fact, set the Reichstag fire.[12] Although Van der Lubbe was certainly an arsonist, and clearly played a role, there has been considerable popular and scientific debate over whether he acted alone. The case is still actively discussed.
New work by two German authors, Bahar and Kugel, has revived the theory that the Nazis were behind the fire. It uses Gestapo archives held in Moscow and only available to researchers since 1990. They argue that the fire was almost certainly started by the Nazis, based on the wealth of circumstantial evidence provided by the archival material. They say that a commando group of at least three and at most ten SA men led by Hans Georg Gewehr set the fire using self-lighting incendiaries and that van der Lubbe was brought to the scene later.[20] Der Spiegel published a 10-page response to the book, arguing that the thesis that van der Lubbe acted alone remains the most likely explanation.[21]

Also Goebbels was the one who said the "repeat a lie and becomes truth" thing, not Hitler

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

palak   United States. May 04 2012 12:39. Posts 4601

  On May 04 2012 11:24 VanillaDutch wrote:
Show nested quote +

a few billion, loool. they were worth more than that in the 1800s.

you should go find the current value of all the art they've donated since the turn of the 20th century. (hint: its more than you think their networth is)

1. You do realize money doesnt stay forever right? Madoffs family used to be worth billiona, now they r worth nearly nothing.
2. Post links to ur claims or stfu

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Mortensen8   Chad. May 04 2012 12:53. Posts 1841

Small excerpt from Zeitgeitst: moving forward highly recommended. It would perhaps be best to create a new thread for this but whatever. Just wanted to post it for the George Carlin quote at the end.

Rear naked woke 

VanillaDutch   United States. May 04 2012 14:30. Posts 90

  On May 04 2012 11:39 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

1. You do realize money doesnt stay forever right? Madoffs family used to be worth billiona, now they r worth nearly nothing.
2. Post links to ur claims or stfu

1. Bringing the madoffs into the conversation. A family that was involved in a ponzi scheme demise somehow has relevance to a banking dynasty's net worth. You are actually trying to say the Rothschild, who had a fortune of over half the world's net worth in the mid 1800s built from international banking, would have lost it?

2. public museums don't go around putting estimates on how much collections they have are worth. look into it. i also contend any art collection donated anonymously that is worth over 8 figures was donated by them. people don't go around donating small fortunes anonymously, but i know you won't agree with that conclusion.

how is it ridiculous for them to have more money than everyone else combined? they did in the mid 1800s while investing in highly profitable industries with their fortune.

FarmMylife   Canada. May 04 2012 16:16. Posts 111

  On May 04 2012 11:24 VanillaDutch wrote:
Show nested quote +

a few billion, loool. they were worth more than that in the 1800s.

you should go find the current value of all the art they've donated since the turn of the 20th century. (hint: its more than you think their networth is)

I am gonna trust Forbes on that one on the Rothschild individual networth, but if you look at the companies that they are involved with ( Rothschild Continuation Holdings, Concordia BV, Paris Orléans S.A. Rothschild Concordia SAS, etc) it most likely around what the conspiracy theorists are thinking, and why they claim they are worth trillions and trillions of dollars

Here are a couple links to financial evaluations of some of those company's however keep in mind they do not own the entire company

palak   United States. May 04 2012 16:17. Posts 4601

1. Morgans, Hancocks, Khans, Crassus's, Ceasers, etc.
No sources given for net worth claim.
2. No sources, speculation, no sources.

Any primary sources would be nice. But since you dont have any your accusations and revisionist history read like a boring Dan Brown ripoff.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

palak   United States. May 04 2012 17:36. Posts 4601

  On May 04 2012 15:16 FarmMylife wrote:
Show nested quote +

I am gonna trust Forbes on that one on the Rothschild individual networth, but if you look at the companies that they are involved with ( Rothschild Continuation Holdings, Concordia BV, Paris Orléans S.A. Rothschild Concordia SAS, etc) it most likely around what the conspiracy theorists are thinking, and why they claim they are worth trillions and trillions of dollars

Here are a couple links to financial evaluations of some of those company's however keep in mind they do not own the entire company

Interesting but still no where near what they claim. Paris Orleans net assets is 7.8 billion euro ( ). Banque privee de rothschild is part of the Edmond de Rothschild Group so which manages 100bil euro as of 2008 ( ).
Neither bank cracks even the top 20 private banks.

Rank Bank AUM ($bn)
1. Bank of America Merrill Lynch $1,944.74
2. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney $1,628.00
3. UBS $1,559.90
4. Wells Fargo $1,398.00
5. Credit Suisse $865.06
6. Royal Bank of Canada $435.15
7. HSBC $390.00
8 . Deutsche Bank $368.55
9 . BNP Paribas $340.41
10. JP Morgan Chase $284.00
11. Pictet $267.66
12 . Goldman Sachs $229.00
13 . ABN AMRO $220.06
14 . Barclays $185.91
15 . Julius Bär $181.68
16. Crédit Agricole $171.81
17 . Bank of New York Mellon $166.00
18 . Northern Trust $154.40
19 . Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch $153.10
20 . Citigroup $140.70

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 04/05/2012 17:39

FarmMylife   Canada. May 04 2012 18:06. Posts 111

  On May 04 2012 16:36 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

Interesting but still no where near what they claim. Paris Orleans net assets is 7.8 billion euro ( ). Banque privee de rothschild is part of the Edmond de Rothschild Group so which manages 100bil euro as of 2008 ( ).
Neither bank cracks even the top 20 private banks.

Rank Bank AUM ($bn)
1. Bank of America Merrill Lynch $1,944.74
2. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney $1,628.00
3. UBS $1,559.90
4. Wells Fargo $1,398.00
5. Credit Suisse $865.06
6. Royal Bank of Canada $435.15
7. HSBC $390.00
8 . Deutsche Bank $368.55
9 . BNP Paribas $340.41
10. JP Morgan Chase $284.00
11. Pictet $267.66
12 . Goldman Sachs $229.00
13 . ABN AMRO $220.06
14 . Barclays $185.91
15 . Julius Bär $181.68
16. Crédit Agricole $171.81
17 . Bank of New York Mellon $166.00
18 . Northern Trust $154.40
19 . Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch $153.10
20 . Citigroup $140.70

I totally agree with you. The problem is though is that ppl see all the large multinational companies that the Rothschilds are involved with and then just jump to wild conclusions to they are some secret group with evil plans for wold domination. I think the problem with most "conspiracy theories" is that they connect dots to completely random unrelated events, but they make for a good ROLF every now and then.

for all you that think the conspiracy is real take a look at David Icke ( ) the are actually conspiracy theories about the conspiracy theorist being part of the conspiracy.

palak   United States. May 04 2012 18:16. Posts 4601

^ reminds me of

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 18:23. Posts 2292

4 things:
1. <3 Palak.
2. Going back and reading what OP is saying, he is speculating clues as evidence and then denying doing such a thing. lol. His argument is pretty much: I've found so many "clues" it has to be evidence.
3. OP: If you want to make a solid point and convince people of your argument, learn to back up your claims with legitimate sources. Youtube is not a legitimate source. lol.
4. "They have perfected the science of mind control. Cognitive Dissonance is one of their biggest weapons." Statements like this one really push the idea that you have a mental disorder. Please seek help. That probably sounds like a troll, but I sincerely mean it. You probably need a mental health professional to work with you.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 04/05/2012 18:30

taco   Iceland. May 04 2012 18:34. Posts 1793

  On May 04 2012 13:30 VanillaDutch wrote:
1. Bringing the madoffs into the conversation. A family that was involved in a ponzi scheme demise somehow has relevance to a banking dynasty's net worth. You are actually trying to say the Rothschild, who had a fortune of over half the world's net worth in the mid 1800s built from international banking, would have lost it?

People like you are the reason you sometimes read the words "You have no understanding of how the world's monetary system works".

Do you think "money" is some finite thing that they had half of and could have just kept?

Do you realize how much wealth, how much currency and how much property has come into being since the mid 1800s?
Tens if not hundreds, if not thousands of times more than even existed in the 1800s.

  On May 04 2012 13:30 VanillaDutch wrote:
public museums don't go around putting estimates on how much collections they have are worth. look into it. i also contend any art collection donated anonymously that is worth over 8 figures was donated by them. people don't go around donating small fortunes anonymously, but i know you won't agree with that conclusion.

Worth over 8 figures = equal to or greater than 'small fortune'
People don't go around donating small fortunes anonymously
You allege they donated all of those small fortunes anonymously
Ergo -> They are not people? Wut?

And of course people donate small fortunes, they do all the time. Just all. the. time.

Precisely how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spout such utter nonsense?

 Last edit: 04/05/2012 18:35

tutz   Brasil. May 04 2012 19:58. Posts 2140

2 interesting things I found recently, wanna add to the list of posible clues:

1. Youtube posible censorship

Print above is from this video: + Show Spoiler +


Print above is from this video: + Show Spoiler +

2. BBC UK moved from London do Salford. Why?

-With the Olympics coming and London obviously being the center of the British "action" why would they do that?
-This is gonna cost the a LOT of money, posible hundreds of milions pounds.
-BBC UK is owned by The English Crown
-The Queen has been largely accused by the conspiracy theorists of being part of the Illuminati (just saying)
-More than a year befor the London bombings in 2005, the BBC's Panorama programme featured a mock exercise wich imagined terrorists bombing three underground trains and a road vehicle. The actual London bombings one year later, also happened to involve three underground trains and one road vehicle. You can see this @ 1:50 in this video + Show Spoiler +

-In August 2008, the BBC broadcasted a series of programmes called Spooks: Code 9, which envisaged a nuclear arrack on the London Olympic Stadium in 2012. You can see this @ 2:41 in this video + Show Spoiler +

 Last edit: 04/05/2012 20:06

VanillaDutch   United States. May 04 2012 20:22. Posts 90

  On May 04 2012 17:06 FarmMylife wrote:
Show nested quote +

I totally agree with you. The problem is though is that ppl see all the large multinational companies that the Rothschilds are involved with and then just jump to wild conclusions to they are some secret group with evil plans for wold domination.

nobody is saying that. Rothschild quote, '‘Let us control the money of a country and we care not who makes its laws.’'

I hope the "etc..." of the post listing their companies takes into count the companies of the families their daughters have married into.

re: forbes being an accurate source. Definitely not. any media publication will be biased/outright lie about them. check out what happened when Amschel Mayor James Rothschild died (murdered ) Was reported as a heart attack death by natural causes.. When he was "hanged" (strangled), Yeah the media is not one to trust for information on the Rothschild.

  On May 04 2012 17:34 taco wrote:
Show nested quote +

People like you are the reason you sometimes read the words "You have no understanding of how the world's monetary system works".

Do you think "money" is some finite thing that they had half of and could have just kept?

Do you realize how much wealth, how much currency and how much property has come into being since the mid 1800s?
Tens if not hundreds, if not thousands of times more than even existed in the 1800s.

Lol, yeah the reason i bring up there is no way they could have gone broke because of international banking is because i don't understand how the world's monetary system works. zzzz

No idea what you are saying in the 2nd part of your post.


the estimate on their net worth in 1850 source is Fredick Morton's book, The Rothschild . He made that estimate after he was given access to their family history to write that book. also you think the idea that the Rothchild own all the central banks except for Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran is nonsense, right? so umm, who do you think owns the central banks? who owns the federal reserve?

fun link about the Rothschild

palak   United States. May 04 2012 20:41. Posts 4601 irrrelevant, unless you are really going to say google is in on whatever conspiracy u think is occuring.

