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1year1mill - 4th

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1year1mill   Slovenia. Apr 03 2017 17:51. Posts 21
After first losing "weekly" report, we are more than happy to share our 4th "weekly" report's results with you. Check out what we lost and what we won!!
Btw, sorry for the low quality of video we had some problems with the camera.

Enjoy watching it

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Nitewin   United States. Apr 04 2017 04:03. Posts 1539

how do i make this kind of money??

ThuNDeR   Bulgaria. Apr 04 2017 14:32. Posts 371

Solid grind! Congrats on the results & the sick volume!
What format do you play ? Also on average for what volume of hands are we talking for example for this report ?

ThiNk DiFFeReNt! 

1year1mill   Slovenia. Apr 05 2017 12:24. Posts 21

  On April 04 2017 13:32 ThuNDeR wrote:
Solid grind! Congrats on the results & the sick volume!
What format do you play ? Also on average for what volume of hands are we talking for example for this report ?

Lately, we got a lot of questions from different forums, so we will try to do next video as a Q&A. If you have any other questions, please let us know

ThuNDeR   Bulgaria. Apr 05 2017 14:31. Posts 371

Sounds cool, looking forward to the video
Well anything more specifc about volume.What is the average stake you play , how many hands/hour on average do you put in ?

ThiNk DiFFeReNt! 


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