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Philosophical Theory

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Floofy   Canada. Oct 12 2011 23:53. Posts 8708
I'm not exactly sure how dumb this theory is so i will avoid posting it in general.

This is strange theory i've been thinking about, so here it is.

Assuming that life, after death, is the same as not existing, can we say that dying sucks a lot?
My theory states that it cannot be "that bad".

Here's why:

Being dead, and not existing, is the same thing. Once you don't exist anymore, you are in the same situation as someone who has never existed: you both don't exist.

Now, if you think not existing (or being dead) is a terrible thing, then you should kinda feel bad for donald duck. Donald duck does not exist and will never exist/enjoy life. Why do we feel sad for people who had the chance to live, and are now dead, but not for people who NEVER had the chance to live? both of them does not exist, and one has never existed, it seems like the one who has never existed is in a worst position (or at least, in the same position).

So now lets say i feel bad for donald duck since he does not exist. Then i could basicelly feel bad for... AN INFINITY of person/things which are "dead"/does not exist.

In short, only one of the 3 following things is possible:

#1 Being dead is not that bad
#2 An infinity of persons/things are experiencing a terrible thing (not existing/being dead)
#3 Having never existed is not as bad as being dead.

In short, i think death is something you shouldn't worry about, since an INFINITY of persons are currently in the state of "Not existing". So if the result of death is not existing anymore, then you just join an INFINITY of people/things, so unless an infinity of things/people are currently in a poor state (scary to think that), dying can't be that poor of a state.

However, life is whitout a doubt better than not existing... so it seems like an infinity of person/things are currently in a state which is not as good as it could be. So should we feel sad for all of those people who does not exist anymore (dead people) AND for the infinity of fictional people who never had the chance to live?

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james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

OpWestAcct   United States. Oct 12 2011 23:59. Posts 640

If you never existed you would never know what you missed... So it doesn't matter.

Fuck me 

Floofy   Canada. Oct 13 2011 00:01. Posts 8708

well once your dead you still don't know what you missed, your dead. You don't exist. you don't know anything. You are the same as donald duck, both of you don't exist.

Of course your last 5 min you might tell yourself "oh god no i don't wanna not exist anymore", but once your dead, you can't feel bad about what your missing, just like donald duck can't feel bad about what hes missing, You don't exist.

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;(Last edit: 13/10/2011 00:02

BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. Oct 13 2011 00:23. Posts 1525

i infinitely feel bad for floofy. he does not exist and will never exist/enjoy life. he is just another guy from the internetz.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Oct 13 2011 00:29. Posts 14026

the Looks or Game thread existed
it was real, we were all witnesses.

RiKD    United States. Oct 13 2011 00:48. Posts 8643

i mostly agree with ya floof. non-existence isn't sad. death is only sad b/c it takes away from existence. obv no one is sad when they no longer exist but that doesn't mean other people still in existence shouldn't be sad. although just b/c you are in existence does not necessarily mean it's better than non-existence. i don't believe in suicide though. better to make a last ditch effort (freeroll) that may or may not have a high risk of death that can potentially make existence into a positive than kill yourself. everyone likes nazi examples. hitler should have been a man and dealt with the consequences of his actions and worked towards retribution (or been humanely executed) or if he felt he wasn't wrong he should have blasted out of the bunker guns blazing and tried to somehow make it to argentina and scar his face or something instead of shooting himself.

i think it becomes interesting in prisoner/no escape/torture examples or terminal illness/suffering examples. if the chance of escape/recovery is so close to 0 that it might as well be 0 and just leads to more torture/suffering i think it becomes ok.

in a sense every living thing is terminally ill and a prisoner of being and experiences suffering/angst/anxiety/despair but as long as you are conscious there are generally many avenues to alleviate that suffering that can be explored before suicide.