1 BBC UK does not exist, it's BBC.
  As part of a major reorganisation of BBC property, the entire BBC News operation is expected to relocate from the News Centre at BBC Television Centre to the refurbished Broadcasting House to create what is being described as "one of the world's largest live broadcast centres".[54] Following completion Broadcasting House will also be home to most of the BBC's national radio stations, and the BBC World Service. The major part of this plan involves the demolition of the two post-war extensions to the building and construction of an extension[55] designed by Sir Richard MacCormac of MJP Architects. This move will concentrate the BBC's London operations, allowing them to sell Television Centre, which is expected to be completed by 2015.[56]

In addition to the scheme above, the BBC is in the process of making and producing more programmes outside of London. This involves producing more programmes at production centres such as Belfast, Glasgow and, most notably, Manchester. As part of the scheme, BBC North West is moving from New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road, to MediaCityUK in Salford. Joining them are the BBC Sports, BBC Children's, Radio 5 Live, BBC Breakfast and BBC Philharmonic departments and services from London. MediaCityUK will therefore become the biggest staffing operation outside London.[57][58] the largest headquarters is still in london, only part moved to salford.

3. The move was planned pre or in 2003
  In 2003 reports emerged that, as part of the plans for the renewal of its Royal Charter, the BBC was considering moving whole channels or strands of production from London to Manchester.[7] Early discussions involved a plan where the BBC would move to a new media village proposed by Granada Television at its Bonded Warehouse site at Granada Studios in the city.[8][9]

4 London was not awarded the Olympics until

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Zep   United States. May 04 2012 20:55. Posts 2292

Every piece of speculation is presented as 100% evidence with 0 detail and no sources on how the conclusions were reached.
Secondly, I love how everybody who believes in this shit is 100% certain a bombing will happen...unless they get the "truth" out...Then they are heroes for stopping it. The fundamental flaw in that argument is even if these warning posts/forums/videos reach 100 million people, that's only 1.4% of the world's population- and yet they 100% believe that their message is so strong that it will have stopped Illuminati from controlling 7 billion people.

This is the most irrational debate I've ever seen on LP.

But like I've said 3 times, let's wait til the olympics- if there is a dirty bombing, I will give some credit to OP and believe Illuminati is probably the one behind it.
But when the olympic games conclude without a dirty bombing, I'm going to flame OP until he decides to never post on LP again. I already have a dozen ideas for memes and I still have 3 more months to come up with more.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 05/05/2012 04:08

taco   Iceland. May 04 2012 21:09. Posts 1793

tutz, that's happened to a friend of mine who hosts CoD clips.
(It apparently happens when YouTube has problems with its hard drives)

Let's ask D_smart_S when he's high as a kite and find out.

palak   United States. May 04 2012 21:46. Posts 4601

  the estimate on their net worth in 1850 source is Fredick Morton's book, The Rothschild . [

And of fucking god damn course that quote isn't actually in the fuckin book. ad;lkad;lk
the book says

  The total wealth encompassed by the clan during most of the nineteenth century has been estimated at
well over 400 million pounds (6,000 million dollars). page 56
Wonderful people say it's estimated and reference a guy who says "it has been estimated". Who the fuck was the original estimator and how.

Your source of rense doesn't give sources itself, just references. Things like "The Rothschild interests did succeed, through their agent Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase," need to be sourced because that's a bullshit claim that needs evidence.
Further that source isn't the original place but links to which says "This article was first published in the February 1995 edition of Personal Update, and began the following paragraph which has been moved below:
The Bible predicts a world government emerging as part of the "End Times Scenario." Many of our Briefing Packages deal with this issue.1 In order to develop a perspective of America's apparent prophetic destiny, we need to deal with some of these issues directly.Furthermore, the Bible instructs us not to be ignorant of Satan's devices.2 Paul warns us that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places."3 It is for a better understanding of these forces that we will explore some of the bizarre events of our nation's history.
those ppl r crazy. The person also only really gives 2 sources, Kill Zone by Craig Roberts and his source #4 which is 3 random books citing one paragraph.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 04/05/2012 21:50

2c0ntent   Egypt. May 04 2012 22:14. Posts 1387

looooool palak taking over the reigns, will the approach of presenting direct counter evidence work better? stay tuned to 2012 london olympics


palak   United States. May 04 2012 22:25. Posts 4601

  '‘Let us control the money of a country and we care not who makes its laws.’'

This pisses me off too. That quote has no primary source.

  Attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 - 1812). No primary source for this is known and the earliest attribution to him known is in Money Creators (1935) by Gertrude M. Coogan. Before that, "Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws" was said to be a "maxim" of the House of Rothschilds, or, even more vaguely, of the "money lenders of the Old World". This is a play on an English proverb, Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.
The earliest evidence for this man saying that quote is a source from over 100 years after he died?

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 04/05/2012 22:27

nerdonpoker   . May 05 2012 00:57. Posts 414

Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley is a 1200 page book explaining how the rich elite ( rockefellers, rothschilds, warburgs ) are planning for one world government. Should check it out,or stfu.

uiCk   Canada. May 05 2012 02:08. Posts 3521

good idea, mods should close thread until we all finish reading a 1200 page book, and have a civil discussion about about the elite and world control.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

smallnoob   Canada. May 05 2012 11:22. Posts 14

They are attacking our freedom. This is a war on sadness! How can people in london be so sad? We must now attack them.


D_smart : man why do you think its always rainy in london? RAIN MAN ANYONE? Let's analyse singing in the rain shall we? Please don't be sheeple.

MAn wtf im so high

VanillaDutch   United States. May 07 2012 15:00. Posts 90

  On May 04 2012 20:46 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

And of fucking god damn course that quote isn't actually in the fuckin book. ad;lkad;lk
the book says

  The total wealth encompassed by the clan during most of the nineteenth century has been estimated at
well over 400 million pounds (6,000 million dollars). page 56
Wonderful people say it's estimated and reference a guy who says "it has been estimated". Who the fuck was the original estimator and how.

not sure what quote you were looking for. im assuming you thought i was quoting someone when i said they had half the worlds worth in 1850. Morton's book is the source of the claim they had a net worth of 6 billion in 1850, which if true would have been higher than the rest of the world combined. that figure is what is used for the basis of why they must have so much money now. 6 billion invested at a ok return rate = 500 trillion+ today.

why does the book say 400 million pounds and 6,000 million dollars? the xchange rate in 1850 for pounds to dollars was 1:.20 so i'm confused.

these quotes by presidents about the bankers. just who are they talking about?

  I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.

  You are a den of vipers! I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution by morning.

  I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

  The real truth of the matter is,as you and I know, that a financial
element in the large centers has owned the government ever since
the days of Andrew Jackson

quotes by, Jefferson, Jackson, Wilson, and Roosevelt

who owns the fed?

Zep   United States. May 07 2012 16:08. Posts 2292

  On May 07 2012 14:00 VanillaDutch wrote:
Show nested quote +

6 billion invested at a ok return rate = 500 trillion+ today.


Mr. Dutch, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

taco   Iceland. May 07 2012 16:14. Posts 1793

  On May 07 2012 14:00 VanillaDutch wrote:
not sure what quote you were looking for. im assuming you thought i was quoting someone when i said they had half the worlds worth in 1850. Morton's book is the source of the claim they had a net worth of 6 billion in 1850, which if true would have been higher than the rest of the world combined. that figure is what is used for the basis of why they must have so much money now. 6 billion invested at a ok return rate = 500 trillion+ today.

I know right, because having 6 billion in 1850 absolutely guarantees that you will be able to have a 7,245% interest rate for all of those 162 years.

You'd only need to find 6 billion dollars worth of 2006-2012 Google's results consistently throughout about 4-6 entire generations
and never lose any of it, easy game if you simply inherit that second name right?

palak   United States. May 07 2012 18:17. Posts 4601

  Morton's book is the source of the cllaim they had a net worth of 6 billion in 1850,

THIS CLAIM IS NOT IN THE FUCKING BOOK!! READ THE FUCKING THING FOR YOURSELF I GAVE YOU A LINK TO IT FOR FUCKS SAKE! On top of that the claim that is in the book which is what I quoted is him saying "it has been estimated" he didn't even make the estimate, he's claiming someone else did and doesn't give a source as to who did or how they came up with it.

TJ quote: + Show Spoiler +

AJ quote:+ Show Spoiler +

WW quote:+ Show Spoiler +

FDR quote: + Show Spoiler +

And now I'm done responding to you.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 07/05/2012 18:18

VanillaDutch   United States. May 07 2012 19:07. Posts 90

  On May 07 2012 17:17 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

THIS CLAIM IS NOT IN THE FUCKING BOOK!! READ THE FUCKING THING FOR YOURSELF I GAVE YOU A LINK TO IT FOR FUCKS SAKE! On top of that the claim that is in the book which is what I quoted is him saying "it has been estimated" he didn't even make the estimate, he's claiming someone else did and doesn't give a source as to who did or how they came up with it.

And now I'm done responding to you.

uh oh, caps lock engaged. if i get more time i may or may not read the book (i'd read Tragedy & Hope first) . i only responded more bc you quoted forbes for their net worth. its cool, keep trusting forbes as a reliable source on their net worth.

 Last edit: 07/05/2012 19:14

Zep   United States. May 07 2012 21:35. Posts 2292

Pretty sure I trust Forbes more than some tool who trusts made up quotes and has 0 understanding of economics

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

nerdonpoker   . May 08 2012 03:15. Posts 414

Having a countries currency concentrated into private hands = bad.

Is this quote time?

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups." - Carroll Quigley

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

President Woodrow Wilson

"The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established." - Carroll Quigley

THE CFR was funded by J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg

 Last edit: 08/05/2012 03:34

palak   United States. May 08 2012 07:04. Posts 4601

As I already said that Woodrow Wilson quote you listed is fake, he never said it, ever. Find me the primary source of it if you want to prove me wrong.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

nerdonpoker   . May 08 2012 08:02. Posts 414

Find me the primary source that says its fake? Even if it happens to be "fake" every sentence in the line is FACT. So who said it or didnt say it then really becomes irrelevant. It still explains how fucked we are. We can both agree on that can't we?

Edit: Pretty sad i actually tried to prove he said this but looks like he said something along the lines of it in one of his books. (didnt read nor would i)

"The quote is mostly words Wilson actually wrote, with the first two sentences of it apparently being incorrect and the rest taken from Wilson's The New Freedom. Below is what one can actually derive from connecting together two passages from The New Freedom:
A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men ... [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men."

