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The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory - Page 7

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D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2012 04:03. Posts 688

Did you copy-pasted the http address?

Here is Richard Baker once again, let's discuss this creepy motherfucker.


Pause the video at 16 seconds and read what the guy voted for (I have not checked information, check it yourself, I don't have time now). According to the video he has voted for the Patriot Act + other anti-human rights laws/legislations...

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 15/06/2012 04:04

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2012 04:38. Posts 688

This lecture is something like 50-80 pounds for the live performance and they are always sold out months in advance and it's a very interesting watch. Yeah, there is a mixture of facts, speculation and conclusions but it also goes deeper in the supposed Reptilian Conspiracy Theory. The video does not deal exclusively with the Reptilian theme. It encompasses many different interrelated subjects and brings them into one worldview. Just food for thought on the topic of this thread.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jun 15 2012 05:54. Posts 5647

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2012 07:04. Posts 688


Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

cariadon   Estonia. Jun 15 2012 07:15. Posts 4019

The "smart" in his name is the biggest troll of them all, i propose we address him as D_umbas_S from now on.

palak   United States. Jun 15 2012 08:31. Posts 4601

  On June 15 2012 00:56 tutz wrote:
There is a very interesting series called Ancient Aliens that explains a lot of what if went on in the begining.
Especifically the episode 3 of the first season talks about why the Reptilians (Annunaki) came to earth and why they did what they did with several scientists commenting on it. It is worth watching the entire serie.

I have watched almost every episode of that series and I cant remember a single scientist or PhD historian ever being shown talking. Also the show is disgustingly inaccurate.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

tutz   Brasil. Jun 15 2012 08:54. Posts 2140

  On June 15 2012 07:31 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

I have watched almost every episode of that series and I cant remember a single scientist or PhD historian ever being shown talking. Also the show is disgustingly inaccurate.

You are very attached to the idea of formal mainstream education as a credible base to your knowledge. We are talking about things that are not widely accepted, that the mainstream does not talk much about or accept. We are trying to look at the world in a total different way that we have been tought. If you keep listening to the same source you will get the same answers. You also say things that you have no way of being so certain of, like saying the serie is disgustingly inaccurate. Well how can you ever know that really? Did you analyze every episode, hours and hours of documentary to come to this conclusion or you are trusting your mainstream source again? I'm watching the series right now as we speak I have seen 2 scientists alone is this episode. If you think they are credible or not I dont know, but there are people that have dedicated their entire life to this matter.

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2012 09:13. Posts 688

Dude, he compares new information to the mainstream information and if it doesn't match it's false. He doesn't understand that the so-called "mainstream truth" is just a theory. It is the official theory therefore it is the absolute truth, ask the PhDs who have built their carreers on defending that truth - that's his logic. I have not seen ONCE palak to question something the government does and deeply think about the possibilities. He is a repeating station "government says you are wrong therefore you are wrong, link - wikipedia". That's psychology, just let him be, he won't get it. He will simply open wikipedia and copy-paste the mainstream theory and base his opinion on it. Everyone on LP knows that. He doesn't understand that there are highly intelligent people who study different subjects deeply and they are called researchers. They present facts, speculation and conclusion and you see if it makes sense and try to make up your own mind. To palak, it's either they are 100% correct or 100% wrong and after the wikipedia checkout he realises that they don't match so it's BS without any further need to investigate. He is a shallow thinker, but you can't do anything, tutz. As you can see from almost every post of his, he basically needs to believe someone. He asks "who is the source, who told you so?" There is no evidence or clue that he himself can analyse, he simply wants to attach himself to someone else respected person's opinion so that he won't think. "lol so this guy says these facts, he's an idiot, does he have 3 PhDs? NO? LoL I won't listen to him." "Here this is a video of a university lecure of a guy who has 3 PhDs and shares the same opinion as me, watch it, you can believe him because of the PhD."

