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[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Apr 05 2015 00:03. Posts 1585

had a lot of switcharounds there last 10 mins. Ended up with

Otto( jumping on the bandwagon late here)

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

Daut    United States. Apr 05 2015 01:46. Posts 8955

every single guy i picked sucked today. its almost refreshing that everything is going so bad, no stress. really sucks when 2-3 guys are sucking and you think youll be close to bubbling.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Apr 05 2015 04:13. Posts 1585

haha I guess im in a similar boat. Put up some low scores today. Mostly low 200's. Had a lot of exposure to tyreke in my lineups and he didn't really perform. Same with brook.

edit - Tyreke ended up doing great lol

[GiTM]- GoSu in the MakingLast edit: 05/04/2015 05:50

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 15:06. Posts 8648

i actually fell asleep during the games lol. when i woke up today checking box scores and saw Curry w/11 points (21.9 dfp) in one of my lineups, Griffin in all my lineups with 12 pts, DWill getting 2 fouls in the 1st q and not doing much, i thought for sure i was fucked, especially since nobody else really turned in a monster game.

all 3 of my lineups ended up placing the 50/50s though, and two of them were 4th and 6th lol. i did have a handful of guys who were solid though, i guess that was enough. very weird day for sure.

o shit early games today !!

i've played boogie last couple times and he's been on a tear, but i'm tempted to fade him today...which is scaring me. much tougher matchup for him though.

at a quick glance i think i'm taking Harden and Lebron today, will have to take a closer look at all the games though.

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 05/04/2015 15:42

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 18:03. Posts 8648

ended up with LBJ, RWB, Harden all in one lineup, hope this works lol. this is for all-day, will do a late-game entry probably too:

PG: RWB, Ish Smith

SG: Harden, Jabari

SF: Lebron, Casspi

PF: Speights, Aldemir

C: Baynes

waiting for Boogie to murder me

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 05/04/2015 18:05

TimDawg    United States. Apr 05 2015 18:22. Posts 10197

Jabari is back? :0

online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 18:42. Posts 8648

yeah since about mid-March i think.

just checked FD, said they signed him to a multi-year deal.

Truck-Crash Life 

PanoRaMa   United States. Apr 05 2015 19:27. Posts 1655

One of you might be talking about Jabari Parker, but the only active Jabari is the one on the Lakers (Jabari Brown) 

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Apr 05 2015 19:55. Posts 1585

I was planning on fading Boogie today. But just talked myself into playing him again.

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 20:07. Posts 8648

  On April 05 2015 18:27 PanoRaMa wrote:
One of you might be talking about Jabari Parker, but the only active Jabari is the one on the Lakers (Jabari Brown)

haha yeah sorry i meant Jabari Brown!

Truck-Crash Life 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 20:10. Posts 8648

  On April 05 2015 18:55 [GiTM]-Ace wrote:
I was planning on fading Boogie today. But just talked myself into playing him again.

could be the right move, the way he's been playing lately matchups might not matter.

actually since you just posted i assume you're talking late games only? i might play him too for the late games. i think i made a brainfart not putting Waiters in my lineup with his matchup today.

awesome early game to watch btw :D

edit: really conflicted about tonight's games :S

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 05/04/2015 21:51

TimDawg    United States. Apr 05 2015 23:12. Posts 10197

  On April 05 2015 18:27 PanoRaMa wrote:
One of you might be talking about Jabari Parker, but the only active Jabari is the one on the Lakers (Jabari Brown)


online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinballLast edit: 05/04/2015 23:13

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 23:13. Posts 8648

well my full-day lineup doing pretty well so far, made another lineup for tonight:

PG: Ish / G. Dragic

SG: Redick / Elija Milsap (it was ticking down to the final seconds and i needed a min-priced SG, i have Jabari Brown in my other one so figured i'd try Milsap here, didn't put any thought in it, hopefully doesn't come back to haunt me)

SF: Casspi / Leonard (committed the cardinal sin of picking Spurs player...meh, idk)

PF: Blake / Aldemir (iffy spot with Blake with a likely blowout, but...even in 3 quarters i think he should shred the Lakers, we'll see i guess)

C: Boogie

some guys i came close to picking: David West, Clarkson, Wesley Johnson, Hayward, Jerami Grant, Wade, Noel.

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 05/04/2015 23:19

TimDawg    United States. Apr 05 2015 23:22. Posts 10197

Can't wait to see Boogie vs the GOBSTOPPER

I still think Boogie will dominate. Gobert is just too skinny and small weight wise to shut him down. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets in foul trouble early and stays there for most of the game. Should be good though!

I woke up too late so I ended up just doing two 6pm lineups..

Lineup 1:

Curry & Ish Smith

McLemore & Danny Green

Cassipi & Hayward

Favors & David West

Diondre Jordan

Lineup 2:

Ish Smith & Galloway

Reddick & Danny Green

Rodney Hood & Covington

Duncan & Favors


online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

TimDawg    United States. Apr 05 2015 23:30. Posts 10197

Spurs players probably ok to play tonight

Assuming they will try their best to win this game vs GS

online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 23:43. Posts 8648

hope so, didn't notice how close they were to the Clippers in the standings before, liking your Duncan pick now. what do you think about Noel tonight? Knicks interior defense has been really bad lately. (not that it was ever good lol)

also came to the same conclusion about Boogie, didn't play him for full-day because of the OKC/HOU game, but it seems pretty hard not to play him in tonight's games.

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 05/04/2015 23:44

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 23:51. Posts 8648

making a late-late lineup now and can't make up my mind about the LA game. are they going to have CP3 guarding Clarkson? Clarkson might also get to see Clippers backups for part of the game, but i don't really like that that basically contradicts my reason for putting Blake in one of my lineups lol.

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 05/04/2015 23:53

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 05 2015 23:59. Posts 8648

ssfdfgsfggdfgf noooo Matt Bonner starting at C for Spurs

hope Baynes still gets decent minutes -_-


can't find 2 PG's i like for the two late-night games without paying up for CP 3 -____-

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 06/04/2015 00:27

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Apr 06 2015 00:28. Posts 1585

Didn't realize lineups locked early today. Went with
Ish Smith
Tony Parker

mostly cash today. Kind of wanted Chris paul today but couldn't get a team i liked around him.

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Apr 06 2015 00:29. Posts 1585

  On April 05 2015 22:22 TimDawg wrote:
Can't wait to see Boogie vs the GOBSTOPPER

I still think Boogie will dominate. Gobert is just too skinny and small weight wise to shut him down. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets in foul trouble early and stays there for most of the game. Should be good though!

I woke up too late so I ended up just doing two 6pm lineups..

Lineup 1:

Curry & Ish Smith

McLemore & Danny Green

Cassipi & Hayward

Favors & David West

Diondre Jordan

Lineup 2:

Ish Smith & Galloway

Reddick & Danny Green

Rodney Hood & Covington

Duncan & Favors


my 1st lineup looked similar to urs with paul instead tho

  On April 05 2015 22:51 bigredhoss wrote:
making a late-late lineup now and can't make up my mind about the LA game. are they going to have CP3 guarding Clarkson? Clarkson might also get to see Clippers backups for part of the game, but i don't really like that that basically contradicts my reason for putting Blake in one of my lineups lol.

I couldn't figure out who was going to as well. I think much of the offense has been running through clarkson though so he should meet value. Don't see anything wrong with CP3. Hes been killing and they have been blowing people out.

[GiTM]- GoSu in the MakingLast edit: 06/04/2015 00:31


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