 Last edit: 08/05/2012 08:07

palak   United States. May 08 2012 08:48. Posts 4601

^u never read my post. The quote you just gave, as I already linked to, is from 1911 during his presidential campaign. As such they have nothing to do with his views in the FED. And yes it doeds matter where quotes come from and if they are sourced because otherwise you are backing up ur arguements with false evidence. Its like creationists claiming that Darwin said evolution was fake on his deathbed (see Lady Hope Story). It is a complete falsehood yet the use of it is repeated over and over and gives weight to therr creationist arguements to the uninformed person.
U dont find it at all bothersome that when u try to research a quote stated repeatedly in conspiracy theory forums and documentaries u discover that its fake? Its like creationists just going "o well it doesnt matter what he actually said since evolution is fake anyway". If it doesnt matter in the first place then quit using the fucking quote. Since it does matter, any site or person claiming to have done research on the topic yet uses a blatently fictional quote obviously did not actually do serious research on it and are just parroting lies they have been told.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 08/05/2012 08:50

dnagardi   Hungary. May 08 2012 09:12. Posts 1776

wow this thread
became alive without d_smart posting in it
wp guys

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 10:21. Posts 688

I think we should get some money and buy palak a dildo with all the famous quotes and original sources. This guy is the fucking quote police. Not only does he think every quote is fake. The guy thinks that HIS sources show the correct person to have said the quote. Just because, well, Palaquotepolice found it. Wikipedia is a site where everyone can add information and then some GOD guy comes and edits it. WOWOWOWOW omg palak, I can't think of a better source than such a website. You fucking moron. And that Hitler quote about the lie I said several pages ago is exactly his quote. This quote is so famous you can shove it up your ass and ask paparazzi to take pictures. The guy you said actually said something similar about lies but I am gonna write it down on that dildo and send it to you so you can have some great time shoving it up your smart ass. "omg omg omg I am the quote-police it's so cool and important to know who exactly said something. It totally changes the meaning and by correcting someone I am DEBATING HIS ARGUMENT. Im gonna shove that dildo once more." - quote by Palak, year 2012 while playing "Quote Shoving" at home with Zep and tacobell.


Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 08/05/2012 10:28

taco   Iceland. May 08 2012 10:32. Posts 1793

"I am the most fucking retarded in the history of retards. I should not have smoked pot nor gotten high, ever, as I am a schizophrenic,
and pot has been linked to increased rates of development of users' underlying mental diseases." - D_smart_S.

Oh you never said that and don't want it spread around? Let me buy you a dildo.
-D_smart_S logic.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 10:56. Posts 688

thank you for bumping the thread with your original post, taco. I love people who hate a thread and keep posting in it and bumping it after 13 pages. What a spirit!

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 08/05/2012 10:57

lebowski   Greece. May 08 2012 11:02. Posts 9205

d smart maybe you wouldn't have quote police up your ass if you bothered to be precise (cornerstone of intellectual honesty)
I mean, you even said the "1984" book was published in 1984, the dildo comments only show that you are too emotionally involved to have a good debate, if you ever wanted or tried to have one

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

taco   Iceland. May 08 2012 11:14. Posts 1793

  On May 08 2012 09:56 D_smart_S wrote:
thank you for bumping the thread with your original post, taco. I love people who hate a thread and keep posting in it and bumping it after 13 pages. What a spirit!

Well I'm sure you've known my middle name is Effort ever since you saw this picture of mine for the 7th time.
This is 8th, IIRC?

devon06atX   Canada. May 08 2012 11:24. Posts 5458

  On May 08 2012 07:02 nerdonpoker wrote:
Find me the primary source that says its fake? Even if it happens to be "fake" every sentence in the line is FACT.

haven't kept up with this thread at all, but this is LOL

thanks for the chuckle man

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 11:27. Posts 688

  On May 08 2012 10:02 lebowski wrote:
d smart maybe you wouldn't have quote police up your ass if you bothered to be precise (cornerstone of intellectual honesty)
I mean, you even said the "1984" book was published in 1984, the dildo comments only show that you are too emotionally involved to have a good debate, if you ever wanted or tried to have one

I even made a mistake about the published year? Fuck me, where's the rope? I actually thanked palak for correcting me. It was a good correction, the only one so far but he deserved it. But fuck me, I'm gonna hang myself for that mistake like a japanese guy.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

palak   United States. May 08 2012 12:13. Posts 4601

So in an ironic note. What you said originally was
   As Hitler said - Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.

to which i said at the end of another post
  Also Goebbels was the one who said the "repeat a lie and becomes truth" thing, not Hitler

no source or proof, just thrown in statement. I said it because i took ur hitler line to be referring to the quote "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." or "a lie repeated often becomes truth" as seen here 
which is often attributed to Goebbles. But upon further research it has no source.

Hitlers idea of a Big lie was just that big lies are easier to believe than small ones. He said nothing of repeating a lie to make it true but did say propoganda needs repition which could be constrewed to be the same.

Goebbles wrote a quote accusing the English of a big lie and sticking to it. 

  The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

As for the "lie becomes truth" part of the quote. There is no source I can find as of now to reliably link that to anyone, it is often said to be Lenin but theres no primary source. The only primary source relating to it is from a US report describing Hitler
  His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.[7]

Tl;dr- I wrongly attributed a quote to somone b/c i didnt fully research it. But didnt use the misattributed quote as part of an argument, just an off the cuff correction of a statement which turned out to be incorrect. The quote in question turns out to not have a primary source of the Nazis. The closest it gets is a quote of the US gov't describing Hitler during WW2...we were both wrong.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

lebowski   Greece. May 08 2012 12:45. Posts 9205

  On May 08 2012 10:27 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

I even made a mistake about the published year? Fuck me, where's the rope? I actually thanked palak for correcting me. It was a good correction, the only one so far but he deserved it. But fuck me, I'm gonna hang myself for that mistake like a japanese guy.

You said the world was blessed in 1984 by the book "1984", which makes pretty evident that you don't realize the book is talking about a future dystopia (aka haven't read it); the word "blessed" suddenly becomes hilarious. You surely agree that such an opener would certainly be most discouraging for anyone trying to read the rest of what you write with an open mind

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 12:56. Posts 688

Dude, lol. Are you serious? A mistaken year and suddenly everything I have said has no meaning because of a mistaken year. Smoke some weed and chill out. And if anyone is closing his mind because of a such a small mistake that guy is just an idiot who would never learn anything because there are always mistakes. Open any book... Whatever, I really believe many people on this forum seem on the edge. Like really stressed out from poker. Smoke some herb and look at the big picture and stop discussing quotes and mistaken years ffs what's wrong with people?!?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

ERASA   Germany. May 08 2012 13:39. Posts 2440

I've watched like 30 minutes of this music "documentary"...
Has to be one of the worst i've ever seen its right up there with the "ancient aliens" series (Only saw like 3 or 4 episodes of it)

Edit: Lol it gets worse... i wonder if this video is a troll within the troll...

 Last edit: 08/05/2012 13:45

FarmMylife   Canada. May 08 2012 13:39. Posts 111

Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf page 172

  It required the whole bottomless falsehood of the Jews and their Marxist fighting organization to lay the blame for the collapse on that very man who alone, with superhuman energy and will power, tried to prevent the catastrophe he foresaw and save the nation from its time of deepest humiliation and disgrace By branding Ludendorff as guilty for the loss of the World War they took the weapon of moral right from the one dangerous accuser who could have risen against the traitors to the fatherland. In this they proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick-a fact which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in this world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of.

Later, Joseph Goebbels put forth a slightly different theory which has come to be more commonly associated with the expression "big lie." Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler's first use of the phrase "big lie," titled "Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik" and translated "From Churchill's Lie Factory." It was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.

The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.[2]

So is what you believers in this conspiracy theory trying to say is that your siding with Hitler about the zionist jews (ie The Rothschilds) and that Hitler had it right? Adolf Hitler was also convinced of a conspiracy by the Jews and Zionists to bring down Germany. Maybe you should put a little more thought and research into your beliefs about this conspiracy before you try to convince others of your cause. I would be more open minded to believe in an imaginary super man that lives in the clouds then this dribble

nerdonpoker   . May 08 2012 13:58. Posts 414

Could it be a coincidence that Hitler was funded by the banks in his first few years in power then after giving the currency back to the german people the whole world plotted against him?

Could it be coincidence Gaddafi was about to plan a new currency the gold dinar, then abruptly his life was ended?

Could it be coincidence JFK issued executive order 11 110 (back currency with silver) then 9 months or so later is killed?

The funny thing about Conspiracy theories is they really aren't theories.

FarmMylife   Canada. May 08 2012 14:07. Posts 111

  On May 08 2012 12:58 nerdonpoker wrote:
Could it be a coincidence that Hitler was funded by the banks in his first few years in power then after giving the currency back to the german people the whole world plotted against him?

Yeah invading a bunch of countries and killing millions and millions of Jews and Political Dissidents had nothing to do with it all

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 14:09. Posts 688

yeah. The guy above you talking about superman should learn the facts about Hitler and his sponsors. Hitler was in the position of Obama right now. The puppet masters just use different figures as a facade to clear the dirt with them and always stay in the shadows. There is so much information on the Illuminati, ancient history and how it's all connected throughout the ages. It's always the good against the evil. The evil are very smart and like to control from the dark and even with all their symbology people don't notice them because individual clues don't have significance. So research those things, there are tons of information, it's very interesting and way more sense then any "history" taught in school.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 08/05/2012 14:10

nerdonpoker   . May 08 2012 14:17. Posts 414

Lol its cool. Call me stupid. Most people berate others when what they are saying makes no sense to them, completely standard imo. May I recommend an epic dose of some magic mushrooms?? "squeegee" that third eye of yours ;-]. RIP ~Bill Hicks.

uiCk   Canada. May 08 2012 14:27. Posts 3521

  On May 08 2012 13:09 D_smart_S wrote:
yeah. The guy above you talking about superman should learn the facts about Hitler and his sponsors. Hitler was in the position of Obama right now. The puppet masters just use different figures as a facade to clear the dirt with them and always stay in the shadows. There is so much information on the Illuminati, ancient history and how it's all connected throughout the ages. It's always the good against the evil. The evil are very smart and like to control from the dark and even with all their symbology people don't notice them because individual clues don't have significance. So research those things, there are tons of information, it's very interesting and way more sense then any "history" taught in school.

well what they teach you in school, is that history has many perspectives and that looking at things as they would be black or white, good or evil, is the wrong thing to do.

So, stay in school, unless you want to end up like OP, reasoning in black or white instead of learning the beauty of critical thinking and applying a much more analytical approach to everything.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 14:39. Posts 688

I was generalizing the concept of good and evil, yin and yang. Something that is part of every culture and yoga/meditation/enlightenment practices around the world. I am not putting things on either black and white, but your brain being like a black and white TV understands it in exactly that fashion. So it's pretty ironic reading your comment about not seeing things in black and white while actually that's what you just did with your "analysis" of my post.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 08/05/2012 14:45

SakiSaki    Sweden. May 08 2012 14:59. Posts 9685

  On May 08 2012 13:39 D_smart_S wrote:
I was generalizing the concept of good and evil, yin and yang. Something that is part of every culture and yoga/meditation/enlightenment practices around the world. I am not putting things on either black and white, but your brain being like a black and white TV understands it in exactly that fashion. So it's pretty ironic reading your comment about not seeing things in black and white while actually that's what you just did with your "analysis" of my post.

Why dont you elaborate on your initial though about good vs evil since neither uick nor me seemed to grasp the true meaning of it.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

uiCk   Canada. May 08 2012 15:01. Posts 3521

i was commenting on the statement "It's always the good against the evil" ; which is insanely retarded, on par with your mental disorders.

How are you not putting things on either black or white? Just saying it doesn't make your retard posts any less fucking retarded.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 08/05/2012 15:02

SakiSaki    Sweden. May 08 2012 15:02. Posts 9685

Fighting fire with fire here, heres a youtube vid just for you d_smart:

what wackass site is this nigga?  

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 15:23. Posts 688

good video. I guess you want to imply that I am assuming many things because I don't consider other explanations for them but that's incorrect but of course you are disagreeing so it doesn't matter what I say and we will always disagree and argue until we actually see that dildo up palak's ass. That might take us off the arguing.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

FarmMylife   Canada. May 08 2012 15:27. Posts 111

D_smart have you ever considered that you are a victim of Apophenia.

