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Son growing, life changing

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tutz   Brasil. Feb 22 2023 15:35. Posts 2140
Hey guys. I little more than a year ago I made an update here about becoming a father.

My son is now almost 2 years old and is the most amazing kid:

I also passed the public service exam to become a Federal Auditor for the Federal Court of Accounts here in Brazil (equivalent to the GAO in the US or the National Audit Office in the UK). In 2021 I had passed the exam to become a Federal Agent for the Brazilian Federal Police, but when they called me for the job (it takes a few months between the exam and when they actually call for Police Academy Training), I refused to go and decided to keep studying to become a Federal Auditor. It worked out and now I'm waiting to start this new job.

I also started selling online courses teaching people how to pass exams for public service jobs here in Brazil, which is going great for me.
Currently living in a big farm, country side, in the northeast region of Brazil, at the feet of some beatiful mountains, surrounded by nature. Working from home.

It's safe to safe I've never been happier in my life.

Cheers guys.

*****1 votes
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lostaccount   Canada. Feb 22 2023 18:17. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 10/05/2023 08:04

CurbStomp2   Finland. Feb 22 2023 20:17. Posts 261

cute kid. please don't feed it your spiritual nonsense.

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 23 2023 10:26. Posts 34252

nice life and cute kid, how is that chihuahua, it seems old af

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

NewbSaibot   United States. Feb 23 2023 11:26. Posts 4945

wow, a real life child, a full biped

bye now 

devon06atX   Canada. Feb 23 2023 20:07. Posts 5458

right on, good for you! Glad to hear it

PuertoRican   United States. Feb 26 2023 08:00. Posts 13076

Dang... 2 years went by fast.

Before you know it, your child with be 18, and you'll be like "wtf?"

Rekrul is a newb 


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