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omaha hi/lo

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snowman9   United States. Feb 08 2008 12:15. Posts 16
what stakes should i be playing at if i have a bankroll of 50$, and what are the br rules in general for omaha hi lo

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 Last edit: 08/02/2008 12:16

ReSpOnSe   United States. Feb 08 2008 12:24. Posts 405

.01/.02 cent you get 4 cards you can only use 2 of them...only play the nuts

ReSpOnSe   United States. Feb 08 2008 12:24. Posts 405

low has to be 8 or lower

snowman9   United States. Feb 08 2008 12:28. Posts 16 so like at what point should i move .2/.5c or 5c/10c

Cooperstown   United States. Feb 08 2008 12:36. Posts 457

Honestly if you have never played hi/lo you should use playmoney first so you actually understand it. To beat the rake in a game like this you need to scoop pots not chop them. IE have a strong hi and low

I dont remember anything from last night. all i know is, is that i woke up naked on my couch, with a piece of uncooked chicken on the stove. -Josh McLeod 

21drful   United States. Feb 08 2008 13:45. Posts 400

if you are on FTP just play the 5cent 10 cent tables and buy in for 5 dollars. That way you can still play buy the 10 buy in rule. In addition, the FTP tables are reallly reallly fishy

Fuck the bullshit 

ReSpOnSe   United States. Feb 08 2008 14:59. Posts 405

eh...10 buy-in rule? the lowest ive heard is 20 buy-ins

Benzooor   United States. Feb 08 2008 18:49. Posts 630

For Omaha hi/lo you need >20 buy ins for sure. So swingy

snowman9   United States. Feb 08 2008 18:51. Posts 16

can i realistically make money off of 5C/10c games


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