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VanDerMeyde   Norway. Apr 05 2017 13:40. Posts 5108

Islam in sweden: Girls have to use the backdoor while boys can sit in the front of the bus

Even when you bring Islam to scandinavia... haha


Loco   Canada. Apr 05 2017 16:27. Posts 20963

  On April 05 2017 12:23 VanDerMeyde wrote:
How can Krill oil be a bad thing thou

Things aren't in a 'bad' or 'good' category, they're on a spectrum from best to worst. I haven't looked at the literature on krill but if I have to guess it's a better choice than other fish oils simply due to the fish size (being lower in pollutants). It might be better absorbed too but then it becomes a question of whether the extra cost works out favorably in that equation. In the end it's irrelevant to me because DHA/EPA from microalgae exists at a reasonable price, it's more sustainable and it is always going to have less pollutants than any fish (if any).

I just did a quick comparison for fun between the brand I use (/w third party lab analysis) and Mercola's krill, respectively: 80 servings of 500 mg of DHA/EPA (200 EPA/300 DHA) vs 90 servings of 155 mg (100 EPA/55 DHA). Nearly the same amount of servings, but 3 times more long-chain omega 3s (5.5x more DHA!) per serving in the microalgae supplement, which costs 2.5x less than Mercola's overpriced product. I guess a krill oil pusher would say, "yeah but krill oil has Astaxanthin too", but if you look at the small amount that's in there, you'd be far better off just buying a separate astaxanthin supplement. There's 12 times more astaxanthin in there per serving and you'd still be spending less by buying both of those together than on the krill product alone. Maybe there's a difference in phospholipids content with krill too, but eh, I don't know that this has been well studied and matters much, and since Mercola's product isn't even third party verifiable, you might not even be getting that much either. A quick search and I found a site that says that the analysis of his product at ConsumerLab was pretty bad, which wouldn't surprise me.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 05/04/2017 21:58

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Apr 05 2017 17:55. Posts 5108

I understand ur point rS.Loco

Personally I just take normal fish oil, thou i think some experts would say it is "contaminated"


Loco   Canada. Apr 05 2017 19:37. Posts 20963

It's definitely contaminated, the question is whether it meets (or ideally exceed) the standards set by the GOED and the World Health Organization. If you can't know what you're taking by verifying with a third party, you're probably better off not taking it.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 05/04/2017 19:40

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 05 2017 22:43. Posts 1841

The phospholipids are crucial that is why that retarded site is whining so much the absorption rate is way higher and you just take a teaspoon of cod liver oil which works synergistically VDM just get mollers tran which is from lofoten should be good or you can get arctic the north sea is not that polluted. If you take the micro algae you are getting a simple source according to Niels. You complain about research? show me research about the algae I can't find anything is there any research on how well it is absorbed? I'm pretty sure krill are better suited to eat the algae I could be wrong not gonna stop me taking this godsend contains choline too. Why don't you just eat fish? killing a fish is easy 0 fucks given that day.

You go on about pollution but your vegetables are sprayed to fuck with pesticides etc. and you have to eat a lot more of them to get the same amount of calories. Also if they continue with modern agriculture it will destroy all arable land in the end. The plowing kills the worms and myceliaum the spraying of roundup and other shit the saps nutrients spraying of copper fucks with shit to claim that veganism is the answer is stupid. I guess we would all be eating highly processed soy and being sick as fuck (this is the real source of your diseases that you claim all the time highly sprayed soy processed shit that everyone started eating after ww2 when they feed the fish in aquaculture with it they get the same diseases as us watch the video)

My one
100% neptune krill oil NKO 500mg
Marine phospholipids 210mg
omega 3 150mg
-epa 75mg
-dha 45mg
Astaxanthin 500ug
Cholin 28mg

And I take 4 of those.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 05/04/2017 23:13

Loco   Canada. Apr 06 2017 23:08. Posts 20963

Algal-oil capsules and cooked salmon: nutritionally equivalent sources of docosahexaenoic acid.

Bioavailability and potential uses of vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids: a review of the literature

A Meta-Analysis Shows That Docosahexaenoic Acid from Algal Oil Reduces Serum Triglycerides and Increases HDL-Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol

Blood docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in vegans: Associations with age and gender and effects of an algal-derived omega-3 fatty acid supplement.

"The vegans responded robustly to a relatively low dose of a vegetarian omega-3 [DHA] supplement."

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 06/04/2017 23:14

Loco   Canada. Apr 06 2017 23:30. Posts 20963

"Krill oil supplements, are generally a much more expensive source of EPA and DHA. It would not be unusual to spend 50 cents or more for dose of krill oil providing the same amount of EPA and DHA available from fish oil for as little as 5 to 10 cents.

