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EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 31 2010 04:19. Posts 8915
I dont usually post results but since lotta people here have had such a shitty month Ive gotta show a shiny one like mine.
Some runbad but mostly my fault for playing 10/20 and 25/50 with little to no table selection because "I wanted to challenge myself" or some stupid shit like that, at the end there I started to mount a little comeback at lower stakes but it was too little too late.

happy new year :D

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Dec 31 2010 06:28. Posts 15163

Wow those 1k hands in the middle must have been fun, does that affect you emotionally, or are you used to swings like these and you don't even wink any more (I guess thats 10+BI?)?

And I prefer to challenge myself and take on higher limit/reg only tables when I just had a good run, not when I'm losing, as I will be more confident and losing BIs won't affect me as badly, would you agree with this?

And one last annoying question... Do you play just one stake (like you tell yourself 'today/in this session I play 25/50'), or do you just table select across 2-3 stakes and play the best games in any of them?

Thank you for your answers I know I am a pain

93% Sure! Last edit: 31/12/2010 06:35

FallinInLove   Slovakia. Dec 31 2010 08:43. Posts 486

I see you did not put too many hands in this month. Still a pretty crappy month. I had the worst month ever November and the best month ever December. So the tables can turn around very fast. GL

Dont chase the paper, chase the dream! 

Eluflop   Estonia. Dec 31 2010 10:03. Posts 3835

happy indeed =)

Exhilarate   United States. Dec 31 2010 14:34. Posts 5453

get em next year

Fayth    Canada. Dec 31 2010 17:25. Posts 10085

aww that sucks, you'll win it back np, best of luck

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jan 02 2011 07:47. Posts 8915

  On December 31 2010 05:28 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Wow those 1k hands in the middle must have been fun, does that affect you emotionally, or are you used to swings like these and you don't even wink any more (I guess thats 10+BI?)?

And I prefer to challenge myself and take on higher limit/reg only tables when I just had a good run, not when I'm losing, as I will be more confident and losing BIs won't affect me as badly, would you agree with this?

And one last annoying question... Do you play just one stake (like you tell yourself 'today/in this session I play 25/50'), or do you just table select across 2-3 stakes and play the best games in any of them?

Thank you for your answers I know I am a pain

Im not used to swings like this because 25/50 was never a limit I played regularly but rather just jumped on when there was a good spot, just so you get the picture I almost busted my roll here and had to cash in some fpps.

About challenging yourself Im still not sure how i feel about it so i wouldnt want to give bad advice. Just try whatever works for you i guess.

I play whatever games are good but of course if I can find games across one single limit id rather do that then to spread them out, the same thing with sites.


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