Apophenia is the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.

The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the "unmotivated seeing of connections" accompanied by a "specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness", but it has come to represent the human tendency to seek patterns in random nature in general, as with gambling, paranormal phenomena, religion, and even attempts at scientific observation.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 08 2012 15:33. Posts 688

go farm your life, don't try thinking, doc. It's harder than milking a cow or a dick.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Graisseux   Canada. May 08 2012 15:49. Posts 474

^ Good one farmmylife, I totally agree that this is the seed of most (all?) conspiration theories.

 Last edit: 08/05/2012 15:50

ERASA   Germany. May 08 2012 15:51. Posts 2440

Its cool to see the different levels of arguing in this thread

Zep   United States. May 08 2012 16:31. Posts 2292

The only thing I've learned through this thread is I am the only one on LP with trolling skillz. Now I understand what it's like to be Skrillex.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

lebowski   Greece. May 08 2012 16:51. Posts 9205

  On May 08 2012 11:56 D_smart_S wrote:
Dude, lol. Are you serious? A mistaken year and suddenly everything I have said has no meaning because of a mistaken year. Smoke some weed and chill out. And if anyone is closing his mind because of a such a small mistake that guy is just an idiot who would never learn anything because there are always mistakes. Open any book... Whatever, I really believe many people on this forum seem on the edge. Like really stressed out from poker. Smoke some herb and look at the big picture and stop discussing quotes and mistaken years ffs what's wrong with people?!?

I am calmer than you are =)
Why do you assume that I'm on the edge? You should probably stick to your own advice and try to tone down the hostility and dildo comments...
You refer to a book as a blessing and I'm making the conclusion that you haven't read it based on the fact that you didn't even know it's setting is fiction on the future of 1984. I 'm advising you to be more precise with everything starting from that. Maybe it's a waste of time.
I agree that focusing on the 1984 statement alone is probably the last thing I should do because you have referred to so many important stuff with the same irresponsible approach, I just thought this was semi funny.
I like weed too btw what does it have to do with anything.

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man...Last edit: 08/05/2012 16:54

Silver_nz   New Zealand. May 08 2012 16:58. Posts 5647

lol, wp zep.

tutz   Brasil. May 08 2012 17:11. Posts 2140

there is no future scenario where this thread doesnt get a sick bump after the olympic games

tloapc   Pitcairn. May 08 2012 17:13. Posts 2591

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

mnj   United States. May 08 2012 17:47. Posts 3848


Baalim   Mexico. May 08 2012 18:16. Posts 34252

Here is so far my conclusions:

1.- There are active secret societies and there is proof of it (plz dont make me spend hours digging vids) such as Skull and Bones, Bilderberg group or the Bohemian Grove.

2.- These societies have natural goals, to accumulate wealth and power helping each others, this is terrible for the world but its diferent from thinking they are evil masterminds.

3.- Governments, bankers and secet societies are way less organized and have way less control than what conspiracy theoriests believe

4.- The system is run by itself in a semi-chaotic way and its not under the control of a couple guys, the system actually runs on each of us and our unconscious human nature, thats why the world mostly runs on greed and violence and it shaped our society.

point 4 is not esoterical at all, what i mean is that a King cannot exist unless millions validate him, thus the monarchy is not the king alone, but everyone under its command is responsible too.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

tloapc   Pitcairn. May 08 2012 18:50. Posts 2591

hey Baal are u still an anarchist or did u conform into something else?
I'm thinking about replying to your posts in the prisoners dilemma thread but I dno't wanna ruin the giggles I currently have merely by observing

also I wonder where u fit 9/11 into the second half of those conclusions

"Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us or with the terrorist" -George Bush

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

Zep   United States. May 08 2012 19:03. Posts 2292

holy shit, i completely agree with baal on something.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Baalim   Mexico. May 08 2012 19:30. Posts 34252

  On May 08 2012 17:50 tloapc wrote:
hey Baal are u still an anarchist or did u conform into something else?
I'm thinking about replying to your posts in the prisoners dilemma thread but I dno't wanna ruin the giggles I currently have merely by observing

also I wonder where u fit 9/11 into the second half of those conclusions

"Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us or with the terrorist" -George Bush

Yes i am still an anarchist and i dont think ill stop being one ever, its kind of like becoming an atheist, you reach a point of awareness where you consider the Satus Quo borderline insane.

I believe 9/11 was an inside Job after seeing all the past, (absolute fact that this has been done multiple times by governments) and the evidence i think its the most likely scenario, Palak has provided strong counter-evidence like that train gear wheel which leaves me puzzles but i still think the evidence for demolition is stronger, i might be wrong but if you werent at least very curious and have serious doubts abut it you are an indocrinated idiot.

I dont think it was the illuminati or anything with those paranoid 9/11 references in the matrix lol, simply the government creating an attack to justify an invasion that would have never been aproved without it, it wasnt a mastermind perfect job, it was quite a sloppy (WTC 7 for example) and thats why the conspiracy theory has so many advocates, i remember that something like 40%+ of americans believed the government was involved in some way.

To me D_Smart is just as stupid as the guy who thinks killing and capturing the most elusive man in modern history (Osama) and tossing his body into the sea with no proof isnt fishy.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 09 2012 03:31. Posts 688

So you believe in secret societies and know that governments are behind the false flags but you don't connect them? From your posts I conclude that you think they exist simultaneously but not together and the secret societies have no involvment in 9/11 and stuff like that? That's pretty strange. How can you know about secret societies without knowing they are part of the government. They are the governments for the most part. All the foreign policies come from them. The CFR... that's the fucking Illuminati, dude - Rockefeller... Just dig deeper. If you wanted more control and power would you stay away from governmental positions. No. You infiltrate them. You become the government and thus - invinsible. Otherwise they would be easy pray. That's why they don't give a damn fuck about some conspiracy theorists knowing their plans. It doesn't matter to them. They would still happen, people would still be easy to manipulate and nobody would be able to arrest them because they are THE SYSTEM itself. You have only scratched the surface, there is so much more. Research the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. The thing is that by digging deeper you would encounter much more crazy facts about those fuckers and I won't talk about those here. The rabbit hole is enormous and is entangled with everything else - ancient history, spiritualism, Ufos (rofl omg he said UFOs, he doesn't know the Earth is flat and we are the only ones in the billion trillions of planets) and so much more.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 09/05/2012 03:37

taco   Iceland. May 09 2012 06:52. Posts 1793

  On May 09 2012 02:31 D_smart_S wrote:
So you believe in secret societies and know that governments are behind the false flags but you don't connect them? From your posts I conclude that you think they exist simultaneously but not together and the secret societies have no involvment in 9/11 and stuff like that? That's pretty strange. How can you know about secret societies without knowing they are part of the government. They are the governments for the most part. All the foreign policies come from them. The CFR... that's the fucking Illuminati, dude - Rockefeller... Just dig deeper. If you wanted more control and power would you stay away from governmental positions. No. You infiltrate them. You become the government and thus - invinsible. Otherwise they would be easy pray. That's why they don't give a damn fuck about some conspiracy theorists knowing their plans. It doesn't matter to them. They would still happen, people would still be easy to manipulate and nobody would be able to arrest them because they are THE SYSTEM itself. You have only scratched the surface, there is so much more. Research the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. The thing is that by digging deeper you would encounter much more crazy facts about those fuckers and I won't talk about those here. The rabbit hole is enormous and is entangled with everything else - ancient history, spiritualism, Ufos (rofl omg he said UFOs, he doesn't know the Earth is flat and we are the only ones in the billion trillions of planets) and so much more.^1

1: The mind of someone high as a fucking kite.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 09 2012 07:35. Posts 688

  On May 08 2012 16:47 mnj wrote:

did you get a boner from the donkey?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 09/05/2012 07:36

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 09 2012 09:43. Posts 5309

  On May 08 2012 18:30 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

Yes i am still an anarchist and i dont think ill stop being one ever, its kind of like becoming an atheist, you reach a point of awareness where you consider the Satus Quo borderline insane.

I believe 9/11 was an inside Job after seeing all the past, (absolute fact that this has been done multiple times by governments) and the evidence i think its the most likely scenario, Palak has provided strong counter-evidence like that train gear wheel which leaves me puzzles but i still think the evidence for demolition is stronger, i might be wrong but if you werent at least very curious and have serious doubts abut it you are an indocrinated idiot.

I dont think it was the illuminati or anything with those paranoid 9/11 references in the matrix lol, simply the government creating an attack to justify an invasion that would have never been aproved without it, it wasnt a mastermind perfect job, it was quite a sloppy (WTC 7 for example) and thats why the conspiracy theory has so many advocates, i remember that something like 40%+ of americans believed the government was involved in some way.

To me D_Smart is just as stupid as the guy who thinks killing and capturing the most elusive man in modern history (Osama) and tossing his body into the sea with no proof isnt fishy.

i'm sure 40% of america's population are experts in physics and engineering as well as you baal.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

palak   United States. May 09 2012 10:35. Posts 4601

  simply the government creating an attack to justify an invasion that would have never been aproved without it,

i assume u mean Iraq since Afghanistan is rarely talked about. Although Afghanistan is due solely to 9/11, Iraq isnt. It is quite probable America would have invaded under Bush anywaay.
  Seven months prior to the September 11 attacks a Gallup poll showed that 52% would favor an invasion of Iraq while 42% would oppose it.[4] Additionally, 64% said that the U.S. should have removed Saddam at the end of the Gulf War.[5]
[edit] if you follow the wiki source the same poll was in the mid 50s all 2002 and 64% pre invasion. Not exactly a massive surge and not large enough to cause a voter swing. Plus if the US gov't wanted to do a false flag attacking the WTC towers makes no sense in the first place and since there was already majority support for an invasion pre 9/11 demolishing the towers makes no sense even if u were to attack them. If the gov't particularly conservatives (all ran the gov't at the time sooo assumed masterminds bu conspiracy ppl) you would attack gov't and historical landmarks. Statue of liberty, white house, federal mall, capitol building, independence hall, etc. An attack on those would inspire more of a patriotic effect and have a more lasting impact than destroying the towers did. Plus there is the added bonus of those attacks not fucking up our financial markets. Plus for a political and economic game indepence hall makes far more sense. It is our oldest and probably most internally glorified building, it wouldnt effect economics as much, and its in Philly which would mean if the attack swung Philly dems or independents to the right Pennsylvania would become a fairly solid red state in elections which would give a huge conservative edge in elections.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

FarmMylife   Canada. May 09 2012 11:24. Posts 111

  On May 08 2012 17:16 Baalim wrote:
Here is so far my conclusions:

1.- There are active secret societies and there is proof of it (plz dont make me spend hours digging vids) such as Skull and Bones, Bilderberg group or the Bohemian Grove.

I think organizations and societies like the Skull and Bones, Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove are a lot different from what d_smart is talking about. The Skull and Bones for instance will being a invitation only society openly recruits its members from Yale once a year, and does so openly in front of a ton of people here is an actual list of the 2012 Taps for the top 3 "Secret" Societies at Yale

The Bohemian Grove is essentially a country club for America's super elite, of course if you put all these people into one room for a weekend they are gonna make some agreements on how the country should be run.

None of this though is evidence of the Illuminati. But lets say D_Smart is right what if they do attack the Olympics and Impose a New World Order, we wouldn't have the power to stop them, they have all this influence and power. Maybe we shouldn't be trying to stop them and rather focus on joining them so that at least then we have some outs and don't wind up on the bottom. They must need lackeys and where do I Sign up?

