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Show hand : 207047

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Handnr: 207047
Submitted by : Loco

***** Hand History for Game 6037250496 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 06, 02:48:31 ET 2007
Table Jackpot #1308464 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: flipflo0 ( $89.60 USD )
Seat 2: dosca21 ( $115.35 USD )
Seat 3: nickerklaus ( $63.15 USD )
Seat 4: drive300yds ( $91.50 USD )
Seat 5: JENYA74 ( $106.50 USD )
Seat 6: EMO_SHIP_IT ( $100 USD )
drive300yds posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
JENYA74 is sitting out
EMO_SHIP_IT posts big blind [$1 USD].

Dealt to EMO_SHIP_IT 5c5s
flipflo0 folds
dosca21 calls [$1 USD]
nickerklaus folds
JENYA74 has left the table.
drive300yds calls [$0.50 USD]
EMO_SHIP_IT checks

Flop (Pot : $3.00)

drive300yds checks
EMO_SHIP_IT bets [$2 USD]
dosca21 folds
drive300yds folds
EMO_SHIP_IT does not show cards .
The time at which hand ended:Jun 06 2007 02:48 ET
EMO_SHIP_IT wins $4.85 USD

Baal would be proud of me.

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BJLTNYK   United States. Jun 06 2007 00:54. Posts 1226

nice lead you don't want higher quads to get there

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SmartFAB: lol u are the worst play in history of online poker bj 

Loco   Canada. Jun 06 2007 00:55. Posts 20964


fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 


All hands submitted by Loco:

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