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1st 100NL shot + life update
  sooon2b, Dec 03 2008

So, I definitely have not updated in awhile so I figured I might as well now since i'm bored and don't want to study for this damn exam. Last month I think I barely played any poker due to school and fraternity obligations. So far this semester is going pretty well, and I am hoping to pull a 3.5. Next semester is gonna be a bitch though since I have taken most of my electives. I will be loading up on 18 credit hours of my major courses.

The fraternity has been so-so. I almost quit due to some exaggerated and false drug accusations. I mean, i'm not gonna lie, I do a good amount of drugs on a regular basis, but I have never let it interfere with my priorities. I am not sure if these claims were made out of jealousy or what. Ultimately the situation ended up being resolved and all is well now.

I have an interview tomorrow for Executive Director of Scholarship for IFC(Inter-Fraternal Council). I am really hoping to get this position since it is quite similar to my current fraternity executive board position. I think I might even get my own office on campus which would be sick as hell. I am hoping I get the opportunity to do some really cool things and improve the overall academics of campus by helping each greek organizations Director of Academic Affairs improve their current programs by holding round table meetings with all of them and finding what works and what doesnt. I also want to get some academic sponsorships through local businesses to give the greek community incentives to do well. Overall I think this will be a great experience, and I am hoping to have a successful year in this position to help me run for president of IFC(Inter-Fraternal Council) next year.

Ok, now on to poker! So, like I said, I barely played any poker last month. Over the past 2 months I have been killing 50NLHE/50PLHE for ~16ptbb. Today I finally upgraded my HEM and took my first shot at 100NL. Luckily, I ran well and my soul reading skills were pretty much spot on. Ill post the major hands/cool hands from the session. The goofy/crazy looking ones were 100% read/feel based.
he started going batshit crazy, making insane big opening raises pf, doing redic shit, seemed pretty obv he was on tilt
quick flop call, quick turn check, quick river shove, missed fd ldo
calling just felt right vs this donk
Expected his pf calling range to be tighter since he was 18/15 solid and I had been playing fairly nitty on that particular table. In hindsight my turn bet-sizing was bad, but I figured the only card I might be afraid of was a T so I went with the gay-bet to hopefully induce a bluff or a bad call and still make him feel somewhat committed on the river.
I was kinda lost on the river here. Villain was pretty bad from what I had seen. Our only prior encounter was when he limped pf, a regular iso-raised, I 3-bet, he called the 3-bet and the regular folded. I cb 842ss flop and he folded. In this hand, I kinda wanted to v-bet the river small to induce a light call, but didnt think I could call a shove. I also thought c/c was a bit too weak. Wasn't sure what the best play here was, thoughts?

Finally, my sweet graph from the session.

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  sooon2b, Sep 23 2008

Well, as I stated in my last blog post, I cashed out my roll due to school financial needs, resulting in me being online busto. Shortly after my semi-serious staking request, I was contacted by Bluffed1331 who was kind enough to stake me. So, I am no longer busto online, and hopefully will get myself back on my feet, as well as give Corwyn a nice return on his investment. Again, thanks a lot bud, I really appreciate it.

As for other things, life's been pretty meh. School is going very well, and I am really hoping to pull a 4.0 this semester and get on full scholarship here. Ive also been extremely busy with the fraternity. As Director of Academic Affairs, I am in charge of making sure everyone is making grades by running study table sessions, constant individual meetings with brothers concerning their academic progress, and meetings with our university advisers. Its very time consuming and extremely stressful.

I mentioned a few blog posts ago about a new girl. So far things are actually pretty good. I suppose our relationship would be any man's dream. She insists on paying for things for me(food and such, nothing major), and wants to have sex more than I can even handle(not to mention her being kinky as hell, she insists on a 3-some with the friend in the picture im posting). Shes completely drama free, very laid back, fun, and reminds me a ton of my ex-girlfriend(the girl I thought I was going to marry for the longest time.) I am not entirely sure where things are going, but its not complicated at all which I like. I didn't really want a girlfriend for some time, but now I am not so sure... Here's a pic

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  sooon2b, Sep 18 2008

not really, but kind of... I had to cash out my roll for school so now im basically online busto after I had been apesmashing 50NL for 8ptbb over 16,500 hands this month and was about to move up to 100nl. Life is rigged.

anyone wanna stake me for busto stakes cash games (50NL). hit me up, holla

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September Update
  sooon2b, Sep 07 2008

Unfortunately, lately I haven't been too consistent with my updates, and with poker in general. This month I am going to try and fix that. So far this month has been extremely hectic. Between school, the fraternity, girls, and poker, I have been really busy. So far its been a decent month though.

