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UFC 183: Silva vs. Diaz - Page 2

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Jan 26 2015 14:49. Posts 7292

If Diaz makes it to a decision in this fight, it would be a win in my books.

Even if we ignore the ridiculous weight difference, Anderson is an absolute nightmare match-up for him, assuming his leg is healed enough to be throwing those low kicks. The blueprint is out for beating the Diaz brothers, and its all about those leg kicks vs their boxing stance.

Id bet on Jose Aldo to beat Nick Diaz at this point.

Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

PuertoRican   United States. Jan 26 2015 15:22. Posts 13076

For anyone betting the ladies match, I originally picked McMann to win, but I changed my mind shortly after. I waited till today and still think Tate will win. I bet her at +130, but now she's at +165.

Also, Diaz is at +365.


$1000 free roll:

Rekrul is a newbLast edit: 26/01/2015 19:57

whamm!   Albania. Jan 26 2015 21:00. Posts 11625

What are the odds Silva by KO? 5 rounds is a lot and since Diaz always trades (unless he's changed) he will be KTFOed.

soberstone   United States. Jan 26 2015 21:10. Posts 2662

Stoked man - gonna be in Vegas for this call and the Superbowl, going to be doing a lot of tape study and research throughout this week so these picks are subject to change, but:

• Silva > Diaz - I feel like if they strike at range, it's no contest, and if Diaz presses hard, Silva will clinch him up and own him there. The odds on this fight would be astronomically wider if there weren't the valid factors of age and Silva's mental state. You can always question both of their dedications.
• Gastelum > Woodley - I echo the sentiments of Rican on this one.
• Iaquinta > Lauzon - I just don't see how Lauzon gets him down or keeps him in the clinch past the first couple minutes. Terrible matchup for J-Lau unless it hits the mat, and even if it does, look for Iaquinta to be hyper-aware of the submission
• Leites > Boetsch - Fully agree that Boetsch is worth a bet at the current odds. I think he's a great value. I think if he can push the pace and not get submitted or bombed on, Laites is carrying a lot of muscle these days and will gas
• Mein > Alves - Pissed the odds are moving so much on this one, I think this is going to be Mein's coming out party.
• McMann > Tate - Really not forward to watching the tape as McMann is dreadful to watch, but I don't see Meisha being able to deal with the athleticism and if McMann has been working on her BJJ (which would be the obvious thing to have been doing ever since before the Rousey fight) - I feel her being able to ragdoll Meisha and avoid sweeps and danger
• Brunson > Herman - Herman is going to get absolutely fucked
• McCall > Lineker - Lineker has 2 minutes of hope and then he's gonna get picked apart
• Watson > Natal - Natal is awful and folds easy. Watson is tough and not great, but not awful.
• Brandao > Hettes - This will probably be a fun fight, good matchup for Brandao, should be some good scrambles.
• Moreira vs. Alcantara - No clue yet
• Santos vs Enz - No clue yet

 Last edit: 26/01/2015 21:11

soberstone   United States. Jan 26 2015 21:33. Posts 2662

I do think the southpaw vs southpaw stance favors Diaz in the sense that he is really great at hand-fighting with that lead hand with parrying and coming over the top or dipping under, and if anderson is throwing kicks, Diaz is that much closer with that lead hand to punish him up top with jabs and hooks. I doubt Diaz will be able to come across with crosses or uppercuts, his stance is so wide and he is so much slower that if he tries that shit without Silva being hurt or tired he is gonna go to sleep.

Silva also likes to move back towards the cage which I would never advise against a Diaz bro. It really is an intriguing style matchup.

 Last edit: 26/01/2015 21:34

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 26 2015 22:33. Posts 34252

Backing up against the cage vs Diaz isnt dangerous at all, its just the limit exhausted people can back up to, Nick doesn do anything special there but batter people who cant lift their arms anymore like BJ Penn.

The southpaw vs southpaw stance is interesting but there will be much less lead hand fighting, that is what happens when you have opposite stance fighters and usually the southpaw dominate that area this time you wont see Nick checking Andersons lead hand so much, im not sure who would capitalize on it better.

That brings a lof of questions because Anderson will not have to throw power inside leg kicks (how he broke his shin), in his southpaw v southpaw angle he can throw much safer regular outside leg kicks.

Also I dont see how Nick could survive the Thai plum, Nick has historically responded to it with body shots but Silvas knees are too powerful for Nick to exchange with punches and he wont be able to shrug off a big middleweight easily as Naz pointed out.

I think this fight ends up Silva KOing Diaz over 50% of the time in a 5 round fight

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Stim_Abuser   United States. Jan 26 2015 23:52. Posts 7499

  On January 26 2015 02:17 Baalim wrote:
what are you guys smoking? Im not even going to comment on gryzzlys posts (LOL).

Diaz is the dream match up for Silva, a high volume striker who is very easy to hit and wont go for takedowns and can be bullied with legkicks, If Silva has confident leg kicks after his injury Diaz probably should win less than 10% of the time, and even without leg kicks what is Nick going to do, is he going to try to swarm light punches against the best counter-striker in the history of MMA?

Literally If I had to hand-pick the best match up for Silva it would be Diaz, so unless Silva has some severe issues with his comeback Nick is drawing dead here.

Agree 100%. Silva is way bigger, a vastly superior fighter, and this is the absolute perfect style match up for Silva. Diaz will plod forward hands out wide, chin up, with zero head movement against the best counter striker in MMA with a huge reach and size advantage. This should be absolute murder.

