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Cutsss    France. Mar 25 2019 23:59. Posts 1198
Well this is a throwback - so much for changing passwords over years lolz

Anyone that I know still around here?

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I believe in santa claus 

RiKD    United States. Mar 26 2019 03:41. Posts 8769

What up Cutsss?

We were never that close but I always liked your style. L Lacay started to do well in some tournies I remember.

How are you?

PuertoRican   United States. Mar 26 2019 04:45. Posts 13076

Rekrul is a newb 

ggplz   Sweden. Mar 26 2019 17:44. Posts 16784

Sup dude? When I saw your name pop up I instantly recalled the picture of you winning or doing really well in some live tournament. Good stuff man, hope you are well

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Cutsss    France. Mar 26 2019 23:59. Posts 1198

Hey guys I remember all thee of you but you all have much higher post counts and white hair than last time I was here.

Yeah Im alright - Even this tournament stuff feels old now thought! I havent played poker in about 5 years lol

Is there still much activity around here?

I believe in santa claus 

RiKD    United States. Mar 27 2019 00:19. Posts 8769

Not really. Politics thread, Starcraft, MMA stuff mostly.

MezmerizePLZ    United States. Mar 31 2019 21:03. Posts 2598

cariadon   Estonia. Apr 01 2019 20:23. Posts 4019

I remember playing 50nl 6max with you watching. Teamviewer, ventrilo, pokerstars. I remember a hand that session where there was like $18 in the pot and you told me to shove like $40 and the guy timebank folded. lol. Also VVQ played during that time, never found out who he was but he was crushing at one point. I remember that tourney bink and French accent of yours

RiKD    United States. Apr 01 2019 20:28. Posts 8769

"Also, VVQ played during that time, never found out who he was..."

*Elon Musk smile*

Daut    United States. May 03 2019 15:11. Posts 8955

still need to know what you had when i folded KK preflop to you at .01/.02 in ~February 2006

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

PuertoRican   United States. May 05 2019 07:32. Posts 13076

  On May 03 2019 14:11 Daut wrote:
still need to know what you had when i folded KK preflop to you at .01/.02 in ~February 2006

Rekrul is a newb 

capaneo   Canada. Jul 02 2019 17:35. Posts 8465

Just randomly checked LP for the first time in years and I came across this.

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 


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