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Show hand : 988980

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Handnr: 988980
Submitted by : EvilSky

#Game No : 461230229
***** Cassava Hand History for Game 461230229 *****
$2/$4 Blinds No Limit Holdem - ***
Table Lyubertsy Real Money
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: spr043 $1,056.70
Seat 2: dg8mf $400
Seat 4: Hero $400
Seat 6: PLUPPLUP123 $434.50
Seat 7: ladyinred19 $401.20
Hero posts small blind [$2]
PLUPPLUP123 posts big blind [$4]

Dealt to Hero [JdAd ]
ladyinred19 folds
spr043 folds
dg8mf raises [$8]
Hero raises [$30]
PLUPPLUP123 folds
dg8mf calls [$24]
** Dealing flop ** [Kh,3d2d ]
Hero bets [$36]
dg8mf calls [$36]
** Dealing turn ** 6d ]
Hero bets [$74]
dg8mf calls [$74]
** Dealing river ** 4d ]
Hero bets [$258]
dg8mf calls [$258]
** Summary **
dg8mf shows 8h8c
Hero shows JdAd
Hero collected [ $800 ]

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EvilSky    Czech Republic. Oct 19 2012 16:07. Posts 8915

I thought it might be better to check and let him turn some weak pair into a bluff... apparently that wasnt necessary :o

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HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Oct 19 2012 16:07. Posts 10896

lol what?


All hands submitted by EvilSky:

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