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 09 2012 11:55. Posts 688

yeah, you should sign up to farm their life. Your post clearly shows the effectivness of mind-control these days and how the fear of death turn people into submissive species.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 09/05/2012 12:11

ERASA   Germany. May 09 2012 12:39. Posts 2440

  On May 09 2012 10:55 D_smart_S wrote:
yeah, you should sign up to farm their life. Your post clearly shows the effectivness of mind-control these days and how the fear of death turn people into submissive species.

No, it doesn't!

HaiVan   Bulgaria. May 09 2012 13:03. Posts 2083

Cannabis Schizophrenia relation

Hi there Dsmarts

Poker chobo. 

FarmMylife   Canada. May 09 2012 13:17. Posts 111

  On May 09 2012 02:31 D_smart_S wrote:
Research the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. The thing is that by digging deeper you would encounter much more crazy facts about those fuckers and I won't talk about those here. The rabbit hole is enormous and is entangled with everything else - ancient history, spiritualism, Ufos (rofl omg he said UFOs, he doesn't know the Earth is flat and we are the only ones in the billion trillions of planets) and so much more.

Can you please provide the names of these 13 Families and Birth and Death Dates of the founding Members of those families? Is it your opinion that Caroll Quigley has more accurate writing or should I spend more time reading the works of people like Fritz Springmeier?

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 09 2012 15:27. Posts 688

No, I won't bother providing anything for you because you are not interested enough to find anything yourself. And I don't give two craps about Quigley or Migley.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 09/05/2012 15:32

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 09 2012 16:47. Posts 5309

  On May 09 2012 09:35 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

i assume u mean Iraq since Afghanistan is rarely talked about. Although Afghanistan is due solely to 9/11, Iraq isnt. It is quite probable America would have invaded under Bush anywaay.
  Seven months prior to the September 11 attacks a Gallup poll showed that 52% would favor an invasion of Iraq while 42% would oppose it.[4] Additionally, 64% said that the U.S. should have removed Saddam at the end of the Gulf War.[5]
[edit] if you follow the wiki source the same poll was in the mid 50s all 2002 and 64% pre invasion. Not exactly a massive surge and not large enough to cause a voter swing. Plus if the US gov't wanted to do a false flag attacking the WTC towers makes no sense in the first place and since there was already majority support for an invasion pre 9/11 demolishing the towers makes no sense even if u were to attack them. If the gov't particularly conservatives (all ran the gov't at the time sooo assumed masterminds bu conspiracy ppl) you would attack gov't and historical landmarks. Statue of liberty, white house, federal mall, capitol building, independence hall, etc. An attack on those would inspire more of a patriotic effect and have a more lasting impact than destroying the towers did. Plus there is the added bonus of those attacks not fucking up our financial markets. Plus for a political and economic game indepence hall makes far more sense. It is our oldest and probably most internally glorified building, it wouldnt effect economics as much, and its in Philly which would mean if the attack swung Philly dems or independents to the right Pennsylvania would become a fairly solid red state in elections which would give a huge conservative edge in elections.

i'd also like to add that comparing 9/11 to acts such as the reichstag fire is stretching it (i'm assuming that's what baal means since he used that example in a previous thread). reichstag fire only needed a few people to be in on it-and it required very little effort. 9/11 would have needed many many people to be in on it, osama bin laden, people in airline companies, and the people who would have spent a looong time putting explosives in the tower which also would have to have gone undetected. The chance of a leak would be huge.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

FarmMylife   Canada. May 09 2012 17:38. Posts 111

  On May 09 2012 14:27 D_smart_S wrote:
No, I won't bother providing anything for you because you are not interested enough to find anything yourself. And I don't give two craps about Quigley or Migley.

Carroll Quigley is the author of Tragedy and Hope, he was a modern conspiracy theorist and American History Professor at Georgetown University. Fritz Springmeier is the author of Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope is where most of the ideas you are proposing come from. So have you actually done an intensive research into this topic? It really seems like you haven't so how can you even make predictions or present your argument to other people.

Poll: Predictions for 2012 Olympics
(Vote): A Jamaican wins the 100m Men
(Vote): D_Smart_S predictions come true and a NWO is established
(Vote): We all become dumber from reading this thread

Kapol   Poland. May 09 2012 17:57. Posts 4696


D_Smart is one of the Illuminati's puppets and he tries to convince us into his theories, so that we deny them and just sit peacefully in our homes waiting for the inevitable.
And then... BOOM!

Nice try, D.

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)Last edit: 09/05/2012 18:02

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 09 2012 18:10. Posts 688

Farmmylife, i just don't know this one guy, I can't know every connection. And the "ideas" don't come from anyone but from the truth.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 09/05/2012 18:13

Baalim   Mexico. May 09 2012 19:51. Posts 34252

  On May 09 2012 02:31 D_smart_S wrote:
So you believe in secret societies and know that governments are behind the false flags but you don't connect them? From your posts I conclude that you think they exist simultaneously but not together and the secret societies have no involvment in 9/11 and stuff like that? That's pretty strange. How can you know about secret societies without knowing they are part of the government. They are the governments for the most part. All the foreign policies come from them. The CFR... that's the fucking Illuminati, dude - Rockefeller... Just dig deeper. If you wanted more control and power would you stay away from governmental positions. No. You infiltrate them. You become the government and thus - invinsible. Otherwise they would be easy pray. That's why they don't give a damn fuck about some conspiracy theorists knowing their plans. It doesn't matter to them. They would still happen, people would still be easy to manipulate and nobody would be able to arrest them because they are THE SYSTEM itself. You have only scratched the surface, there is so much more. Research the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. The thing is that by digging deeper you would encounter much more crazy facts about those fuckers and I won't talk about those here. The rabbit hole is enormous and is entangled with everything else - ancient history, spiritualism, Ufos (rofl omg he said UFOs, he doesn't know the Earth is flat and we are the only ones in the billion trillions of planets) and so much more.

I never said they are not involved, the rockefellers, merryl and lynch, morgans etc they are very powerful people involved in secret societies, but one thing is that they are involved in the demollition of 2 towers for profit and another is that they have absolute dominion and control over things and are giving random clues in movies, that makes no sense.

Also when you talk about UFOs and spiritualism and the soul you have 0 credibility to me at least.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. May 09 2012 19:55. Posts 34252

  On May 09 2012 08:43 Stroggoz wrote:
Show nested quote +

i'm sure 40% of america's population are experts in physics and engineering as well as you baal.

Its not like i ever used an amount of people believing in something like it has weight afterall, an alike percentage of americans dont believe in evolution and the world is like 90% religious however its by far the biggest % of population that believes in a conspiracy theory, so you dont get to sort it along with moon landing conspiracies and that ridiculous bullshit only a handful of nutjobs believe.

If you are interested i can provide you many links, a team of Structural engeneers and architects explaining why it was a demolition, or even the architect himself saying how it was built to support that impact etc, but lets not get into 9/11 it has been discussed ad naseum, believe what you want.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

palak   United States. May 09 2012 21:07. Posts 4601

  its by far the biggest % of population that believes in a conspiracy theory,

No, that would be JFK assassination

  even the architect himself saying how it was built to support that impact

The head architect who designed the WTCs? I will bet you anything that the man who designed the WTC towers has nothing to say on whether or not they were able to withstand the impact of a 767 nor has any quotes as to his thoughts on 9/11.

  a team of Structural engeneers and architects explaining why it was a demolition

I can provide you a team of molecular biologists and scientists explaining why evolution is false

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 09/05/2012 21:10

mnj   United States. May 09 2012 21:12. Posts 3848

  On May 09 2012 18:55 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

Its not like i ever used an amount of people believing in something like it has weight afterall, an alike percentage of americans dont believe in evolution and the world is like 90% religious however its by far the biggest % of population that believes in a conspiracy theory, so you dont get to sort it along with moon landing conspiracies and that ridiculous bullshit only a handful of nutjobs believe.

If you are interested i can provide you many links, a team of Structural engeneers and architects explaining why it was a demolition, or even the architect himself saying how it was built to support that impact etc, but lets not get into 9/11 it has been discussed ad naseum, believe what you want.

quite honestly, this and the stuff on JFK would be interesting to read

palak   United States. May 09 2012 21:29. Posts 4601

I also call total bullshit and want to see the poll saying 40% of americans think 9/11 was a demolision, ive never seen a poll having that high a number ever

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

casinocasino   Canada. May 09 2012 22:58. Posts 3343

Ive been part of a secret society for about 10 years now.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 10 2012 01:58. Posts 688

  On May 09 2012 21:58 casinocasino wrote:
Ive been part of a secret society for about 10 years now.

You mean the AA?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Baalim   Mexico. May 10 2012 01:59. Posts 34252

  On May 09 2012 20:07 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

No, that would be JFK assassination

  even the architect himself saying how it was built to support that impact

The head architect who designed the WTCs? I will bet you anything that the man who designed the WTC towers has nothing to say on whether or not they were able to withstand the impact of a 767 nor has any quotes as to his thoughts on 9/11.

  a team of Structural engeneers and architects explaining why it was a demolition

I can provide you a team of molecular biologists and scientists explaining why evolution is false

show me one that is an atheist and im interested, wont get into 911 with you again, we have done it long enough, let it go.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. May 10 2012 02:05. Posts 34252

  On May 09 2012 20:29 palak wrote:
I also call total bullshit and want to see the poll saying 40% of americans think 9/11 was a demolision, ive never seen a poll having that high a number ever

The polls that have received the most widespread media attention are those conducted by Zogby International. The Zogby polls have been sponsored by organizations within the 9/11 Truth Movement including
The first one was conducted in August 2004, on the eve of a Republican National Convention, on 808 randomly-selected residents of New York State. It found that 49 percent of New York City residents and 41 percent of New York state citizens believe individuals within the US government "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act".[4] The margin of error for this poll was 3.5 percent.
The second major Zogby poll on 9/11 was conducted in May 2006. It was a telephone interview of 1,200 randomly-selected adults from across the United States, consisting of 81 questions, with a 2.9 percent margin of error.[5] Some of the questions asked include the following:
"Some people believe that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks, saying there has been a cover-up. Others say that the 9/11 Commission was a bi-partisan group of honest and well-respected people and that there is no reason they would want to cover-up anything. Who are you more likely to agree with?"
Responses: 48% No Cover-up / 42% Cover-up / 10% Not sure
"World Trade Center Building 7 is the 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by any planes during the September 11th attacks, but still totally collapsed later the same day. This collapse was not investigated by the 9/11 Commission. Are you aware of this skyscraper's collapse, and if so do you believe that the Commission should have also investigated it? Or do you believe that the Commission was right to only investigate the collapse of the buildings which were directly hit by airplanes?"
Responses: 43% Not Aware / 38% Aware - should have investigated it / 14% Aware - right not to investigate it / 5% Not Sure
"Some people say that so many unanswered questions about 9/11 remain that Congress or an International Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, including whether any US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success. Other people say the 9/11 attacks were thoroughly investigated and that any speculation about US government involvement is nonsense. Who are you more likely to agree with?"
Responses: 47% Attacks were thoroughly investigated / 45% Reinvestigate the attacks / 8% Not Sure
The third major Zogby poll regarding 9/11 was conducted in August 2007. It was a telephone interview with a target of 1,000 interviews with randomly-selected adults from across the United States, consisting of 71 questions, with a 3.1 percent margin of error.[6]
The results of the 2007 August poll indicate that 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding the 9/11 attacks and over 30% of those polled seek immediate impeachment. While only 32% seek immediate Bush and/or Cheney impeachment based on their personal knowledge, many citizens appear eager for clear exposure of the facts.
In addition, the poll also found that two-thirds (67%) of Americans say the 9/11 Commission should have investigated the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. Only 4.8 percent of the respondents agreed that members of the United States government "actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attack."

