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Diablo 4. (Diablo 2 was 21 years ago!)

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LikeASet   United States. Nov 06 2019 00:47. Posts 2113

People are praising this trailer for being so dark. I don't know. I think it's pretty good but still not as dark as D2 or D1. Some of the characters looked "Pixary". Lilith looks pretty cool though, I actually like the design. I'm looking forward to playing the game but the release probably won't be until 2021 I assume.

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Baalim   Mexico. Nov 06 2019 01:53. Posts 34252

the gameplay looks dark, so far it seems in darkness rating I would say D1>D2>D4>D3

looks promising and an improvement over D3

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 06 2019 08:56. Posts 2231

yeah dark is always better. that's why Revenge of the Sith was a great movie. I know D3 was considered more cartoony or something and I get the point but that's not the whole issue. looks like the same old obnoxious cinematics and attempts at epic storytelling.

lol "diablo 2 was 21 years ago" sooo diablo was 23 years ago

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 06 2019 09:55. Posts 15163

So many people were complaining about D3
but it was the best selling Blizzard game by far :O

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 06 2019 09:58. Posts 15163

I guess overwatch is now
but D3 30 mill
SC+BW 11 mill what

93% Sure!  

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Nov 06 2019 10:05. Posts 5314

i thought D2 was too cartoony when it came out, but imo is the best in the series.

here's some D1:

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 06 2019 10:10. Posts 2231

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Nov 06 2019 10:19. Posts 9634

there are some gameplay videos it looks like its using D3's engine but has the gameplay of D2 which is essentially what everyone wanted, lets see how it goes though

Baalim   Mexico. Nov 06 2019 10:30. Posts 34252

  On November 06 2019 09:10 Santafairy wrote:

I played D1 when young and I had exactly the same experience than in the vid lol, i killed him with firewalls he was so difficult to just face straight on

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

FrinkX   United States. Nov 06 2019 13:18. Posts 7561

diablo 1 multiplayer was hilarious. All of the item files were kept locally on the computer. they had "trainers". i used the boba fett trainer lmao

you could literally browse the person's game files while in the same game as them. copy, delete, or even change their player class.

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

blackjacki2   United States. Nov 06 2019 13:48. Posts 2582

This was my go-to method for killing The Butcher

Daut    United States. Nov 06 2019 17:30. Posts 8955

I enjoyed playing D3 with girlfriend, coop couch mode was nice. But still think D1 was the best of the first three.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

RiKD    United States. Nov 06 2019 19:25. Posts 8769

D1 was holy shit
D2 was crack (online)
D3 I didn't play much

Meph and Pindle runs had me good. Same with Cows and Baal. My roommates thought I was nuts doing the same thing over and over again.

Garfed   Malta. Nov 06 2019 22:48. Posts 4818

d2 was one of the best games ever made.
d4 trailer is literally nuts, I love it. Game looks dark and promising as well.

If they would have a brain they would just remake d2 core gameplay with new grapgics, stats and some micropayments like auction house and the game would be a bomb.

Floofy   Canada. Nov 06 2019 23:46. Posts 8708

  On November 06 2019 08:58 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
I guess overwatch is now
but D3 30 mill
SC+BW 11 mill what

But the sales doesn't tell the whole story. Personally bought both games. Played D3 roughly 2 months and then never touched it again. Played D2 maybe 4 years or more.

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Nov 07 2019 00:06. Posts 3096

I liked d3 more than d2, but I never liked grinding and basically only played both games until I beat it on normal mode. d3 single player without auction house was super fun for a month or so, which is actually really good value from a game.

lol POKER 

drone666   Brasil. Nov 07 2019 00:50. Posts 1825

Path of Exile is pretty much the nuts
D4 should copy some of their ideas or is going to be another failure

Dont listen to anything I say 

Baalim   Mexico. Nov 07 2019 04:14. Posts 34252

Path of Exhile can be very unwelcoming to casual player thought, the skill tree is insane.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Nov 07 2019 04:21. Posts 34252

  On November 06 2019 16:30 Daut wrote:
I enjoyed playing D3 with girlfriend, coop couch mode was nice. But still think D1 was the best of the first three.

I agree, D1 is the best, I got my nickname from a scroll you read there about the trinity of hell.

Then it came D2 and made my nick way less obscure and cool lol.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Raidern   Brasil. Nov 07 2019 04:24. Posts 4243

D1 was so good I wish they'd improve mechanics and i'd definitely run it again. I also played "a lot" ofvd2. D3 was very diaappointing. I beat it once and then I was done with it. I Don't know if i'll play d4. Cinemstics didn't do it for me.

im a regular at nl5Last edit: 07/11/2019 04:25


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