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seeing how far i can get with 3 dollar br

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snowman9   United States. Feb 08 2008 22:10. Posts 16
ok so i decided to try and test my patience and discipline..and see how far i can get with a 3 dollar bankroll..starting on micro stakes..because i heard a pro (i believe it was chris fergusen) turned 1dollar and to over 20k now im not saying im gonna turn 3 dollars into 20k but..i wanna see how far i can ya ill keep you guys updated if your interested in seeing on how far i can get

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lachlan   Australia. Feb 08 2008 22:12. Posts 6991

pretty easy, just 2 table NL2

full ring 

lachlan   Australia. Feb 08 2008 22:13. Posts 6991

and i thought he did it with money from a freeroll .... "$0 ---> $20,000"

full ring 

sawseech   Canada. Feb 08 2008 22:14. Posts 3182

actually it was 0 into 20k

he grinded freerolls fruitlessly for 9 months

he's a smart guy

lets go fucking mental la la la la lets go fucking mental lets go fucking mental lala la la 

Bejamin1   Canada. Feb 08 2008 22:14. Posts 7042

You should probably just deposit $100 and start at NL5 instead of wasting your life.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

snowman9   United States. Feb 08 2008 22:19. Posts 16

hmm nah..i just listened to the interview it was one dollar into 20k and its not wastin my life im 19 years old...i have...many other years to not waste my life haha..but newayz im at 7.05 now

whamm!   Albania. Feb 08 2008 22:19. Posts 11625

yes imo busto in 3 days if you plan on playing cash with that. that is, if you get lucky and have a monk's discipline

Jubert69   United States. Feb 08 2008 22:52. Posts 3191

i started at 1.28 today. I'm at 6.30 now, lets race.

Python817   Canada. Feb 08 2008 23:49. Posts 2733

I started with 1k playmoney made it 1m and sold it for $10 to start so np yo

TRACKDO1   United States. Feb 09 2008 02:15. Posts 59

That's how i got my roll started. selling playdough for $10/million. I heard pokerstars put a stop to that. what's up with that?

And jesus did two different things. He did the 0-20k after he did the $1-20k

rogier   Netherlands. Feb 09 2008 04:18. Posts 1528

good luck sir on dodging bustoville. 350bb isnt exactly much :D

NotSorry   United States. Feb 09 2008 05:59. Posts 2603

  On February 08 2008 21:14 sawseech wrote:
actually it was 0 into 20k

he grinded freerolls fruitlessly for 9 months

he's a smart guy

took him 9months to win a freeroll? Hell my wife made 47$ 2 nights ago from getting a 1st and 2nd in freerolls.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

snowman9   United States. Feb 09 2008 13:27. Posts 16 at 5.99 for today..which is like a dollar down from yesterday but o well..i might play one more hour today and call it quits for today..


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