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Intellectual Curiosity versus THE GRIND

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RiKD    United States. Sep 12 2021 04:14. Posts 8769

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This seems like I was entirely driven by money or at least that money was totally intertwined with the intellectual curiosity of learning the game. I never thought about it though in the beginning I just did it.

Fast forward to today.

A friend suggests I read The Almanac of Naval.


It's a good book on getting rich.


I devour the thing.

Naval claims everything he does is due to intellectual curiosity. I think he is a bit deluded but can not get this idea out of my mind that I have to follow my intellectual curiosity. I am curious in coding but I don't think I would be if Naval didn't say it was the best form of leverage on the planet.

Poker allowed for more intellectual curiosity because for most of my career I had a lot of buy-ins and plenty of cash in a savings account and relatively low expenses besides airfare or if I was in Vegas. I would always wish I could play 100,000 hands in a month but never got close. Fucking leatherass and redargoe were making $1 million in a year back then.

I was thinking that I was actually an artisan back at the hippy grocery store until Amazon turned it into a pizza factory. There is a lot to be learned about pizzas but that was a shit job which did not even support a good life.

Ludic intellectual curiosity is buying literature by someone you've never heard of and devouring the book with a tingling spine throughout. It's getting lost in the woods. It's locating a wave to surf and then surfing it good or bad. It's not reading that 3rd book on persuasion, or finance, or whatever.

I feel like I will be shit at anything I am not interested in. I guess it's best to be in pure ludic mode or the grind is entangled with curiosity and you don't care. I have found the more curious I am the more money I tend to make but the more money I make doesn't necessarily make me more curious.

I am generally lost in how to spend my time and what to do in order to not starve. Even though I am currently overfed and I realize 1 hr. exercise and reading is probably always good.

What are your experiences with ludic play, intellectual curiosity, and THE GRIND?

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RiKD    United States. Sep 12 2021 04:22. Posts 8769

I may have written too much

I am like mad with this monkey on my back

leisure, jobs, not starving

the relationship of ludic play, intellectual curiosity, and THE GRIND to make money so you can get blowjobs

RiKD    United States. Sep 12 2021 04:23. Posts 8769

Getting blowjobs is higher level than just not starving and shitting on concrete

Santafairy   Korea (South). Sep 12 2021 04:31. Posts 2231

You're drunk
Go to blogs

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Oddeye   Canada. Sep 12 2021 05:18. Posts 5106

  On September 12 2021 03:23 RiKD wrote:
Getting blowjobs is higher level than just not starving and shitting on concrete


One thing that always kept my curiosity going is science, especially physic and space. There is just so much to learn and I love visualizing it.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 12 2021 14:50. Posts 5314

intellectual curiosity is basically the exact opposite of watching ted talks. If you're interested in learning something, you devote at least a few years to it. If you aren't, you watch a 20min talk and learn absolutely nothing. That's my 2 cents.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

RiKD    United States. Sep 13 2021 00:42. Posts 8769

I don't even know what this thread is but Stroggoz nailed it

but are you learning for a few years because of curiosity or because it is worth it to learn or both?

It's not quite a feedback loop... I am making this more complicated than I have to...

TedTalks lol

RiKD    United States. Sep 13 2021 03:06. Posts 8769

I asked my mom who has a graduate degree in English what she thinks about the word intellectual curiosity.

She said she thought about someone studying whales, or migrating butterflies, or a certain painter.

Not necessarily the cleanest definition but I get where she is going.

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 13 2021 03:34. Posts 34252

  On September 12 2021 13:50 Stroggoz wrote:
intellectual curiosity is basically the exact opposite of watching ted talks. If you're interested in learning something, you devote at least a few years to it. If you aren't, you watch a 20min talk and learn absolutely nothing. That's my 2 cents.

I disagree its not either you become an expert on the field or nothing, Ted talks is not the opposite of intellectual curiosity, it may be its lowest form, but a form of it.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 13 2021 10:09. Posts 9634

  On September 12 2021 13:50 Stroggoz wrote:
intellectual curiosity is basically the exact opposite of watching ted talks. If you're interested in learning something, you devote at least a few years to it. If you aren't, you watch a 20min talk and learn absolutely nothing. That's my 2 cents.

TED talks have acted as a good way for me to find out about stuff I didn't know before that I ended up reading a bunch about (e.g. Sleep, CRISPR, Different divisions of psychology, breathing methods). So I guess good for discovery? Doubt anyone believes they have strong grasp of a topic after watching a few TED talks,

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 13 2021 13:27. Posts 5314

I was trying to make a dig at Ted Talks because i vehemently dislike that whole culture tbh, haha.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 13/09/2021 13:27

RiKD    United States. Sep 13 2021 14:59. Posts 8769

I have 2 smart watches, heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, a cpap machine without doctor's orders and 3 sleep apps. I watch 1 Ted Talk every night before I go to sleep and then wind down with a Tim Ferris podcast and jerking off to SENS material and the thought of living past 100.

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 14 2021 02:08. Posts 34252

  On September 13 2021 13:59 RiKD wrote:
I have 2 smart watches, heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, a cpap machine without doctor's orders and 3 sleep apps. I watch 1 Ted Talk every night before I go to sleep and then wind down with a Tim Ferris podcast and jerking off to SENS material and the thought of living past 100.

lol wtf

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 


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