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Out of the hole....

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4kinggenius   United Kingdom. Mar 26 2009 16:48. Posts 317
So I have been putting in some hours recently and think I have been playing pretty good and not being sucked out on too much but even when I do I have been keepoing my discipline and not tilting (too much). Gettin regular breaks to keep concentration etc etc

I thought that as I didnt have much on today I would put some hands in and increase the BR.

However the dreaded bad run started and within the first 600 hands found myself down 6 BI - I had tried everything from table selection, moving tables, taking breaks when I was running bad etc etc.

Decided there was only one way out of it and so I had to stick with it...

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That was hard work....

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NL1K is only ever one drink away...... 

Zalfor   United States. Mar 26 2009 17:29. Posts 2236

what happened to nl1k?

TremendousGats   Canada. Mar 26 2009 18:10. Posts 467

lol @ "I then proceeded to pour more alcohol in me while they drained on about some old shit until I could take it no more and switched the PC and started to play poker in front of them I dont think I was very subtle about how bored I was!!"

How you want it, bars or bullets? 

4kinggenius   United Kingdom. Mar 26 2009 19:00. Posts 317

  On March 26 2009 16:29 Zalfor wrote:
what happened to nl1k?

nl1k is only ever one drink away......

NL1K is only ever one drink away...... 

ConquistadoR   Germany. Mar 26 2009 19:37. Posts 1952

Nice work man. Best feeling ever to move out of the shithole like that.



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