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Show hand : 5307

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Handnr: 5307
Submitted by : PanoRaMa

***** Hand History for Game 3356573519 *****
$0.50/$1 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, January 12, 00:26:13 EDT 2006
Table Beginners #1108951 (Real Money)
Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Saabie1 ( $37.50 )
Seat 2: dasFleisch ( $27.50 )
Seat 3: uzadumfka ( $35.50 )
Seat 4: QuixoticRock ( $8.54 )
Seat 5: Hiki1950 ( $2 )
Seat 7: ac00777 ( $9.75 )
Seat 8: Leomar222 ( $65.75 )
Seat 9: wafflesiron ( $39.37 )
Seat 10: Nadezda63 ( $16 )
Seat 6: hamsterhead2 ( $30.50 )
Saabie1 posts small blind [$0.25].
dasFleisch posts big blind [$0.50].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to wafflesiron [ QhAc ]
uzadumfka folds.
QuixoticRock folds.
Hiki1950 raises [$1].
hamsterhead2 folds.
ac00777 folds.
Leomar222 folds.
wafflesiron calls [$1].
Nadezda63 folds.
Saabie1 folds.
dasFleisch calls [$0.50].
** Dealing Flop ** [Ts,Jc,Kd ]
dasFleisch bets [$0.50].
>You have options at Beginners #1108735 Table!.
Hiki1950 is all-In [$1]
wafflesiron raises [$1.50].
dasFleisch calls [$1].
** Dealing Turn ** [As ]
dasFleisch checks.
wafflesiron bets [$1].
dasFleisch calls [$1].
** Dealing River ** [Ah ]
>You have options at Beginners #1108735 Table!.
dasFleisch bets [$1].
wafflesiron raises [$2].
dasFleisch calls [$1].
wafflesiron shows [Qh,Ac ] a straight, ten to ace.
dasFleisch shows [Th,Tc ] a full house, Tens full of aces.
Hiki1950 doesn't show [Qc,8s ] a straight, ten to ace.
>You have options at Beginners #1108735 Table!.
dasFleisch wins $6.75 from side pot #1 with a full house, Tens full of aces.
dasFleisch wins $5.75 from the main pot with a full house, Tens full of aces.

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