Perhaps due to the higher cost, krill oil capsules tend to be much smaller than fish oil capsules and provide smaller amounts of EPA and DHA. (Be aware that some products labeled "krill oil" may actually contain a mixture of krill and fish oil.) One might justify the higher cost of krill on the basis of it containing phospholipids, which may enhance absorption, and the red-colored antioxidant astaxanthin. However, absorption of EPA and DHA from krill has not definitively been shown to be better from fish oil (at best, it may be 30% to 100% greater), and the benefit of astaxanthin is not clear. That is, even if you absorbed twice as much EPA and DHA from krill oil, that would not seem to justify paying ten to twenty times as much for it. Also, as noted in our tests of popular omega-3 supplements, krill oil supplements cannot be tested for spoilage the same way that fish oil supplements are tested, since the deeply colored astaxanthin can interfere with the results."

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Apr 06 2017 23:36. Posts 20963

  On April 05 2017 21:43 Mortensen8 wrote:
I could be wrong not gonna stop me taking this godsend contains choline too.

And I take 4 of those.

"The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (my favorite journal) is about to release a new article looking at phosphotidyl choline and all cause and cardiac mortality.
That may sound really lame to you but it is actually very important. Turns out that lab models and some clinical trials have demonstrated that choline consumption can lead to the formation of TMAO, a metabolite of digestion. Problem is that TMAO may cause heart disease and possibly other disease. Interestingly, vegans do not metabolize choline to TMAO, because we have different bacteria in our bowel than meat eaters.

Anyway, in this study that looked at the very large Nurses Health Study and Health Professional Study from Harvard followed for many years. Basically they looked at data from over 120,000 people who did not have any heart disease or cancer and then looked at who developed disease, looked at their diet, calculated how much phosphotidyl choline they consumed, controlled for confounding factors, and used regression analysis to determine if there was a correlation between the amount consumed and heart disease and mortality. There was a significant difference between the highest and the lowest consumers and the risk of death from heart disease or other causes, especially if the subject was diabetic.

So, what has the highest sources of choline? seafood (esp shrimp), eggs, beef, turkey, chicken. No doubt this is just a correlation study but it is one of many showing this link between choline and disease, and serves as an important piece of the puzzle of disease at it serves as a mechanism of action for why we see higher disease levels in meat eaters vs vegans. It may help explain, in part, why Ornish's randomized controlled trial showed a vegan diet reversed heart disease.
Choline is certainly not the only reason we see heart disease. Just one part of a puzzle that is slowly, but surely coming together."

- Dr. Garth Davis

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 07 2017 12:21. Posts 1841

Why are you so concerned about heart disease and all these old men diseases who gives a fuck if I die at 60. Choline is great for the brain saturated fat and cholesterol too and so is epa dha. The algae is interesting. Why don't you be the guinea pig see how high your omega 3 index can get the ones from study only got 4 and comparing them to soldiers and americans is dishonest americans are notoriously low soldiers probably expend everything as fuel.

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 07 2017 13:38. Posts 1841

Not to mention it is complete bs. I'm not going to keep arguing with an ideolog but taking shitty american observational studies where the average persons diet consists of gummy bears, white bread and sunflower oil is not going to convince me that eggs and meat are unhealthy. The cholesterol bs was debunked cholesterol in your food does not equal cholesterol in blood. The reason these people are unhealthy is because they are fat sedentary and their diet sucks. At no time in history would any man have unlimited access to food without expending many calories. I eat lots of butter, eggs, steak and I have a very hard time putting on weight always been thin the reason these people get fat is because their hormones are out of balance from a lifetime of exposure to shitty diet (soft drinks, crisps, chocolate, pizza, french fries, burgers, processed meat, white bread) probably not getting breast fed, contaminated water supply or drinking/eating out of plastic (reheating), microwave meals, vegetable oils, LOW FAT SCAM (healthy saturated fat replaced with vegetable oils), hormone treated milk/meat, sedentary lifestyle, feminist altruistic ideology.

My ancestors diet consisted exclusively of whale, fish, meat and milk for more than one thousand years on this godforsaken rock to change my diet would be idiotic and on par with forcing eskimos (by fucking leafs) to eat large amounts of grains. I also suspect mild celiac since I get very bloated if I eat too many oats/pasta.

You are not taking any genetics into account. For instance Mongolians are better able to convert your ala to epa/dha.

Rear naked woke 

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 07 2017 20:07. Posts 1841

Rear naked woke 

Loco   Canada. Apr 07 2017 22:10. Posts 20963

You're not "mild celiac" since there is no such thing. You probably mean gluten sensitive.