He refuses to actually form his own opinion based on facts and reasoning, he needs to believe a guy that he respects. He has grown up with the government/mainstream truth and will defend it till he dies. Better listen to retards like Penn and Teller or whatever these jokes are named and "debunk" everything. They are like "hey, everyone has seen those retarded videos of UFOs, it's all BULLSHIT. Here - we built a model and trew it in the air and took two pictures, they look real but they are not! UFOs Debunked!!!". That's why I won't bother arguing with palak, he simply does not know how to think crytically and form his own opinion. Sorry for the harsh words, palak, but you know it is true.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 15/06/2012 09:22

dnagardi   Hungary. Jun 15 2012 09:14. Posts 1776

tutz do u share your ideas with your gf or close friends? what do they think?

if my gf would start srsly believing in such shit i would jump asap

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2012 09:30. Posts 9634

If you want a strong legit argument about OP's theory watch " V " series both old and new !

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2012 09:33. Posts 688

lol i was just gonna post the trailer. If you could combine Olympics thread + this thread you get something like the trailer :D

Any thoughts on that tongue guy?

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 15/06/2012 10:21

tutz   Brasil. Jun 15 2012 10:34. Posts 2140

I think that tongue is pretty lame, just a normal tongue.

tutz   Brasil. Jun 15 2012 10:39. Posts 2140

get the fuck out of london...


palak   United States. Jun 15 2012 11:25. Posts 4601

  On June 15 2012 08:13 D_smart_S wrote:+ Show Spoiler +

This coming from a person who thinks
1. Hemp oil cures cancer
2. The gerson therapy cures cancer
3. Oxygen peroxide may cure cancer
4. Blood electrocution may cure cancer.
5. Laetrile cures cancer
6. "There is not 1 single evidence that HIV leads to AIDS!"
7. Fema is making death camps.
8. The illuminati control the world.
9. That there would be a large terrorist attack in Chicago in May.
10. That schizophrenic people are hearing voices from other universes.
11. That quantum entanglement is measured using human cells and allows for faster than light communication.

Plus other crap I can't remember.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2012 11:34. Posts 688

  On June 15 2012 09:34 tutz wrote:
I think that tongue is pretty lame, just a normal tongue.

yeah it's a bit longer than most people's tongues but why does he act like that? Never seen a person acting like that. It's almost like he didn't know what's going on for 30 seconds. And that happens on the news! What was he thinking lol. It almost looks like he is restarting himself and waiting for his software to turn on again. I don't understand what would make a News Anchor do that gimmicks for half a minute, unable to read or talk, looking completely disorientated and then he turns normal again.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 15/06/2012 11:35

palak   United States. Jun 15 2012 11:36. Posts 4601

Really cant wait til August 13th
Also didn't think it would take needing explanation why I say a show which says things like: the pyramids were powering orbital space crafts, the mayans thought 2012 was the end of the world, or
  A church in southern France is said to hold the key to alchemy--and a gateway to another part of the universe. Locals in Cusco, Peru believe UFO sightings are connected to lost gold at the bottom of Lake Puray. And some believe underneath the Great Sphinx of Giza lies an entire library left behind by extraterrestrials--a library stored on gold.

But how bout u list ur 3 favorite ancient alien episodes and this weekend I'll watch them and post a factual analysis of them.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jun 15 2012 11:36. Posts 5647

  On June 15 2012 08:13 D_smart_S wrote:
Dude, he compares new information to the mainstream information and if it doesn't match it's false. He doesn't understand that the so-called "mainstream truth" is just a theory. It is the official theory therefore it is the absolute truth, ask the PhDs who have built their carreers on defending that truth - that's his logic. I have not seen ONCE palak to question something the government does and deeply think about the possibilities. He is a repeating station "government says you are wrong therefore you are wrong, link - wikipedia". That's psychology, just let him be, he won't get it. He will simply open wikipedia and copy-paste the mainstream theory and base his opinion on it. Everyone on LP knows that. He doesn't understand that there are highly intelligent people who study different subjects deeply and they are called researchers. They present facts, speculation and conclusion and you see if it makes sense and try to make up your own mind. To palak, it's either they are 100% correct or 100% wrong and after the wikipedia checkout he realises that they don't match so it's BS without any further need to investigate. He is a shallow thinker, but you can't do anything, tutz. As you can see from almost every post of his, he basically needs to believe someone. He asks "who is the source, who told you so?" There is no evidence or clue that he himself can analyse, he simply wants to attach himself to someone else respected person's opinion so that he won't think. "lol so this guy says these facts, he's an idiot, does he have 3 PhDs? NO? LoL I won't listen to him." "Here this is a video of a university lecure of a guy who has 3 PhDs and shares the same opinion as me, watch it, you can believe him because of the PhD."

