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Oh, Selling 2 sc2 beta keys
  Mariuslol, Mar 25 2010

Have an account where you can invite a friend, so in a way, 2 keys in one. I'm from eu, so eu.

Whisper pm, selling to highest bidder after a few hours, send on stars kinda thing.


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lol selling sc2 account
  Mariuslol, Mar 11 2010

omg, I can't stop playing, Played all yday, through the night, and have done that last 3 days. I can't get addicted to this. I'm scared, so selling my account.

Pm for bids, will sell to one of the first few pm's if anyone's interested. Can send on STars.

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Sc 2 Question and keyhunt
  Mariuslol, Mar 05 2010

Hey, I found some sc2 keys I want to buy on e-bay, but because I'm a chicken I didn't dare to buy it yet. Anyone here who have experience with e-bay and if It's a fake key I'm screwed or do I get any insurance ?

All I saw was a picture of a blizzcon ticket with a sc2 key hid behind it.

And uhm, maybe hopeless, but do anyone have a sc2 key for sale ? (users with high post count.)

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  Mariuslol, Feb 28 2010

This has been a really good month for me.


- Up 42bi on 100nl on a stake deal

- up 11bi on 50nl my own money + some rakeback

- Watched 6 training vods

- Read articles, Wells, browsed poker stuff for maybe 30-40 hours

- Studied Easy game, got like 30 pages of notes

- Read Leatherass's book

- Maybe put in 120 hours of poker


- Been at the gym maybe 16 times this month, weight lifting and kardio

- Spent maybe 5-8 hours studying some training books, making schedules and plans

- I can do 33 Pull upz now, wuhu


- I think I've been getting my dad a lot happier lately

- I enjoy teaching my brother about life, psychology and how to look positive at life

- Maybe spent 8 hours cuddling with my cat

- I've ordered a new computer, suppose to be really sick. I think (but with an extra hard disk, and the sick processor.) And ordered one of those Pokerstars 27' LG screens

- Spent maybe 10 + hours studying meditation, or "interesting" brain stuff.

- Cut down 70% of the time I usually waste on watching show, movies, series, doing nothing

GG, I'm going to do better next month


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Eightful Path To Poker Enlightment
  Mariuslol, Feb 07 2010

It will make most sense if it's all put together, the amazing Tommy Angelo spent close to a year making this series and it's probably the best series any poker player can watch through.

Took me around 10+ hours writing the notes about the most important stuff, because when I write notes I do it with a pen while I'm studying, and I write really ugly lol. Here is the whole journey.

Enjoy =]

The Eight Paths To Poker Enlightment

Right View
+ Show Spoiler +

Right Thinking]
+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

Right Speech
+ Show Spoiler +

Right Action
+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

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Poker Enlightment part8
  Mariuslol, Feb 07 2010

Finally done with the last part of the series, here are my notes.


"Tiltnessness has no end point."

We do that by reducing our suffering.

From Tommy's book

I was a great tilter. I knew all the different kinds. I could do steaming tilt, simmering tilt, too loose tilt, too tight tilt, too aggressive tilt, too passive tilt, playing too high tilt, playing too long tilt, playing too tired tilt, entitlement tilt, annoyed tilt, injustice tilt, frustration tilt, sloppy tilt, revenge tilt, underfunded tilt, overfunded tilt, shame tilt, distracted tilt, scared tilt, envy tilt, this-is-the-worst-pizza-I've-ever-had tilt, I-just-got-showed-a-bluff tilt, and of course, the classic: I-gotta-get-even tilt, and I-only-have-so-much-time-to-lose-this-money-tilt, also known as demolition tilt.

The actual cause of the tilt is the attachment to the thing we lost. It isn't the loss in itself.

More from Tommy's book

I'd tilt, and I'd look back on my tiltings, and I started seeing cycles, and then cycles withing cycles, and before long, I started to see my entire poker future as a ceaseless fluctuation between tight and tilt.

