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Ibsu Bai Hui   United Kingdom. Jan 31 2006 12:19. Posts 3390

Hey, my name is J and I've been a member of since mid 2003. I played Starcraft (toss) for fun; competitively for no more than a couple of weeks, and I believe my best avg apm was 110. I mainly ignored the first TL Poker Discussion thread, think I started to get interested half way though the 2nd. My friend Servolisk began to play and I watched him make several hundred in a few hours playing HU. I guess this was what triggered my interest.

I had a number of free money deals but never really grasped the concepts of winning poker until about 6 months ago. After that I played pokerstars $5nl with $1-5 for a good while, working up to $30 then getting weary and just dumping it. I repeated this several times, until something finally snapped in my brain and I decided to get serious.

30th September Travis gave out a bunch of $5 stakes and I've since slowly turned that into $2000.

I like to play FR Holdem and have experimented briefly with other gametypes, but think it's best to focus on one thing at a time.

Other than poker I like to get drugged up with friends, play things like the Discworld MUD (where I first met Servolisk, incidently) and watch comedy.

I'm a 2nd year at university studying Web Dev. I had to retake my first year, but don't regret it.

Infact the only thing I do regret is unrealised, poorly expressed and unrequited love. That and not buying toilet paper the other day. Damn did I need it.

I used to go sailing, kung fu, fencing, swimming and more. Hell, I even used to go to work.

My favourite albums at the moment are Drunken Lullabies, Dark Side of the Moon, Queen's Greatest, Riffs by Status Quo and Argus by Wishbone Ash. I also like Atmosphere, X-Japan and Special D.

Gogo post your own~

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Floofy says: my sis always goes around in bra but its annopyying to meLast edit: 07/07/2006 19:19

Daut    United States. Jan 31 2006 12:23. Posts 8955

my name is Ryan, and i've been sober for 3 weeks now

I also enjoy abusing my mod status in obvious ways

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 31/01/2006 12:57

Rekrul   United States. Jan 31 2006 12:37. Posts 3338

my name is Rekrul, and i've been drunk for 3 weeks now

i am also better than nazgul at poker

edit: mods if ur gunna edit my posts atleast say something funny, that was lame

LOvEDoM says: ALL IN WARLast edit: 31/01/2006 13:08

Ibsu Bai Hui   United Kingdom. Jan 31 2006 12:55. Posts 3390

prove it

Floofy says: my sis always goes around in bra but its annopyying to me 

PoorUser    United States. Jan 31 2006 12:59. Posts 7471

im steve
i suck at poker but im really good at pvp

Gambler Emeritus 

T_T   . Jan 31 2006 13:25. Posts 38

hi my name is T_T and i adore rekrul.

Ozmita   Spain. Jan 31 2006 14:03. Posts 146


http://www.sc2esp.comLast edit: 08/07/2009 11:15

pinbaLL    Sweden. Jan 31 2006 14:04. Posts 7243

Im Erik, 18 years old. Played BW for a few years, some nicks of mine were MgZ)UnCha, UnCha[GoGo] and pinbaLL[P.M]. Orzhady got me into poker, telling me that there were tournaments with zero buy-in with real $ prizes. Really didnt know anything about the game so I guess I learned the basics playing freerolls on Then I got money on PS and like everyone else I lost and lost but finally won and managed to pay back what I owed. blablabla Now I play party poker, got $50 from Stygg on Fortunately I didnt get unlucky the first days, and managed to build it up to $250, and figured I could pay the $50 back. Lousy play brought me down to $27 and I felt really shitty -_- I won a preflop allin hand, AQ vs 89s. I flopped an ace but he got flushdraw on the turn, which didnt hit. I then joined 100nl to double again, and for some reason I called someones raise on the buttom with Q9 off suit. Flopped QQ9 vs his AK that he refused to let go of even though I was the one who raised heh. So I got a bit over a $100 roll and started playing $25 NL better than before, and didnt get into trouble again.

Now Im playing $100 NL (some $200 today, dunno yet if Ill keep playing 200 nl or go back again) and I feel like the sky is the limit (like everybody else heh). I will play like crazy after I finished highschool, and wont stop moving up in limits until I feel I cant beat the players there..

