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Almebeast   Sweden. Jan 20 2012 05:34. Posts 797
I know this might not be the perfect place to ask about spelling/grammar and stuff but Im gonna give it a shot anyway =)

Im writing a scientific report which Im going to attach in an application for a PhD position, so I want it to be as good as possible. My supervisor has read what I've written so far and given me suggestions as to what to change. Most of her suggestions are actually about pure language stuff and not about the content. The thing is, her english isnt the best and Im not too sure about some of her "corrections". Below are some of the things Im not sure about. If you could tell me which line is correct (or if neither is correct, how it should be written), I would appreciate it alot.

My version: The solution at grid point (x_i, y_i) is denoted v_ij
Her version: The solution at a grid point (x_i, y_i) is denoted by v_ij

My version: Waves are reflected off the boundary.
Her version: Waves are reflected of the boundary.

My version: The SBP-SAT method makes it possible to derive [... alot of math stuff...], and thus prove stability.
Her version: The SBP-SAT method makes it possible to derive [... alot of math stuff...], and thus to prove stability.

Take care and GL at the tables.

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After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

devon06atX   Canada. Jan 20 2012 06:03. Posts 5458

for starters, you must learn to use apostrophe's

1 - she's right
2 - she's wrong, you're right. although context is good.
3 - she's wrong. although, it should be "and thus proveS stability (in the aforementioned argument... blah blah). etc. again, context is much better to construct a proper sentence.

Basically, your advisor isn't all that great. I'd try to find another if the majority of your board is english speaking

Oly   United Kingdom. Jan 20 2012 06:04. Posts 3585

1: Her
2: You
3: You

Not much doubt about this.

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

Oly   United Kingdom. Jan 20 2012 06:06. Posts 3585

And on 1, yours is also perfectly acceptable, but not quite as clear.

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

hhse   Australia. Jan 20 2012 06:13. Posts 213

1. Her
2. You
3. Her

Oly   United Kingdom. Jan 20 2012 06:53. Posts 3585

I try to avoid being a grammar nazi, but I'm being pushed hard here. Very hard.

  On January 20 2012 05:03 devon06atX wrote:
for starters, you must learn to use apostrophe's

I'm going to assume this is ironic, in which case it is pure and beautiful comedy gold.

  On January 20 2012 05:13 hhse wrote:
3. Her

And I'll assume this is a troll.

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

SpasticInk   Sweden. Jan 20 2012 07:43. Posts 6298

  On January 20 2012 05:03 devon06atX wrote:
for starters, you must learn to use apostrophe's


I guess you should study your own link.

hhse   Australia. Jan 20 2012 08:05. Posts 213

I stand by my call.

Both were poorly phrased, but I think she is closer to being right for the third one.

nixxxbg   Bulgaria. Jan 20 2012 08:48. Posts 436

The differences do not really matter and no one will ever notice. Concentrate on other stuff.

1. Her version is clearer but both are acceptable for sure. Whoever claims otherwise is a grammar nazi.

2. Your version is correct.

3. All of these are fine:

The method makes it possible to derive... and to prove...
The method makes it possible to derive... and prove...
The method makes it possible to derive... and thus proves

To give myself a little credibility since I'm the only non-native English speaker who is responding, I am in a PhD program in the US.

Almebeast   Sweden. Jan 20 2012 10:44. Posts 797

OK, thank you guys. I'm probably going to rewrite 3, make two sentences out of it.

And a special thank you to devon for this gem. Your help is honestly appreciated, but this is just golden =D

  On January 20 2012 05:03 devon06atX wrote:
for starters, you must learn to use apostrophe's

After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jan 20 2012 12:34. Posts 8915

Im no expert but I have you being right on all 3, lol women

thewh00sel    United States. Jan 20 2012 14:18. Posts 2734

pretty sure the 2nd one both are wrong. It should be "off of"

The other two are meh, doesnt matter much.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

thewh00sel    United States. Jan 20 2012 14:21. Posts 2734

pretty sure the 2nd one both are wrong. It should be "off of"

The other two are meh, doesnt matter much.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

Funktion   Australia. Jan 20 2012 15:51. Posts 1638

  On January 20 2012 13:18 thewh00sel wrote:
pretty sure the 2nd one both are wrong. It should be "off of"


Shenny   Canada. Jan 20 2012 15:55. Posts 1514

I would go with your version for all of 1, 2, and 3.

Her version of each point sounds unnatural, except #1... but lose the "a" she included.


terrybunny19240   United States. Jan 20 2012 16:40. Posts 13829

her first one is better, and since this is scholarly work I think it is a clearly superior phrasing.

don't lose the "a" she included in #1. by what I can figure from the little context given, the sentence is explaining how to interpret a graph, and the sentence is a general over view of how to interpret the graph at a given point; not including the "a" makes it sound like you are only talking about the specific grid point, "(x_i, y_i)"

thus the "a" is necessary.

credentials: 13720 posts on

 Last edit: 20/01/2012 16:41

Shenny   Canada. Jan 20 2012 17:49. Posts 1514

lol @ credentials. I stand by my opinion still. To each his own. GL Almebeast

GoTuNk   Chile. Jan 21 2012 00:14. Posts 2860

Whatever you do, don't use her corrections so you can tell her woman are always wrong ;p

sweetbread   Czech Republic. Jan 21 2012 04:31. Posts 159

  On January 20 2012 05:04 Oly wrote:
1: Her
2: You
3: You

Not much doubt about this.

This +1

Haug   Australia. Jan 21 2012 06:21. Posts 6

  On January 20 2012 04:34 Almebeast wrote:
My version: Waves are reflected off the boundary.
Her version: Waves are reflected of the boundary.

Get a new supervisor, or run it past your associate supervisor.


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