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AK - Value bet river or check back

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SaturdayZerg   Canada. Apr 22 2016 09:43. Posts 72

5/10 table just opened 6-handed and its folded to me in the cutoff with AsKs. I raise to 35 and button folds. SB and BB both call.

Effective stacks are 1000

Pot's 105 and the flop is AhQd7c

Checked to me and I bet 80. SB calls and BB folds.

Pot's 265 and turn is 9h

SB checks and I bet 200. SB calls.

Pot's 665 and river is 4s

SB checks. Is there any value from betting again on river? Or check back?

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 Last edit: 22/04/2016 09:47

casinocasino   Canada. Apr 22 2016 16:02. Posts 3343

Easy check back given how you played it but you should always be betting smaller on the flop.. what does this size accomplish other make your bluffs way to expensive

traxamillion   United States. Apr 22 2016 17:23. Posts 10468

wouldn't say easy checkback in the sense that if you want to 3barrel bluff this run you should have AK in your valuerange. Also his most likely holding is AJ. He won't have offsuit A7 A9 combos from the SB. Folds 99 to that flop size. If you think he may fold AJ/A10 and has AQ in his calling range pre, as well as playing all a7s/a9s/77 this way then checkback. If he calls AJ A10 on river then combinatorically you beat 16 combos while lose to 2 a9s, 1 a7s, 6 AQ, 3 77 (maybe 2 79s, 2 Q9s) = 16 so it will be close. If he folds a10 checkback is better. I don't think you can say this is just an easy snap checkback with AK 6 handed though.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 23 2016 09:46. Posts 9634

  On April 22 2016 15:02 casinocasino wrote:
Easy check back given how you played it but you should always be betting smaller on the flop.. what does this size accomplish other make your bluffs way to expensive

our range is killing this board plus we could easily use two kind of bet sizings like 1/4 and pot here ( i mean about the flop )
if it was HU pot we can easily pot it 3 times

its an easy checkback cause the valuebet is way too thin and an adequate opponent will play pretty strong hands like this vs button

 Last edit: 23/04/2016 17:08

JohnnyBologna   United States. Apr 23 2016 17:00. Posts 1401

whats the point in playing 5/10 games then. i value bet this in 2/5 all the time and get called with Ax although i dont bet as strong as you do.

vs a weaker opponent bet
vs a stronger opponent check
i suppose. stupid game.

Just do whats right 

YoMeR   United States. May 08 2016 23:39. Posts 12435

this is an extremely easy value bet vs most opponents given our range advantage on this run out.

but fuck man we got AK on A hi board in a live game. I'm greedy and go 3 streets almost always.

eZ Life. 

NewbSaibot   United States. May 09 2016 13:07. Posts 4945

Failing to value bet thin is probably one of my biggest leaks live. I'd vbet AJo on this runout. But my sizing is way different too. I usually go half pot on first 2 streets and like 1/3 pot on river, but I also 4x it preflop.

bye nowLast edit: 09/05/2016 13:07

Baalim   Mexico. May 14 2016 07:11. Posts 34252

  On April 22 2016 15:02 casinocasino wrote:
Easy check back given how you played it but you should always be betting smaller on the flop.. what does this size accomplish other make your bluffs way to expensive

This is live, sizing is fine, 3 barreling is fine

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

casinocasino   Canada. May 15 2016 06:48. Posts 3343

So you are saying its okay to play 5/10 live and lower without having a bluffing range?

TimDawg    United States. May 16 2016 01:19. Posts 10197

  On May 14 2016 06:11 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

This is live, sizing is fine, 3 barreling is fine

I totally disagree with this idea/philosophy

online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

Baalim   Mexico. May 31 2016 10:53. Posts 34252

  On May 15 2016 05:48 casinocasino wrote:
So you are saying its okay to play 5/10 live and lower without having a bluffing range?

No, Im saying you can exploitative adjust the sizing and frequencies to increase your EV against opponents who are likely too stationary in transparent spots and are bad hand readers.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jun 17 2016 16:03. Posts 1631

this is a standard thin value betting spot, hes gonna flip AJ, QK etc so often, by checking you are building a pot for what reason?

with ur logic of not betting the river, i would go bet check bet if i think his hand is too weak to call 3, because you can always bet bigger OTR than OTT.

anyways, i bet here about 90%, check vs trappy good reg, bet vs bad regs fish and vs some good regs i bet here too - only check vs tricky tags etc , ppl that can check jam with AT or AJ etc - insta check vs, most ppl wont have a bluff rejam line here ever, they are gonna be pressed to call or fold that simple.

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jun 17 2016 16:04. Posts 1631

the 9h in particular makes this a perfect spot to triple off. that card is magic for ur equity range etc.

wobbly_au   Australia. Sep 15 2017 05:32. Posts 6540

easiest value bet of my life

The Last Laugh. 


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