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bug on pokerstars

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all_in_4tw   Canada. Mar 10 2008 11:44. Posts 4515
im 20 tabling right now and one of my table is bugged

had to leave the table because i couldnt see the board...the last hand i had to fold 99 when i could have had a set =(

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I sometimes fold AA preflop to balance my rangeLast edit: 10/03/2008 11:53

Jubert69   United States. Mar 10 2008 11:57. Posts 3191

Stars support ASAP

Fayth    Canada. Mar 10 2008 11:58. Posts 10085

wow wtf lol

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

sawseech   Canada. Mar 10 2008 12:06. Posts 3182

reset all permissions on the files and reinstall LOZL

lets go fucking mental la la la la lets go fucking mental lets go fucking mental lala la la 

devon06atX   Canada. Mar 10 2008 12:08. Posts 5458

--- Nuked ---

Ezekiell   Hungary. Mar 10 2008 12:37. Posts 718

funny indeed pf 4 cards on the board, lol

u got someone to call u with second top pair in headsup?  

capaneo   Canada. Mar 10 2008 12:50. Posts 8465

true, atleast do the photoshop on the flop wolf.

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 

kemo   Denmark. Mar 10 2008 12:51. Posts 573

On Ongame its not unormal if some other guys bet ammount dosent disepear in the end of a hand. So i keep reraising nothing. Its pretty dumb.

TheTrees   United States. Mar 10 2008 13:08. Posts 1592

yup. stars is fucking up for me, too.

True   Finland. Mar 10 2008 13:09. Posts 843

Playing lazy poker and surfing the net at the same time, came to this thread, tried clicking fold, went wtf for a few seconds, then i realised.

I am a NL25 player so take my advice/comments in that perspective 

2Vi3T_B0Y4   Canada. Mar 10 2008 13:44. Posts 927

wow.. lol

EzPzLmnSqz   United States. Dec 20 2009 05:30. Posts 549

  On March 10 2008 12:09 True wrote:
Playing lazy poker and surfing the net at the same time, came to this thread, tried clicking fold, went wtf for a few seconds, then i realised.



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