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

kingpowa   France. May 10 2012 04:22. Posts 1525

It is easier to just post the link to the wikipedia article :

sorry for shitty english. 

palak   United States. May 10 2012 07:13. Posts 4601

1. Sponsered by 9/11 truth movement sooo likely biased.
2. Ignoring pt 1. Nothing in there says 40% demolition

  "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act"

doesnt mean they think they destroyed the towers, just means they didnt act on evidence they were given. Also note that the question comes from a survey that was given only to people that live in new york state, not the entire US

  "Some people believe that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks, saying there has been a cover-up. Others say that the 9/11 Commission was a bi-partisan group of honest and well-respected people and that there is no reason they would want to cover-up anything. Who are you more likely to agree with?"

cover up does not mean they think it was a planned demolition.

  "actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attack."

this still doesnt mean demolition but it is closer. But thats only 4.8% saying yes. The scripts howard poll has it as 6% saying very likely they were demolished, 10% say somewhat likely

6-15% think 9/11 was a demolition, people that say thereee is cover up do not all think it was a demolition and do not get counted in that group. For reference, between 6-20% of Americans think the moon landings were hoaxed
So I have no problem putting people who think 9/11 was a planned demolition into the same nutjob group as ppl who think we faked the moon landing

I'll work on finding an atheist who thinks evolution is wrong.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 10/05/2012 07:33

SakiSaki    Sweden. May 10 2012 07:21. Posts 9685

  On May 09 2012 14:27 D_smart_S wrote:
No, I won't bother providing anything for you because you are not interested enough to find anything yourself.

Saying this after urging caution in the most important thread you will ever write is a bit weird isnt it? I though it was extremely important for you to convince ppl not to go to the olympics yet when someone asks why you tell them to figure it out themselves.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 10 2012 08:18. Posts 688

lol, I am not spoonfeeding anyone here. People who are interested or will go to the Olympics have everything they would want to learn in this thread. I have put links to documentaries that explain further. That's enough information but I ain't doing research for a lazy troll.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

SakiSaki    Sweden. May 10 2012 08:42. Posts 9685

Granted research isnt your strong suit

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Zep   United States. May 10 2012 09:00. Posts 2292

  On May 10 2012 07:42 SakiSaki wrote:
Granted research isnt your strong suit

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. May 10 2012 10:12. Posts 688

  On May 09 2012 18:51 Baalim wrote:
Also when you talk about UFOs and spiritualism and the soul you have 0 credibility to me at least.

I really don't care how much credibility I have to anyone. The information itself doesn't originate from me so it makes no difference.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

taco   Iceland. May 10 2012 10:16. Posts 1793

  On May 10 2012 09:12 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

I really don't care how much credibility I have to anyone. The information itself doesn't originate from me so it makes no difference.

It sort of does actually; If I link you to a photograph of my friend holding a platypus and then a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. holding a platypus
and say this is a definitive sign that someone, perhaps the CIA, is going to assassinate my friend, the only information anyone would care for does originate from me.

I can't just then say "Hey, I'm just an impartial entity guys, my credibility doesn't matter"
after saying that this platypus coincidence is a definitive sign that the CIA is going to assassinate my friend.

YoMeR   United States. May 10 2012 13:54. Posts 12435

lol OP is saying his logic is from point A to B to C?

more like A to Z to 54 to @#^^!

eZ Life. 

aseq   Netherlands. May 14 2012 08:52. Posts 894

Haha could have waited for it, now Vigilant Citizen (a site which is full of 'conspiracy') has an article on it:

I think OP would do better in the comment section over there...

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 06 2012 08:45. Posts 688

There are about 50 days left to the start of the 2012 Olympics and a lot of new information is coming out. First – a few sentences to summarize the thread to this point for those who are lazy to read my first post and the one on the 4th page, which explain the Elite’s plan.

This thread is about the possibility that the Elite, the real rulers of this planet, want to stage a mass-crysis in London during the Olympics.

Those of you who have read my first post and understand the logic behind it can skip the skip the next paragraph.

As I already said numerous times, those guys work through subliminal messages that act as predictive programming to those who are unaware and don’t pay attention and to the others who do – they are clues to what’s going to happen. Predictive programming is a way to influence one’s subconscious by implanting certain ways of thinking and logic through Television shows. In other words, they try everything they can to tell the public that an attack on the Olympics is very very likely, almost imminent and so they keep saying in public how Al Qaeda wants to bomb the Olympics or an Alien Invasion in the coming years is very possible or whatever they want YOU to think when something bad happens. They build the brain pathways that you will use when you try to figure out how this all happened and who is to be blamed. If you do not understand the logic behind this, just don’t read the rest, it takes less than a second to skip it .

This is the new promo videos and other CLUES (not evidence, dear trolls) that might point to a possible threat for London. I like to think of these clues as little puzzle pieces that you put on a scale and they add up to a point where there are way too many of them on one side of the scale and you just can’t ignore them.

This is an official promo ad for the 2012 Olympics that was released a month or two ago:

A boy sings “London’s Burning” and the full lyrics are:

“London’s burning, London’s burning,
Fetch the engines, fetch the engines,
Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
Pour on water! Pour on water!”

And at the end a woman says “London – the creation of the Supercity”

You have scenes in the background depicting the Great Fire of London in 1666. You have scenes from World War 2 and random modern-day London riot scenes…

Aren’t these promo videos and adverts supposed to uplift the English Spirit, to be positive and inspiring for the whole nation?

The whole advert can be summarized this way:

London’s burning ---------> War------------> Extinguishing the Fire ------------> Building the new Supercity.

You cannot possibly ask for a more subliminal message/predictive programming than that. This ties in perfectly with what I wrote in my first post – the creation of Zion – The New Jerusalem. As I said before, the plan of the Illuminati/Bilderberg/Elite is to play by the books of the different religions and fool them into thinking that their Savior is coming. Almost every religion has a written story in their sacred books that their Saviour (Mohammed for Islam, Christ for Christians) will come a second time and will save them from every problem, illness and disaster! Remember the William Blake’s poem, who was a famous freemason back in his day:

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?

And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!

Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my charriot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

This second coming is planned to happen after everything has gone to shit, wars and famine have started and everyone is in survival mode, praying to God and suddenly one day - BOOM – God Comes and Saves You! He cures all disease, kills the enemy and gives food and water to everyone! Can you imagine the psychological impact that such a staged event would have. It would be the biggest, happiest, most astonishing event in the eyes of every desperate person, every believer, every religious guy out there. Even to those who are complete atheists and deniers this second coming would be like “WOAAAH THANK YOU GOD FOR SAVING ME AND MY FAMILY! Thank you for giving me food and water and killing all the bad guys. It would like – one moment there was no hope, on the edge of death, the other moment - GOD saves you. You would literally suck his dick for eternity, it would have a huge impact on your consciousness and that’s exactly what it is intended to be.

Here is some more subliminal messages:

London is bidding to host the 2014 Worldcon ( World Science Fiction Convention). This is their official website: . They have released a promo clip. Guess what is the theme of the Song and Clip? Flowers, love and teddybears! You guessed it! Lol just kidding. Here is the clip:

They basically took an old song called “London Calling” and made a new video clip, which is a mix of several video clips, some old, some new, and put them together. This is the song lyrics:

London calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared, and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
London calling, now don't look to us
Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust
London calling, see we ain't got no swing
'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing

[Chorus 1
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

London calling to the imitation zone
Forget it, brother, you can go it alone
London calling to the zombies of death
Quit holding out, and draw another breath
London calling, and I don't wanna shout
But while we were talking, I saw you nodding out
London calling, see we ain't got no high
Except for that one with the yellowy eyes

[Chorus 2: x2]
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

Now get this

London calling, yes, I was there, too
An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
London calling at the top of the dial
After all this, won't you give me a smile?
London calling

I never felt so much alike [fading] alike alike alike

The main theme is the utter destruction of London by fire, nuclear explosion, bombs, missles, zombies, underground robots, ufos, dragons and everything you can possibly imagine. Some of it is in the text, some is in the video. There are also some very cool signs hanging randomly among the London ruins in the video clip. One of them says “London 666 No Exit”. The other one says “Big Brother Is Watching You”. The Big Ben is once again destroyed shamelessly, poor clock always gets it… When the part “nuclear error” comes in the song, the video clip depicts a stadium burning/exploding which might be a reference to the Olympic Stadium.

At the last segment of the promo video, they show the official logo for the 2014 Worldcon bidding. Guess what it depicts? Okay, it’s too easy now, you get the pattern.

Did they ask Xzibit to create that logo?

The funny thing is that the same building that they put in the logo is destroyed in the video clip of their promo song.

The organizers are trying very hard to instill the Terrorism/Destruction Theme into their bidding campaign. Is that the way you win the hosting rights? Shouldn’t safety be THE MOST important thing to be taken into consideration when a host for a big event is chosen? Do you think this campaign does a good job telling the people what a safe place London would be? You decide why they made such a terrorizing campaign and what’s their true purpose.

There's a lot more information but I will keep it for later because this post got kinda long. So what are your thoughts on all these bombing/destruction themes that we are bombarded with lately?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 07/06/2012 07:14

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 06 2012 17:43. Posts 688


Since the end of the Cold War more than 20 years ago, the prospect of nuclear Armageddon has gradually faded from the popular consciousness.
But with approximately 23,000 nuclear warheads still thought to be in existence, there is still more than enough nuclear firepower available to basically end life on Earth.
Now those interested in finding out how much damage a nuclear strike would cause in their home town can find out, thanks to a new online app.

London given as an example.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 07 2012 03:15. Posts 688

maybe this would help

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

PoorUser    United States. Jun 07 2012 03:29. Posts 7471

the worst part is going to be when absolutely nothing happens and you are still going to be convinced you were right somehow

Gambler Emeritus 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 07 2012 03:46. Posts 688

Let's hope i am not right about this . But ya know when you get check-raised on all three streets, chances are you are screwed with top pair top kicker.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

SleepyHead   . Jun 07 2012 11:57. Posts 878

I stopped after the first video. You're seeing things that aren't there.

Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal 

uiCk   Canada. Jun 07 2012 12:04. Posts 3521

brb, buying bunker; cold war is back

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

capaneo   Canada. Jun 07 2012 14:47. Posts 8465

  On June 07 2012 02:29 PoorUser wrote:
the worst part is going to be when a fire cracker goes off and you are still going to be convinced you were right somehow


In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 

Zep   United States. Jun 07 2012 17:49. Posts 2292

  On June 07 2012 02:46 D_smart_S wrote:
Let's hope i am not right about this . But ya know when you get check-raised on all three streets, chances are you are screwed with top pair top kicker.

You don't know dick about poker. We've already established that.
Nobody replied to your bump yesterday for a fucking reason. Nice bump today. Good to see you give a shit about what you're trying to convince people of rather than just being a schizophrenic attention whore.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 07/06/2012 18:06

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 08 2012 04:38. Posts 688

Here is an interesting example of subliminal messages - Disney:

SEX SEX SEX - that's all Disney sells through subliminals. Then you ask why little girls start sucking dick at 12.

