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Anyone still playing ?
  PplusAD, Dec 15 2011

Poker ?

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D2 Clone games
  PplusAD, Oct 06 2011

recently i felt like D3 is still way tooo long before it comes out.

So i did some hardcore single player Nerd Hack&Slay Action the last 10 days.


Diablo2 LOD offline single player Assasine
Lvl 46 Act2 Nightmare playtime ~ 18hours

Torchlight Warrior char level ~ 50
endless Void dungeon Level 16 ~ 18h

Legend Hand of God
Paladin lvl 51 till "Nightmare" Act3 ~ 18h

yay ...

Well my 4 main conculsions from this are

1.) Diablo 2 is still fun even for the 50th time
2.) Torchlight was kinda dissapointing monotone
3.) Legend Hand of God was kinda buggy but overall surprinsingly fun and i think it definitely was a ton better than torchlight
4.) Diablo 3 will probably be much better than any D2 clone of the last years ever was

Here are some screens for those who never played Hand of God and want someting till D3 comes out

here u can see how a low level char looks and what the stats in my next picture mean

Inventar/Char screen of my paladin when he was LVL 48 right before going into battle with the Ac2 Nightmare end boss (big dragon)

U can imagine its pretty much like Diablo with just some minor changes that u get used to after 1-2 hours
There are Unique and magic items , there is an Inventar and u can invest Points in Strength, Dexterity,Life,Magic when u level up
U can boost these stat points using items ( thats why they are blue in my picture)

Hand of God skill system

Unfortunately every char only has 2 Skill trees and can only invest Talent points till a maximum of 10.
U can get skills as high as 20 with the help of items though ( thats why some of my skills are 13)
Well its a lot simpler than Diablo2/Lod but well the fun is about items anyways

heres is a video to get you a better impression of the game. ( Its not me in the video ... its a random german guy whoms Video i found on the internetz)
This is Act 3 Final Boss in Normal mode

Graphics are much better than it looks in the video and are actually quite nice and gameplay is as u can see very typical D2 style

Only downside to the game is that there is quite a lot of bugs even with patch 1.02 final
Most bugs that accour though dissapear when after restart the game.

U can either buy it for ~ 10$
or get the SKIDROW Version ( allthough u have to get gamecopyworld no CD and a german Patch 1.02 ... but it works)

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MMA preparation pics
  PplusAD, Sep 14 2011

Have a fight upcomming on saturday
some pics of me and my teammates

Getting ripped 4 KG weight cut from 70 down to 66KG

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best tourney score for me
  PplusAD, Sep 11 2011

Just binked the best Tourney score of my life so far

did sattelite via 2 tries 3.06$ 27mans into the Sunday Storm / 6.12$ entry 466.8$ win -> + 460$ net worth

busted 77 vs 88 pf on final Hand

Also made +59$ playing 7$ HU sngs today and ~ 3$ from sattelites and HU Tournament ...
so Net winnings today =
+ 522 $

last time i got this deep in a Tournemante was in December 2010 when i got 12th in the 3r ( bought in for 9$) and made ~ 420$ or something.

Well and for the h4ters -> just wanted to post about my biggest tourney score

If u dont like it i dont care
GL all

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Getting back on track 2
  PplusAD, Jun 26 2011

Didnt play Poker last 2 months.
Lived of my +1050$ march results and cashing out rest of my bankroll.
March was an excellent month but after this 1 month of daily grind i simply hated poker and had zero motivation to ever play again.
I tried the first days of april but speewed away like 300$ and then cashed out.

Unfortunately life is expensive even when u are a nit and since i didnt find a job that i can do comfortable besides university i declared bankrupt 2 weeks ago and needed a 500€ loan from my parents to be able to pay June bills T_T

basically there are not many good jobs u can do alongside studying at university.

So there i stood ....
Last Sunday decided to take 50€ of the 500€ of my parents loan and put it on Pokerstars
Started grinding 3.40$ HU SNGS with 71$ Bankroll...
moved up to 7$ last days

Results so far 17h of play 14.50 $/h

lets see how things go over a bigger sample


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Opps Sparring partners
  PplusAD, May 04 2011

A friend of mine is currently in San Diego for 1 month since he wants to go pro with his MMA career
He Trains at Dean Listers Gym for 1 month and so far he says everyone is friendly and super nice to him.
Today he messaged me that he had a sparring session with probably the sickest guy he ever sparred.
This guy had such a sick preassure boxing style that my friend could not achieve anything but try to survive

After the session he asked Peter Sobotta who is there with him if that guy who owned so hard is anyone notable or just a very good amateur.
Big Smile occoured on the faces of people listening -> they told him it was the guy u see here in the left

It was EliteXCs champ and Strikeforce titel Contender
-KJ Noons-

This kinda reminded me when i had a BJJ session like 1 year ago in Nurnberg where i trained with this one sick muscled motherfucker who owned me like i was a 2 year old girl
Later on i realized it was Yoel Romero a Silver medalist at olympic wrestling Sydney 2000 and 2005 2nd place World Cup finisher,

Those are always nice moments.

Just felt like posting this in my blog cause it makes me happy

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Wasting Time
  PplusAD, May 03 2011

Recently i have wasted a bunch of time playing computer games and watching Comedy-television series
And by a bunch of times i mean ~50h in 1 week ( 7h day)
Will i ever grow up and behave like an adult ?


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No Grind
  PplusAD, Apr 11 2011

2nd blogpost entry for this month...
Well decided i wont continue to grind on stars this month.