Enough about poker. When it comes to music, metal is the shit. Iron Maiden > all, thats a fact. I also listen to Dimmu Borgir, Lordi, Hammerfall, Slayer, Sentenced and a shitload of other bands.

Ive started going to the gym about 3 times/week to get some muscles on my skinny body I also play floorball twice a week.

Im a free man like ibsu! I enjoy drinking and going out with friends, Im deadly sick of school and cant wait for it to end. I have no problem at all with the stuff were doing but I lack motivation. So I spend most of my time in front of the computer, playing poker and chatting on MSN, or workout, or (on weekends) go out with friends or just watch a movie with em.


and Ive been sober since last friday -_-;


Cooperstown   United States. Jan 31 2006 14:19. Posts 457

Hi, I'm Matt, I'm a motivational speaker and I live in a van down by the river. And I'm really crushing on Ryan's fine bod right now.

I dont remember anything from last night. all i know is, is that i woke up naked on my couch, with a piece of uncooked chicken on the stove. -Josh McLeod 

ChoboPokeR_r   Germany. Jan 31 2006 14:21. Posts 4598

--- Nuked ---

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?Last edit: 31/01/2006 15:43

The72o   Zimbabwe. Jan 31 2006 14:41. Posts 6112

My name is Tomasz, I'm 18 years old.
I played StarCraft since late 99. Never had any real achievements. My nick was TerranHope[VBK], I was an admin on nG-i, so there is the only way you could know me I retired in December 2004.
First time I played poker was by Meat's deal - January 2005 - but lost whole 75$ there fast
Then used NoDeposit Bonus on Empire, from where I started to move money between other pokerrooms to make books bonuses. After I had 4, I withdrawed money and never played again to day after my birthday (10 September)
I deposited 120$ on Stars and started to grinding from NL5$.
Right know I'm playing NL25 on Stars, mostly ShortHanded.

Besides poker I'm interested in Air Soft Guns, music, watching good movies and most of it hanging out with friends.

Just like pinbaLL I'm going to build my body , bought some hardware for it
And just like him i "Im deadly sick of school and cant wait for it to end. I have no problem at all with the stuff were doing but I lack motivation."

That's it, I think

P.S. Im sober since 1 January

A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

tontonba   . Jan 31 2006 14:47. Posts 1281

Hi, my name is tony, i am half italian, 1/4 chinese, and 1/4 hebrew. i like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and quiet evenings by the fireplace. my dream date would be me and rek on a boat in the middle of the mediterranean. i would slowly feed him strawberries covered in whipped cream/chocolate until his nipples get so hard and stiff that i could practically uncork champagne bottles with them. then we would make sweet sweet love on a secluded beach (he would be the catcher of course) during which he would climax to the sound of waves crashing against our wet, sand-covered bodies.

nuff said 

The72o   Zimbabwe. Jan 31 2006 14:48. Posts 6112

tontonba xd

A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

tontonba   . Jan 31 2006 14:52. Posts 1281

i am abusing the anonymity that comes with being an online forum user, no?

nuff said 

Ibsu Bai Hui   United Kingdom. Jan 31 2006 15:00. Posts 3390

ROFL i was so expecting that but funny all the same

Floofy says: my sis always goes around in bra but its annopyying to me 

Daut    United States. Jan 31 2006 15:07. Posts 8955


i read long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners i was like oh god this is going to fucking suck like all of these cliche things

2 lines later i was peeing myself

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

Arya   United States. Jan 31 2006 15:20. Posts 1631

tontonba your wish is my command:

Daut    United States. Jan 31 2006 15:25. Posts 8955



NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

tontonba   . Jan 31 2006 15:31. Posts 1281

haha funny thing is that guy does look 1/2 italian, 1/4 chinese, 1/4 hebrew

nuff said 

Ibsu Bai Hui   United Kingdom. Jan 31 2006 15:34. Posts 3390

i have that saved on disc

and use it every night

Floofy says: my sis always goes around in bra but its annopyying to meLast edit: 31/01/2006 15:35


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