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Gto+ solver?

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 03 2018 23:08. Posts 15163

Any thoughts on this one? trial feels much easier to use than pio

And it's 5x cheaper than proversion with no thread limits

What's the catch - only drawback I see now is no preflop
And you calc /refine solution Street by Street but not by more subtrees taking more time

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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 04 2018 00:01. Posts 9634

Nothing to add except wrong place for the thread

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 04 2018 07:47. Posts 34252

I've never tried it, but upgrade from CREV at $50? that sounds cheap

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

hiems   United States. Sep 05 2018 02:11. Posts 2979

I mean only way to know is to compare solutions with the other solvers... but if you are on a budget at this price point it seems like its worth a shot.

Wonder tho why you never got simplepostflop. If this one sucks I think it's worth it if you are on a budget.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 07 2018 19:14. Posts 15163

It looked much easier to use
But it actually ain't from fiddling with trial

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 02 2018 22:03. Posts 15163

I got it
nice fast
About 90s to run a SRP solution
small savefiles
Trees created instantly

Drawback: no preflop is all so far
And interface to learn

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traxamillion   United States. Oct 03 2018 01:40. Posts 10468

i always thought cr ev (and the gto+ solver) was a lot more work than pio

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 03 2018 05:06. Posts 34252

  On October 03 2018 00:40 traxamillion wrote:
i always thought cr ev (and the gto+ solver) was a lot more work than pio

CREV interfase is kind of messy with a steep learning curve imo

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 03 2018 10:09. Posts 15163

This one isn't messy at all
If anyting it's really simple

Just counter-intuitive the way he simplified it

I got a CRev licence with it for free, what's that good for?

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 03 2018 22:05. Posts 15163

You don't input turn + river
So almost any sim no matter how big the tree and locks are takes around 90s on flop with my 8thread i7 to0.25%accuracy

And is pretty much instant in turn +rvr

I always assumed you need a mega strong pc not my $500 total setup :D

93% Sure! Last edit: 03/10/2018 22:06

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 04 2018 01:03. Posts 15163

Ran a single raised pot with wide ranges
Took 6 minutes :D

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Baalim   Mexico. Oct 07 2018 21:50. Posts 34252

sounds standard, turn and riv is also almost instant in other softwares

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 14 2018 15:14. Posts 15163

they are the same I guess

93% Sure!  

Cassiopia1   . Dec 24 2018 02:36. Posts 11

$50 for a upgradation... it sounds good :D

vurna   . Oct 27 2022 14:00. Posts 124

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