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Show hand : 722286

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Handnr: 722286
Submitted by : Artanis[Xp]

PokerStars Game #30913272808: Holdem No Limit ($10/$20) - 2009/07/27 0:40:22 CET [2009/07/26 18:40:22 ET]
Table Echo X 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 4: Pacuno ($3082.50 in chips)
Seat 9: Artanis11 ($2313 in chips)
Artanis11: posts small blind $10
Pacuno: posts big blind $20

Dealt to Artanis11 9d9c
Artanis11: raises $20 to $40
Pacuno: raises $110 to $150
Artanis11: calls $110

Flop (Pot : $300.00)

Pacuno: bets $225
Artanis11: calls $225

Turn (Pot : $750.00)

Pacuno: bets $425
Artanis11: calls $425

River (Pot : $1,600.00)

Pacuno: checks

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NeillyJQ   United States. Jul 26 2009 19:06. Posts 8947

overb jam all day imo

i doubt hes trapping here and you've been shoving and showing bluffs which gives your 99 way more value

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Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 


All hands submitted by Artanis[Xp]:

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