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Live 5-10 JJ OOP

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SaturdayZerg   Canada. Mar 25 2016 20:00. Posts 72

6 handed casino game and it's folded to me in the cutoff with JhJd with $1000.

I raise to 30 and the villain (has me covered) makes it 110 on the button. Villain is an experienced young Asian and had been active 3-betting. He 3-bet in same situation an hour ago and showed As3s. Also seen him flat-call raises with QQ and KK. He's capable of bluffs but plays quite solid.

I 4-bet to 250 and villain calls. Blinds fold. Flop is Ad7h2h

I bet 250 and villain tanks and calls. Turn is Th.

Hero: ???

Is there any point to shoving turn?
What if Hero checked turn and villain bet 250?

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 Last edit: 25/03/2016 20:01

JohnnyBologna   United States. Mar 26 2016 15:40. Posts 1401

Umm most likely check fold. Only hand that you might beat is 78 or 67.

Just do whats right 

TimDawg    United States. Mar 28 2016 01:56. Posts 10197

i think on this particular flop you can cbet smaller (something around 1/4 - 1/3ish pot). C/c on flop is also fine obviously.

don't see many merits to betting again here, I would c/c something smallish and prob just going to fold vs a bigger bet

online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

traxamillion   United States. Mar 28 2016 03:43. Posts 10468

I was going to say smaller cbet is better for your range here and agree with timdawg

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 31 2016 15:56. Posts 9634

yep easy 1/4-1/3 cbet and its not because of the board but because its a 4bet pot

Fayth    Canada. Apr 02 2016 06:14. Posts 10085

prob shoving turn at this point as semi bluff given SPR

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

traxamillion   United States. Apr 04 2016 15:06. Posts 10468

  On April 02 2016 05:14 Fayth wrote:
prob shoving turn at this point as semi bluff given SPR

Yea, gotta be better than c/f. With our equity we don't have to fold out much

careface_   Canada. Apr 04 2016 23:05. Posts 788

it's live, shoving turn is suicidal, I do it a lot in this exact spot thinking it's decent but Ax never folds

JohnnyBologna   United States. Apr 05 2016 00:28. Posts 1401

You can semibluff qq or kk with no hearts on turn. 500 to win 1000 2:1 on your bluff with 20% percent equity(best case). Only need it to work 1 in 3 times or less with your equity maybe its 1 in 3.5 or 4? (How the eff do calculate this part?) Bluff equity + real equity?

I guess the question is does he have qq or kk with no hearts 1 in 3 times?

Just do whats right 

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 12 2016 09:02. Posts 34252

that Cbet is just atrocious

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Apr 18 2016 18:35. Posts 1631

^ agree

I like 160 or 175.

traxamillion   United States. Apr 21 2016 15:47. Posts 10468

don't even think you have to cbet 100%

SaturdayZerg   Canada. Apr 22 2016 06:20. Posts 72


I shoved turn and he snapped with Ah9c

careface_   Canada. Jun 28 2016 07:42. Posts 788

  On April 22 2016 05:20 SaturdayZerg wrote:

I shoved turn and he snapped with Ah9c

  On April 04 2016 22:05 careface_ wrote:
it's live, shoving turn is suicidal, I do it a lot in this exact spot thinking it's decent but Ax never folds

easy win for me

wobbly_au   Australia. Sep 15 2017 05:33. Posts 6540

Why did you bet flop??

The Last Laugh. 

wobbly_au   Australia. Sep 15 2017 05:34. Posts 6540

And why are people agreeing with turn shove, you guys got worse in the time that I was gone.

The Last Laugh. 

wobbly_au   Australia. Sep 15 2017 05:34. Posts 6540

Fayth with the fake news!

The Last Laugh. 


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