School started the end of August. I am taking 18 credit hours, and have switched my major to Psychology & Criminal Justice, with a "minor" in Real Estate. Its not specifically a minor in Real Estate so to speak, but rather a series of classes that will allow you to receive accreditation if you pass the state examination. Psychology and Criminal Justice are two of the better majors to help me get into/succeed in law school. This semester is going to be tough, but school has always come fairly easy to me so i'm not too worried.

The fraternity has been pretty bleh so far. The end of august we had Week of Welcome here, in which we through a series of parties from Wednesday to Saturday. It was pretty sick, but unfortunately I couldn't drink since I was on Risk Management due to my position in the fraternity. Everyone had a great time from what I could tell, and we have some pretty cool guys interested in pledging. Were hoping for a pretty big pledge class this semester, 15-20 guys. Hopefully we'll succeed in that. Ive been really busy trying to get everyone's grades and assign study hours and figure out dates we'll be having study tables for the dunces that don't like to make grades. Being Director of Academic Affairs kind of sucks since I sort of have to punish people for not making grades, and some of those people are my good friends. Its for their best interests so I suppose I shouldn't feel too bad about it. Overall this semester should be pretty awesome.

Ive met a ton of new girls so far, which is awesome since I decided to break things off with the girl I was seeing throughout most of the summer(smart eh?). My "main bitch" so to speak is pretty cool so far, since she just broke up with her boyfriend of 2 1/2 years that just moved to Kent to be by her lol. She is a pretty awesome girl though, we'll see what happens.

Lastly, poker. This month poker has been going considerably well. I am up $900 and change at 25NL-100NL. Most of my play/winnings is from 50NL though. I think I am really starting to get the hang of poker again. I have made quite a bit from complete retards this month(more than I can ever remember). I have never had so many people just completely bluff off entire buyins drawing dead or near dead. I don't want to reveal my stats since information is pretty fragile these days(I know that sounds dumb since these are low stakes, but I do feel its for the best). I am hoping to make ~15 more buyins at 50NL before I start taking shots at 100NL. My goal is to get in 40k hands this month and at least make goldstar(not sure if 40k hands with mostly 50NL and shots at 100NL will get me platinum. Hopefully I continue the run good

Pretty boring blog post I suppose. Ill try to keep the blog more exciting

Actually, heres a pretty funny story..

So, during our Week of Welcome, we had tons of people here. One of our fraternity brothers is a hockey player for Kent, Hot Carl(I'm sure ill have a ton of funny stories to tell about him throughout the year). Well he came over with the hockey players for the parties. So we're outside on the front porch and this fine ass girl is walking up with a guy. D-Lo, one of the hockey players, says to the girl "damn youre cute". Shes smiles and is like "thanks". Then D-lo proceeds to say "so who is this guy with you, is he your boyfriend?" She kinda mumbles and stutters and is like "well... sort of but not really.. i mean...", you get the picture. The guy thats with her then says he is in fact her boyfriend. D-Lo smiles and says "Hi, my name is D-Lo, you wanna upgrade?". Dude looked sooooooooooooo pissed. Needless to say, D-Lo's charm worked and he ended up piping her that night.

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September Update
  sooon2b, Sep 07 2008

Unfortunately, lately I haven't been too consistent with my updates, and with poker in general. This month I am going to try and fix that. So far this month has been extremely hectic. Between school, the fraternity, girls, and poker, I have been really busy. So far its been a decent month though.

School started the end of August. I am taking 18 credit hours, and have switched my major to Psychology & Criminal Justice, with a "minor" in Real Estate. Its not specifically a minor in Real Estate so to speak, but rather a series of classes that will allow you to receive accreditation if you pass the state examination. Psychology and Criminal Justice are two of the better majors to help me get into/succeed in law school. This semester is going to be tough, but school has always come fairly easy to me so i'm not too worried.