He refuses to actually form his own opinion based on facts and reasoning, he needs to believe a guy that he respects. He has grown up with the government/mainstream truth and will defend it till he dies. Better listen to retards like Penn and Teller or whatever these jokes are named and "debunk" everything. They are like "hey, everyone has seen those retarded videos of UFOs, it's all BULLSHIT. Here - we built a model and trew it in the air and took two pictures, they look real but they are not! UFOs Debunked!!!". That's why I won't bother arguing with palak, he simply does not know how to think crytically and form his own opinion. Sorry for the harsh words, palak, but you know it is true.

... Jimmies Rustled

Eveything you have said applies much more to yourself than Palak. You, D_smarts_S, are the one who is 100% locked in your belief.
I know you are going to ignore this post, as you ignored every one of Palaks perfect rebuttals of your conspiracy theory baby-nonsense.

Your thinking is incredibly flawed, biased, and you are reaching false conclusions becasue of it. You are exactly the kind of person I'd like to have at the poker table: so sure that he is right, so badly broken in his thought process.

The scientific method is the most succesful approach to knowledge so far invented. It's strength is not based on building up proof, but in falsification. Unless a theory is falsifiable, it is useless. A scientist invents a theory, then he set out to try to Disprove it. If everyone fails to disprove it, It is accepted, for now. But, just like religion cannot be falsified, so too, there is nothing that could falsify these conspriacy theories, is there? It maybe is true that there are 4th dimensionl reptiles living among us. But it might also be true that there are 4th dimensional seaslugs, have you seen how oily that politicians skin is? or 4th dimonsional {any other animal}. or a telepathic teapot in low earth orbit might be controlling world leaders. Or you are living in the matrix and neo is trying to wake you up. and any number of 100 billion other unfalsifiable theories that distract you from living life and getting anything real done. You can find the kind of weak "evidence" that you trust for any of these.

You can't even reply to one of Palaks' posts, point by point. He has colon-crucified you every time, and you just ignore, ignore, ignore.

But why am I posting logically. There is nothing to make better here.

Back to trolling ITT!

tutz   Brasil. Jun 15 2012 12:05. Posts 2140

  On June 15 2012 10:36 palak wrote:
Really cant wait til August 13th
Also didn't think it would take needing explanation why I say a show which says things like: the pyramids were powering orbital space crafts, the mayans thought 2012 was the end of the world, or
Show nested quote +

But how bout u list ur 3 favorite ancient alien episodes and this weekend I'll watch them and post a factual analysis of them.

I see no problem with that quote. Not saying it is true but somehow posible. It is totally out of what we consider ordinary, but I'm way passed that point as you can see. I'm not here to debunk Ancient Aliens, the serie is interesting and present unknown info to most people, they present intereting facts and "crazy" conclusions, period. Conclusions considered "crazy" by the popular idea, or as you said, disgustingly innacurate cause it conflicts with the mainstream science theories, but that doesnt mean those conclusions are imposible. Anyway, like I said, the info presented in the serie is interesting and you dont have to agree with the Conspiracy Theorists or anyone commenting of the serie, scientist or not.

I'm indeed looking foward to the London Games. If nothing happens, great, I was wrong! And I will probably have to publictly apologize for bothering the LP community with this matter.

 Last edit: 15/06/2012 12:09

tutz   Brasil. Jun 15 2012 12:10. Posts 2140

Trying my best english here, let me know if I dont make sense.

palak   United States. Jun 15 2012 12:23. Posts 4601

The show isn't disgustingly inaccurate cuz of what it presents but because of what it doesn't. It gives a one sided point of view that is so biased and empty in terms of factual content and discussion that it is more fiction than fact. For example claiming and talking about thebMayans predicting the world to end in 2012 without showing or discussing all the evidence that the Mayans didnt think it was the end of the world or egyptian rocks they says were cut with lasers without ppl saying what evidence there is that the rocks were cut with stone or metal tools.

As for ur English it's "series" not "serie". I can't recall anytime that u have actually said anything in english that was drastically incorrect not understandable...just minor grammar errors b/c English is the shittiest language on the planet for writing.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 


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