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domyouji   Zimbabwe. Mar 12 2011 19:50. Posts 435
Well it's another great year, last year ended with a 60 bi below ev run at 200nl, and apparently this year is no different.

This year at 200

Can't even win on 100 NL

Overall year

Last 12month, the gap is getting bigger and bigger, even with hundreds of thousands of hands

Yea I don't know, just felt like venting some

Also I'm sure this gap is because I fuking suck like fayth suggested, my overpairs or sets never hold god why do i suck so much and have no skill

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to live the dream you gotta play the gameLast edit: 12/03/2011 20:38

Exhilarate   United States. Mar 12 2011 20:04. Posts 5453

pstars is rigged obv

thumbz555   United States. Mar 13 2011 02:04. Posts 3281

I'm about 80BI below EV on PS and 2 above EV on FTP from like a year ago... Why did I ever leave?!

I click buttons. 

whamm!   Albania. Mar 13 2011 11:20. Posts 11625

stars is the riggiest

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 13 2011 12:11. Posts 6374

i m 200bi under ev and noone cares =o

ban baal 


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