Babs   Australia. Oct 13 2011 00:48. Posts 1178

I thought I was existing then I read this blog

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napolean Bonaparte 

eso   Sweden. Oct 13 2011 01:00. Posts 285

the infinity of 'those' who never exist does not experience a thing at all, while those who exist suffer the inevitable of having life taken away.

feeling sorry for 'someone' who never existed - sperms that lost le race? people can relate to others, thus feeling sorry I guess.

devon06atX   Canada. Oct 13 2011 01:01. Posts 5458

In short, to even mention something like this asks a serious question as to your lack of balls to kick a massive fuck-up out of your apartment for a measly few hundred dollars a month.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Oct 13 2011 01:08. Posts 5308

1)why are you assuming there are an infinite amount of people who hanv't existed yet.

for all you know there could be 1 trillion humans left to be born before our race is wiped out or evolves into something inhuman.

2) I guess you could say our state of non existence is when we cant think. From before we are born to after we die. Weather humans think this is terrible or not in the stages before and after this is a bias of human perception. If humans could think of every single particle in the universe and know which ones were going to form into humans and know exactly how their life was gona pan out, and what was going to happen to those particles after they died. If humans knew that, then i would say we might think that not existing before you live is about as bad as not existing after you die. But the human brain obviously gets more emtional over a particle that has been a human than one thats only been a particle.
Anyway, just saying your theory seems to be built around the perception of the human brain, its emotional attachment to things it knows, making this an unfair theory.

Um yeah, not sure how else to explain it.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 13/10/2011 06:30

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Oct 13 2011 01:15. Posts 5308

  On October 12 2011 23:48 RiKD wrote:
i don't believe in suicide though. better to make a last ditch effort (freeroll) that may or may not have a high risk of death that can potentially make existence into a positive than kill yourself. .

you mean like fighting 3 gorillaz for 17mill?

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

RiKD    United States. Oct 13 2011 01:51. Posts 8643

yes. if you were suffering so much and the only options are either fight 3 gorillas for $17.2M or kill yourself gorillas is the easy choice. in practice there would probably be WAY more choices than that though. it's also an example of where depending on your beliefs could feel it's a spot to risk a positive for a way more positive. in practice nothing to that extent really exists. a good example of something approaching that would be how you explain most nosebleed gamblers' careers or people taking high paying and/or highly dignified but extremely dangerous mercenary/military jobs.

RiKD    United States. Oct 13 2011 02:29. Posts 8643

there are people that sign 8 year contracts to play real life minesweeper with IEDs for $30K/yr + enlistment bonuses. personally that seems crazy to me but that doesn't mean they can't be happy doing that. i know people that have made similar decisions and by all accounts are happy and not rationalizing.

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 13 2011 03:11. Posts 34252

Death is obviously no bad, you have been "dead" for billions of years, did you suffer, did you miss existence? you cant.

If there is something we shouldnt be ever afraid of is death, its just a nature trick, to fool you into the preserving our species, when you truly embrace this concept you will be a freer man, you will cope with the loss of of loved ones, you have to worry about the time they wont be with you, but it isnt that bad, its also a biological trick to protect the lives of our close ones.

It sounds as if what i preach would lead to severe insensitivity, but its not, its just the natural result of further understanding and accepting life and death as it is.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Oct 13 2011 04:25. Posts 688

So the questions of the day are - are we machines or do we have souls that leave the body and go somewhere else when we die. Is there an afterlife? Well, here is something to think about. If we are just our bodies that means we are biological machines. When you break your computer and it won't turn on - it is dead. When you break a telly and it won't turn on - it's dead. But we can repair it and bring it back to life, just as it was. With humans and animals, we cannot do that. We are mortal creatures. Once we die, we cannot be put together even if all our organs are in perfect conditions. Even if we make the blood in the veins flow. It's impossible to be brought back to life. So something is missing. Maybe the soul..?

Now think about this for a minute. You know how some people have a car crash and are brain-dead for a few minutes. Then the medics arrive and sometimes, if they are quick enough, they manage to bring them back to life with different techniques. Some of those people that do come back report going through a tunnel and experiencing unconditional love. Then they say how they met dead relatives and talked to them. Many of them even tell the doctors what procedures and what conversations the doctors had between each other. They did experience this. However, there can be 2 explainations - they either imagined all this or they truly exited their body and experienced this. And here is the big one - you cannot imagine anything when your brain shows 0 activity - you are brain dead! There are thousands of reported cases when a person experiences things like these while brain dead. The phenomena is called Near Death Experience (NDE) and if you think what I just wrote makes sense - dwell deeper and find what it's all about. Being scared of dying is being scared of the unknown. Make it known and stop being afraid of death.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 13/10/2011 05:55