Tried it but simply its no fun atm in my current situation.
Played only 4 days so far and results are shit and motivation is close to non existent.
today was kinda good till hand 1030 into the session and i was up a nice 3,5BI ... just to let everything turn to complete shit within 50 hands losing 7 BI ...
down ~ 8,5 BI this month so far

Well the main reason is that compared to last month where i was very motivated i simply dont have fun grinding this month.
I play like 300 hands and i allready feel bored and annoyed and shit...

Besides poker my life is pretty awesome right now. (Which probably is the main reason i am not motivated to grind 6max)
I got close with an awesome girl and she stayed with me for ~ 50h last week and we had a fun time.
We basically agreed that we both dont want a realtionship but just have a fun time whenever we both feel like to do so.
We kinda play a "relationship game" since beside sleeping with each other we also do stuff like taking a walk together in the sunshine, cooking meels for each other , staying at each others rooms for a few days , do lots of talking about our lives , kiss frequently when seeing each other , watch movies together and all that stuff u would normaly do in a relationship too.
Only difference is we can press the "exit" button everytime we feel like doing so and there will be absolutely no bad consequences and nobody is angry
Our motto for this is that Just try and have fun -> everything can happen when the moment is right and nothing ever has to happen since we both totally dont have any responsibility for each other at all

That is totally awesome imo.

i am also motivated to catch up in skill with my fellow teammates after i was slacking a bit the last months.
I had a to cancel my fight on 26.3 due to bronchitis which made me unable to train for 2 weeks straight. ( Also a reason i was motivated for poker since i was too sick to train MMA , too sick to meet girls and so i just had poker to have fun)
Some of my teammates have made pretty nice progress and one of them whith whom i am close friends will get a training month in SanDiego together with PeterSobotta
He also won his recent fight at Respect5 this Saturday

pretty proud of him and at the same time i am motivated to put more effort into MMA again.

hiere is a photo with part of our MMA team
me on the right and the guy in pic above next to me
pretty fun times we have

I will transfer money from stars to betmost again and play mostly 1-2 table Nl20€ HU
thats way less boring than grinding 8 tables of 6max


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April 1st session
  PplusAD, Apr 04 2011

So since my money was stuck at betmostpoker for a few days (they take 4 full days to proceed a cashout and i did cash out 31th march since i thought they may take like 10h or so to proceed >_<)
So I could only start my first pokerstars session for the month today.

I have to mention though that it was very nice from the betmost support to send me an individual cash bonus worth 28€ out of nowhere directly after my rage mail towards them
I did only played 1,8k hands on their site last month U normally do get individual cash bonus only when LVL3 VIP or higher
Unfortunately that 28€ make up nowhere to anything i had earned playing on stars the 3 days earlier this month.

Still April starts good so far and i am not much behind pace in profits ( aiming for another ~1K month)
Did start out ugly with ridiculous suckouts but ended well
Says 2 days since i played from 11pm - 1.40am european time
Also graph Box is in € while graph line is in $USD
ALl NL25€ 6max


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> 1K month and RL
  PplusAD, Mar 30 2011

Hm just due to the nice number and some RL stuff happend i ll make another blogpost
I promise i wont make more than 3-4 blog posts in whole April

Here are some graphs and March End results since i did play some hands last days even though i thought i would not do.

Ipoker NL20€ HU = + 148€ // + 208$

Stars Nl25 6max

After a heater start it got swingy a bit in the end
Notice how it was very close to a whine blog post at the 25K hand mark

Cakepoker i dont have hands imported since there is no hud i didnt have PT3 running when playing there
but most of my profits came from that 1 big HU session i posted a pic of eariler

Also u get pretty sick good rakeback at Cake lol ... i looked at the account yesterday and realized i got 58$ of RB in there from playing 4-5 days of Nl20$ HU lol ?

So Overall

Ipoker NL20€HU + 208$ +5$ Bonus
Pokerstars Nl25 6max+ 449$ + 164$ VIP/FPP bonus
Cakepoker Nl20$ HU+170$ + 58$ rakeback freroll +5$
Ket/isildur bet -30$ Ket hustling

Net March + 1029$

had to cash out 644$ for paying rent and living expenses stuf but stilli could move up to Nl50 but will stay at lower limits for quite some more time to grind out a very sold BR.
If i had taken NL50 shots at 25K hand mark on Pokerstars id probably lost my whole Bankroll T_T in massive ragetilt ( As u notice i was never good at showdown no matter if i had a flush,set or 2 pair villian always had the absolute 1% top of his range ...)... so for me it is sooo important to stay disciplined 1 time


I did start doing some bowling with my old non MMA friends a bit for fun after my MMA training recently
I have a Brunswick bowling center 6minutes away from where i live which is really cheap and nice.
1 Game of Bowling (10frames)only costs 1.85€ per person which equals to like half an hour of bowling.
so most of the time we are like 5 people doing 3x 10 frames each and its really a lot of fun.
I do enjoy it a lot so far especially since i noticed with recent increase of effort i put into poker my socialising kinda faded a bit.

My day looked like wake up -> MMA Training ->Poker grind -> MMAtraining2 ->Pokergrind2 -> bed ...
Only people i did have social contact with were my fellow fighters i train with.

Now due to bowling i got in contact with some old friends again and also got better known to a nice girl i dated yesterday
Was such a beautiful evening
I dont know how things will continue with us but i try to just enjoy the time i spend with her , which really is an easy thing to do since she is great

Life is even more Variance than poker i guess
like half a year ago i was kinda at rock bottom due to BerserkerInsane Girlfriend, failing at university and being broke as fuck while living in a shithole and being on heavy arguments with my parents who had to help me out with money to pay my rent at that time >_< ( God did i feel ashamed)
the later threes were directly connected to Insane GF,too ( She still owes me 719€ i will probably never see in my life again ever)
So to all who have a hard time right now u shall never forget that things can also change to the better fast


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