The grand delusion

"The grand delusion is that external things are making us unhappy, and that external things will make us happy."

*If only I had the next thing, I'll be happy, if I didn't lose that I'd be happy.*

"It's all about attachment."

- That's why poor people who have nothing is way happier than people who have tons of stuff.

- There's no amount of accumulation that is going to give us peace of mind. It simply can't happen that way. And the delusion is that we go through our whole lives, despite the evidence, still believing that if only I had that one more thing, I would be happy.

"Totally about attachment and desire."

- All fears are attached to attachment.

A big day in my career was the day I realized that tomorrow I would still be a tilter.

The grand premise

That we want to be happier than we are now, and we want to be more deeply happy, more often.

More from Tommy's book

I figured if I ever went broke at poker, it wouldn't be because my best wasn't good enough to keep me afloat. It'd be because my worst was bad enough to sink me.

bankrolls and bodies

"If only we could just live our bankroll, every single second, no matter what it was, the amount of agony we would let go of is H U G E."

Defining suffering

- If you slam your hand in the car door, that's pain, nerves sending signals to your brain causing you pain. That is not suffering.

- The stuff that gets stirred up in your head, "this is going to hurt for a week" that's suffering

* Suffering is an affliction*

Countless different kinds of suffering, here are some examples:

- Worry
- regret
- fear
- anger
- stress
- dissatisfaction
- annoyance
- conflict
- panic
- unease
- I'm to fat
- I'm to skinny
- regret
- I'm too busy
- inadequate
- nervousness
- aggravation

Ignorance, in regular language the way we use it, it means lack of knowledge, not knowing.

In the Buddhist teachings, it's a word that gets used along the lines of delusion, but not intended that way.

The root word for it is "ignore". Good to look at it as ignore - ance, not pay attention


Metaphors / tuning your instrument

- Look at yourself like the instrument, in the morning, take a few minuts to meditate and tune yourself, or when you take a break from a session, or just in the middle of a session, if just for a few seconds.

(The metaphor is, if you have an orchestra, they will sound like shit, traffic noise, if they don't tune themselves before they start.)

a few metaphors / water in a lake

- Think of your mind like the water in a lake, on the surface, it's sometimes smooth, sometimes it's wind, and it causes waves. Or if a big rock comes into the lack, it causes a big splash.

- But the really cool thing is, is right under the surface of the lake, it's always smooth, it's always calm. All you have to do it still yourself, calm yourself, and connect with that part of yourself.

a few metaphors / Surfing

- Another way to breathe, pretend you're surfing the breath.

a few metaphors / Tilted poker is like crooked teeth

- It's not your fault, and it can be fixed.

* What it comes from, is the entire sum of human suffering, accumulation of the non mindfulness, that is the cause of tilt*

- It will take some time, small changes, but in the end of it all, you'll smile a lot more.

More from Tommy's book

Tilt has many causes and kinds, but it has only one effect. It makes us play bad.

Best Tilt Inducers

- Running bad
- Playing bad

Probably the top two tilt inducers.

If no one is tiltless then everyone can tilt less.

How to handle bad beats

Move your awareness out a level, from your absorption with the injustice and the unfairness, and all the other thoughts.

And it's all about awareness, it's about being aware of the actual mental activity in your mind, and calling it what it is, and saying the whole reality:

The card came. I lost the pot. This is causing my mind to stir up...

Playing bad

- such a huge cause of suffering, living in the past, beating ourself up, gigantic heap of suffering we go through, and we keep coming back to, it's my fault.

The way to ease this suffering, is similar to before, keep peeling layers of the union, and accepting that reality

If you focus on doing your best, if you think doing your best involved

- Sleeping right
- Eating right
- Training right
- Sitting upright

- Whatever it might be, to ease the suffering of playing bad, practice on playing your best. This will ease your suffering, as long as you were focused, doing your best. Then you won't have regret.

