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Show hand : 1011811

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Handnr: 1011811
Submitted by : LemOn[5thF]

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars
$50.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, May 30, 02:50:56 ET 2013
Table Abastumani Real Money
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $61.48 USD - VPIP: 25, PFR: 19, 3B: 11, AF: 1.2, Hands: 193
Seat 3: Player3 $16.63 USD - VPIP: 45, PFR: 11, 3B: 6, AF: 1.5, Hands: 55
Seat 4: Player4 $19.75 USD - VPIP: 25, PFR: 22, 3B: 8, AF: 1.7, Hands: 102
Seat 5: Player5 $20.00 USD - VPIP: 22, PFR: 19, 3B: 6, AF: 3.6, Hands: 225
Seat 6: Hero $52.97 USD - VPIP: 22, PFR: 19, 3B: 7, AF: 3.6, Hands: 774617
Player5 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Hero posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

Dealt to Hero [AcAs ]
Player1 folds
Player3 calls [$0.50 USD]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises [$1.50 USD]
Player3 calls [$1.50 USD]

Flop (Pot : $3.25)

Hero bets [$4.00 USD]
Player3 calls [$4.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $11.25)

Hero checks
Player3 bets [$6.50 USD]
Hero folds
Player3 wins $6.50 USD
Player3 wins $11.70 USD from main pot

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. May 30 2013 03:23. Posts 15163

reasonably aggressive fish. Its not just the straight but 2pairs etc as well, do you check fold too there? Less than pot left

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93% Sure!  

julep   Australia. May 30 2013 03:27. Posts 1274

just go all in on turn. he has 40vpip. who cares its 20bb, move on next hand

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. May 30 2013 03:30. Posts 15163

ye it was between shove and check fold, unless he does fish stuff and bets small gives up river which I see a lot with 1 pair hands etc.

93% Sure! Last edit: 30/05/2013 03:32


All hands submitted by LemOn[5thF]:

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