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Show hand : 902190

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Handnr: 902190
Submitted by : whamm!

***** Hand History for Game 60499470101 ***** Poker Stars
$50.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, April 07, 11:46:27 ET 2011
Table Sappho V Real Money
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: gramond $50.75 USD
Seat 2: peterk4 $95.45 USD
Seat 3: Jordan.Brap $8.40 USD
Seat 4: Remoteguy1 $31.80 USD
Seat 5: Rant2112 $50.00 USD
Seat 6: Oxana_D $50.00 USD
Seat 7: pcboi $73.25 USD
Seat 8: sshatswell $45.00 USD
Seat 9: CallMeLucid $50.00 USD
Jordan.Brap posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Remoteguy1 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

Dealt to pcboi [KsKc ]
Rant2112 raises [$1.50 USD]
Oxana_D folds
pcboi calls [$1.50 USD]
sshatswell folds
CallMeLucid folds
gramond folds
peterk4 calls [$1.50 USD]
Jordan.Brap folds
Remoteguy1 folds

Flop (Pot : $5.25)

Rant2112 bets [$4.00 USD]
pcboi calls [$4.00 USD]
peterk4 folds

Turn (Pot : $13.25)

Rant2112 bets [$11.00 USD]
pcboi calls [$11.00 USD]

River (Pot : $35.25)

Rant2112 checks
pcboi checks
Rant2112 shows AsAh
Rant2112 wins $33.55 USD from main pot
pcboi doesn't show KsKc

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jeffv8x_-_16   Belgium. Apr 08 2011 07:29. Posts 2835

looooooooooooool nitring

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how can u shove the river, he cant possibly call with worse -TalentedTom 

whamm!   Albania. Apr 08 2011 07:30. Posts 11625

better than was expected lol

kingpowa   France. Apr 08 2011 07:50. Posts 1525

Just bet and make him fold. even better

sorry for shitty english. 

sChOuA   Switzerland. Apr 08 2011 08:14. Posts 2302

ye also wanted to say you should bet river and take it down


All hands submitted by whamm!:

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