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BW ASL 14 is GO!

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spets1   Australia. Aug 14 2022 07:05. Posts 2179

SPOILER - FIRST 4 GROUPS of RO24 already has been played

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Loco   Canada. Aug 14 2022 21:57. Posts 20964

English vods here
Korean vods here:
(OP should have included the links)

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 15/08/2022 03:07

lostaccount   Canada. Aug 15 2022 00:17. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 26/02/2023 18:47

spets1   Australia. Aug 17 2022 04:09. Posts 2179

If zero can maintain apm, I'd put my money on him over soulkey

Or rush


lostaccount   Canada. Aug 18 2022 21:23. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 26/02/2023 18:47

lostaccount   Canada. Aug 18 2022 22:43. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 26/02/2023 18:47

lostaccount   Canada. Aug 18 2022 22:54. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 26/02/2023 18:47

Santafairy   Korea (South). Aug 25 2022 20:25. Posts 2231

please be clear in your post and state that you are wagering for 0.000046 BTC not $20 as we all know $ stands for the S in paypal

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

ggplz   Sweden. Sep 14 2022 03:43. Posts 16784

The ro16 grp A games with + Show Spoiler +

were really fun imo Enjoying this ASL so far

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 14/09/2022 03:43

Loco   Canada. Sep 14 2022 07:32. Posts 20964

Jesus Christ Nick looks like he has elephantiasis on that thumbnail

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 14/09/2022 07:34

ggplz   Sweden. Sep 14 2022 18:25. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

whammbot   Belarus. Sep 15 2022 08:51. Posts 521

Rush is going to smesh everyone in this tourney

spets1   Australia. Sep 28 2022 08:01. Posts 2179

We're sick games between soulkey and royal. Best of the tourney. Intense


Liquid`Drone   Norway. Sep 28 2022 21:54. Posts 3096

ya soulkey vs royal was great.

lol POKER 

blackjacki2   United States. Sep 29 2022 00:33. Posts 2582

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spets1   Australia. Sep 29 2022 05:44. Posts 2179

I love tvt tho, it's like a 3d chess match


NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 07 2022 06:51. Posts 4945

god it pisses me off they kept BW alive but killed Overwatch. I loved that game and always expected to fall back on it for nostalgia's sake

bye now 

SpasticInk   Sweden. Oct 09 2022 13:58. Posts 6298

Have to say the final games were fun to watch, despite mirror matchup. Lots of action.

Oddeye   Canada. Oct 09 2022 21:38. Posts 5106

For sure Soulkey vs Royal was great.
TvT I like, even ZvZ ain't that bad. Now did we even have one PvP? I feel like that is so rare.

whammbot   Belarus. Oct 11 2022 01:21. Posts 521

why did Rush lose to this bum? I miss Flash coming back and smashing everyone now


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