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rekrul is a cheater

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Cutsss    France. May 31 2007 18:25. Posts 1198

Submitted by : Cutsss

PokerStars Game #10203209422: Hold'em No Limit ($10/$20) - 2007/05/31 - 17:47:14 (ET)
Table 'Clorinde' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 3: Rekrul ($20312.60 in chips)
Seat 8: H@££INGGOL ($3276.50 in chips)
H@££INGGOL: posts small blind $10
Rekrul: posts big blind $20

H@££INGGOL: raises $40 to $60
Rekrul: calls $40

Flop (Pot : $120.00)

Rekrul: checks
H@££INGGOL: bets $80
Rekrul: calls $80

Turn (Pot : $280.00)

Rekrul: checks
H@££INGGOL: bets $260
Rekrul: calls $260

River (Pot : $800.00)

Rekrul: checks
H@££INGGOL: bets $480
Rekrul: raises $1400 to $1880
H@££INGGOL said, "lol"
H@££INGGOL said, "u are cheating"
H@££INGGOL said, "ugly ****++"
H@££INGGOL said, "we will see"
H@££INGGOL said, "we will see"
H@££INGGOL said, "one day"
H@££INGGOL said, "we will see"
H@££INGGOL: folds
Rekrul collected $1759 from pot
Rekrul: shows 2d3d (a pair of Deuces)

Total pot $1760 | Rake $1
Board  4h8s2s7h6s
Seat 3: Rekrul (big blind) collected ($1759)
Seat 8: H@££INGGOL (button) (small blind) folded on the River


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I believe in santa clausLast edit: 31/05/2007 18:25

Loco   Canada. May 31 2007 18:26. Posts 20964

i dont get it

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Cutsss    France. May 31 2007 18:29. Posts 1198

since rekrul destroyed hall hu at 25/50, hall thinks rekrul is cheating lol

I believe in santa claus 

The72o   Zimbabwe. May 31 2007 18:30. Posts 6112


A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

Baalim   Mexico. May 31 2007 18:36. Posts 34252


Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Mig    United States. May 31 2007 18:37. Posts 1597

this hand isant old baal no need to close the topic

 Last edit: 31/05/2007 18:41

Twisted    Netherlands. May 31 2007 18:42. Posts 10422

PokerStars Game #10203209422: Hold'em No Limit ($10/$20) - 2007/05/31 - 17:47:14 (ET)

lol baal ; )

Skoal   Canada. May 31 2007 18:43. Posts 460

H@££INGGOL: how do u check call that behind on turn???
H@££INGGOL: scary

H@££INGGOL: u dont set a step wrong
H@££INGGOL: just every hand 100% correct
H@££INGGOL: so sick

H@££INGGOL: check fd on flop vs my trips

H@££INGGOL: flat call turn with top pair + fd

H@££INGGOL: then hit river reraise on paired board just enaughto get called

H@££INGGOL: scary scary

H@££INGGOL: ive played all the best noone plays every hand perfect except you

H@££INGGOL: take it how you whant

H@££INGGOL: lol
H@££INGGOL: i have 46dd
H@££INGGOL: 46dd
H@££INGGOL: 46dd
H@££INGGOL: lol
H@££INGGOL: loo
H@££INGGOL: lol
Dealer: H@££INGGOL, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
Dealer: Player H@££INGGOL has requested TIME
H@££INGGOL: do i stack off?
H@££INGGOL: people?
DOM112: Id say no
DOM112: but waht do I know
H@££INGGOL: such a joke thats all
citolindo: runner runner hearts
Dealer: Game #10202649667: Rekrul wins pot ($2599)
H@££INGGOL: wonder what happens if river is blank sir.....

DOM112: go get ur lucky rabbits foot hall
H@££INGGOL: most likely u check behind obv

H@££INGGOL: lol
H@££INGGOL: u are cheating
H@££INGGOL: ugly ****++
Dealer: H@££INGGOL, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
Dealer: Player H@££INGGOL has requested TIME
H@££INGGOL: we will see
H@££INGGOL: we will see
H@££INGGOL: one day
H@££INGGOL: we will see
Dealer: Game #10203209422: Rekrul wins pot ($1759)
H@££INGGOL: obv i cant have flush

H@££INGGOL: and as usuall u pic right spot
H@££INGGOL: one day sir

H@££INGGOL: one day
H@££INGGOL: ugly ****
H@££INGGOL: gg cheater

Unforgiven_ve   Venezuela. May 31 2007 18:57. Posts 732

i think MAYBE he's on tilt

please god if i win this hand...I WILL GLORIFY YOUR NAME !!! 

Baalim   Mexico. May 31 2007 19:00. Posts 34252

are u serious?

is this a NEW acusation?

ok this is just plain sad by H@ll rofl

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

ggplz   Sweden. May 31 2007 19:03. Posts 16784

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Suicide   United States. May 31 2007 19:05. Posts 482

That might be one of the biggest complements you could receive, hall telling you that you're playing flawless :D

stevesbets: aboslutley, positivley, inconceivable // lolmonies: preposterous! 

all_in_4tw   Canada. May 31 2007 19:06. Posts 4515

of course this is new, the 1st time it was at 25/50

I sometimes fold AA preflop to balance my range 

hkbubbletea   Canada. May 31 2007 19:20. Posts 1575

that's so sick. Rekrul must know all of hall's tendencies and ranges.

Raise me and die. 

JonnyCosMo   United States. May 31 2007 20:03. Posts 7292


Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

Logiabs~   Colombia. May 31 2007 20:16. Posts 9133

rek is my hero
dont know yet why rek hasnt played 25/50 or higher for months ;/

 Last edit: 31/05/2007 20:22

TalentedTom    Canada. May 31 2007 20:39. Posts 20070

rekrul can see through halls soul

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

spets1   Australia. May 31 2007 20:45. Posts 2179

thats like when ppl accuse u of cheating in bw u take screenies all teh time to show off ur friends


Floofy   Canada. May 31 2007 20:48. Posts 8708

rek is so sexy pervs jerk off to him

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. May 31 2007 20:52. Posts 14026

i love this


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