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Poker Vlog King: Brad Owen Tells ALL.

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thewh00sel    United States. Apr 07 2024 22:01. Posts 2734

Dear fellow degens,

I know what you’re thinking: “if I had 2 first names instead of a first and last name I’d be a popular poker vlogger too.” Well sorry but there can only be one Brad Owen. And we got him on the pod to explain how awesome poker vlogging is. (Actually it turns out he started vlogging so his parents wouldn’t disown his degenerate gambling ass).

Or something like that. You’ll have to watch to find out what he said exactly.

Anyways, he gets down into the nitty gritty. He tells us everything from:

How he found poker

How long he spends on his Vlogs (fucking long)

How much $ he makes from YouTube

What the future holds

Enjoy episode 17 of the Table 1 Podcast with Brad Owen

Youtube: Click Here


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lostaccount   Canada. Apr 13 2024 15:56. Posts 6035

cool will check it out when I am bored lol

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 


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