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Cutsss    France. May 26 2013 21:40. Posts 1198
Hey guys,

I havent posted on Liquid in a while (okay in years), but I see that some of you have been very supportive through the years so I just wanted to say thank you.

If you guys have been wondering what I'm up to, I mostly play live tournaments now and a bit of online on (my sponsor).
I quit cashgames aroudn the end of 2009 after losing aton. I switched to live cash and played as high as 400/800 euros but the swings were crazy and I felt I was losing my soul following those games.

So here I am the typical live donkament players that I suppose you still berate every once in a while.

If you guys have any question about live tournaments go ahead here, and to all my friends give me a shout and some news.


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I believe in santa claus 

mnj   United States. May 26 2013 21:49. Posts 3848

never knew you, but LP remembered you

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. May 26 2013 21:54. Posts 8648

i remember playing 1/2 with you on stars about 97 years ago 400/800 euro is nuts lol, glad you're doing well.

Truck-Crash Life 

TimDawg    United States. May 26 2013 22:17. Posts 10197

I still remember seeing you at the rhino back in 2008 or something when I was only 18 and you had your arms around two perfect 10's lol

Good to see you post on LP again. I can't really think of any questions for you about live tourneys but ill try and think of some

online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

Cutsss    France. May 26 2013 22:23. Posts 1198

Just to be clear, I was playing games filled with idiots thats why I played this high.
Fucking rhino haha glad I dont go there that much anymore..

I believe in santa claus 

player999   Brasil. May 26 2013 23:36. Posts 7978

thank you for being an inspiration for us LP'ers

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 

PoorUser    United States. May 27 2013 00:56. Posts 7471

Hey there. Glad to see you are doing well

Gambler Emeritus 

casinocasino   Canada. May 27 2013 01:48. Posts 3343

Do you hate me?

PuertoRican   United States. May 27 2013 02:46. Posts 13076

Welcome back.

Feel free to stick around, even if it's just to post a blog every now and then about how you just won X amount of money or any random stuff. We enjoy reading about people doing well, people doing poorly, seeing random pictures of tits, MMA related stuff, etc.

Rekrul is a newb 

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. May 27 2013 03:50. Posts 8623

Did you try to be a lawyer? Or was that someone else?

SemPeR   Canada. May 27 2013 04:25. Posts 2288

Nice to hear you're doing well.

I have a question.

Where in Europe and elsewhere (besides macau, AC,Vegas, London) did you find those live games?
If I wanted travel the tourney circuit for the purpose of finding really soft 100/200+, what advice would you give me (a little concerned about constantly moving/travelling with that much cash as well).

I think others would also be interested in some of your experiences travelling the circuit, thoughts on best cities/tournaments, etc, if you're inclined to share..

SugoGosu   Korea (South). May 27 2013 04:43. Posts 1793

i remember you posting a bit way back when. glad to see you're still alive and kicking!

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

The72o   Zimbabwe. May 27 2013 04:49. Posts 6112

PPL cannot quit LP =]

A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

Cutsss    France. May 27 2013 09:59. Posts 1198

casinocasino, I dont think I hate you, or I dont remember why anyway. I think we had an argument at some point but have no idea wtf it was about.

dusty, Yeah I went four years to law school and graduated but I would still need to pass my bar exam and thats not part of the plan anymore =)

semper, the juicy games are now in Marocco, Senegal and Northern Cyprus. It is though very hard to know when the games are running so you kind of need to be introduced and find somebody at every spot who you sell some action to just to make sure they really try to get you in the games.
For the cash, you travel with a bit in bellagio/aviation chips and you try to also have some deposits everywhere. They people running the games usually loan money if your reputation is good.
The advice I would give you is to be always friendly at the table, to know when to talk to people and when to shut up. At some point they will mention something about where they are from etc, just keep it in mind and ask them about local games when you see them out of the game and they seem in good mood. Never brag about your winnings, never complain about your losses. be the guy that people think is winning but have no real idea how much. Be funny and put in some gamble.

I believe in santa claus 

AndrewSong    United States. May 27 2013 21:26. Posts 2355


Nazgul    Netherlands. May 28 2013 09:08. Posts 7080

My first thought reading that would be is it ever scary playing in those games? I don't mean moneywise but more like safety wise.

You almost twin-caracked his AK - JonnyCosmoLast edit: 28/05/2013 09:08

Cutsss    France. May 28 2013 16:26. Posts 1198

I wont lie, there were times I looked over my shoulder on my way back to the hotel. But apart from one fight at the poker table (which was funny though) I never heard or witnesses anything dangerous.
I have been cheated on a ton of times though but they were so obvious and bad at it that it actually made no difference.

I believe in santa claus 

Highcard   Canada. Nov 02 2013 16:42. Posts 5428

how did this thread die so fast

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 


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