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Anybody still here?

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RiKD    United States. Feb 21 2023 06:12. Posts 8769

Anybody still here?

I've been alright. I'm up to doing all of the duties of a proper manager and the pressure is on. I found myself immersed in an online shopping binge today / tonight. Feels like I'm backsliding a bit and it also feels like I've left no where to turn. AA is an accepting bunch though which is a good thing. The online shopping bender could also be a symptom that I am going a bit manic. Tough to tell at this stage. I really didn't want to be posting on here tbh but it is a last resort. Am I lacking spiritually? Whatever that means? I took a nice walk on the beach today and felt the breeze and watched the birds. I got in a lift. I went mental shopping online. If I had more going on I don't think I go quite as mental. As always I need connection / intimacy. Do I need a pink velvet double breasted blazer? Is that going to fill up the hole in my soul? Well, probably not.

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RiKD    United States. Feb 21 2023 06:17. Posts 8769

Damn it.... Now, I'm pissed I posted a blog. More backsliding... and the communication / information only accelerates. At least I attempt to not bullshit but if my sources are bullshit I am left with bullshit and it only increases in speed. "Information travels faster than fact." (Byung-Chul Han)

NewbSaibot   United States. Feb 21 2023 08:59. Posts 4945

Yes bb I is here. Now that I'm an active poker player again I intend to at least post monthly blog/results. I like your idea for going to the beach. It's 3AM right now and the beach is 10 minutes away. Maybe I'll do the same.

bye now 

PuertoRican   United States. Feb 22 2023 01:58. Posts 13076

I'm still here, but I've been busy with work and other stuff outside of the internet.

Rekrul is a newb 

RiKD    United States. Feb 22 2023 03:42. Posts 8769

I'm working on "Fort Worth Blues" by Steve Earle. Beautiful little number.

I don't mean to degrade LP. It is what it is and posting on here is a form of backsliding for me as an effective human being. Especially with the state it is in.


Do your thing dude.


I hope you were joking in the other thread that bringing back toxic people will be good for the community. I am sure LP has a place in all of our hearts but it's not what it used to be and we are not what we used to be. Being active in work and other stuff is obv good. If I were you I wouldn't trade any of that other stuff to be or to make a dead site more active. And I would especially not promote flooding the site with imbeciles with some hope to make it simply more active. It's over dude and it has been over for a while.

RiKD    United States. Feb 22 2023 03:45. Posts 8769

Hoping that can bring some acceptance over the death of LP. Further chatter really only brings us to some purgatory state. Even though part of my brain craves the chatter...

RiKD    United States. Feb 22 2023 03:50. Posts 8769

Just as I write this lostaccount is back. I don't think he can literally bring LP back from the dead but he might attempt it. If only it was better content than his crypto takes and angel videos. I don't think I ever banned him from my blog but I am pretty sure he banned me from his.


Whatever Dude.

lostaccount   Canada. Feb 22 2023 06:02. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 22/02/2023 06:44

lostaccount   Canada. Feb 22 2023 06:23. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 22/02/2023 06:52

Oddeye   Canada. Feb 22 2023 20:20. Posts 5106

I'm still watching it but you guys usually start the discussion. Just watching hockey lately and play poker. Been binge watching the few last years KCM.

RiKD    United States. Feb 23 2023 01:46. Posts 8769

  On February 22 2023 19:20 Oddeye wrote:
I'm still watching it but you guys usually start the discussion. Just watching hockey lately and play poker. Been binge watching the few last years KCM.

What is KCM?

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 23 2023 09:48. Posts 3096

I'm around. Busy being a dad, just started my 15 weeks of parental leave and it is wonderful.

lol POKER 

NewbSaibot   United States. Feb 23 2023 11:28. Posts 4945

  On February 23 2023 00:46 RiKD wrote:
Show nested quote +

What is KCM?

Broodwar league

bye now 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Feb 23 2023 11:58. Posts 5314

Still checking in every so often. Here to remind everyone that mainstream economists are uncivilized savages.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 23/02/2023 12:00

lostaccount   Canada. Feb 23 2023 16:29. Posts 6035

  On February 23 2023 10:58 Stroggoz wrote:
Still checking in every so often. Here to remind everyone that mainstream economists are uncivilized savages.


humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 23 2023 17:37. Posts 2231

  On February 23 2023 08:48 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm around. Busy being a dad, just started my 15 weeks of parental leave and it is wonderful.

my parents are in their 30th year... of parental leave...

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

RiKD    United States. Feb 25 2023 18:36. Posts 8769

I keep getting stuck on what haircut I want. So, I ended up with a buzzcut fade. I definitely don't want anything like the Ken doll haircut seen on most plastic executives. Growing my hair out just takes too long and the in between is terrible.

That's all I got. 3 sentences on haircuts. I love fashion / style but it's expensive. I can't wear a monk uniform to work though and shopping is fun. More money, more problems. Bring on the problems?

CurbStomp2   Finland. Feb 25 2023 21:35. Posts 261

based steve earle

PuertoRican   United States. Feb 26 2023 07:56. Posts 13076

  On February 23 2023 08:48 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm around. Busy being a dad, just started my 15 weeks of parental leave and it is wonderful.

How many kids do you have? I am 40-years-old, and I don't have kids yet, just enjoying the single life and being able to spend all of my money on myself and travel wherever and whenever I want.

Being a parent is obviously awesome, but I haven't went down that path yet.

Rekrul is a newb 

lostaccount   Canada. Feb 27 2023 15:11. Posts 6035

rikd we making LP alive again

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 


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