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Show hand : 53955

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Handnr: 53955
Submitted by : DooMeR

PokerStars Game #5696745056: Hold'em No Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2006/07/27 - 01:46:17 (ET)
Table 'Aurelia' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 4: DooMeRFD ($106 in chips)
Seat 5: Nightrain1 ($14.75 in chips)
Seat 6: bigbluffer79 ($116.20 in chips)
DooMeRFD: posts small blind $0.25
Nightrain1: posts big blind $0.50

Dealt to DooMeRFD ThAh
bigbluffer79: raises $2 to $2.50
DooMeRFD: calls $2.25
Nightrain1: calls $2

Flop (Pot : $7.5)

DooMeRFD: checks
Nightrain1: bets $12
bigbluffer79: calls $12
DooMeRFD: calls $12

Turn (Pot : $43.5)

DooMeRFD: checks
Nightrain1: bets $0.25 and is all-in
bigbluffer79: calls $0.25
DooMeRFD: raises $16.75 to $17
bigbluffer79: raises $84.70 to $101.70 and is all-in
DooMeRFD: calls $74.50 and is all-in

River (Pot : $247.15)


DooMeRFD: shows ThAh (a flush, Ace high)
bigbluffer79: mucks hand
DooMeRFD collected $182.50 from side pot
Nightrain1: mucks hand
DooMeRFD collected $43.25 from main pot

Total pot $226.75 Main pot $43.25. Side pot $182.50. | Rake $1
Board  9h4h7cKh2h
Seat 4: DooMeRFD (small blind) showed ThAh and won ($225.75) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 5: Nightrain1 (big blind) mucked As7d
Seat 6: bigbluffer79 (button) mucked 3h6h

biggest pot ive won (lost a bigger one tho :)

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ryanto32792   Mongolia. Jul 26 2006 23:57. Posts 613

lol, not hand of the week but damn, 2 people playin at ya

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As Long As Im On Pills, And Got Plenty Of Pot, I`ll Be In A Canoe Paddling, Making Fun Of Your Yacht 

Craigerson   United States. Jul 27 2006 00:35. Posts 1281

shane o mac got pwned

what a donk lol


All hands submitted by DooMeR:

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