"You are not taking any genetics into account. For instance Mongolians are better able to convert your ala to epa/dha."

Huh? We weren't debating the conversion. EPA/DHA supplements precisely bypass the genetic issue associated with the ALA conversion... that's the whole point of taking them for vegans who aren't getting a blood test to verify, it's a safety net.

The Mongolian thing is just something you're repeating which you have no evidence for. I've personally had genetic testing done and I do have the polymorphism that is responsible for the highest conversion rate of ALA to DHA, however, I still choose to take a DHA supplement because I can afford to and I don't have to worry about eating enough and ratios affecting the conversion.

The difference between your ancestors and you is that they didn't have access to the science that would have allowed them to make better choices, whereas you choose to disregard it for ideological reasons (and out of incapacity/laziness too). They didn't have the luxury of shopping in grocery stores full of diversity either.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/04/2017 22:31

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 07 2017 22:42. Posts 1841

I was giving an example of genetic mutations. Like lactose tolerance. Yes the Mongolians is what I heard in that Niels Hoem video he had heard from some Asian scientist lel Also Japanese and seaweed

Did you send me this? apparently been on it before massive list

  Regions with high EPA + DHA blood levels (> 8%) included the Sea of Japan, Scandinavia, and areas with indigenous populations or populations not fully adapted to Westernized food habits. Very low blood levels (? 4%) were observed in North America, Central and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa. The present review reveals considerable variability in blood levels of EPA + DHA and the very low to low range of blood EPA + DHA for most of the world may increase global risk for chronic disease.

Also how many vegans actually know about this stuff? Most I see on youtube still think omega 3 ALA is the same as well as thinking saturated fat is bad etc. What about K2? Does the preservatives vinegar etc. destroy it like it does to the good bacteria? In that case vegans should make their own fermented foods.

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 07/04/2017 22:43

Loco   Canada. Apr 08 2017 01:06. Posts 20963

It's common knowledge to any vegan who isn't a complete noob that you should consume enough ALA to compensate for the small conversion rate. It's usually the second most important thing you learn after learning about B12. It's not complicated to calculate and include in your diet even if you have the polymorphism that leads to the lowest conversion rate, especially if you consume flax oil or walnut oil, then it's really easy, but I personally don't consume any vegetable oils and it's just more convenient to take DHA/EPA.

There are probably more noobs on YouTube than anywhere, whether they are vegan or not, so let's not even go there. By the same token, how many omnis know that fish don't even synthesize EPA/DHA? Most people think that's the only place it can be found and they don't know they are only filtering the EPA/DHA that comes from the bottom of the food chain and then bioaccumulates up the food chain to reach the toxic fish which they choose to eat instead of getting it from its original, clean plant source. Same idea with protein... all protein initially comes from plants. Only plants have the ability to take nitrogen from the air, break those molecules apart and make protein. But we'll hear "where do you get your protein bro" until the end of time.

Vegans who eat very healthy are at an incredibly low risk of heart disease so K2 is likely not an important concern for cardiovascular health; you make small amounts from synthesizing K1 to K2 and your gut bacteria makes some as well. The highest source of K2 is natto which is vegan so it's not impossible to get, but I can't find natto here easily and I'm too lazy to make it so I take a K2 supplement from natto instead. Why? Mainly for bone/dental health and because it's cheap. As far as I know there's not much K2 at all in unpasteurized sauerkraut and kimchi (which I also eat regularly). They don't have any vinegar in them; fermented foods are not necessarily pickled foods.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 08/04/2017 01:28

RiKD    United States. May 15 2017 19:02. Posts 8559

We all need to watch this and discuss. Best podcast I have ever seen.

Some thoughts as they come to me... I was driving while listening. I kind of wanted to take notes. So, then I loosely did for the second half.

There is a patriarchy. The problem is when there is not "logos." Logos meaning truth and reason. The tyrant king as JP called it. There are many tyrant kings who have climbed social hierarchies. Trump is no hero. JP is a hero and it is a shame a lot of SJWs don't understand the message.

I have always been big on truth and authenticity. Responsibility is one that JP opened my eyes on but I did see it. It is cleaning your side of the street. That HAS to be accomplished before any creative endeavor or helping can be accomplished. Well, maybe not creative endeavor. I think the artist can have a messy workspace and home and still create works of art. Perhaps to be more heroic we must clean our rooms and do the dishes.