Perception is reality

More from Tommy's book

Tilt is anything less than your utmost. Tilt is suboptimalness. By defining tilt from teh top down, we can draw a line for any player that cleanly divides his tilt from his non-tilt.

The Blame Game

- When you blame other people, it's causing suffering in your brain.

*The act of blaming* is the thing that causes it, not the thing that's been done. It's your fault you can't control your mind.

- If you should blame anyone, blame yourself for blaming someone else. Don't stir up the surface of your lake, it's just mental noise

You don't blame people for anything. Ever.

(Start with yourself.)

Roll all blames into one. (Just take it all on yourself if you have to.)

If you know 100% that you're unjustly accused, and you know you're not wrong. Can you not react to that ?

You suck it in, and you don't spit it back out.

This is the greatest test, you just absorb it in. This is unbelievably awesome.

The more right you are, by not saying "No it wasn't me, blabla" The stronger you get.

The Blame Game

it just never ends
it never ends, you will be suffering from the blame game, forever

Until you make a conscious effort to not blame, saying it isn't enough, you have to do the work.

Internet irritants

Lost connection:
This is the landscape you play in, this is the world you play in. Just breathe your way through it. It'd be the same as playing basketball but hate the size of the ball.

Computer wait time:
Instead of being anxious, wishing it to speed up, just transform it, sit up straight, take a breath. Make it into a positive. Calm yourself, tune yourself.

Internet helpers:

- Written reminders

- Staying busy

- Taking breaks (Sick important)

- Taking days off

- Playing drills. (Where you force yourself to play more, even if it's just 10 minutes.) (For people who wants to play more, ur not playing to earn money, just to get more play.)

- Sit up and breathe

- Finger tilt, when the big pot comes up, train yourself, to put your hand in your lap, give yourself a chance to get a little bit of space so the instant action doesn't happen.

Running bad

"Running bad is just an idea, it's just a thought."

One of the ways to overcome this huge burden, the idea that we're running bad, is letting go of the past, it's just ideas, thoughts.

The act of coming back to the present tense is the cure for running bad.

More from Tommy's book

Tilt is all about you.

If you think you should have taken the day off, or if you think you should have played at different stakes, or if you think you made a bad raise, then you tilted. Only you know when you knew better.

Last thing about running bad

When you manage to get to the point of where losing doesn't hurt, that in itself is a higher level of joy, which is just wonderful. You don't get the suffering you would normally have, + when you realize you feel like this, that will make you feel great.

Living in the moviement

When you are watching a movie, where is your mind? What is your eyes and your ears doing?

- Movies serves as suffering remedy, because they force the mind to be in the present tense. Proof, that coming in the present is pain relif.

- When you do it with drugs etc, you go below awareness, the more pure better way of doing it, is doing it yourself, without substance, without the movie.

Taming the mind

"In the same way we have arms and legs, we all have the racing mind."

* Discursive thought, out of control, cluttered, rambling*

Meditation: It's not what you think.

- If you meditate you will suffer less, just the same way as, if you're overweight, and you eat less calories, you will lose weight.

It can be easily tested, all you have to try is, do it.

"The benefit is a reduction in unhappiness that will permeate every aspect of your life."


- In music you have two components, you have rhythm, and notes. You can make rhythm without the notes, but not the other way around.

So in Yoga, there's the stretching, and there's the breathing

Breathing is to rhythm as stretching is to notes.

If you do the stretching without the breathing, it's just stretching.

Breathing is the essential act of Yoga.

Bandaids and cures

- For all of the bad habits you have at poker, there's things you can do to fix it right now, and there's cures.

(For instance, keep telling bad beats, having to tell bad beats, but you feel bad afterward.)

- As for the cure, for stopping the telling the bad beat stories, is not having those thoughts in your mind. Taming your mind.
Simply thoughts gushing out of your mouth, but if they're not in your mind, they won't even come up.

"It always comes back to taming the mind and managing what's in there."


- We're normally thinking of compassion as feeling sorry for someone, pity, it's hard to describe it without using those words. (Like walking past a bum on the street.)

