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3 Flush Board

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kevin52193   United States. Jun 13 2018 06:36. Posts 3

Is anyone ever stacking off with a set here ?

*** HOLE CARDS ***
kevin52193: dealt 2s2h
kevin52193: raises $0.08
PolarFox: calls $0.05
*** FLOP *** 5d2d6d
PolarFox: checks
kevin52193: bets $0.14
PolarFox: raises $0.45
kevin52193: raises $1.21
PolarFox: raises all-in

BB can certainly have 34o here, he's calling 100% OOP.
I think this is probably bad, even if we're about 25% here against flushes and straights. So then maybe its better to call flop against two pairs and overpairs, or FDs. And then call turn and call river on any non diamonds. That way we can still beat any pairs and draws that do this, but we lose alot to straights and flushes.

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 Last edit: 13/06/2018 07:10

SleepyHead   . Jun 14 2018 06:06. Posts 878

I'll just call here usually with anything I continue with, but raise/get it in is fine too as long as you're not super deep

Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal 

wobbly_au   Australia. Jun 14 2018 08:42. Posts 6540

Set in headsup allin

The Last Laugh. 

legitxeris   United States. Sep 11 2018 12:41. Posts 4

Are you playing cash game or tournament?

In cash games, it is highly unlikely someone will flop a flush.
As a good short stack player, I would just go all in.
Unfortunately, I am a bad deep stack player


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