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longple    Sweden. Oct 28 2022 08:23. Posts 4472
Today might have been the only time Ive visited LP this year. Im glad I did tho to stumble over Kets post. Reading and smileing I got inspired to post something myself since its been sooo long. Struggleing with different old passwords for a bit Im now in!

Flattered to have been mentioned. Reading some of the comments I realise i did have a place here and I was a character that people knew. In the LPworld. A pokerversion of the kid that played starcraft all day.

LP and that time of my life is quite fuzzy to be honest but it brought up some memories of my blog here. The handposting and all of you LP characters. I wont make a list like Ket but I do want to say thank you guys!

LP community, the Handssection and the Poker Articles here was foundational to me comeing into poker and being able to make poker a living.

I will keep this post short but ill squeeze in a little update of who I am today. Im a father of two kids, a 3 year old boy and a 1 year old girl and I still play poker.

Last year I had my best year to date playing NL and this year Ive migrated over to playing PLO and I still have alot of motivation and passion for the game.

Haveing children might be a point of retirement for some pokerplayers but for me it was just what I needed to take my pokercareer to the next level. It has brought me dicipline and a sense of urgency. Wich I really needed, I always (and still struggle with) dicipline at the tables and the lobby. I cant mess around anymore the few hours a day I do work. Wich has really really payed of at the tables and climbing stakes the past 3 years since haveing my son. I did not expect that was what was gonna happen becomeing a father and spending less time with poker.

  On June 15 2022 01:22 Stroggoz wrote:
but he never made it to the nosebleeds for some reason.

This one is for you Stroggoz!

+ Show Spoiler +

Thank you LP. You guys helped me out so much <3

Oh, also. Found my way back to watching BW. So excited everytime ASL comes around twice a year. Sacred alonetime once the kids are asleep and there is ASL to watch.

If ur like me, I support this guy that covers KCM. Good times inbetween the ASLs.

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 Last edit: 28/10/2022 09:33

RiKD    United States. Oct 28 2022 13:17. Posts 8769

Cheers mate!

Oddeye   Canada. Oct 28 2022 17:25. Posts 5106

Geez! NL40k. Did I misread or you say you work on top of poker?

Thanks for the KCM channel. How high is the level of this tournaments? I've been looking for more BW in between ASL, might be what I need.

longple    Sweden. Oct 28 2022 17:32. Posts 4472

I just call poker work.

The lineups are filled with the top ASL pros. So its basically a ro 16 or ro 8 lineup playing each week.

Oddeye   Canada. Oct 29 2022 16:26. Posts 5106

Lol same but I don't play higher than your big blinds lol. Crazy ballers!

Thanks again for the KCM channel, non stop games with english commenting inbetween ASL. Now cleaning and cooking has gotten alot less boring, just slap some games on my TV!

You must have gotten to a really high level to be able to play high stakes in these days in time consistently. With GTO bots and the general high level of play.

 Last edit: 29/10/2022 16:42

dnagardi   Hungary. Oct 29 2022 17:21. Posts 1776

nice update
gg wp

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 29 2022 22:36. Posts 13076

You're welcome.

Rekrul is a newb 

foundaccount   . Oct 30 2022 16:06. Posts 25

hi longle <3

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Oct 31 2022 00:06. Posts 5314

Nice. Had no idea you even still played. Grats man

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Baalim   Mexico. Nov 05 2022 22:55. Posts 34252

damn still grinding? sick, nice hearing of you.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

lostaccount   Canada. Jan 03 2023 20:51. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 


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