We must find a "meaning that transcends the suffering." We "have to justify miserable existence." This is truth to me. Anyone who says existence is not absurd or tragic or full of suffering and misery is not being honest. We have to strive for that ideal. As Jung said: whatever our ideal is, is our God. I would agree that Jesus is a hero to be strived for. He is not my ideal but it is a great story. Perhaps he is not my ideal because I am afraid of my mortality, I am afraid of the future, I would not be fucking hot bitches if I was Jesus. I would be more at peace. I always liked Gambit from X-Men. I like the message of "be a hero that does heroic things" even if that is just accepting mortality. Even if that is just being honest. As they talked about that is the way to get through chaos...

BUT, is that the way to climb dominance hierarchies?

There are many social spheres. I like that they said a social sphere is probably about 250 people. I disagree with JP about power and dominance hierarchies. For example the political sphere is about power. They value getting votes by any means necessary. They value getting money by any means necessary. Not all of them of course. We almost had Bernie. We almost elected Bernie our King but there are still a lot of gorillas out there. I should not say that. I don't even want to talk about politics so I will end there on that... Bernie was far from perfect but he was wise in many ways. Of course, I loved him because he was cut from that revolutionary archetype. Very heroic in my eyes as well. I suppose Trump is also wise in many ways and a hero for many emasculated men and dumb women. Hillary was also a hero of emasculated men and dumb women. Don't get me started on feminism. I used a lot of oversimplifications and dumb labeling in this paragraph. This is not what I wanted to talk about...

I think many social spheres do value honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, heroic, noble AND it is the only way to make it through chaos so that is the way to live.

 Last edit: 15/05/2017 19:03

Loco   Canada. May 15 2017 21:48. Posts 20963

Call me a hater, but I just don't think Peterson is as exceptional as people make him out to be. That people elevate him to some kind of intellectual hero is laughable to me, sorry to say. He has some interesting things to say, and I did like his discussion with the Buddhist guy I posted here a while ago but since then I just haven't found anything original in the things he says. Maybe some of his research papers like the one I posted before about the Big Five (personality traits) and political affiliations is original. Otherwise, to me he's just a good rhetorician who has simply read the books that everyone should have already read. If you think of JP as a phenomenal intellectual, go read the people he draws upon. Those are the real intellectual giants. He's only making their insights more accessible to people. I guess I was just lucky to find those works and be interested in reading them before someone made it cool on YouTube. It's also funny to see people from the New Atheism movement who worshiped reason now flocking to some guy who is basically arguing for the maintaining of Christian values and embracing mythology.

As for the "Jesus is a hero to be strived for" thing, there's so much to say about that. The way that I see it, we must begin with the fact that we are all trapped in a prison of egoism and no one has ever escaped it. It's an inescapable fact of our biology. That prison leads to conflict and dissatisfaction when we aren't aware of it and don't understand what drives us. The thing is, that egoism can serve us individually while it serves humanity as a whole, and that should be the ultimate ideal or end goal if we care about the survival of our species. The problem with normal human behavior is that it has always chosen to serve the interests of subgroups rather than humanity itself. Even when we think of some great people, like Gandhi for instance, those people were only serving a subgroup of humanity, not humanity itself. People like Jesus, Socrates and the Buddha, they were the only ones who went beyond that. I think anyone who aspires to be more like them, even if they were to be wrong in the process, would be benefited, and would likely benefit others as well. This seems to be what JP has set out to do and that could be good if he stresses the importance of doubt and it doesn't turn into a cult of personality around him.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

RiKD    United States. May 15 2017 23:10. Posts 8559

I for one have not gotten to a lot of people. I haven't read Hegel, I haven't gotten to all of Nietschze, I have barely gotten to any Kierkgard, I don't know how to spell their names. I have just touched the surface of Jung. I would love to go super deep on Jung. He went DEEP into the human psyche. I don't look at JP as some intellectual hero. I actually disagree with a lot of his thought or mostly intrigued but on the fence but he does do a great job as you said as making a lot of the greats accessible.

Actually, something that would be cool to do is start a list of "THE BOOKS THAT EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ALREADY READ."

I am considering purchasing JP's book "Maps of Meaning" but would probably be better served getting to the stuff I should have already read.

  It's also funny to see people from the New Atheism movement who worshiped reason now flocking to some guy who is basically arguing for the maintaining of Christian values and embracing mythology.

Boom! This is a huge one that I am completely on the same page. It is in line with when he talks about flocking to society. He sort of said it is better to flock to the society ruled by a tyrant king then to not. I don't know if JP is scared of chaos but regardless of whether or not we are in "order" we are still groundless and impermanent. We are still in chaos. The buddhists have taught me that it is better to let go and let the river rapids take me rather than to cling to nothing. It is not heroic to follow a tyrant ruling class. Authenticity is a facet of Truth. I do not elect dishonest, totalitarian kings.

