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Taken 2

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HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Jun 27 2012 08:28. Posts 10896

not sur if excited or sad ;/

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the cleaner   Germany. Jun 27 2012 08:54. Posts 3014

cool. the movie with the wolves was pretty bad tho.

there are no facts only interpretationsLast edit: 27/06/2012 08:54

whamm!   Albania. Jun 27 2012 09:37. Posts 11625

if this movie were in audiobook format narrated by liam neeson id still be interested

NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 27 2012 09:49. Posts 4945

Taken 2, what the hell? This is kinda one of those "dont fuck with a masterpiece" things. Will have to watch the trailer to judge, but uhg....

bye now 

Loco   Canada. Jun 27 2012 10:04. Posts 20964

Taken was a masterpiece?


fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Jun 27 2012 10:11. Posts 10896

Ofc not Loco but Taken was very very good movie -.-
Really loved the movie
I dont know why they decided to do a second one..oh
i dont want to be disapointed by the second one ;/

and yeah The Grey was bad cleaner.. :/

Bigbobm   United States. Jun 27 2012 10:22. Posts 5511

  On June 27 2012 09:04 Loco wrote:
Taken was a masterpiece?



The Grey wasn't terrible, I think everyone just expected something totally different. It's like watching Funny People and expecting a funny movie. Both movies give you a little bit of what you expected at the end though. Wolves getting fucked up and a bunch of punch lines

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jun 27 2012 10:26. Posts 8915

  On June 27 2012 09:04 Loco wrote:
Taken was a masterpiece?


This, wtf guys Taken was awful.

Loco   Canada. Jun 27 2012 10:52. Posts 20964

  On June 27 2012 09:11 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
I dont know why they decided to do a second one..oh

I'm pretty sure it was the same reason for the first one too. 25 mil budget movies are rarely done for "art purposes".

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 27/06/2012 10:53

TalentedTom    Canada. Jun 27 2012 12:56. Posts 20070

Taken 1 was pretty bad ass (clearly we are not watching this movie for a deep and engaging storyline, it`s on the same level as Expendables) - Huge success at the box office. This one looks like it`s very similar, which I`m pretty excited for!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Jun 27 2012 13:35. Posts 9685

  On June 27 2012 09:26 EvilSky wrote:
Show nested quote +

This, wtf guys Taken was awful.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

PplusAD   Germany. Jun 27 2012 14:42. Posts 7180

  On June 27 2012 09:26 EvilSky wrote:
Show nested quote +

This, wtf guys Taken was awful.


Taken was 6/10 at best ...

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

lebowski   Greece. Jun 27 2012 15:33. Posts 9205

dat phone speech...

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

TalentedTom    Canada. Jun 27 2012 15:37. Posts 20070

  On June 27 2012 14:33 lebowski wrote:
dat phone speech...

this is a great phone prank idea lol, such an intense speech

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Jun 27 2012 16:12. Posts 10896

If you guys didnt like Taken..feel free to share what movie you liked and gave it an 8+/10

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Jun 27 2012 16:29. Posts 6374

its one of garbage movies, stupid story, ok camera,but great effects and real fun to watch

ban baal 

Twisted    Netherlands. Jun 27 2012 16:41. Posts 10422

Taken was awesome what the fuck.

RaiNKhAN    United States. Jun 27 2012 16:46. Posts 4080

  On June 27 2012 07:54 the cleaner wrote:
cool. the movie with the wolves was pretty bad tho.


This movie has every kind of possibility to immediately be a dogshit movie unless they find a way to narrate this kind of 'revenge' script. The people who saw Taken paid much less attention to the bad guys and more towards Liam Neeson's bad ass killing spree. To just suddenly give importance to all the bad guys Liam killed just can't work IMO. Plus they brought in the Dos Equi's guy so this will probably just suck huge mammoth ass cheeks

edit: I loved the original Taken movie, and it's funny because I watched it last night and saw this thread today

The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet!Last edit: 27/06/2012 16:48

PuertoRican   United States. Jun 27 2012 17:14. Posts 13076

I liked Taken.

No idea why they'd make a part 2. "Taken 2: taken again".

Do the Albanian's want justice, so they kidnap his daughter again and put her into prostitution just so it's a big "fuck you" to her dad?

Rekrul is a newb 

casinocasino   Canada. Jun 27 2012 17:23. Posts 3343

taken was not great, but liam neeson is a great performer, that made it a good movie.


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