Expiate   Bulgaria. Oct 13 2011 05:51. Posts 236

The existence is in the moment, you die and reborn every millisecond, the memory is what makes so that you know you've already existed. So the question is, will you exist again since you know you already existed once. It looks like most people fear death, but the problem is they base their assumptions only on a 3-rd person view, so basically they fear what's unknown. And death is just a change in the state - it's sad that you can't be the kid at 5 again, but you know that right now in this moment you are here and you can create change in everything what you want.

 Last edit: 13/10/2011 05:52

Zorglub   Denmark. Oct 13 2011 06:07. Posts 2870

You can only judge by comparison thus people who never existed don't know what they are missing, but people who lived have something to compare with non existence.

I started out with nothing and I still got most of it left 

syntactic   Poland. Oct 13 2011 08:20. Posts 21

could you tell us what in your opinion is 'existence'?
I mean, does this concept have purely physical dimension to you, metaphysical or both? [or even something more, I'm curious]

and if i seem a little strange, well thats because i amLast edit: 13/10/2011 08:21

k4ir0s   Canada. Oct 13 2011 12:01. Posts 3476

  On October 12 2011 23:48 RiKD wrote:
i don't believe in suicide though. better to make a last ditch effort (freeroll) that may or may not have a high risk of death that can potentially make existence into a positive than kill yourself. everyone likes nazi examples. hitler should have been a man and dealt with the consequences of his actions and worked towards retribution (or been humanely executed) or if he felt he wasn't wrong he should have blasted out of the bunker guns blazing and tried to somehow make it to argentina and scar his face or something instead of shooting himself.

the majority of people who commit suicide do it simply because they don't want to live anymore. Putting themselves in a risky situation to gain money or w/e doesn't even cross there mind. I don't know much about hitler, but I'm pretty sure if he wanted to continue living, he would have atleast tried what you mentioned.

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 13/10/2011 12:03

Achoo   Canada. Oct 13 2011 12:26. Posts 1454

  On October 12 2011 23:48 RiKD wrote:
i mostly agree with ya floof. non-existence isn't sad. death is only sad b/c it takes away from existence. obv no one is sad when they no longer exist but that doesn't mean other people still in existence shouldn't be sad. although just b/c you are in existence does not necessarily mean it's better than non-existence. i don't believe in suicide though. better to make a last ditch effort (freeroll) that may or may not have a high risk of death that can potentially make existence into a positive than kill yourself. everyone likes nazi examples. hitler should have been a man and dealt with the consequences of his actions and worked towards retribution (or been humanely executed) or if he felt he wasn't wrong he should have blasted out of the bunker guns blazing and tried to somehow make it to argentina and scar his face or something instead of shooting himself.

i think it becomes interesting in prisoner/no escape/torture examples or terminal illness/suffering examples. if the chance of escape/recovery is so close to 0 that it might as well be 0 and just leads to more torture/suffering i think it becomes ok.

in a sense every living thing is terminally ill and a prisoner of being and experiences suffering/angst/anxiety/despair but as long as you are conscious there are generally many avenues to alleviate that suffering that can be explored before suicide.

Very simplistic approach to suicide imo, people who commit suicide are driven mainly by the fact that they cannot bear the pain anymore, the pain of their situation or the pain of an unforeseen event that had changed dramatically their lives that is. It's not about turning something negative into positive, it's about putting an end to something, thus I doubt "freerolling" life is a viable option for those people...What I don't know is what is going to happen when I die: heaven/hell are very unlikely except if you embrace the religious bullshit, on the contrary, nothing or void seem much more likely. since I won't even realise I'm dead, There won't be any suffering or joy or time and since our brain is not programed to cope with the idea of non-existence (prolly because it wants to live at all costs - the reason why we are on earth - the very characteristic that drive any living form since its existence: survival) I'm not able right now and right here to understand this state, that is to say infinite void with no perception. What I know, on the other hand, is that I'm on earth and can feel, breathe, enjoy things, feel sad or happy... So the conclusion is easy


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