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JJ 5/10/20(2)

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wobbly_au   Australia. Oct 30 2017 11:37. Posts 6540

Preflop (7handed)
UTG raise 83
I call in HJ
CO calls
SB calls
BB calls

Flop (5handed, 460)
Checked to me,
I bet 115
CO raises to 460
I call

Turn (Headsup 1400)
I check
Villain (2k remaining) bets 690
I ??

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The Last Laugh.Last edit: 30/10/2017 15:32

lebowski   Greece. Oct 30 2017 15:14. Posts 9205

you forgot the board

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

wobbly_au   Australia. Oct 30 2017 15:29. Posts 6540

  On October 30 2017 14:14 lebowski wrote:
you forgot the board

holy fuck im dumb sec.

The Last Laugh. 

Daut    United States. Oct 30 2017 19:15. Posts 8955

I fold flop, it's 5 way and there are 3 players left to act behind him. I doubt he's raising a range JJ plays well against OOP on a rainbow board here, and this is close to bottom of your range equity wise.

Of course if you have some insane read on him then that takes precedence. I wouldn't read too much into him raising what is actually a small flop lead or his small turn sizing though, people calculate potsize poorly multiway.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 30/10/2017 19:17

wobbly_au   Australia. Oct 31 2017 03:26. Posts 6540

What is a better sizing on this flop?

The Last Laugh. 

Daut    United States. Oct 31 2017 04:43. Posts 8955

I didn't mean to imply the flop lead size was too small, just that he might not realize that betting 1.5x the size of the preflop raise 5 way is a small lead. I think your flop betsize is fine for live, curious what stroggoz says though.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

wobbly_au   Australia. Oct 31 2017 06:30. Posts 6540

Daut you are so polite.. I didnt think you meant my sizing was bad.. Its just me being insecure about the flop size.

The Last Laugh. 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 05 2017 16:19. Posts 15163

I check the flop here
And fold to the raise when he raises with everyone still behind
seems like you're overestimating the strenght of your hand, given especially ranges of blinds this will rarely get through and you're fucked on most of the deck on the turn and all of em left to act still

93% Sure! Last edit: 05/11/2017 16:59

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 05 2017 16:58. Posts 15163

And stroggoz won't tell you much, pios useless for multiway pots ans this doesn't happen almost ever in the games he mines Im pretty sure .

There's something called monkeysolver for plo that solves nlhe multiway pot , would be cool if you wizards I leech off of buy it and analyse stuff for me haha

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 05 2017 17:00. Posts 15163

Failng that Pokersnowie , I'll have a licence in a few days but I'd expect a check here

93% Sure!  

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Nov 06 2017 05:55. Posts 5314

lol do you think i just come up with answers purely based on looking at pio charts? That would be retarded if i did, esp for this site. I wont contribute to this because there's very little point in discussing hh's with chinese fish. i do not know enough here, but bet/fold is standard for me given the tiny info given.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 06/11/2017 05:57

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 08 2017 12:48. Posts 15163

  On November 06 2017 04:55 Stroggoz wrote:
lol do you think i just come up with answers purely based on looking at pio charts? That would be retarded if i did, esp for this site. I wont contribute to this because there's very little point in discussing hh's with chinese fish. i do not know enough here, but bet/fold is standard for me given the tiny info given.

Oh you haven't heard
Stroggoz = GTO solution that's how we see ya, pretty sure Daut meant the same expecting the definite answer from a dream machine :D
I didn't mean Stroggoz as a person however dumb that sounds haha

93% Sure! Last edit: 08/11/2017 12:49

Daut    United States. Nov 15 2017 18:48. Posts 8955

  On November 08 2017 11:48 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Show nested quote +

Oh you haven't heard
Stroggoz = GTO solution that's how we see ya, pretty sure Daut meant the same expecting the definite answer from a dream machine :D
I didn't mean Stroggoz as a person however dumb that sounds haha

Clearly couldn't be that I think the guy who has done the most work with solvers has the strongest understanding of proper betsizing among regular posters on LP but instead that I think he can plug in a 5 way flop with unknown ranges and a myriad of possible betsizes and receive a perfect GTO solution instantly.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 15/11/2017 18:51

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Nov 16 2017 13:32. Posts 5314

I don't have the dream machine for this spot anyway, like lemon said. i would need to buy monkersolver for that, which i will do in the future once i have scripted everything else.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 16/11/2017 13:37

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Nov 20 2017 17:29. Posts 15163

Relax big balls
Well stroggoz has it from high stakes guys and solvers
That's why I also always wait for his judgement
Without the hes a regular guy and not a superhero
I see ya as batman stroggoz pretty much :D

These spots are too unique though, Snowiest is the best to come up with solutions but you can't plug in suboptimal ranges into it

93% Sure! Last edit: 20/11/2017 17:35


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