Here is an official Olympic poster. Try to decode the subliminal message and what is it's purpose, it would be cool to see who decodes it first. C'mon LP, a lot of bricks has been shat, don't disappoint.

Here is a bigger version:

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 08/06/2012 04:41

lebowski   Greece. Jun 08 2012 07:52. Posts 9205

^rofl,this is bigger than anything else. New thread imo

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

kingpowa   France. Jun 08 2012 09:08. Posts 1525

illuminati. All over the poster !

sorry for shitty english. 

Loco   Canada. Jun 08 2012 09:24. Posts 20963

"SEX SEX SEX - that's all Disney sells through subliminals. Then you ask why little girls start sucking dick at 12."

LOL. That sex in the pollen part is so fucking ridiculous. Also, no, what I ask is where were those girls when I was 12, or even 15 (with 3 years of experience, they would've been a lot better).

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

uiCk   Canada. Jun 08 2012 09:43. Posts 3521

woa that disney video was so bad. except for the priest Bonner in the little mermaid, that was LOL!

but yea the pollen part was ... i mean i can read nigger in the sky every night when i toke a few; are the stars trying to make me racist? or am i racist and i see things in the stars?

Are you dork who needs to get laid? chances you will see "Subliminal" sex messages in anything.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

tutz   Brasil. Jun 08 2012 14:34. Posts 2140


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 08 2012 16:49. Posts 688

This is a TV series aired from 1988-2002 (says imdb).
These people just love the idea of London burning lol. They should start making T-shirts, hats and scarfs with "London burning" lol.

And isn't it strange that on 6th of July 2005 they were announced the 2012 Olympic hosts and the next day - boom the bombs in London underground and bus making a psychologic trauma and association between Olympics and terrorist attacks blamed on fanatic Arabs.

Any suggestions on what the subliminal message is in the poster?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 08/06/2012 17:03

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Jun 08 2012 22:42. Posts 6374

ban baal 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 09 2012 04:41. Posts 688

hahahahaha very well, dogmeat.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Syllogism   New Zealand. Jun 09 2012 05:36. Posts 214


Zep   United States. Jun 09 2012 17:28. Posts 2292

holy shit, I found DS


NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 09/06/2012 17:30

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 09 2012 17:39. Posts 688

do you search hard to reach the biggest BS on every conspiracy theory or is it naturally happening due to sharp instinct.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Zep   United States. Jun 09 2012 20:12. Posts 2292

things you were 100% wrong about: Libya, Chicago, and in 2 months: London. I'd tread carefully in your attempt at insults young schizophrenic grasshopper.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 10 2012 09:38. Posts 688

what was i wrong about Libya? You still think that destroying buildings and killing innocent people means liberating them? I am sure you think one of the ruthless dictators of our time - Oh Bummer - deserves his Nobel Peace Prize. How delusional is the life of a sheep.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Zep   United States. Jun 10 2012 13:40. Posts 2292

  On June 10 2012 08:38 D_smart_S wrote:
what was i wrong about Libya? You still think that destroying buildings and killing innocent people means liberating them? I am sure you think one of the ruthless dictators of our time - Oh Bummer - deserves his Nobel Peace Prize. How delusional is the life of a sheep.

You obviously didn't read what I bumped in your libya thread. And once again, you're the religious idiot who concludes that because I am atheist, I therefore must hate Jesus. You conclude everyone else's thoughts and you're incredibly disrespectful in doing so. I hate US foreign policy and have always questioned my country's intentions. But you were dead wrong in thinking everything was staged. And If you want to insult and be incredibly disrespectful to everyone on here for not being schizophrenic with you, then I simply feel bad for you and will happily help you pursue rik claying yourself.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 10 2012 13:57. Posts 688

wait now I said you hate Jesus cause ur atheist. What?!? Dude, you have some issues. I am disrespectful only to the pathetic trolls or people who curse me. I don't give the other cheek, sorry. Thank you for bumping every thread of mine. You seem to love spending your time in negative emotions and threads you don't like. What a joyful life you have, ah...

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 10/06/2012 14:02

taco   Iceland. Jun 10 2012 14:34. Posts 1793

  On June 10 2012 12:57 D_smart_S wrote:
You seem to love spending your time in negative emotions and threads you don't like. What a joyful life you have, ah...

One of the more difficult skills to master is dealing with schizophrenics.

While I am joyous to have that opportunity I wouldn't want to do it with more proximity than other the internet nor with more of a personal touch than through text.

You are batshit insane.

Zep   United States. Jun 10 2012 14:36. Posts 2292

  On May 08 2012 14:02 SakiSaki wrote:
Fighting fire with fire here, heres a youtube vid just for you d_smart:

Here's a video posted by saki saki earlier in this thread presenting the exact point I was making about the religion/jesus example.

  On June 10 2012 12:57 D_smart_S wrote:
wait now I said you hate Jesus cause ur atheist. What?!? Dude, you have some issues. I am disrespectful only to the pathetic trolls or people who curse me. I don't give the other cheek, sorry. Thank you for bumping every thread of mine. You seem to love spending your time in negative emotions and threads you don't like. What a joyful life you have, ah...

I actually spend a great deal of time in all the threads and give my two cents on quite a variety of issues. Including poker advice. Get it? You criticizing what/where I post is kind of a moot point. This is a poker website and you've never even played a hand of online poker in your life. Seriously, why do you feel the need to post on this site? I don't understand why you've had such a hard time answering this question.

You're just a pathetic attention whore who feels the need to always get in the last word while insulting everyone who disagrees with you in the slightest regard. I can safely conclude that by simply looking at post 329: A post you made a day after no one said anything to your previous post and it was bumped.

And you may say you're only disrespectful to those who are disrespectful towards you, but that's bullshit because you've called everyone who disagrees with you a sheep.

And finally, your last post is a perfect example of why I'm going to flame you come August. So please, keep feeding me motivation and material.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 10/06/2012 14:37

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 10 2012 16:27. Posts 688

I have played poker professionally for several years so I have played a hand and I can post whatever I want, mr. ACTA. Not that I should meet any requirements but for a person who has adapted to living in Big Brother without realising it I understand you want me to meet certain criteria. The police state mentality has gotten you pretty badly. You are like some forum police taking IDs checking out if everyone is eligible for posting lol. I like your ambitious trolling spirit. It's your hobby I understand. You feel motivated and obligated to troll as you already said. I can sense the anger coming up your spine triggering your next senseless flaming post that I won't even read. I don't think I have anything more to tell you. Have a nice day.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 10/06/2012 17:39

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 10 2012 17:59. Posts 688

The video about open-mindedness is great. Many great concepts. However, the narrator has a very clear perspective throughout the video that conspiracy/occult/non-standard theories are ridiculous. I mean they didn't say it but all the examples and the text in the bubble showing "ufo crop circles" and stuff like that works in the same subliminal way I already talked about. It might not be his intention, but that's the effect. Other than that, many great concepts in the video that I am trying to bring up from time to time.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 11 2012 04:17. Posts 688

UFO Expert for UK Ministry of Defense Claims Alien Attack at the Olympic Games in London

Nick Pope, a former UFO expert at the UK’s Ministry of Defense (MoD), warns that aliens could take advantage of the Olympic Games to strike an invasion against humanity. Pope asserts that the international community, meaning the UN, should be ready to respond.

Pope admonished that the Olympic Games in London would be a perfect time for extraterrestrials to make themselves known. ‘With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism,” he said. “but we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable.”

Preparing the minds of the masses?

The propaganda towards the Olympics, both subliminal and direct, can be summed up in two categories:

1. Aliens are highly likely to attack the Olympics.
2. Terrorists are highly likely to attack the Olympics.

I wonder if they are just paving their way for plan A and plan B or will mix it up in one big complete plan. Maybe they will say that Al Qaeda has called their space brother terrorists lol who knows. I hope these fuckers are exposed and the "mass Illuminati arrest" theory is true despite my skepticism towards it.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 11/06/2012 04:24

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 11 2012 05:14. Posts 34252

and i tought you couldnt get any dumber... UFO attacks

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 11 2012 05:30. Posts 688

and I thought you would get that I am talking about staged UFO attacks. Excuse me for thinking you read more than a few words in a 18-page thread. lol u don't even know what this thread is about.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Loco   Canada. Jun 11 2012 05:42. Posts 20963

7:25~ for the lulz. Know that when you communicate with d_smart_s, you communicate with someone who thinks MJ was communicating with the Illuminati when dancing.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 11/06/2012 05:47

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 11 2012 06:09. Posts 688

Congrats for the guy who thinks that if someone posts a documentary, he completely agrees with 100% of the material in it. Way to go, sir. I should've edited the documentary and leave only the parts of it I agree with and posted it for people like you who can't take the good and leave the bad. That actually shows the attitude with which you watched that documentary - looking for the first thing that you disagree with in order to justify your closed-minded denial attitude. You can read any book or watch any documentary and you will always find that one thing you think is BS and if that is what you base your opinion on, fine - it says a lot about you.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 11 2012 14:11. Posts 688

Okay, enough trolling, let's move on with the thread. The poster I showed earlier:

The subliminal detail is:

We can clearly see the white turban associated with talibans/arabs. We can also see the long black beard and the seemingly arabic face expression. He is going away from the London tube and looking back at it. Why would they put a terrorist stereotypical cartoon character in a Olympic poster when everyone talks about the threat of Al Qaeda? Are they marketing terrorism lol?
This is an obvious subliminal message that your subconscious picks up and if an attack on the tube happens that little subliminal message plays a role in the decision making of your conscious part of the mind without it realising it. It's not like it would make THE DIFFERENCE but this is the way these subliminals work and they use as much of them as possible staying below the radar and trying to make a difference towards their goal.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 11/06/2012 14:17

Zep   United States. Jun 11 2012 14:29. Posts 2292

  On June 11 2012 04:14 Baalim wrote:
and i tought you couldnt get any dumber... UFO attacks

  On June 11 2012 04:30 D_smart_S wrote:
and I thought you would get that I am talking about staged UFO attacks. Excuse me for thinking you read more than a few words in a 18-page thread. lol u don't even know what this thread is about.

Yeah, Baal. You idiot. Everyone knows it's really a false flag attack by the US, disguised as an al qaeda terrorist attack, disguised as an alien invasion. Duh. Fucking tard.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Zep   United States. Jun 11 2012 14:32. Posts 2292

  On June 11 2012 13:11 D_smart_S wrote:
Okay, enough trolling, let's move on with the thread. The poster I showed earlier:

The subliminal detail is:

We can clearly see the white turban associated with talibans/arabs. We can also see the long black beard and the seemingly arabic face expression. He is going away from the London tube and looking back at it. Why would they put a terrorist stereotypical cartoon character in a Olympic poster when everyone talks about the threat of Al Qaeda? Are they marketing terrorism lol?
This is an obvious subliminal message that your subconscious picks up and if an attack on the tube happens that little subliminal message plays a role in the decision making of your conscious part of the mind without it realising it. It's not like it would make THE DIFFERENCE but this is the way these subliminals work and they use as much of them as possible staying below the radar and trying to make a difference towards their goal.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

SleepyHead   . Jun 11 2012 14:43. Posts 878

  On June 11 2012 05:09 D_smart_S wrote:
Congrats for the guy who thinks that if someone posts a documentary, he completely agrees with 100% of the material in it. Way to go, sir. I should've edited the documentary and leave only the parts of it I agree with and posted it for people like you who can't take the good and leave the bad. That actually shows the attitude with which you watched that documentary - looking for the first thing that you disagree with in order to justify your closed-minded denial attitude. You can read any book or watch any documentary and you will always find that one thing you think is BS and if that is what you base your opinion on, fine - it says a lot about you.