I honestly thought coming into this fight Silva would be like, -1000 easily. I just don't see how he's only -450ish.

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

Stim_Abuser   United States. Jan 26 2015 23:55. Posts 7499

  On January 26 2015 12:24 PuertoRican wrote:
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Yep, if it goes past 2 rounds, I think Diaz will have an advantage.

I already know Anderson's the GOAT, and he'll be slightly taller than Diaz with much more natural body mass, but I won't ignore how he looked in his last two fights, how he took damage to the face in both fights (especially the 2nd fight), his age, time off, and first fight back from a sick injury that would end most fighters careers.

Chris also easily out struck Machida and is a top 3 p4p fighter, top 5 at worst. There is no shame in losing to Chris Weidman, Meanwhile Nick would probably lose to over half the top 10 at WW.

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny peteLast edit: 26/01/2015 23:58

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jan 27 2015 00:17. Posts 6817

  On January 26 2015 12:24 PuertoRican wrote:
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Yep, if it goes past 2 rounds, I think Diaz will have an advantage.

I already know Anderson's the GOAT, and he'll be slightly taller than Diaz with much more natural body mass, but I won't ignore how he looked in his last two fights, how he took damage to the face in both fights (especially the 2nd fight), his age, time off, and first fight back from a sick injury that would end most fighters careers.

Weidman hits like a few orders of magnitude harder than Diaz, and also happens to be a PHENOMENAL wrestler whereas the Diaz brothers don't really wrestle whatsoever.....

I mean, the only way I can see Diaz winning is if Silva is just completely shot and shouldnt be fighting anymore.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 27 2015 01:45. Posts 34252

  On January 26 2015 22:52 Stim_Abuser wrote:
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Agree 100%. Silva is way bigger, a vastly superior fighter, and this is the absolute perfect style match up for Silva. Diaz will plod forward hands out wide, chin up, with zero head movement against the best counter striker in MMA with a huge reach and size advantage. This should be absolute murder.

I honestly thought coming into this fight Silva would be like, -1000 easily. I just don't see how he's only -450ish.

I think people are just too worried about Silvas shape after his injury and time off but they are not conting that Silva has actually been training read hard to overcome his injury while Nick was probably sitting on his ass all this time, and also Nick is just fighting for a pay check while Silva has a lot more going on, I think we will see a more deteriorated Nick Diaz than an Anderson Silva.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Stim_Abuser   United States. Jan 27 2015 04:59. Posts 7499

I wouldn't agree with that tbh. Diaz does marathons for fun. Fitness is a massive part of his life. The vast majority of Silva's recovery was spent not being able to walk or run or do shit.

But Silva's so much better and it's such a good match up, that it should be a super easy fight for him. Unless Silva's completely broke and like 10% as good as he used to be with a glass chin.

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

TheHuHu3   United States. Jan 27 2015 05:09. Posts 5544

Okay, how much $ will I win if I bet $100 on Silva and he wins???????????

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

northsails   Bulgaria. Jan 27 2015 06:21. Posts 410

  On January 26 2015 21:33 Baalim wrote:
Backing up against the cage vs Diaz isnt dangerous at all, its just the limit exhausted people can back up to, Nick doesn do anything special there but batter people who cant lift their arms anymore like BJ Penn.

LOL. That is actually the worst thing you can do against Diaz. He absolutely batters anyone that has back up to the cage in his fights. Watch his fight with Daley or the fight with Condit or any of his recent fights. His opponents can't use there footwork and kicks there and that is Diaz's biggest weaknesses.

But like I said I think Silva is going to be too much for Diaz. He is too big and has too much power. He has better movement, more speed and more weapons. This fights should be easy for him.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 27 2015 08:02. Posts 9634

  On January 27 2015 04:09 TheHuHu3 wrote:
Okay, how much $ will I win if I bet $100 on Silva and he wins???????????

three fiddy

gryzzlybearr   Bulgaria. Jan 27 2015 10:31. Posts 129

The most important question now-Give your prediction about how the fight goes and how the fight ends?
I will start first.
I think they go out and Silva starts kicking Nick.Nick is going to chase him and they will engage hard in the first round because Silva is not going to run away all the time ,but will want to fight.
I see Diaz takes some damage in the first and second round then turns it around and knock Silva out in the fifth in a bloody fashion.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 27 2015 11:29. Posts 9634

I still get goosebumps when i think about how Silva broke his leg damn.
I only wonder if Diaz is fast enough to catch Silva before he catches him, pretty sure this will go TKO either way. Would be very surprised to see a the match go the distance

TheHuHu3   United States. Jan 27 2015 14:21. Posts 5544

  On January 27 2015 07:02 Spitfiree wrote:
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three fiddy

You wanna fight?

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

Minsk   United States. Jan 27 2015 18:33. Posts 1558

I like Thiago Santos ML. I think that hes a mean guy that likes to hurt people.

PuertoRican   United States. Jan 27 2015 19:01. Posts 13076

  On January 27 2015 17:33 Minsk wrote:
I like Thiago Santos ML. I think that hes a mean guy that likes to hurt people.

For his sake, I hope he is.

A nice guy that doesn't like to hurt people would make for a shitty MMA fighter.

Rekrul is a newb 

handbanana21   United States. Jan 27 2015 21:26. Posts 3037

  On January 27 2015 18:01 PuertoRican wrote:
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For his sake, I hope he is.

A nice guy that doesn't like to hurt people would make for a shitty MMA fighter.

aka uriah hall


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