DoomsdayVic   New Zealand. Apr 09 2009 13:09. Posts 159
Currently playing on stars and everest NL10
Heres yesterdays result
I was down 6BIs yesterday but I managed to get it back over the zero mark and ended up +1/2BI
Took 7.97 hours, 4647 hands to breakeven again. Result: +$3.75 at the end :D
As for today...
Down 8BIs and ended up grinding.. grinding and grinding... now breakeven again.
8.2 hours, 4223 hands later.... Result: +$3.85 (+$0.1 from yesterday.. improvement? hell yes!)
Those losses were mostly from bad play (plus a few coolers) but with help from silver, R_I and byrnesam, I managed to fix those leaks :D. Hopefully I'll continue to improve on my play with better results to show!
Monthly result for NL10 so far
Dear poker gods, please don't do this to me again.. going to me taking a couple of days break from poker..
Its now 5 am NZ time, I better go to bed... >_>
0 votes
Silver_nz   New Zealand. Apr 09 2009 17:07. Posts 5647
loool so you grinded back to even xD nice. you've played a ton of hands and keep up winning, thats really good
R_I   New Zealand. Apr 09 2009 17:30. Posts 682