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AA vs fish 350bb deep FML

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EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jul 03 2012 12:07. Posts 8915

Submitted by : EvilSky

PokerStars Hand #82798439552: Holdem No Limit ($2/$4 USD) - 2012/07/03 11:36:16 ET
Table Europa II 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Desultory ($991.20 in chips)
Seat 2: jinshan0809 ($1486.57 in chips)
Seat 3: theobqaz ($2867 in chips)
Seat 4: Password222 ($994.40 in chips)
Seat 5: Hero ($1771.53 in chips)
Seat 6: 2PairWind ($500.56 in chips)
jinshan0809: posts small blind $2
theobqaz: posts big blind $4
Desultory: posts the ante $0.80
jinshan0809: posts the ante $0.80
theobqaz: posts the ante $0.80
Password222: posts the ante $0.80
Hero: posts the ante $0.80
2PairWind: posts the ante $0.80

Dealt to Hero AsAd
Password222: raises $4 to $8
Hero: raises $24 to $32
2PairWind: folds
Desultory: folds
jinshan0809: calls $30
theobqaz: folds
Password222: calls $24

Flop (Pot : $100.00)

jinshan0809: checks
Password222: checks
Hero: bets $76
jinshan0809: calls $76
Password222: folds

Turn (Pot : $252.00)

jinshan0809: checks
Hero: bets $188
jinshan0809: raises $188 to $376
Hero: calls $188

River (Pot : $1,004.00)

jinshan0809: bets $1001.77 and is all-in
Hero: ???

Guy is a 45/27 Chinese fish,not much history. I think he is capable of having some 3x here.
Common wisdom says if I call turn I should call river because its pretty much a brick but from experience fish usually dont bluff big, especially when deep. He jammed river pretty quick.
Thought on turn/river ? (mostly river :D)

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leos147   Iceland. Jul 03 2012 12:38. Posts 171

I'm not a cg player but I'd say this is basically a bluff or nuts kind of thing.
I like the fold here though, he might have JJ or 99.
Adxd maybe?
The min raise on the turn seems to be one of those things fish do with the nuts.. then again would he raise with a big hand?

 Last edit: 03/07/2012 16:08

Kapol   Poland. Jul 03 2012 15:47. Posts 4696

From a micro stakes player's point of view, where there are tons of fish, it looks like a turn fold, although I know it's very hard to make one. Call flop, check/min-raise turn is a monster almost always and it is basically inevitable that the fish will ship on the river. If, however, he's somehow miraculously bluffing on the turn, then I doubt he'll continue to bluff on the river. Especially this big.

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)Last edit: 03/07/2012 15:47

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jul 03 2012 18:30. Posts 5314

easiest call in the world vs this guy.

vs a random fish i will probably min3bet the turn since i have position, then check the river if they call and check it back, which a fish will do 90% of the time. it puts them into a decision where they should 4bet jam turn with all their good hands but they never do it because in the face of aggression vs aggression, almost all the time they will revert to passive stuff like slowplaying.

edit: if it's not clear enough, this way loses less money vs monsters and still gains value vs all their semi bluff hands they raise turn with.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 03/07/2012 20:03

patti   United States. Jul 03 2012 19:38. Posts 550

Lol wtf Stroggoz?

 Last edit: 03/07/2012 19:38

casinocasino   Canada. Jul 03 2012 19:58. Posts 3343

evil please tell us you clicked call

TalentedTom    Canada. Jul 04 2012 01:16. Posts 20070

  On July 03 2012 17:30 Stroggoz wrote:
easiest call in the world vs this guy.

vs a random fish i will probably min3bet the turn since i have position, then check the river if they call and check it back, which a fish will do 90% of the time. it puts them into a decision where they should 4bet jam turn with all their good hands but they never do it because in the face of aggression vs aggression, almost all the time they will revert to passive stuff like slowplaying.

edit: if it's not clear enough, this way loses less money vs monsters and still gains value vs all their semi bluff hands they raise turn with.

this is preety strong evidence lol

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

locoo   Peru. Jul 04 2012 02:04. Posts 4561

wow lol, please tell me you called!

bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jul 04 2012 04:06. Posts 8915

ufff I think Im gonna take a few days off poker, later guys :-/

okyougosu   Russian Federation. Jul 04 2012 07:36. Posts 963

seriously its an autocall vs this guy


Endo   United States. Jul 04 2012 15:24. Posts 953


dogmeat   Czech Republic. Jul 04 2012 17:43. Posts 6374

  On July 04 2012 06:36 okyougosu wrote:
seriously its an autocall vs this guy

omg lol wtf snap call lol

... like it is that easy w/o history

ban baal 

l33tf0b   . Jul 23 2012 15:39. Posts 13

what i don't understand is if he plays this bad... how's he stacking for 3x - 4x buyins???

it seems like he's doing well but will donk it off afterwards?

YoMeR   United States. Jul 24 2012 14:26. Posts 12435

  On July 03 2012 11:07 EvilSky wrote:
Submitted by : EvilSky

PokerStars Hand #82798439552: Holdem No Limit ($2/$4 USD) - 2012/07/03 11:36:16 ET
Table Europa II 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Desultory ($991.20 in chips)
Seat 2: jinshan0809 ($1486.57 in chips)
Seat 3: theobqaz ($2867 in chips)
Seat 4: Password222 ($994.40 in chips)
Seat 5: Hero ($1771.53 in chips)
Seat 6: 2PairWind ($500.56 in chips)
jinshan0809: posts small blind $2
theobqaz: posts big blind $4
Desultory: posts the ante $0.80
jinshan0809: posts the ante $0.80
theobqaz: posts the ante $0.80
Password222: posts the ante $0.80
Hero: posts the ante $0.80
2PairWind: posts the ante $0.80

Dealt to Hero AsAd
Password222: raises $4 to $8
Hero: raises $24 to $32
2PairWind: folds
Desultory: folds
jinshan0809: calls $30
theobqaz: folds
Password222: calls $24

Flop (Pot : $100.00)

jinshan0809: checks
Password222: checks
Hero: bets $76
jinshan0809: calls $76
Password222: folds

Turn (Pot : $252.00)

jinshan0809: checks
Hero: bets $188
jinshan0809: raises $188 to $376
Hero: calls $188

River (Pot : $1,004.00)

jinshan0809: bets $1001.77 and is all-in
Hero: ???

Guy is a 45/27 Chinese fish

i think i'd snap here and not really think too much of it...asian degenerate fish are the best kinds of fish ;D

eZ Life. 

PokerDoc88   Australia. Oct 10 2012 06:03. Posts 3527

Interesting hope you called

Haven't posted here for a online poker legal in China now?

Rapoza   Brasil. Oct 10 2012 09:27. Posts 1612

--- Nuked ---

Pouncer Style 4 the win 

el_tilon   Canada. Oct 10 2012 12:47. Posts 296

i will shove the turn :$


EvilSky    Czech Republic. Oct 10 2012 12:52. Posts 8915

lol cmon man wtf just when I forgot about this hand... I was annoyed for days after this , kept seeing stroggoz hhs with this guy cramming 4 buy ins with third pair over and over

YoMeR   United States. Oct 10 2012 17:21. Posts 12435

^ lol


eZ Life. 

the cleaner   Germany. Oct 10 2012 17:39. Posts 3014

rofl - evil bump

there are no facts only interpretationsLast edit: 10/10/2012 17:39


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