- Our compassion seem to be tied to circumstances, like if someone rich or famous fuck up, we react totally different. like (Hey, lol, look at that fucktard, like we judge them.)

The buddhist branch of compassion kinda look like this:

- Everyone suffers, and everyone suffers from the same reasons and in the same way. And one of the effect of suffering is violence, cruelty, the list goes on. The ways we have of inflicting wounds on other.

- In the buddhist version, you see the violence, see that's wrong, the more in need and worthy they are for compassion.

From Tommy's book

We play our new game, and the bad times come, and we remember to follow our breathing. In, and out. In, and out. By doing so, we set aside our thoughts about what went wrong, and we step away from our thoughts about what might go wrong, and for that moment, when those thoughts are gone, so too is unhappiness. By eliminating the past, and eliminating the future, we give ourselves this present. We will practice this process of elimination, using our new game, and it will become for us a process of illumination. Let us play.

The wind up

The difference between ignorance and stupidity is, ignorance is when you don't know, stupidity is when you refuse to act on the knowledge you receive.

And there you have it.

The End

Or the beginning?

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January Month
  Mariuslol, Jan 30 2010

I guess I'm pretty happy with January.

Took 4-5 stabs on 50nl, but lost a few buy ins each time, I went down to 20nl, and grinded up again, and repeated.

But it went pretty well on 20nl. Here are my stats. Still struggling with having a negative red line, dunno why. Feel I keep emptying the clip, grrr.

(ok, nvm I can't seen to upload image, it just keeps loading, nothing's happening, and the imageshack adress I used either changed or got removed.)

BB/100 = 3.8 sample size 30.000 hands, 5 tabling 20nl, 70hours

Other goals were pretty good too, maybe spent 40 hours or so this month studying poker, read a few books, lots of articles, maybe watched 12 video's and gotten a few new LP friends on msn.

When it comes to training, I went to the gym 7 times, 8 if counting tomorrow, and a few trips just walking. So pretty happy with that too =]

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Poker Enlightment part7
  Mariuslol, Jan 29 2010

Right Action

changing the object of the game

- Instead of always sitting down to "make money" you change the object of the game, can be for instance.

*Today I want to try that new seat selection ting

- A tool, ideas to implement new things to the game. And this itself is right action.

Bankroll, under the heading of Right action

net worth (Everything)
poker bankroll (What you only play poker for)
pocket bankroll (What you have available at that moment.)
table bankroll (What's right in front of you, what you have in front of you.)

Thinking of it this way, is really healthy for your bankroll. These labels can be helpful making good decisions.

The purpose of your poker bankroll

"it's like buying mental insurance"

- What you need to avoid risk of ruin, and/or so you can keep on your A game, so you're never freaking out of going out of money.

Moving up

- Usually the minimum is 300BB or 20bi (Is a bit absurd.)

- There needs to be a range, so you don't move up, post the Big blind, then you don't have enough bi, and need to move down?

- Taking shots ? smartest to do strategically. So you decide the amount of "BI/BB" you want to use in that shot. Find out exactly how much you're going to take a shot with.

Moving down

- Moving down is just part of the game. Have to accept there will be big backward streets.

(Ideally we want to get to a place where we're not ashamed of it, but playing bad is part of poker, it's about accepting reality as it is.)

"Each day that we wake up, our bankroll is what it is, and it doesn't matter how it got there."

- Ideally you want to make a decision based on the size of your bankroll. Take the ego out of it, best you can.

This of moving up as a skill set unto itself. Think about the challenges that will be common to all of your move-ups, and prepare:

* You might not survive forever at the higher level. You might need to employ one of the vital skills for moving up, which is moving down.

Bankroll tilt: If you're one of the people who like to go higher stakes when you go on tilt, might be very smart to keep smaller amounts on that site.


* Site selection

- People have their own prefrance, the skin, the rake, the traffic, the software.

