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Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Nov 17 2008 20:22. Posts 3943
And I'm here to take your money.

On a little more serious note...I've been playing a crappton of DOTA and being a Captain of a pretty strong team makes me fucking busy.

My pryorities? in life got a bit mixed up...So now I'm back to hope fully make some more money.

I also feel LP is really failing to deliver lately... Straate never posts anymore,Mezmerize,Doomer and even Milkman is slacking... even Myth who I consider the backbone of this community isn't here as he used to be.

I still visit only because of Baal/Faz/Loco beside them I really can't see contributing people.

This might be due to my "break" or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, but it doesn't change the fact its dissapointing compared to LP a year ago.

Peace out...Dan.

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Metagame Purposes. 

collegesucks   United States. Nov 17 2008 21:02. Posts 5780

ask not what lp can do for you, but what you can do for lp


 Last edit: 17/11/2008 21:03

Artanis[Xp]   Netherlands. Nov 17 2008 21:07. Posts 4697

Dan being negative as always

iop   Sweden. Nov 17 2008 21:21. Posts 4951

good to have you back!

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Nov 17 2008 21:22. Posts 3943

  On November 17 2008 20:07 Artanis[Xp] wrote:
Dan being negative as always

bullshit I'm the most cheerful person ever ;-)


Metagame Purposes. 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Nov 17 2008 21:54. Posts 5647

they are making way for new table dominators to rise!
welcome back

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 17 2008 22:22. Posts 13829

Ya.. one day I won't suck and shall dutifully take the helm of righteousness upon my brow.

 Last edit: 17/11/2008 22:22

devon06atX   Canada. Nov 17 2008 22:30. Posts 5459

--- Nuked ---

devon06atX   Canada. Nov 17 2008 22:32. Posts 5459

--- Nuked ---

Graisseux   Canada. Nov 17 2008 23:29. Posts 474

Looking forward to read your posts. About time you are back, I am bored of the rest of them too.


Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Nov 18 2008 13:53. Posts 3943

  On November 17 2008 21:32 devon06atX wrote:
sorry we aren't up to your standards. if we had have known you were 'Back' today, i'm sure we all would have written some beautiful poems, and soothing love ballads to commence your incredible return.

please accept our deepest apologies for failing to amuse you

Rofl you're hillarious...Full time loser, part time troll I see.

Metagame Purposes.Last edit: 18/11/2008 14:01

RaiZ   France. Nov 18 2008 14:22. Posts 1503

Part time skilled troll though i say.

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 


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