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Almebeast   Sweden. Feb 04 2012 06:41. Posts 797
Thanks to the invaluable language help offered by LP I was called to the interview for the PhD position I was applying for (see last blog entry). So I nailed the interview the day before yesterday and got the good news yesterday, I got it! Gonna be doing scientific computing in relativistic quantum mechanics applicable to materials science for the next 4-5 years =). I'm super happy right now, this is perfect for me.

Take care LP!

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After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

the cleaner   Germany. Feb 04 2012 07:43. Posts 3014

congrats man!

there are no facts only interpretations 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 04 2012 07:54. Posts 15163


They pay you while you do this right? And you will have plenty time for poker. Jelly

93% Sure!  

Almebeast   Sweden. Feb 04 2012 08:14. Posts 797

Yeah I'll get paid about the same as someone working full time in a grocery store etc.

After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

MangeJao   Sweden. Feb 04 2012 09:17. Posts 94

grattis alme!

rememp   Canada. Feb 04 2012 09:27. Posts 480

unreal grats man

Almebeast   Sweden. Feb 04 2012 09:46. Posts 797

  On February 04 2012 08:17 MangeJao wrote:
grattis alme!

Tack mange! =D

After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

julep   Australia. Feb 04 2012 09:52. Posts 1274

you sound purrty smart sir. gl

SpasticInk   Sweden. Feb 04 2012 09:56. Posts 6298

scientific computing in relativistic quantum mechanics applicable to materials science


Carthac   United States. Feb 04 2012 10:35. Posts 1343

Congrats man, great to hear

But how on earth did we help you with quantum mechanics? O_O

Twisted    Netherlands. Feb 04 2012 11:21. Posts 10422

You sound like this guy:

(grats )

 Last edit: 04/02/2012 11:22

AndrewSong    United States. Feb 04 2012 12:00. Posts 2355

Congrats. I hope Howard dies

Almebeast   Sweden. Feb 04 2012 12:09. Posts 797

  On February 04 2012 08:56 SpasticInk wrote:
scientific computing in relativistic quantum mechanics applicable to materials science


Yeah I obviously had to write the whole shebang to make it sound more impressive.

Twisted: I don't mind, I obviously love that show =)

After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

Mariuslol   Norway. Feb 04 2012 18:14. Posts 4742

np, glad I could help!!


TampaBayMat   United States. Feb 06 2012 16:44. Posts 249

your big fancy words lead me to believe this is +EV for you.

Merlot Fo Sho 


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