As for the mythology part I am a big fan or was a big fan of classics, comic books, et al AS STORY. It depends what people consider Christian values. The only "Christian" value I am concerned with is Kant's Categorial Imperative basically so not exclusive to Christianity or belief in God. I think it is awesome that Jesus ate with prostitutes and had acceptance with what was to come. Picking out parts of the bible as God's law or God's word is insane. History has shown that the diminishment of Christian values has led to less suffering. I don't know if I can make that statement but an example is Christian re-education centers for LBGTQ. Mike Pence, our Vice President was a big advocate of these things in Indiana. The result was basically a lot of suffering and a lot of suicides.

I don't mind The Bible being taught with The Odyssey and with The Picture of Dorian Gray. I don't even mind if people have the opinion that The Bible is the greatest story ever told. Actually, I don't even want to talk about this. The current facts of life in the area of The Bible and Christianity are overwhelming and nausea inducing. I don't even really think there is much I can do besides stand by manageable issues that come up.

As for the "Jesus is a hero to be strived for" thing, there's so much to say about that. The way that I see it, we must begin with the fact that we are all trapped in a prison of egoism and no one has ever escaped it. It's an inescapable fact of our biology. That prison leads to conflict and dissatisfaction when we aren't aware of it and don't understand what drives us. The thing is, that egoism can serve us individually while it serves humanity as a whole, and that should be the ultimate ideal or end goal if we care about the survival of our species. The problem with normal human behavior is that it has always chosen to serve the interests of subgroups rather than humanity itself. Even when we think of some great people, like Gandhi for instance, those people were only serving a subgroup of humanity, not humanity itself. People like Jesus, Socrates and the Buddha, they were the only ones who went beyond that. I think anyone who aspires to be more like them, even if they were to be wrong in the process, would be benefited, and would likely benefit others as well. This seems to be what JP has set out to do and that could be good if he stresses the importance of doubt and it doesn't turn into a cult of personality around him.

The more I study, the more I learn, the more I experience: a bodditsattva warrior, a christ-like hero, a john rawls "theory of justice" champion are all on the same team. Maybe I am biased because these are my ideals but that is what is best for myself, my community, my state, my country, my planet, my solar system, etc. The lingo may be a bit different but that is what should be strived for. I really like what you are saying about serving sub-groups. I think eventually in the country of USA we will have someone like Bernie but better and more and more people along the lines of benefitting humanity. Not just benefitting humanity but benefitting those who are suffering specifically. Everyone suffers so it is difficult but putting laws into place to maybe alleviate bourgeois-suffering when there are people literally in a conscious hell is a travesty.

Yeah, the JP thing does smell of cult of personality. He has been helpful though and I really don't know his motivations. I stand by the position that he has been heroic in his actions. I would like to think that his motivations are noble. Only time will tell.

 Last edit: 15/05/2017 23:10

Loco   Canada. May 16 2017 02:29. Posts 20963

To be clear, I'm not putting his motives into doubt. If there is a cult of personality around him, I think that just happened on its own, not that he sought it out. I don't get the feeling that he's been doing all of this because he wanted to be worshiped by a bunch of YouTube males. Those males just happened to be there and in deep need for meaning and they elected him as the one who is best qualified to instruct them on how to go about it. It's a problem when many of these men now take his word like it's the Gospel. Many overestimate his contributions to the areas he speaks about, from what I can see. He really needs to stress the importance of doubt, including doubting the things that he says. I don't know if he has done this or not, but with such a huge following now, if he is anything like the hero people think he is, he has to.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/05/2017 02:30

Loco   Canada. May 16 2017 06:45. Posts 20963

It's interesting how much he rants on postmodernism and the Neo-Marxists early on (and in many videos), but at 1:09:38 he says "That's why I don't like ideologies, it divides the world into those safely ensconced into a dominance hierarchy -- and serpents." That's essentially the main position of some of the most famous Neo-Marxist philosophers involved in critical theory.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/05/2017 06:48

RiKD    United States. May 16 2017 06:49. Posts 8559

I think on doubt his position is basically read the literature and bring it. I think most of his following will probably not read the literature. Or, they will read the literature wanting to follow him more. I am sure there are many that can tear a lot of JP's stuff to shreds. Maybe not shreds but certainly certain positions. JP seems very solid in psychology but some of the religious stuff and philosophy stuff and political stuff not so much. He does seem to be pretty well broadly educated though and is a pretty swell orator. There is definitely charisma there and he can professor well. I just saw the first YouTube video and thought it was well done. It would be nice seeing him discuss some of this stuff with people that aren't Joe Rogan.


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