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PLO is the lols

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iakim322   United States. Oct 14 2008 13:43. Posts 1335

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 Last edit: 17/04/2009 09:03

frenchylucky   Finland. Oct 14 2008 14:13. Posts 1788

well nice read sir
i agree with the social part and the "poker immersion" .I go to work like i go to the gym , just to breath and have break pok..
i start to have a hangover of poker too .so i just play some short session in cash game . I think i am gonna play some plo live game in finland and put me on the test..

best of luck

I was playing poker with tarot cards the other night. I got a full house and four people died. WTF...welcome to finland... 

LandLord   Canada. Oct 14 2008 14:38. Posts 42

hey man best of luck to you.



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