* Game selection

- Nl, razz, omaha, fixed, fullring, 6max, hu, tournaments so forth, smart to stick to what ur best at and excell

* Table selection, by way of rejection

- Find good games, and leave when they go sour

* Stakes selection

- all related to bankroll, what is your comfort zone, and where you like to play to keep emotional stability. Good idea to have 3 ranges, find the softest.

* Seat selection / and rejection

- This one is huge, important decision which makes a huge difference in the long run. You want TIGHT players on your left (flop seen %.) More important than having a loose player at your right.

- You don't want a complete maniac on your left

"Make your seat selection decisions as if the object of the game is to be last to act on as many streets as possible."

Live poker crap

- Look at your cards just when you get them, so you won't get in a sticky situation by looking at them when it's your turn and everyone is looking at you.

- Be ready to often look to ur left, to try and find out if he's going to bet, raise or call, really smart.

- Fast-roll is cool and smart if you're a good guy, slow-rolling is for idiots.

- Don't act super fast when it gets to you, breath think, then do stuff.

- Some people get more comfy wearing sunglasses and hats, if you do, that's fine, even though a lot of people are going to judge you. But you don't care about that.


"Any player who consciously makes a move toward more firstlessness rates to increase their score by doing so." (At least a good experiment to try.)

"Don't chase your blinds."

Miscellaneous topics

Number of tables to play

- Live, smart to play just 1.

- If you know the number of most tables you can play, smart to cut down 1-2 tables of that.

Going pro

- It's a lot harder than everybody think it is

- For the people that it's right for, it's worth the risk, it's worth the pain

- Extremely personal topic, that's why so many people hire coaches.

Judge versus Evaluate

- When you encounter ideas, or things that happen, what other people do. You don't immediately think "that's right, that's wrong" You act above the act of judging, you observe.


- The best thing any player can do, is to sit upright, breathe. Literally puts a roadblock into the stream of unconscious thoughts that binds us to ego, cravings and desire. Helps us focus, concentrate and being mindful.

Some explanation of harmlessness at the deepest level in some buddhist thing

"When we harm ourselves, we are harming others, and when we harm others, we are harming ourselves." (Because we are all one, won't make any sense to a lot of people, but that's how it is.)

* If that's too complicated, start with, do no harm to yourself, don't blame yourself, don't be so hard on yourself.

x = x

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Oi, have to share
  Mariuslol, Jan 27 2010

Anyone oldschool will appreciate <3

To everyone else!

Sorry, got nothing for ya =p

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A New Set Of Rules
  Mariuslol, Jan 26 2010

I'm always up for new things when it comes to poker. So thought I'd give this a try =] (At least a couple of sessions and see how it feels.)

The idea is that after every session, I have to look at these rules, and evaluate how well I did on each point. I think I'll rate with 1,0 - 10,0 where:

1,0 - 3,0 = Really bad, tilting, spewing, not stopping, everything horrible you can think of.

3,1 - 5,0 = Low end is pretty bad, spewy, a little tilty, unfocused, and to top range is autopilot, doing other stuff, not paying attention just klicking.

5,1 - 7,0 = Average bad reg is at low end, just doing ok'ish things, not getting stellar reads doing anything special, top end is making good notes, trying to catch myself each time i lose focus and refocus, not doing other stuff while playing, trying to be aware all the time so forth.

7,1 - 10,0 = From playing really well to playing your absolute A+ Game, edge of your seat, noticing tendencies, valuebetting like a god, being in "The Zone" playing the best I can with the skills I have.

The rules

* How well you played overall

* Quality of your thinking

* Quality of decisions

* Number and size of Mistakes

* Quality of focus ("The Zone", autopilot, distractions, boredom.)

* Length of the time spent focused and playing well

* Length of the session

* Ability to manage emotions, focus and thinking

* Ability to work through a tough mental or emotional spot.

I know that some of these you can't really rate, but I'll rate the one I can. =]

Oh well, fun food for though nonetheless.

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