What part of that video do you believe? The numerology stuff is even more stupid than the dancing.

Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal 

Zep   United States. Jun 11 2012 14:56. Posts 2292

  On June 11 2012 13:11 D_smart_S wrote:
Why would they put a terrorist stereotypical cartoon character in a Olympic poster when everyone talks about the threat of Al Qaeda? Are they marketing terrorism lol?

You son of a bitch. You racist cock sucking schizophrenic fuck. What, so you think arabs only have the right to own shitty convenience stores, smell like b.o. and drive a taxi cab? Arabs have just as much of a right to athleticism as you and I, you stereotypical racist prick.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 11/06/2012 14:58

Zep   United States. Jun 11 2012 15:10. Posts 2292

  On June 10 2012 15:27 D_smart_S wrote:
I have played poker professionally for several years so I have played a hand and I can post whatever I want, mr. ACTA. Not that I should meet any requirements but for a person who has adapted to living in Big Brother without realising it I understand you want me to meet certain criteria. The police state mentality has gotten you pretty badly. You are like some forum police taking IDs checking out if everyone is eligible for posting lol. I like your ambitious trolling spirit. It's your hobby I understand. You feel motivated and obligated to troll as you already said. I can sense the anger coming up your spine triggering your next senseless flaming post that I won't even read. I don't think I have anything more to tell you. Have a nice day.

When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech. Between the schizophrenia and language barrier, I don't expect you to understand that, so don't worry, I don't hold it against you...This thread is A+ material for trolling. Just note that.

I know nothing about hunting. If I joined a hunting forum and never posted a damn thing about hunting and wrote the posts you do, I would expect people to question my intent on being there. Up until you just revealed you used to play poker professionally (LOL), I'm sure 93% of us had no idea you were even connected in the slightest way to the sport. So yeah, my questioning you being here has nothing to do with the speculation you've put together about my police state mentality. lol.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Zep   United States. Jun 11 2012 15:24. Posts 2292

  On June 11 2012 05:09 D_smart_S wrote:
Congrats for the guy who thinks that if someone posts a documentary, he completely agrees with 100% of the material in it. Way to go, sir. I should've edited the documentary and leave only the parts of it I agree with and posted it for people like you who can't take the good and leave the bad. That actually shows the attitude with which you watched that documentary - looking for the first thing that you disagree with in order to justify your closed-minded denial attitude. You can read any book or watch any documentary and you will always find that one thing you think is BS and if that is what you base your opinion on, fine - it says a lot about you.

You're missing the point. This is entirely your fault. You told everyone that you didn't have time to go through the documentaries and post key points. By not citing your references and claiming an entire body of work as the same as your own thought, then you are self-subjecting to believing EVERYTHING in the documentary.

But I do understand your point and think it's a valid one in regards to how one should think about documentaries.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Loco   Canada. Jun 12 2012 00:37. Posts 20963

  On June 11 2012 05:09 D_smart_S wrote:
Congrats for the guy who thinks that if someone posts a documentary, he completely agrees with 100% of the material in it. Way to go, sir. I should've edited the documentary and leave only the parts of it I agree with and posted it for people like you who can't take the good and leave the bad. That actually shows the attitude with which you watched that documentary - looking for the first thing that you disagree with in order to justify your closed-minded denial attitude. You can read any book or watch any documentary and you will always find that one thing you think is BS and if that is what you base your opinion on, fine - it says a lot about you.

Do you really think I had to wait until 7:25 to find something I disagreed with so I could call bs on it? The whole thing is a joke, and I simply picked the funniest moment I remembered.

"Pick the good and leave the bad" ... what? The approach you have to "research" is obviously [part of the reason] why people like me make fun of conspiracy theorists. It's a documentary, If you think one third or half of it is made-up fantasy bullshit, why would you ever want to keep listening to the same guy and trust his assessments for the rest? That's not what a documentary should be. If he can't put up something wholly coherent then it's clearly not justified to share his documentaries with anyone.

What is the point of this one anyway? Is it so that people who like shallow mainstream pop artists no longer want to listen to their music because they have realized they might be under Satanic influences and controlled by the Illuminati? Actually, don't you think it is a bit insulting to the poor tasteless bastards who listen to that crap? It's like telling them: "look, you actually related to something completely contrived and you may very well have been brainwashed because of your taste in music." Isn't it fucking weird how people swallow that shit up? Also, what about all the people like me who can't stand any of those artists, never listen to the radio and who don't watch the news, how exactly are we being mind-controlled by the Illuminati? And if we're not, how come the most powerful people on the planet are so incapable?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 12/06/2012 00:40

brambolius   Netherlands. Jun 12 2012 12:05. Posts 1708

Zep, maybe you should get a hobby lol


FarmMylife   Canada. Jun 12 2012 15:04. Posts 111

Its true that maybe zep should get a hobby but its clear that some body is wrong on the internet and they need to be corrected

FarmMylife   Canada. Jul 18 2012 17:19. Posts 111

Bumping this thread cause LP should have 2012 Olympic Thread and its just funny reading through this. So it looks like a Jamaican is going to win the mens 100M and 200M I don't think anyone out there is even close to Usain Bolt or his training partner Blake. Looks like Blake just may beat Bolt though. Their times in both the 100M and 200M are sick close. Also in Basketball I am fairly certain that USA is going to win but are they better then the 92 Dream team?

TalentedTom    Canada. Jul 18 2012 18:43. Posts 20070

  On July 18 2012 16:19 FarmMylife wrote:
Bumping this thread cause LP should have 2012 Olympic Thread and its just funny reading through this. So it looks like a Jamaican is going to win the mens 100M and 200M I don't think anyone out there is even close to Usain Bolt or his training partner Blake. Looks like Blake just may beat Bolt though. Their times in both the 100M and 200M are sick close. Also in Basketball I am fairly certain that USA is going to win but are they better then the 92 Dream team?

Should make a separate official Olympic thread, this one is too far off course

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Jul 18 2012 18:48. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 29/09/2013 08:46

hording   Sweden. Jul 18 2012 19:15. Posts 474

Impossible to tell whos trolling and who isn't

  On June 11 2012 13:56 Zep wrote:
Show nested quote +

You son of a bitch. You racist cock sucking schizophrenic fuck. What, so you think arabs only have the right to own shitty convenience stores, smell like b.o. and drive a taxi cab? Arabs have just as much of a right to athleticism as you and I, you stereotypical racist prick.

zep got trolled here right?

Syllogism   New Zealand. Aug 12 2012 17:59. Posts 214

Well, the games are finished........

D_smart_S , tutz?

cariadon   Estonia. Aug 12 2012 18:38. Posts 4019

I don't know about you but there seemed something fishy about the fires... i used an old indian book about smoke signals but i couldn't make much out of the fumes. Guess they were written in reptilian or something.

Syllogism   New Zealand. Aug 12 2012 19:30. Posts 214

  On August 12 2012 17:38 cariadon wrote:
I don't know about you but there seemed something fishy about the fires... i used an old indian book about smoke signals but i couldn't make much out of the fumes. Guess they were written in reptilian or something.

 Last edit: 12/08/2012 19:31

Target-x17   Canada. Aug 12 2012 21:15. Posts 1027

omg we alive?

f u bw rock 

mnj   United States. Aug 12 2012 21:38. Posts 3848

uiCk   Canada. Aug 12 2012 21:46. Posts 3521

wish i could find tutz's post where he said that he will stop believing in aliens/illuminati/conspiracies if there was no staged flag at the olympics, because it was all connected together; that's how sure (high) he was at that time.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 12/08/2012 21:47

Syllogism   New Zealand. Aug 12 2012 22:02. Posts 214

Tutz should seek help from this guy :

tutz   Brasil. Aug 12 2012 22:17. Posts 2140

  On August 12 2012 20:46 uiCk wrote:
wish i could find tutz's post where he said that he will stop believing in aliens/illuminati/conspiracies if there was no staged flag at the olympics, because it was all connected together; that's how sure (high) he was at that time.

You don't need to find the post. I remember that I wrote it. I stand behind it!

I can't just ignore all the info that I came across, I'm not saying I still believe in all this stuff, but I will certainly try to open my mind even more to everything I read. What I mean is, I realize ho what I said never happened and I was wrong, and I will never again advertise conspiracy thoeries like I did, but I wont stop looking for info about them, just because I don't thing they are totally wrong. There is a lot of things that happened during the olypimcs that raised my attention and made me want to look for further info, but it is something that I will keep to myself just because I already made a fool of myself many times, no need to do it again. You have already taken enoguh of my crap.

Guys, you were right, I was wrong, I'm sorry. Life goes on.

tapatapaz   Brasil. Aug 12 2012 22:21. Posts 1279

"we" cant be right, because we didnt actually say what would happen

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

uiCk   Canada. Aug 12 2012 22:48. Posts 3521

  On August 12 2012 21:21 tapatapaz wrote:
"we" cant be right, because we didnt actually say what would happen

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

PuertoRican   United States. Aug 13 2012 03:11. Posts 13070

  On August 12 2012 21:17 tutz wrote:
Show nested quote +

Guys, you were right, I was wrong, I'm sorry. Life goes on.

Rekrul is a newb 

Funktion   Australia. Aug 13 2012 03:17. Posts 1638

  On August 12 2012 21:17 tutz wrote:
but I will certainly try to open my mind even more to everything I read. What I mean is, I realize ho what I said never happened and I was wrong, and I will never again advertise conspiracy thoeries like I did, but I wont stop looking for info about them, just because I don't thing they are totally wrong.

You actually need to close your mind a bit and employ some sort of bullshit filter. It's called critical thinking.

uiCk   Canada. Aug 13 2012 03:22. Posts 3521

  On August 13 2012 02:17 Funktion wrote:
Show nested quote +

You actually need to close your mind a bit and employ some sort of bullshit filter. It's called critical thinking.

yes and read this wiki entry at least 50 times. will be of great use daily, guaranteed.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

ggplz   Sweden. Aug 13 2012 03:34. Posts 16784

  On April 28 2012 16:15 D_smart_S wrote:
This will be the most important post I have written and will write on Liquidpoker.

lol@dsmart banned, i chuckled.

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 13/08/2012 03:35

bananarama   New Zealand. Aug 13 2012 09:31. Posts 282

sweet, NZ got another gold today after the belarusian women shotputter has been found out as a drug cheat.

hording   Sweden. Aug 13 2012 11:16. Posts 474

  On August 12 2012 21:17 tutz wrote:
I can't just ignore all the info that I came across, I'm not saying I still believe in all this stuff, but I will certainly try to open my mind even more to everything I read. What I mean is, I realize ho what I said never happened and I was wrong, and I will never again advertise conspiracy thoeries like I did, but I wont stop looking for info about them, just because I don't thing they are totally wrong. There is a lot of things that happened during the olypimcs that raised my attention and made me want to look for further info, but it is something that I will keep to myself just because I already made a fool of myself many times, no need to do it again. You have already taken enoguh of my crap.

Or maybe you should stop digging into bullshit stuff on the internet? Well if you enjoy it so much I guess you could continue.. GL

Syllogism   New Zealand. Aug 13 2012 18:11. Posts 214

  On August 13 2012 08:31 bananarama wrote:
sweet, NZ got another gold today after the belarusian women shotputter has been found out as a drug cheat.


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