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The End of Kings

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k2o4   United States. Jan 08 2019 02:09. Posts 4803

I just watched that video and feel like it really sums up humanities current predicament, and the choice available to us moving forward. I really like the work that Sustainable Human does, their videos taught me a lot and helped me see the brighter future which is possible.

Last night I did something I would never normally do. I went to an event entitled "Bretheren, A New Moon Ritual For Men". The title alone still triggers all my anti spiritual, anti woo woo programming. It's deep in my bones.

But I know the organizer and he's a good friend, so I trusted it and went.

For me, hanging out with men had always meant trying to outdo each others toxic masculinity, which was fun in my youth (even while it scarred me, funny how often I've enjoyed something in the moment and then it hurts me in the long run), but has lost it's appeal since my breakdown/awakening during school. I haven't had many guy friends that I feel close with since that shift in my perspective, as I was left in a middle ground of not interested in hanging with old friends and not comfortable going to woo woo stuff.

So I decided to go, to take the step out into hanging with a different crowd of bros, not a party crowd, not a gamer crowd, not a poker crowd, not a sports crowd, but a crowd that gathers on new moons to do rituals.

The theme was actually three kings, which is funny to me now because I've had the above video on my "to watch" radar for a few days, sitting open in a tab that I could never quite get to. After participating last night the energetic block was cleared and I finally watched it.

At the meeting I was reminded of all the ways men are struggling in our society. It's hard to be struggling when you're in the privileged position. When asked to talk about what masculinity meant, most everyone had a variation on the theme of emotional repression (including myself).

What I never learned growing up was that that shit kills ya, the emotional energy needs to be flowing otherwise the physical body gets damaged. Not to mention the way the blocked emotional energy effects your behavior, your thought process, your minds clarity, and so much more. We definitely need more spaces for men to heal this shit, cause no one is enjoying the consequences of it.

My wife got me a book called "Man Up: Imagining Modern Manhood" by Carlos Andres Gomez. Looks good, gonna give it a go.

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PuertoRican   United States. Jan 08 2019 03:19. Posts 13076

Rekrul is a newb 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 08 2019 08:36. Posts 9634

so you actually believe men are privileged in western culture nowadays?

 Last edit: 08/01/2019 08:36

tutz   Brasil. Jan 08 2019 09:47. Posts 2140

Oh boy, I relate so much
I just put that video on my 'watch later' playlist

Thank you, thank you


Big_Rob_isback   United States. Jan 08 2019 09:53. Posts 211

Thanks for the blog post man. I was given the advice to make new friends through "spiritual gatherings" about a year ago, but never stepped in to it. Maybe I will soon.

just playing live poker for fun 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 08 2019 10:55. Posts 15163

Wow great Bitcoin commercial!

93% Sure!  

k2o4   United States. Jan 09 2019 02:32. Posts 4803

  On January 08 2019 02:19 PuertoRican wrote:

I appreciate these little cheers of acknowledgement hehe

  On January 08 2019 07:36 Spitfiree wrote:
so you actually believe men are privileged in western culture nowadays?

Absolutely, 100%, we certainly do hold a very privileged position just by being men. Just because it's not as blatant as it once was doesn't mean it's gone. The structure of patriarchy is deeply ingrained in almost every single society across the planet, and as men we benefit from the effect patriarchy has had on people's unconscious biases and the systems which have been put in place.

Privilege is a tricky topic cause people often don't want to admit to having any, especially if they're struggling. I think it helps to remember that everyone has different types of privilege. This activist really nailed the explanation imo:

Janya Khan speaking on privilege

  On January 08 2019 08:47 tutz wrote:
Oh boy, I relate so much
I just put that video on my 'watch later' playlist

Thank you, thank you


Thanks friend I was just talking to my father about your spiritual awakening blog post cause he was listening to a podcast with a guy who wrote a book about magic on Sounds True, and the author described going from learning about angels, to believing, to seeing one manifest in front of him and it reminded me of your experience.

Here's some info in case you're interested. I'm gonna look more into his stuff myself

  On January 08 2019 08:53 Big_Rob_isback wrote:
Thanks for the blog post man. I was given the advice to make new friends through "spiritual gatherings" about a year ago, but never stepped in to it. Maybe I will soon.

Happy to hear it benefited ya! I feel ya on the delay, I hope you find something in your area

  On January 08 2019 09:55 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Wow great Bitcoin commercial!

lol yeah, it even had a bitcoin cameo at one point But Bitcoin is just a stepping stone to something much better. While it has less of the downfalls of our current monetary system, it still has many of them. The ultimate destination is a post-monetary society imo, but it will be a few steps before we get there.

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 09/01/2019 02:48


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