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Show hand : 888541

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Handnr: 888541
Submitted by : MasterofLaw

Game # 2066866789 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.10/0.20 - Table "Parkano"
Players(max 2):
fauxpas (EUR 4.77 in seat 1)
Hero (EUR 26.85 in seat 2)
Dealer: fauxpas
Big Blind: Hero (0.20)
Small Blind: fauxpas (0.10)


Hero was dealt: 6h4c
fauxpas Call (0.10)
Hero Check

Flop (Pot : $0.40)

Hero Check
fauxpas Check

Turn (Pot : $0.40)

Hero Check
fauxpas Check

River (Pot : $0.40)

Hero Check
fauxpas Check

Hero shows: 6h4c (high card Jack)
fauxpas didn't show hand (4s 2s)
Hero wins: EUR 0.38 (with high card Jack)
Rake: EUR 0.02
Game ended 2011-02-04 22:46:02 CET

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