The fraternity has been pretty bleh so far. The end of august we had Week of Welcome here, in which we through a series of parties from Wednesday to Saturday. It was pretty sick, but unfortunately I couldn't drink since I was on Risk Management due to my position in the fraternity. Everyone had a great time from what I could tell, and we have some pretty cool guys interested in pledging. Were hoping for a pretty big pledge class this semester, 15-20 guys. Hopefully we'll succeed in that. Ive been really busy trying to get everyone's grades and assign study hours and figure out dates we'll be having study tables for the dunces that don't like to make grades. Being Director of Academic Affairs kind of sucks since I sort of have to punish people for not making grades, and some of those people are my good friends. Its for their best interests so I suppose I shouldn't feel too bad about it. Overall this semester should be pretty awesome.

Ive met a ton of new girls so far, which is awesome since I decided to break things off with the girl I was seeing throughout most of the summer(smart eh?). My "main bitch" so to speak is pretty cool so far, since she just broke up with her boyfriend of 2 1/2 years that just moved to Kent to be by her lol. She is a pretty awesome girl though, we'll see what happens.

Lastly, poker. This month poker has been going considerably well. I am up $900 and change at 25NL-100NL. Most of my play/winnings is from 50NL though. I think I am really starting to get the hang of poker again. I have made quite a bit from complete retards this month(more than I can ever remember). I have never had so many people just completely bluff off entire buyins drawing dead or near dead. I don't want to reveal my stats since information is pretty fragile these days(I know that sounds dumb since these are low stakes, but I do feel its for the best). I am hoping to make ~15 more buyins at 50NL before I start taking shots at 100NL. My goal is to get in 40k hands this month and at least make goldstar(not sure if 40k hands with mostly 50NL and shots at 100NL will get me platinum. Hopefully I continue the run good

Pretty boring blog post I suppose. Ill try to keep the blog more exciting

Actually, heres a pretty funny story..

So, during our Week of Welcome, we had tons of people here. One of our fraternity brothers is a hockey player for Kent, Hot Carl(I'm sure ill have a ton of funny stories to tell about him throughout the year). Well he came over with the hockey players for the parties. So we're outside on the front porch and this fine ass girl is walking up with a guy. D-Lo, one of the hockey players, says to the girl "damn youre cute". Shes smiles and is like "thanks". Then D-lo proceeds to say "so who is this guy with you, is he your boyfriend?" She kinda mumbles and stutters and is like "well... sort of but not really.. i mean...", you get the picture. The guy thats with her then says he is in fact her boyfriend. D-Lo smiles and says "Hi, my name is D-Lo, you wanna upgrade?". Dude looked sooooooooooooo pissed. Needless to say, D-Lo's charm worked and he ended up piping her that night.

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  sooon2b, Sep 01 2008

going to see them in concert tonight. ship ship?

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my new GF!!
  sooon2b, Aug 14 2008

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  sooon2b, Aug 05 2008

upswing. nuff said

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PLO study group
  sooon2b, Aug 03 2008

I decided to start learning PLO, again. Starting at 25PLO and gonna work my way up. If anyone wants to discuss hands and learn the game together, pm me for my AIM/MSN.

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  sooon2b, Jul 17 2008

So, I finally figure these games out and I go on a sick downer. Who would have thought you can go on a 19 buyin downer at 50Nl? I know you guys dont believe in pokerEV for the most part, but it has me running at 16 buyins under expectation. After reviewing all of my big pots, most were in fact coolers. There are 2-3 buyins lost due to "spew" so to speak. Spots where I didnt have to get the money in, was a pretty marginal spot etc. Anyways, I did decide to move down to 25NL and have been doing much better and hopefully will be moving back up soon. Probably once I reach 20 buyins for 50NL again. I did a few sweat sessions and they have helped my game tremendously, and overall I have changed my game a good bit thanks to marshall and JEM87. Overall I guess im not terribly disappointed in the downswing since it legitimately seems to just be a sick bad run.

Otherwise, life has been ok. I ended up ending things with the last girl I was talking to, and am now talking to a much more sensible girl. Cute, extremely intelligent(in the honors program here), not a crazy partygirl/slut. Overall a great girl, and one I very well may find myself dating seriously and settling down with. I guess I am pretty excited.

I am currently looking into apartments to move into since it turned out our rent at the fraternity house has increased so much that it would be just as expensive to live in a nice apartment here. I sort of want my own place so hopefully I can find a place and get it locked up soon.

This year ill be taking 18 credit hours and hopefully getting into our honors program after the first semester. I finally settled on Psychology as my major, and will hopefully attend law school after. I am guessing I have 2-2 1/2 years left in school here. Overall I am extremely excited for the school year to start.

Thats all for now, gl holllla

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