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STT %BR one Session

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Sido_Obc   Morocco. Apr 21 2018 02:36. Posts 6

Hello Everybody,
I started Grinding STT 3 weeks ago and everything went very well, now I'm facing a little downswing I Think what make think about some Questions :
- How much % of our BR we can invest in one session ? (I used 12-15%)
- How much session we permit our self in a day using the % above ?
- If we feel that it's a bad swing move down the limite immediately even if we have more than 60-70 Buyins ?
- What is the average ROI and ITM at the STTs ?

Thank You.

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Trav94   Canada. Apr 21 2018 04:25. Posts 1787

This forum is almost exclusively populated by STT crushers. Should get some good advice

Sido_Obc   Morocco. Apr 21 2018 10:56. Posts 6

Great to hear I'm waiting for that :-)

Sido_Obc   Morocco. Apr 21 2018 21:16. Posts 6

No One ?

lucky331   . Apr 22 2018 11:27. Posts 1124

i see. this is a sign that the second poker boom is starting.

Sido_Obc   Morocco. Apr 23 2018 12:50. Posts 6

didn't get what you mean ?

Sido_Obc   Morocco. Apr 25 2018 15:02. Posts 6

up up


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